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Chapter 517: Watching the Fire from the Other Bank

"Officer, it's almost done. The old woman really can't walk very far with her body."

The old dean, who was leaning on crutches, tremblingly supported the hand of a junior police officer and discovered that a group of "personnel involved" had been taken dozens of meters away from the welfare home without knowing it.

Under the cover of several big trees, only the outline of the orphanage could be seen... She finally couldn't help but speak.

At this time, alarm bells were already ringing in her heart.

What happened today seems nothing special to ordinary people, it was just a bit of bad luck.

However, in her eyes, there was something vaguely weird about everything.

A conflict that occurred inexplicably, the identities of both parties were questionable, and these police officers who seemed to want to take her far away from the orphanage...

One is a coincidence, so many coincidences are really a bit suspicious.

Although she does not believe that her stronghold has been exposed, her hidden identity as a spy allows her to remain cautious enough when facing the official forces of the earth.

"Well! It's almost done."

Surprisingly, the one who spoke was not the leading police officer.

But it was the captain of the dog-catching team who clearly had the identity of a "suspect" and was one of the leaders of the fight!

When the two "police officers" saw this, they immediately let go of each other's held hands.

Facing the surprised look cast by the old dean, the man smiled.

"Let me introduce myself again, the captain of the Special Operations Team of the Armed Police Force...Chu Tian."

The old dean's pupils shrank.

Armed police force!?

"Captain Chu, those few blows just now were really painful. Did you really kill them with your blows?"

At this time, on the other side, Ning Shisan was also released by two "police officers", rubbing his aching arm and laughing.

Chu Tian glanced at Ning Shisan with profound meaning.

Judging from the movements, there seems to be a hint of KGB fighting skills. It seems that this "connector" is not a simple character...

"I'm sorry, brother. After all, the target of this mission is a practitioner. I'm afraid that I'll be caught out if I play too fake. However, my brother's skills are quite good. We have a chance to practice together."

"Haha! Okay." Ning Shisan smiled and nodded.

"You...you are..."

The old dean looked stunned, somewhat confused about the situation at this time.

The two gangs who had been fighting fiercely just now were really "fighting fiercely" in the blink of an eye...

So everything that just happened... was really a show for myself?!

What's the purpose?

Fortunately, it seems that the person the other party wants to deal with is not him, otherwise he would not openly reveal his identity in front of him. There must be something hidden in this.

The mission goal mentioned by the other party...

If not yourself, who would you be?

The next moment, Chu Tian took out a photo of a man from his arms and showed it to the old dean with a serious face.

"Zhao Hu, 42 years old, from Hekou Town, Pei County.

Not long ago, seven members of the family next door were killed due to a neighbor dispute. The method was extremely cruel. He is an extremely dangerous fugitive at large. We are the team responsible for arresting the fugitive.

Old Dean, have you seen this person?"

Looking at the man's face in the photo, the old dean was suddenly enlightened!

Actually...it's because of this...

Sure enough, in order to deal with them, it is impossible for the other party to use this method. Even if they don't use fighter jets, they must at least use tanks, right?

It turns out that it was this experimental product that caused the trouble...

Damn it, there was obviously a listener monitoring the whole process, how did the other party track him here while hanging behind the test subject?

This unscientific!

"This fugitive is extremely cunning. If we hadn't used city surveillance and satellites to track down each other's traces one by one, we would never have found him here."

Chutian gave an "explanation" in a timely manner.

Old Dean: "..."

Okay, maybe it's not biological, but it's mechanical...

In terms of monitoring and tracking, mechanical civilization and biological civilization like them actually have their own advantages and disadvantages.

They obtain intelligence through sound, and humans also have surveillance cameras all over the world to obtain images.

No matter how capable they are, they can't hack all the municipal cameras. They are really unprofessional.

But the good news is that the other party seems to have only noticed Zhao Hu, and has not noticed anything unusual in the orphanage...

