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Chapter 507: Right of Way

the next day.

"Hello? Hello!"

"Ah? What?"

Yan Weiwei took a bite of the bun in her hand.

"You've been staring at Xiao Yu in a daze since just now. Now you're having breakfast, instead of looking at the buns and looking at the chef?"

Meng Lang came to his senses and realized that the three people at the dining table were all staring at him with strange eyes.

"Ahem! It's nothing, I'm just thinking about Xiaoyu's education.

People say that the education a country provides for its children can allow us to see what this country will look like in the future.

I seem to see a different future in Xiaoyu..." He said with sadness in his eyes.

"The future is different... I just gave him a set of learning software..." Yan Weiwei rolled her eyes at him.

"No, Sister Weiwei, that one is really powerful. It understands everything you ask it..." Xiao Yu weakly defended her uncle.

"Who said it understood everything? Last night I asked it how to cultivate Hua Jin, and it actually asked me to provide the detailed principles of Hua Jin first!

If I knew the detailed workings of ghosts, would I still need to ask them?"

Meng Lang rolled his eyes immediately, "Why don't you ask it how to become a god? This is a learning system, not a YY system..."

"Tsk! Bad review anyway!"

"Xiao Yu, you want to skip a grade? Why didn't I know about this?" Lin Haitang put down the soy milk and looked at Xiao Yu with a surprised look on his face.

"I just thought about it in the past two days..." Xiaoyu lowered her head and nodded her little finger in embarrassment, "Because elementary school classes are really boring..."

"Well... I've been too busy recently to take care of your studies, but with your study progress... I really should consider it."

Unexpectedly, Lin Haitang didn't object. Instead, he was very moved. He held his chin and began to think about it.

"Competition in today's society is so fierce. It's always good to be one step ahead. Even if it doesn't work, you can jump a few grades to a higher grade and see the effect.

But in this case, your plan for further education will have to be changed. I originally wanted to let you go to Hanlin Middle School next door after you graduate from elementary school. This school has very high teachers and high admission rate.

Housing in the school district is a problem, but don't worry, my sister's salary is pretty good recently, and after two years of waiting for the down payment, she should be fine.

I remember Xiaoyu, you were very good at math, and you got full marks every time. When you get to junior high school, I will sign you up for a Mathematical Olympiad training class. It would be best if you can get extra points for the college entrance examination.

In high school, I plan to let you study at Yade to increase your international horizons, and then apply for an exchange student abroad after college..."

"Stop! Stop!" Meng Lang interrupted quickly, staring at Lin Haitang with a strange look on his face.

"No, why haven't I noticed that you are such a chicken before? Xiaoyu is only in elementary school, and you have even made arrangements to go abroad?"

"Xiaoyu's talent is so good, shouldn't we have higher expectations?

As a parent, don't you have to teach students in accordance with their aptitude? This is not a chicken baby, this is responsible for her future."

"I disagree!"


"Xiaoyu is still so young and frequently skips grades, which means she has to face an unfamiliar environment every time. It is easy for her to be unable to make friends, or even be isolated, resulting in alienation between people."

"Shouldn't it be our parents' responsibility to teach about interpersonal relationships?"

"When parents are unable to do anything, human beings are social creatures, and communication with peers at such a young age is indispensable."

“Then according to your opinion, Xiaoyu’s precious learning period should be wasted and she should go to higher education in a step-by-step manner?”

"Am I not introducing high-tech teaching to solve this problem?"

"Looking at the tablet every day, aren't you afraid that the light rain will cause alienation between people?"

"The issue you mentioned is so important, so I am going to find some more famous offline teachers for Xiaoyu and take the route of quality education.

As for Xiaoyu's talent, it cannot be the beauty of hundreds of schools of thought, it cannot be the wonder of one person, it cannot reach the highest level of the law, and it cannot open up a unique domain.

You need to learn Einstein’s ten-dollar approximation, and sociology is also a must!”

"Uh...why do I think you have higher expectations for Xiaoyu than me..."

