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Chapter 483: Attack on Juchang

 Chapter 484 Attack on Juchang


A row of speeding white bullets whizzed through the mountains and forests and disappeared...

The architectural style of the welfare home is simple and warm. It is far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, with beautiful surroundings and fresh air.

There is also a small playground and a small garden, and from time to time you can hear the cheerful laughter of children and puppies playing.

The children inside come from different regions and have different family backgrounds. Some of them are orphans abandoned by their parents, and some are from poor families who cannot afford medical expenses.

Despite their physical limitations, their smiles and innocent personalities make people feel particularly warm and touching.

The director of the orphanage, Grandma Wei, is a kind and kind old man. She treats these children equally and gives them meticulous love and care.

It not only provides the children with their basic living needs, but also provides them with special education and rehabilitation treatment.

Although the conditions of this welfare home are limited, the warm-hearted Grandma Wei provides a warm home and selfless love to disabled children without asking for anything in return.

These children have received love and care here. They are no longer helpless orphans, but objects of social attention and care.

There are also kind-hearted people who do not want to be named, but they silently provide charitable donations to this welfare home every year.

The existence of this welfare home not only provides these children with the security of life, but also allows them to feel the warmth and beauty of the world...]

"What are you looking at?"

"Oh! Nothing, a literary reading..."

Meng Lang closed the book in his hand with a natural expression and smiled at Lin Haitang beside him.

Lin Haitang looked at the cover of the book with a strange expression...

"Selected 600-Word Essays for Full Score in Junior High School"?

"emm...you call this literary reading?"

"Ah! Is there a problem?"

no problem?

Is your Chinese department’s understanding of literature...so unique?

Lin Haitang held his forehead and turned his head speechlessly.

In front of her was the scenery passing by outside the window.

She held her chin and couldn't help but sigh.

This guy actually still has time to read junior high school essays. He is obviously going to meet my parents. Why is it that I am the one who feels more nervous...

That's right, the two of them are currently on the high-speed rail business seat, and they are on a train bound for the capital...

Meng Lang looked away from Lin Haitang's back and returned to the book in his hand.

Of course, he is not improving his literary accomplishment, but this "literary reading book" that he finally found contains precious information about Jinghai Welfare Institute...

Jinghai Welfare Institute has been established since 1995.

Currently, the hospital has adopted a total of 9 boys and 12 girls, a total of 21 orphans, nearly half of whom are either blind or deaf-mute disabled children.

This is still the current data. If calculated based on cumulative time, the total number of orphans who have benefited from this orphanage over the past twenty years may be as high as over a hundred...

Compare it with some so-called mainstream organizations that use the name of charity but are engaged in business.

This 73-year-old woman founded the first children's welfare home in the town and is affectionately called "Grandma Wei" by local residents.

The act of living alone in a remote town for decades, doing charity work for a welfare home and dying alone.

He can definitely be called a typical figure who "moved China"!

However, such a legendary orphanage and its old director were only mentioned a few words in a junior high school book.

There were no media reports, no official propaganda, and he could not find any useful information on the Internet.

It seems that there is some force preventing this orphanage from being known to the world.

So in the end, he relied on tracking Zhao Hu, the "quasi-assassin", to finally locate the target.

A small welfare home with little reputation, donated by many mysterious "loving people"...

Perhaps only he knows what horrifying secrets are hidden under the glorious personality and deeds of "Grandma Wei"...

No need to ask, Chao Ge, a big star, must be one of the mysterious donors.

Although this welfare home has been targeted, what is a bit troublesome is that the other party has obviously not actively responded to the call of the national information electronic era.

Not to mention the Chaoge brothers and sisters who were adopted more than 20 years ago, even if they were registered now, he could not find any public electronic information.

The other party obviously doesn't like to keep pace with the times.

He couldn't find any usable network interfaces or monitoring equipment around the orphanage...

If you want to use physical infiltration to find the list, that is even more impossible. With the other party's all-pervasive investigation methods, not even a fly can fly in.

The rhetoric used here is not an exaggerated one.

If you want to break in, it will just be a few more corpses of Mr. "Black Cat"...

But in this way, the list of rapists planted by Jinghai Welfare Institute, the "intelligence station" of the Night Demon clan, for decades has become a mystery.

Without a list, even if the intelligence station is destroyed, these so-called human "families" that have been lurking in human society will be difficult to uproot.

Once the enemy is alerted and the opponent feels that the placed chess pieces are no longer safe, it is difficult to say whether the opponent will escape.

If the other party is determined to retaliate at that time, the consequences will be really unpredictable.

These are all practical factors that Meng Lang has to consider...

While he was deep in thought, two middle-aged men were talking in a low voice in the front row of the business car...

"Hey! Did you do it? Something happened to Bai Yeji Company again.

They developed an AI lawyer called ‘The First Block of the Discipline Academy’, and he actually passed the mainland’s judicial examination with nearly full marks.”

"Yeah! I also read the news. They were all trending today."