The doubts in her heart were solved, and everyone's anomalies were also given reasonable explanations. On the contrary, she felt a little relieved.

Fortunately, it's not the worst identity exposure...

Think about it, even if humans knew that there were serious criminals in the orphanage, they would never think that a group of orphans and widows would collude with fugitives. There is a high probability that they would think that the suspects hid in the orphanage in a panic.

Even so, their current troubles are not small.

Since the other party was so aggressive and even planned a good show to deceive himself, it means that he must have conclusive evidence that the person is in the orphanage!

There is no use in quibbling. As long as the police search, I will not be able to defend myself, but the entire orphanage will be dragged into the water...

Seeing that the old dean's eyes flickered and he refused to speak, Chu Tian spoke "again" at the right time.

"It seems as we guessed, old dean, you have indeed met each other.

Don't be afraid, although the fugitive is extremely vicious, we have mobilized enough police this time, and we still have our snipers on standby, so he can't fly this time!

If you refuse to say anything, are you worried about the child inside? Has the other party kidnapped the child and threatened you?

If so, please trust the police, we guarantee that the children will be brought out safely!"

Old Dean: "..."

Okay, Zhengchou, how do you explain that we want to harbor fugitives? You have already figured out the reasons for me...

He turned around and looked at a police car in the distance. Sure enough, several armed policemen had descended from it. They were lowering their bodies and spreading out, looking for a suitable high ground to set up a sniper point.

Right under the nose of the Night Demon spy chief, everything is going according to someone's script. Human armed forces are surrounding the orphanage, and they are doing so blatantly...

The situation was critical and did not give the old dean much room to think.

The moment she saw these armed humans, she made a decision...

"Officer, you...can you really guarantee the safety of the children? My old lady doesn't care, but the children are innocent and they still have a bright future!"

Fear, worry, guilt...

The old dean’s acting skills are online, making him burst into tears.

Surrounded by police and snipers on standby...

At this point, unless everyone at the scene can be killed and all the recording equipment destroyed, if one person is missed, the orphanage will be completely exposed, and even humans will notice that they are a group of aliens.

She said that taking such a big strategic risk for a dispensable chess piece is not something that a wise man would take.

Therefore, Zhao Hu, who had just become a chess piece, was immediately treated as an abandoned piece...

Under Chu Tian's repeated assurances, the old dean burst into tears.

"Officer, please protect the safety of the children and bring the criminals to justice!"

[Police officer, please protect the safety of the children and bring the criminals to justice...]

Inside the welfare home.

Hidden among the panicked children, the little girl's ears twitched slightly. When she heard the words spoken by the old dean, she instantly understood the other party's decision.

Protect the welfare home and abandon Zhao Hu!

There was no hesitation at the moment, the small mouth opened slightly, and the invisible ripples spread out instantly...


The next moment, deep in the small building of the orphanage, a roar like a wild beast suddenly came.

"Boom!" As sawdust flew everywhere, a strong figure suddenly broke through the old wooden door of the small building.


"Bang!" A police officer who stayed in the orphanage was knocked out by the figure before he could realize what happened.

The red-eyed Zhao Hu looked like a madman. After knocking off the police blocking the road, he went straight to the group of frightened children next to him...

"No! Exposed!" Upon hearing the movement, the faces of Chu Tian and others here suddenly changed.

"Damn, how did you get discovered? You were so careful..."

Chu Tian took the headset handed over by the team member and put it on, and hurried over there.

"You stinky policemen, don't come over here. I'll strangle anyone who comes over here!" Zhao Hu looked crazy and his voice was extremely hoarse.

When everyone rushed over, this was what they saw.

Zhao Hu was hiding in a corner, holding the little girl in his hand!

At this time, the little girl looked frightened, her face turned red because she was choked and unable to breathe.

"Zhao Hu, you have been surrounded. I advise you not to engage in a trapped beast fight. Put that girl down and we will ensure your personal safety!"

