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Chapter 502 Xinchuang

"This Bai Yeji really gave me another surprise!" Mr. Hu couldn't help but sigh.

After concealing his identity and conducting a low-key inspection, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the "Tianshu ERP" developed by Bai Yeji was even better than he imagined!

Reducing costs and increasing efficiency is an issue that the Ministry of Finance needs to be concerned about. What he is more concerned about is the great significance of this system to the national "Innovation and Innovation" project...

Xinchuang, which means "Information Technology Application Innovation", originally came from the "Information Technology Application Innovation Working Committee" established by the state in 2015.

Its main purpose is to ensure the autonomy and controllability of information technology software in key domestic fields.

The fields it refers to include basic hardware (mainly chips), basic software (such as operating systems), application software (especially ERP, OA, office), and information security.

The scope of "Innovation" promoted by the state can be simply summarized as "2+8+X".

"2" refers to the party and government, which, as we all know, is basically a closed market.

"8" refers to the eight key economic lifelines, with finance bearing the brunt, followed by electricity, telecommunications, petroleum, transportation, education, medical care, and aerospace.

At present, these fields are basically monopolized industries by state-owned enterprises.

"X" refers to affiliated enterprises, such as state-owned assets, state-controlled or joint-stock enterprises, which in principle will be implemented accordingly.

“2+8+X” is also the promotion step of “trust creation” in the plan.

That is to say, we first start with the party and government to polish products, cultivate key enterprises, enter key industries when the products mature, and finally introduce them to the consumer market.

Of course, this is an ideal situation where the product is good enough and excellent enough to enter the consumer market with competitiveness...

However, the vision is beautiful, but the situation is not optimistic.

It is no exaggeration to say that the current “Innovation and Innovation” project in China is a chaotic mess.

The state has used policies to create a "demand side" and created a vast market worth hundreds of billions. However, the problem is that due to backward technology, a competitive "supply side" has not appeared in the market.

What’s more, the local “tendering process” is in name only.

Good products cannot enter the market, and those who make money from bad OEMs are like hyenas swarming after smelling a rancid smell.

Naturally, they have no intention of making good products, but foreign open source products dare to ask for tens of millions or hundreds of millions just by changing their logos. The "experts" may have had two more drinks at the wine table, and it took them a few years to realize

Be fooled.

The result is that the winning product is not only expensive but also difficult to use.

It doesn’t matter if it’s not easy to use, you still have to use it.

A typical representative is the domestic servers that have been "crazy" to the point of being out of stock.

It is necessary not only to complete the credit creation tasks given by the superiors, but also to ensure that the business is running as usual.

In the end, either five domestic servers will be used to replace the previous one, or two operating environments must be retained at the same time in case of emergencies. The one from "Xinchuang" has to be a spare tire.

As a result, not only did the goal not be achieved, but it also lowered the digital level of enterprises in disguise and promoted the retrogression of informatization of state-owned enterprises...

It seemed to be a vigorous operation, and the operation was as fierce as a tiger. When I looked back, I saw the pestle in place...

Not only has administrative efficiency not improved, but it has increased the management burden and made grassroots staff miserable.

To be fair, the Xinchuang Project cannot be said to be a wrong decision. It is exactly the same as the "new energy strategy". The route taken is to provide policy support first and leave the rest to marketization.

As long as the market is big enough and enough money is spent, it is possible to hatch a number of outstanding industry unicorns.

However, new energy is an emerging industry and is basically on the same starting line at home and abroad. As an industrial power, China even occupies a first-mover advantage, so overtaking in corners is inevitable.

In comparison, the information technology field is the traditional advantageous area of ​​the established Western powers. The software ecosystem is full of barriers, and there is a huge gap between domestic and foreign levels.

This means that if you want to find another way, you must pay a greater price and take longer.

However, in recent years, the world situation has been turbulent. Before ordinary people were aware of it, the international situation had undergone major changes unseen in a century.

How can there be so much time for you to develop something like this that is related to the lifeblood of the country?

The MSS (National Intelligence Service) is definitely one of those who are most anxious about this situation.

Modern intelligence acquisition is no longer the era in which "military command", "central command", "security bureau" and the like relied mainly on manpower and wits and courage.

It relies more on high-altitude reconnaissance satellites and big data mining.

How to collect each other's data and protect our data has become a top priority!

But if you even use other people’s technology for the underlying database of your financial system, how can you talk about data confidentiality?

This is a huge hidden danger to the country's intelligence security.

Mr. Hu, who has been dealing with "intelligence warfare" for many years, naturally knows that sometimes catching 10 spies may not be as effective as closing an information security loophole.

The bottom layer of "Xinchuang" relies on chips, and the upper layer relies on applications. These are domestic shortcomings.

The chip has been torn apart by the "Optical Chip Project", and on the application side, "Tianshu ERP" is like a timely rain...

This is why Mr. Hu attaches great importance to it and must come over in person.