"You are a corporate legal officer, it shouldn't be difficult to make something like this, right?

If you run the question bank using a model, it will become a test-taking machine?"

"Although I really want to give you a positive answer, it's a pity.

I also know a little bit about the judicial examination in mainland China. They jokingly call it the "No. 1 examination in the world". It is very difficult and the passing rate is only about one tenth every year.

The key is that there are quite a few questions with flexible themes, which can make you pass this kind of exam with close to full marks...

I have to admit that Bai Yeji's AI technology may not even be able to compete with those on the other side of the ocean.

I estimate that it won’t take long for this news to cause a sensation in the legal community around the world. If this technology is really popularized, I am afraid that a large number of colleagues will lose their jobs..."

From the accents of the two of them, it seems that they have the Wangdao accent from the south.

"Real or false? Is this technology so powerful?"

“Otherwise, would this news be the second most searched topic today?

Many people question whether AI can be qualified for positions as judges or lawyers. In fact, the simplest test method is to let the AI ​​model take the National Judicial Qualification Examination.

There is a saying in our profession, ‘If you want to be a lawyer, you must first pass the legal exam’!

This is the basic threshold for entering the legal industry in various countries. If you cannot pass the exam, you will not be able to serve as a judge, lawyer, etc.

On the contrary, once an AI can pass the judicial examination, it means that this AI technology has matured enough to replace some legal personnel.

Even in some complex legal service scenarios, the impact may not be large in a short period of time, but in standardized cases such as traffic accidents, this kind of AI lawyer can be extremely substituted.

I have read many articles before that AI is about to replace humans.

I always thought it was exaggerated and alarmist, but I never expected that the AI's first stab would actually hit me.

Alas! So I have been really annoyed these past two days..."

"No way, you are the senior legal officer of the group. Business dispute cases are so complicated, so how can he be replaced so easily?

Even if it needs to be replaced, it will only happen many years later, so your worries are unfounded."

"Oh! I have nothing to worry about. At most, the competition in the industry will be fiercer, but my son just got admitted to Wangdao University of Political Science and Law this year..."


After a moment of silence, the companion suddenly smiled bitterly and sighed.

"Oh! No matter how annoying you are, can you still bother me?

At least you only need to worry about your son’s job. It’s even worse for me. It’s still unclear whether I can keep my job next year..."

"How is that possible? I heard that you are the gold medal salesperson and channel manager in the group. No matter how powerful this AI is, can it still replace you?"

"Haha! AI can't replace it, but you have to see what I'm selling..."

"Yes, today is my first business trip with you. I still don't know which part of the company's sales you are responsible for?"



The legal officer looked at his companion with some sympathy.

Without it, the reason why "the first building of the monastic discipline" passed the judicial examination can only be ranked second in the hot search.

Because what has been on the top of the hot search list for a long time in the past two days is Juchang's "optical chip project"...

Juchang has been on the hot search list recently and cannot be removed at all.

On one side, the other side of the ocean has taken repeated actions. From senior executives to the supply chain, they have a posture of never giving up until they die.

The forefoot chrysanthemum factory's OEM partner company "Wei Chuangli" jumped out and directly deducted a large amount of raw materials.

On the back foot, Wang Semiconductor and Sanxin announced that they would no longer sell advanced products.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is aimed at disrupting the supply chain of Ju Factory.

However, what the world did not expect was that along with these technological blockades came various unexpected and strong counterattacks from Juchang.

Since the sudden announcement to replace the global ERP, Juchang seems to have sounded the clarion call for counterattack.

With the end of Juchang's last press conference, the establishment of the "Dawn" department, and the disclosure of the Jinghua project, a heavy nuclear bomb was undoubtedly dropped on the world!

At the beginning, various public intellectuals and experts raised various doubts.

After comprehensive analysis from various perspectives of domestic technology, talent, and capital, we unanimously believe that Juchang is indiscriminately seeking treatment for an acute illness!

They have no chance of breaking through in the short term!

What backup plan, Nanniwan plan... all kinds of specious gossip, and the so-called "optical chip project"...

All this is simply an "empty city strategy"!

This is Juchang's strategic deception under extreme pressure.

Not only did the foreign media ridicule the news with "three consecutive disbeliefs", but even the domestic media also threw out pessimistic theories.

It is believed that Juchang is just trying to make a fool of itself when its supply chain is broken.

Don't look at the words of joy, but the body is absolutely honest, and will definitely be reluctant to sell products on high-end flagship models, using inventory to trade time, and lingering on.

However, the tough-minded Juchang once again subverted people's perception. Not only did they not hesitate to sell, they actually launched a price reduction promotion!

The latest flagship phone, Mate10, is directly discounted by RMB 666 on its official website! Unlimited supply!

The old model was even reduced by a thousand yuan, and now the friends and merchants were directly fooled!

Especially fruits, my mind is full of question marks.

What about the "Chrysanthemum plant falls down and the fruit is full"?