All the police officers had drawn their guns and surrounded the people in the corner, but they did not dare to approach them.

"Captain, be careful, the opponent is very skilled and surprisingly powerful."

The "police officer" who had just been knocked away rubbed his chest in pain and grimaced when he saw Chu Tian and others arriving.

"I don't believe you stinking police officers. Everyone, please step back and give me another car, otherwise I will strangle her to death right now!"

"Damn it! The plan has been disrupted! How on earth was it exposed?"

"Now is not the time to talk about this. Can a sniper kill a fugitive?" Chu Tian asked in a low voice.

【Zizi~ No problem, please confirm whether to kill?】


However, before the order was given, Zhao Hu unexpectedly took two steps back to the corner and raised the little girl in his hand in front of him.

[Zizi~The opponent is in a blind spot and cannot find the shooting angle for the time being~Zizi~]

Listening to the sound coming from the headphones, Chu Tian's face turned even darker.


At this moment, the trembling old dean arrived belatedly supported by Ning Shisan. When he saw the scene in front of him, he suddenly looked nervous.

"Xiaoyu, don't be afraid, grandma will come to save you right now."

"Old man, don't come close, it's dangerous!"

"Stay back! Get me a car quickly, or I will kill her right now!"

The scene suddenly became chaotic.

However, just when there was some chaos at the scene...


After a slightly dull gunshot, Zhao Hu's threats stopped abruptly...

Everyone looked at the bloody hole on Zhao Hu's forehead and were stunned.

Zhao Hu also widened his bloodshot eyes with a fierce expression. He didn't even realize what happened until he died...

"Bang!" As the body slowly fell, everyone woke up.

"Fuck! Didn't you say there is no angle?" Chu Tian cursed into the earphones.

[Hey! Captain, didn’t you just find this? 】

"Damn you... you did a great job!" Chu Tian suddenly laughed and cursed.

Looking at the fallen Zhao Hu, the corners of the old dean's mouth twitched slightly.

Although he had made up his mind not to expose the assassin's abnormal abilities, so as not to arouse more suspicion from the police, Zhao Hukong had a lot of strength but was at a loss.

But the old dean was still shocked by the crispness of this group of armed policemen.

Shoot him if he disagrees...

Shouldn't it be a formality to "disarm but not kill"...

I originally thought of having people rush out as much as possible to draw the attention of the police... Unexpectedly, I was killed instantly...

You must know that the communication of everyone in the orphanage cannot escape their ears. With such an advantage, the chance of winning should be high...

But just now she saw clearly that Zhao Hu had been careful enough, and he didn't expect to be shot in the head as soon as he showed up.

This precision, responsiveness...

When did local armed police forces have such combat capabilities?

Well... In fact, the most critical thing is that the other party's "can't find the angle" misled Zhao Hu, causing him to misjudge and relax his protection for a moment...

This is really a case of man's calculation being inferior to God's calculation, and our own advantage has become Zhao Hu's life-saving talisman.

But who would have thought that tactical communication could be such a child's play?!

Zhao Hu naturally refused to die with his eyes closed. This biochemical weapon that had just been successfully transformed had not even had time to play its due role, so it died meaninglessly by a cheap bullet.

However...even though I gave up a chess piece, as long as I can keep the secret of the orphanage, everything is worth it...

"Little sister, are you okay?" Someone came forward to help the little girl lying on the ground, holding her throat and coughing.

Seeing that the little girl was fine, Chu Tian smiled and put away his gun and clapped his hands.

"Okay, the mission is completed, everyone is finishing up. Xiao Hei, take someone in for a walk to make sure there are no other dangers inside the orphanage.

Two people will come, take the children away and place them first, and arrange for doctors to treat them and check them up.

Be careful not to leave any psychological trauma on the children.

In addition, notify the family members to come and claim the bodies of the fugitives..."

