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Chapter 50 The Trinity

 In this update, in addition to a very professional picture of the so-called "gene deletion recombinant virus" that Meng Lang couldn't understand, a photo was attached as usual.

In the photo, Meng Lang is wearing a suit and leather shoes, standing at the entrance of a company, with the four words "Evergreen Bio" written on the logo behind him.

"After so many episodes, I finally look like a successful person, even though it was a short highlight..."

Closing the book, Meng Lang calmly put it back into his pocket.

Excited? Why should you be excited?

I have never been excited for three months. Now I have lived for 20 years. What is there to be excited about?

What surprised him even more than this was... the title of the book this time was actually very serious.

"Revelation", this is the title of the book this time, and it is also the code name given to this "autobiography" by "myself" in this episode.

He also called the content in the book "apocalypse"... Well, it's very high-level, and it does have a bit of metaphysics at the end of science.

Alzheimer’s disease…

Is there no solution in 2038? I am really in trouble.

Meng Lang felt MMP in his heart, but there was no emotion on his face.

After all, compared to the previous painful deaths, this ending where he gradually forgets the whole world... can be considered a kind of euthanasia for him?

Of course, for those around him, it was undoubtedly a painful ordeal.

By the way, I actually have a sister-in-law?

This last emotional line contains a lot of information...

A piece of information naturally appeared in Meng Lang's mind.

Alzheimer's disease.

A neurodegenerative disease with insidious onset and progressive development.

Clinically, it is characterized by comprehensive dementia manifestations such as memory impairment, aphasia, apraxia, agnosia, impairment of visuospatial skills, executive dysfunction, and personality and behavioral changes. The cause is still unknown.

Medically speaking, those who develop the disease before the age of 65 are called Alzheimer's disease, and those who develop the disease after the age of 65 are called Alzheimer's dementia. The youngest age of onset currently recorded is only 36 years old.

In 1901, German neuropathologist Eros Alzheimer followed up a 50-year-old woman who was suffering from Alzheimer's disease for several years and diagnosed related symptoms.

Since then, this terrible disease has been named after Alzheimer.

However, 117 years have passed, and humans still know very little about the causes and treatment options for Alzheimer's disease.

There is currently no treatment in the world that can stop or reverse the course of the disease, and only a few drugs are thought to temporarily relieve or improve Alzheimer's symptoms.

"Is this forcing me to enter the medical field?"

First came gastric cancer, then Alzheimer's disease, each one more difficult to deal with than the other.

Meng Lang finally understood that all mankind can't save a sick man like me. If he wants to die, he can only save himself!

The "self" in "Revelation" seems to be reminding myself that if you want to be safe and sound, the best outcome is euthanasia, and if you want to escape your fate, you can't do anything about it.

Not crazy, not live!

"Second Senior Brother...Thank you, brother!"

The life planning advice "I" spent 20 years summarizing is undoubtedly very pertinent.

Although human vaccines and veterinary vaccines are two medical fields with relatively different professionalisms, there are also many domestic companies tackling two scientific research paths at the same time, and the correlation is relatively strong.

This is indeed a springboard for Meng Lang.

One of the biggest benefits is that the experimental application and review thresholds for vaccines for pigs are not as strict as those for human vaccines. Even if you are not a top biotechnology company, you are still eligible for admission.

For me, who has limited financial strength, I can only get dividends by investing in shares. Being on the board of directors can influence the company's decision-making and give full play to my "advanced technological information advantage".

And the "evergreen creatures" mentioned in the book...

Meng Lang took out his mobile phone and searched for this company, and then was stunned.

Because it is actually a wholly-owned subsidiary of Xu Group!

Meng Lang was a little confused.

Did I miss it? What relationship do I have with it...


Xu Group...Divorce Case...

It seems that I have seen before that the "optimal version" of the divorce case is that Xu reached an out-of-court settlement at the expense of shares in a pharmaceutical company?

Could it be that this pharmaceutical company is "Evergreen Biotech"?

Do you want me to take advantage of this divorce case?

Meng Lang touched his chin.

It doesn’t seem impossible…

However, when he was not busy with this matter, he thought of another very critical issue.

The update of this episode confirmed one of his previous conjectures.

That's why in every episode, it seems like I suddenly lost the ability to predict the future and continues to develop according to the life trajectory of an ordinary person.

Even though he clearly realizes that he is just a "tool man".