"Of course, in my eyes, Xiaoyu represents the future of mankind, and education must not be careless!

We must be more cautious and consider it as a matter of life and death for the nation!"


Seeing Meng Lang looking like he was facing a formidable enemy, Lin Haitang was a little bit dumbfounded.

"These are all extracurricular auxiliary means, not to mention, what is the use of learning miscellaneously but not masterly?

Modern society needs professionals. Have you ever seriously thought about Xiaoyu’s future?

Without the best educational environment, how can you ensure that she can win at the starting line?"

"Why haven't you thought about it? I thought about it all night yesterday!"

Regardless of the stunned looks on his face, Meng Lang turned to look at Xiao Yu with a serious face.

"Xiaoyu, you must remember that winning is important, but sometimes, the way to win is also important..."

Xiao Yu nodded in confusion.

Although I don’t understand it, I’ll write it down first...

"Haha!" Yan Weiwei took a sip of soy milk, squinted at the argument, and couldn't help but complain.

"Everyone said 'our parents'. Those who knew it thought you were discussing Xiaoyu's education, and those who didn't know thought you were fighting for custody rights..."

"Uh..." Lin Haitang's face turned red.

Meng Lang smiled helplessly.

Sure enough, when a couple quarrels after marriage, it is most likely because of their children...

"Well, I have a morning meeting in the morning. Let's discuss Xiaoyu's issue later."

After Lin Haitang fled, Meng Lang had almost eaten and was about to go out to send Xiao Yu to school, but was stopped by Yan Weiwei.

"Wait a minute, I'll go out with you."

"Huh? Is something wrong?" Meng Lang was stunned for a moment.

"Speaking of which, you usually sleep in until you wake up naturally, but today you woke up early for the first time..."

Yan Weiwei rolled her eyes at him, "Did you forget what day it is today?"

"What day?"

"The premiere of "Flying Life"..."

Meng Lang reacted immediately and slapped his forehead.

"Yeah, I almost forgot about it."

Yan Weiwei was helpless and took out two movie tickets.

"You are a minority shareholder after all, so why don't you get some snacks...here! These two are the premiere tickets given by Mr. Qu..."

Seeing Meng Lang's strange expression, she also felt that this scene was inexplicably like she was inviting people to watch a movie together, so she quickly said.

"What are you thinking about? I also made an appointment with Hu Yifei and his wife."

"Husband and wife?" Meng Lang was stunned.

"Yes, don't you know? I just received the certificate yesterday and will be planning to hold a wedding in a while."

After saying that, she glanced at him and joked.

"Look at people, they have been running for many years and they have just reached the fruition of cultivation today. You, you have a long and long road ahead!"


That's really embarrassing. In terms of Zhengguo, I seem to be two days ahead of him...

"Ahem! Okay, there's nothing wrong. Let's go take a look..."

Speaking of which, he is really connected to this movie.

From meeting Han Fei by chance at a driving school, to investing in movies and recommending Duan Xian, even the final editing is the debut of Bai Yeji's AIGC technology...

Lingjing Media...

Meng Lang couldn't help but feel a little sad when he thought of this company that was specially established to build Duan Xian.

The first sentence of the general outline of "Super Frequency Sutra 0": The world of consciousness, infinite creation, flesh and blood are weak and miserable, the spiritual realm is soaring...

It turns out that the future of two worlds.

Unexpectedly, they all showed signs of this...

However, the former focuses more on the evolution of human beings, while the latter squeezes human beings to the limit...

The ultimate stage of virtual technology can be used to achieve some kind of evolution beyond the body and obtain an alternative form of immortality.

The primary stage can be used to solve human problems...

To put it bluntly, the purpose of getting rid of the body is completely different!

He believed in Xiao Yu's judgment that if AI became popular, or even allowed Jue Juezi to take over the planet's military force, the overall combat power of the earth's civilization would skyrocket, and its winning rate against the Night Demons would greatly increase.

But then comes the question of how to deal with humans.