Seeing that the other party wanted to take away all the children, the old dean opened his mouth and refused, but he saw the bodies on the ground.

There are already dead people. If you insist on leaving your child in the orphanage under such circumstances, it seems to be more likely to arouse suspicion...

Forget it, I'm sorry their instruments can't find anything.

Then he glanced at the several armed police officers who had entered the small building of the orphanage.

Biochemical transformation and experiments naturally require space, but how can the secret basement of the orphanage be discovered with just a quick glance?

Now that everyone is dead, the police can't even conduct a blanket search.

Although there were traces of transformation on Zhao Hu's body, in general, the police would not conduct a detailed autopsy on a dead fugitive, and it would most likely be pushed into an incinerator soon.

After the family members take away the body, I can send a dog over to confirm the destruction of the body...

After going through all the details and confirming that there should be no flaws, the old dean finally breathed a sigh of relief.

I thought I had narrowly resolved a crisis...

However, the children have just been put on a minibus...

[Zizi~ Captain, we found a basement in the orphanage. There are many surgical instruments in it, as well as dried blood and broken bones... Zizi~]

Chu Tian's expression suddenly changed.

And the same sudden change of expression as him was the old dean!

This...how is this possible?!

How could such a secret basement entrance be discovered in such a short time without a careful search by professionals?

What about "taking someone in for a spin" that you said?

You just walked around and discovered my biggest secret?

Naturally, she didn't expect that the named Xiao Hei was a top student in civil engineering. He had also served as a gold school captain for several years and was a "secret room master"...

Coupled with the detailed guide given by someone, isn't it easy to find a basement?


The old dean felt inexplicably angry.

Life is really full of ups and downs.

I have finally managed to hide it until now, but will it fall short because of this inexplicable coincidence?

"Ahem! Old dean, the car in front is full. I think you might as well share a car with me."

Chu Tian smiled calmly.

However, the other party's tense muscles, accelerated blood flow and heartbeat, and the hands quietly touching the handcuffs around his waist... how could he hide it from the old dean.

The veins under the skin on the back of the hand began to pop out one by one, leaving fingerprints on the crutch in the hand...

What should we do?

She was struggling fiercely inside.

This kind of weird basement was discovered in the orphanage. As the only adult, I, the director, couldn't get rid of it.

Fortunately, there weren't many useful clues left inside.

As long as he takes everything, insists that he is a murderer with a hobby of abusing children, and then escapes from his shell after dying in prison, the clues to this matter will be cut off!

No one will associate it with aliens.

Even if there is, as long as there is enough layout time, they can minimize the impact.

But... the series of accidents that happened today made her finally notice a hint of danger.

Why is there always a feeling of being led by others in everything, and stepping into the abyss step by step according to the script written by others...

What was before her now was a difficult choice.

Should he fight to the death or surrender?

"Click!" During the struggle, a pair of silver bracelets was already cuffed on the old dean's hand!

"Sorry, Dean, we suspect that you are involved in a criminal case involving child abuse and engaging in dangerous activities. We are now officially notifying you that we need to take you back to the police station to assist in the investigation."

Chu Tian had a cold face and seemed to finally stop pretending.

Seeing the other party's business-like appearance, but using a pair of ordinary handcuffs to deal with him, the old dean felt inexplicably want to laugh.

In the end, she still didn't choose to take action.

Compared with the existence of the gods, this old and decayed body is not worth mentioning at all, so it will be abandoned if it is abandoned.

if only……

She glanced at the minibus not far away, which was slowly disappearing from sight, and the girl who was leaning against the window, watching the scene quietly, and she couldn't help but laugh.

As the successor of your own cultivation and the best container.

As long as she is here, I will only become stronger...

The gods... are immortal!

"Why are you laughing?" Chu Tian couldn't help but frown.

"Haha! It's nothing, I just didn't expect that you would still discover it... I admit, it was all my doing.