Judging from the current situation, the most likely conclusion is that the "autobiography" has disappeared from their lives from the moment it was updated...

And the "self" in this episode is unwilling to explore its secrets, and even... wants to find it again!

It's almost like a character in a movie suddenly wants to get out of the screen to find the remote control, full of montage-style weirdness.

Although he failed, he was left with many conjectures in the end.

Go to the West to obtain scriptures? Hetu Luoshu? Why is it still related to the Bible?

Could it be that you want to say that Tang Monk survived eighty-one hardships because he read the "True Sutra" and flashed it eighty-one times?


This inexplicable sense of déjà vu... must be an illusion, right?

As for the legend of Hetu Luoshu, Meng Lang was quite familiar with it.

Because I took "Ancient Chinese Mythology" as an elective when I was in college.

It’s not an “elective” course like watching dramas with my girlfriend behind the scenes, but I’m really interested in it and study it seriously with the idea of ​​increasing my knowledge.

It really has nothing to do with whether you have a girlfriend or not.

He Tu and Luo Shu are said to be two mysterious patterns handed down from ancient China. They contain profound principles of cosmic astrology and are known as the "Universe Rubik's Cube". They are the source of Chinese culture and the Yin Yang and Five Elements magic numbers.

There is a saying in "Xi Ci Shang" of the Book of Changes: "Therefore, gods are born, and saints follow them; heaven and earth change, and saints follow them; heaven hangs like an image to see good and bad luck, and saints like it; rivers come out of "Pictures", and Luo comes out of "Books", and saints


The river here refers to the Yellow River, and Luo refers to Luoshui.

According to legend, during the time of the Fuxi clan in ancient times, a dragon and horse emerged from the Yellow River in Mengjin County, northeast of Luoyang, carrying a "river map" on its back and dedicated it to Fuxi.

Fuxi developed Bagua based on this, which later became the source of "Book of Changes".

It is also said that during the reign of Emperor Yu, a magical turtle emerged from the Luo River in Luoning County, west Luoyang, carrying "Luo Shu" on its back and dedicated it to Emperor Yu.

Dayu succeeded in controlling the floods based on this, and divided the world into nine states. Based on this, he formulated the Nine Chapters of Law to govern society and became a sage.

Here "the sage follows it" means that a sage person can study and reason based on some signs and arrive at a series of theoretical things.

"Hmm... Speaking of which, it seems that there was still no writing at that time. We were in the ancient period of knotting ropes to record events. If I couldn't read..."

Meng Lang began to think about it.

If you are illiterate, what will happen in this so-called "Book of Revelation"?

Comics? Comic strips? Or some kind of concrete representation of all things in the world?

The brain circuit of the ancients...

Meng Lang, whose mind was a little knotted, had no choice but to give up thinking.

He studied Chinese, not archeology, but it is estimated that no archaeologist can successfully imitate it.

As for the last mentioned Bible...

When he was in college, someone once wanted to preach to him on campus. Although he did not convert in the end, as the most widespread religion in the world, he still learned some teachings from the other party out of curiosity.

As far as he knew, the fundamental doctrine of Christianity was the Trinity.

It is said that the essence of God is one, but there are three persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit.

That is to say, God is only one person, but in terms of person, he is divided into the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

God created the world, God saves mankind through Jesus Christ, and God is with Christians and churches through the Holy Spirit.

The doctrine of the Trinity asserts that these three elements are one God.

It does not mean that there is one God who created the world, another who performs redemption, and a third who is with Christians and the church, but that the same God does these three most important things in a consistent historical process.

In the Gospel of Matthew and 2 Corinthians, the church believes that this is a "revelation" of a "mystery" that cannot be understood by reason and can only be accepted by faith.

Meng Lang turned on his phone again and searched for related content about the Bible.

Genesis Chapter 1 Verse 1: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”

In Hebrew, the word "God" (Elohim) is plural, and the pronoun "us" appears.

Matthew Chapter 28 Verse 19: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

Here, "in the name of XX" is singular, with different persons and the same name.

"John 10:30": Jesus said: "I and the Father are one." Jesus and the Father are one God, but different persons.

1 Corinthians 12:4-6: “There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are diversities of ministries, but the same Lord. There are diversities of functions, but the same God in all.

Run everything."

In scriptures where three persons are juxtaposed, the Holy Spirit, the Son, and the Father are juxtaposed.


Meng Lang was speechless.

"It must be some kind of coincidence... right?"

This chapter has been completed!
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