A proud creature like human beings cannot easily accept the fate of being relegated to second place, even if it is just because of their pride as the overlord of the earth.

Because of this, they are likely to become the biggest obstacle to Earth's civilization exerting its combat power!

You haven't seen such a good-tempered Xiaoyu, can't you help but want to be a dictator? How many pig teammates have appeared that are holding you back?

Looking at the movie ticket in his hand, Meng Lang was quite emotional.

Who would have thought that an entertainment company that was founded just for fun at the time would have such a huge influence on the future.

"Collapse World" is just a doomsday game, and it seems that it is not without reason that it has been mentioned repeatedly by many brothers.

It's just that the virtual world is used in the book to conduct world line deductions...

Does this count as me playing a life simulation in a life simulation?

Is this because there are not enough plug-ins, so technology can make up for it?

Brothers are really good at playing...

"Woof~ woof woof~"

The two of them went out to take Xiaoyu to school. When they passed by the green belt of the community, they bumped into a pair of "acquaintances" who were walking their dogs.

"Hey! Director Zhang, come out to walk the dog." Meng Lang smiled and said hello.

That's right, this couple is Director Zhang's family who was almost wiped out.

However, it seems that the Rottweiler that was "kidnapped" after biting Cheng Biao must have become less ferocious. This time, there was a new one with the same color and breed, but it was obviously much smaller.

And his wife... still has a cast on her arm at this time...

When Director Zhang and his wife saw that it was Meng Lang, they also recognized this young man who had spoken for him in front of Cheng Biao, and their expressions suddenly turned ugly.

I don’t know what happened, but since the last biting incident, their family has been in bad luck.

Not only was the dog kidnapped, but my mother-in-law was also thrown into the hospital by an apple.

What's even more irritating is that the murderer of the falling object case was finally found to be his own naughty kid. He couldn't even get compensation, and the blackmailer had no place to blackmail him, so he could only admit that he was unlucky.

Director Zhang, who didn't have a good face, didn't want to pay attention at all. As he passed by, he heard Meng Lang suddenly say with a smile.

"By the way, Director Zhang, I advise you not to keep a dog. I'm afraid I won't be able to keep it for long and will have to send it back..."

"Hey! You don't care about the sky and the earth, but you still care about my mother, walking the birds and walking the dog? Go somewhere cool and stay still!"

Before Director Zhang could say anything, his wife couldn't help but hung up her arms, but she still looked domineering and protective.

"Hmph! Mind your own business!" Director Zhang also snorted coldly.

Watching the three people leaving, Meng Lang stared at the Rottweiler dog that was playing around, with a hint of unnoticeable solemnity flashing in his eyes.

"Uncle, don't you like dogs?" Xiaoyu asked curiously, carrying her schoolbag.

"Yeah! I liked it before, but now... I don't like it anymore..."


Meng Lang looked at Xiao Yu and smiled.

"If you want to win, but you have to adopt some cruel methods, will you do it?"

"Hmm..." Xiaoyu thought for a moment and asked.

"But you just told me that winning is important, but the method of winning is also important, right?"

"Yes, I said it, but I said 'very important', not 'the most important'!"

He could understand why Xiao Yu would play humans as "The Last of the Mohicans".

If history is all gone, how can we talk about being cruel or not?

"Xiaoyu, the way to win is very important, but if you are facing a life-and-death war.


Incoming artillery shells always have the right of way..."

At the same time, a certain military region tactically arranged a conference room.

"Clean out all the dogs? What kind of tactical arrangement is this? The dog is so cute, why bother with him?"

"Haha! No matter how weird it is, can there be such weird special training programs as 'forbidding direct verbal communication' and 'misleading language arts'?"

"I feel like we're being tricked? Are you making fun of us?"

"Shut up, everyone! How could the mission personally assigned by the military's high command be a joke to us?"

"Hmm...I guess it will be some kind of test for us? Like obedience or something?"


Strangely, there was silence in the conference room, except for lines of subtitles that were continuously printed on the public screen, and then quickly disappeared...

This chapter has been completed!
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