It's such a pity that he was exposed because of a fugitive..."

She smiled, looking resigned to her fate, and slowly closed her eyes.

Although I will be forced to give up this identity, and the stronghold of the welfare home will most likely be abandoned, it is necessary to report everything that happened today to Chao...

She always felt that there seemed to be something wrong with this group of people?

Why was the whole city hunting for dogs at the critical moment, why Zhao Hu’s whereabouts were leaked so quickly, and why the other party could easily find his basement...

The truth must be investigated clearly!

However, when she was calming down, closing her eyes and preparing to activate the "spiritual synchronization" to warn the nest...

"Wait! What are you talking about, Captain Chu, are you crazy? Why are you beating the old dean? Let me go!"

Ning Shisan, who had been supporting the old dean since just now and looked very respectful towards him, seemed confused about the situation and actually wanted to come and stop him.

Ha! What a stupid human being...

Don't care, continue to activate the skill to move forward...


Feeling a chill on his neck, the old dean suddenly opened his eyes and stared at Ning Shisan behind him in surprise.

The other party's front expressionlessly retracted the metallic reflection in his hand...

That's... a syringe?!

No! It’s a scam!

"Ka~" She tried hard to break free with her hands, but the chemical substance that instantly flowed through her body along the carotid artery made her dizzy.

How could it be...I am...


Without giving the old dean any chance, his consciousness fell into complete darkness...

【It turned out to be...dead...

You guy... what did you inject her with in the end?!]

[Neurotoxin is specially used to deal with this target.

This thing is quite difficult to use, let alone using an amount that can kill an elephant instantly...]

[You are crazy! That is just an old person! Even if she is guilty of a heinous crime...]

[That’s why the boss asked me to take action, because he knows that you regular soldiers can’t kill a civilian... Hey! Do you really want to send me to a military court?

Look at your handcuffs before you do anything!]

[Uh...how is it possible? This is made of high-strength alloy, and it was actually stretched and deformed...]

[Do you still think that when we join forces, we only have to deal with an ordinary human being? 】


【But no matter who the person is, killing someone must be paid with life! 】

[Haha! Do you think I am afraid of death? I am someone who wants to enter the Martyrs Cemetery...]

[What a mess, no matter what, if you are still alive, can’t you ask more questions? 】

[Too dangerous! Important reminder from the boss, once the target has signs of activating skills, leave her alone and kill her first!

From the beginning, we did not intend to keep anyone alive.]


[Oh, by the way, Captain Chu, just a reminder, please keep these handcuffs, they are of great commemorative value.]

【What value?】

[Having been handcuffed with something like that, this guy can brag about it for a lifetime...]

[What on earth is that kind of thing? Also, who is the boss you are talking about? 】

[I said that I know nothing. Just like you, I am just a puppet on strings. I just act according to other people's scripts. Do you believe it? 】

【how come……】

[The only thing I know is that today’s operation... is a life-and-death war!]

【War? That's it?】

[Haha! Maybe you thought we solved the problem with just one shot, without any effort.

However, I know almost all the information about this orphanage, and even know all the possible reactions of the other party in advance. I have arranged targeted backup plans and made more than a dozen contingency plans...

In the end, all the children were saved without a single blow, and the culprit was eliminated. The other party did not even put up a decent resistance until his death...

Is the whole process really effortless?

Now that I think about it carefully, I feel a little lucky that I am in the human camp.

You don't have to be surrounded by cannons and corpses to be called a victorious general.

There is an old saying in China: Those who are good at fighting have no outstanding military exploits!]


[Hmm...but if my Christian former captain was still alive, he would probably use another sentence to describe today's war.]

【What words?】

[He would touch the Bible, kneel on one knee in front of the ruins after the war, and say with a pious face...

Every victory you have is just a chance of God watching from the other side...]

Looking at the last line of subtitles that slowly disappeared, Chu Tian was stunned...

No chapters, two in one

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