I have purchased all the raw materials to prepare for production expansion, but now the marketing manager tells me that I will not be able to achieve the original sales target for this year?

Moreover, while Juchang was promoting sales, it actually announced that it would freeze all procurement projects for high-end manufacturing processes.

In other words, if you want to sell it, I won’t buy it!

This time, even the fools saw it. Juchang was so confident that he was clearing out his inventory!

The businessmen who had previously vowed to implement the "empty city strategy" in the commercial war stopped immediately.

No matter how realistic the "empty city strategy" is, the most it can do is open a city gate, right?

But now the city walls have been demolished...

You said there are just a bunch of old, weak, sick and disabled people inside?

Not to mention Sima Yi, even he didn’t believe Zhuge Liang!

Without millions of soldiers, where would this kind of confidence come from?

In unison, everyone began to turn their attention to the only project that could provide Juchang with such huge confidence...

Hujian Jinghua has once again become the focus of the world!

With the attention of various media and interested people around the world, more details of the cooperation project between Juchang and Jinghua have been revealed...

Including the performance of the world's first optical chip "A", estimated annual output, raw materials used, equipment, processes...

There are more and more news, and they are becoming more and more "realistic"...

According to some Jinghua insiders, judging from the first batch of tape-out products, the computing index of this "A" is limited by supporting modules such as storage, and it is still unable to reach peak computing power.

Currently, it is equivalent to about 80% of the 7-nanometer products that Wang Semiconductor just mass-produced in 2018.

But the power consumption indicator directly beats any traditional electronic chip today!

For large servers, with this level of energy consumption, the debate over "air cooling" and "water cooling" can all be swept into the garbage heap of history.

Heat will no longer be a problem plaguing large computing centers.

For a mobile phone, in addition to the use of screen, WIFI, Bluetooth and other functions, the CPU is the core processing unit of the mobile phone. Under normal use, the power consumption accounts for about 30% of the total power consumption.

In the use of large-scale applications such as high-intensity computing or games, the power consumption of the CPU will increase significantly.

So it can be foreseen that once this chip is installed on any mobile phone.

Charging for one hour and gaming for a whole day is no longer a luxury.

What is even more exciting for everyone is that no matter in terms of raw materials, equipment or processes, this optical chip production line does not require the use of high-end processes such as EUV.

It is said that it can be easily accomplished with hundreds of nanometer-level processes and equipment.

Even those who are not in the industry can tell you about the strategic significance of this technology for three days and three nights!

Not to mention, its emergence has completely bypassed traditional chips and opened up another avenue for the chip industry with greater development potential!

Based on "A"'s amazing unlimited imagination, even if the external supply chain was disrupted, Juchang concept stocks bucked the trend and surged in response!

The big national funds and the three major operators have extended their olive branches, hoping to cooperate with Juchang in the field of "optical chips".

Juchang’s various cooperation memorandums were signed with great ease.

Within a week, as long as the stock price of a listed company related to "optical chips" does not double, you would be embarrassed to say that you are a related concept stock when you go out.

Correspondingly, the stock prices of giants such as Sanxin, Wang Semiconductor, Intel, and Fruit all plummeted...

Even the upstream lithography machine giant ASML has been directly affected...

The other side of the ocean has been de-industrialized, and there are actually not many local related companies.

On the contrary, the Southern Peninsula, Wangdao and other areas with higher industrial concentration are wailing like they are facing a powerful enemy!

On the contrary, the domestic Internet is in a state of uproar.

"The whole world is full of Muggles! Who can stop the attacking Kiku Factory?"

"Obviously, there was still a lot of bad talk two days ago, but today suddenly made a comeback. Juchang is really hiding deep..."

"No, the confidentiality work has been done extremely well!"

"Haha! You don't know that the recent media trend in Wangdao is even more sour than Laotan sauerkraut.

What's the 'core shield', what's the 'sacred mountain that protects the country'... in the face of the new generation of 'optical chip' technology, they are just like chickens and dogs, and they will break at the touch of a touch."

"I don't care about anything else. I only care about whether next year's first flagship phone equipped with 'A' will be cheaper. I donated all my personal money!"

"It's time to compete with hand speed again. I'm going to upgrade my bandwidth tomorrow!"

"There is no need to ask about this thing, just enter it without thinking!"

"Brother, let me come first. I'm not married yet, so I won't be under much pressure. You have a family to take care of, so don't be too grumpy when shopping."

"Calm down, is all your money blown by the strong wind? Maybe it's the IQ tax?"

"It doesn't matter if it's expensive or not, just that it doesn't kneel down!"

"Honey, please pinch me. Why do I feel like reading a cool article when I read the news in the past two days?"

"That's right! It feels so good from head to toe. It's so good that I feel it's a bit unreal."

"I always misunderstood Yu Dazui as a braggart before. After watching the last press conference, I felt I had to apologize.

He is an honest...no! humble man!"

"Where is the modesty?"

"The word 'way ahead' is too modest."



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