"Xiao Chu, how is the security analysis of this system kernel going?" Mr. Hu asked.

"The results are astonishing..." The female officer held a document with a serious look on her face.

"more specific."

"Based on the analysis of it by the technical team we brought, we can initially confirm that this system is likely to use 'AI native database', 'Internet of Things', 'big data mining', 'supply chain visualization' and many other

Innovative technology.

Its IoT functions and intelligence level are far ahead of similar foreign products.

The most critical thing is a set of unprecedented ‘0 new Internet protocol architecture’.

This means that to a certain extent, blockchain data is absolutely secure and unchangeable, has super stability, and is almost impossible to be tampered with by hackers.

The analysis result given by our people is...it is likely to subvert the entire world's enterprise management software landscape."


Although he was still amazed in his heart, with the military system in front of him, Mr. Hu was still calm.

"Excellent means good enough, but too good, and it may be a bit troublesome to promote it..."

Thinking of the chaos in the pilot villages and towns these past two days, Mr. Hu couldn't help but shake his head.

A very important point in the progress of management systems is the disclosure and transparent upgrading of information.

In this way, many things in dark corners will be invisible...

Is it technically difficult to solve the problem of "paying money"?

No difficulty at all!

The key is whether you want to solve it or not.

The application of blockchain technology has infinitely magnified the difficulty of tampering with data.

Invisibly, this system plays a partial audit role.

Fortunately, this "Tianshu ERP" has extremely strong customization functions. Many of its functions are modular and can be deleted according to the requirements of managers.

For example, the "face recognition" check-in item can be canceled by the authority administrator.

It's just that this right is in the hands of Mr. Hu, so the two pilot towns have no right to delete it, so they can only be forced to drink this "poisonous wine".

In order to test the effect, the pilot towns used the effect of "Tianshu Max".

Then in places that are not too mature and have great resistance, we can also promote "Tianshu Pro" or even "Tianshu Basic Model" first...

In the past two years, the local financial situation has become increasingly stretched. As long as managers are not stupid, after seeing the huge savings effect of adopting "Tianshu ERP" on financial funds.

No matter how reluctant you are, you will slowly be forced to tighten your pockets and join this information wave.

This is a cup of "poisonous wine", yes, but it can "fight poison with poison"...

"Xiao Chu, immediately make a complete evaluation document when you return, and in the name of the 'Xinchuang' department, put 'Tianshu ERP' on the national key recommendation list."

After pondering for a long time, Mr. Hu slowly uttered a sentence.

"Highly recommented"!

These four flamboyant words mean that "Tianshu ERP" has received crucial official recognition.

The hundreds of billions-level "Government Cloud" market is still second to none, which is like ancient commodities being labeled as "tributes."

Whether you make money or not is secondary. What matters is the huge brand effect...

"Well...Mr. Hu, I don't deny the excellence of this system, but after all, it is a product of a private company, and its security has not been thoroughly verified.

Wouldn't it be a little too hasty to promote it so early?" The female officer said hesitantly.

"Haha!" In response, Mr. Hu just smiled.

Currently, only two people know about the conversation between Meng Lang and Mr. Hu, so others don't know the weight of the "letter of nomination" submitted by Bai Yeji...

"Let me ask you, when the country implements a new energy strategy, will it be a state-owned joint venture or a private enterprise that ultimately stands out?"

"Uh... this..." The female officer understood what Mr. Hu meant and fell silent.

“Safety is not something we can study in private behind closed doors, but leaves it to the market and time to verify.

If there really is a backdoor, with this technology, how long do you plan to take to find it?

One year or two years? Do we have to wait until someone from abroad copies the work and uses it first, and then we stamp it and put it on the market?"

Originally, the best choice for such a key product related to information security was to leave it to relevant state-owned technology companies for research and development.

However, today's giants are too happy to think about their own business and are immersed in the false prosperity of the monopoly industry. The R&D efficiency is really hard to describe.

If you invest 10 billion, the actual investment by private companies may be 8 billion, and 2 billion will be pocketed.

But if it were replaced by state-owned assets...

If 1 billion can be used on the cutting edge, it is considered to be quite "efficient".

Every family has its own scriptures that are difficult to learn. Today’s giants can only use it to “stabilize the overall situation” and expect to “forge ahead”. This is really flattering to them...

There have been some excellent advanced technology companies before, but as soon as state capital begins to intervene, the operating efficiency of the companies will decline exponentially.

The "Business Management Major" of Shuimu University is known as world-class, right?

At this point, they couldn't even manage the mere "Shui Mu Tong Fang" and "Shui Mu Zi Guang", and ended up managing it like a chicken feather.

In this regard, Mr. Hu, as the chief intelligence officer, has a deep understanding of this.

While helpless, he also became more determined to protect Bai Yeji, the "future unicorn".

"It seems that I have to go see that Director Gao in person..."

This chapter has been completed!
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