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Chapter 519: Name change and project establishment


Mr. Hu, who also had dark circles under his eyes and stayed up all night, had no time to think about washing his hands in the golden basin.

On the contrary, he began to doubt whether he would be able to retire smoothly next year...

Looking at the file report with "Top Secret" printed in his hand, his mind was buzzing all the time, and he once suspected that the way he opened the world today was wrong.

A biochemically modified person with many artificial traces on his body...

A little girl who is suspected of being able to drive dogs for detection and tracking...

An octogenarian who is about to put half of his foot in the coffin, but he has far superior auditory nerve plexus, muscle strength, internal organ activity, and strength comparable to that of Superman...

There is also the large, strange black shadow in the CT image of the corpse's brain...

Every item of content made Mr. Hu, a veteran who considers himself rich in life experience, his eyelids twitching wildly.

Why was it that my realist intelligence chief, who was working smoothly yesterday, ended up in a fantasy-themed theater for no apparent reason today?

"This unscientific……"

Mr. Hu rubbed his brows and was deeply worried about the terrible development of biotechnology on the other side of the ocean.

Yes, after chatting for a long time last night, Meng Lang finally deceived Mr. Hu with half truths and half lies.

He did not reveal the identity of the Night Demons at all, but used several "probably", "possibly", and "suspected"... to impute the blame to a secret experiment of a mysterious organization in a certain big country...

After all, besides a certain world policeman who has opened biochemical bases all over the world, who else can have such unheard-of top-level biotechnology?

Even if he is not Uncle Sam, he is definitely inseparable from them!

Maybe it was a secret experiment conducted by a certain capitalist military-industrial group.

As for how to explain their intelligence sources...

The witcher has a wide circle of friends, and he has a "friend".

This "friend" is an orphan who was secretly adopted and transformed by this evil organization since he was a child. He became the first generation of biochemically modified people and was forced to work for the tiger.

But in order for his childhood sweetheart who was also trapped in the devil's cave to escape from the devil's clutches, he finally brought out part of the information of this evil organization at the cost of his own life...

Yes, the prototype of this "friend" is of course Chaoge.

Art comes from life, although it is in another world...

Ever since, for my friend’s last wish, and to prevent the world from being destroyed, protect the peace of the earth, and implement the power of love and justice...

The Demon Hunters resolutely stood up, gathered strange people from all over the world, and secretly formed the "Demon Hunter Organization" to fight against them!

And it was at this time that he, Meng Xiaolang, was spotted by the demon hunter and became...a peripheral member of the 18th line of the organization's logistics department.

Well... Anyway, that's how the other party positioned themselves...

The reason why Meng Lang came up with such a half-truth and half-false argument was because he didn't want to expose the existence of the Night Demon Clan at this stage.

It is imperative to expose the truth about the Night Demons and establish a united front, but it also requires a step-by-step approach.

Not to mention that the current evidence is not sufficient, will China’s top officials believe in the existence of aliens?

Even if you believe it, you still can't guarantee that it will split into the main war faction and the peace faction.

After all, the Night Demons have not yet completely exposed their hostility towards humans.

With inexplicable awe and unrealistic fantasies about aliens, there will definitely be people who advocate peaceful coexistence with them or even try to contact them.

When the time comes, someone will tell you "peace-loving", and the boss may turn around and sell you out, then you will really feel like crying without tears.

But when the blame falls on Uncle Sam, it's different.

No matter how naive the Chinese are, they will not take any chances with this old rival.

If someone gets the chance to trick you, they will definitely trick you to death. At least at the current stage of fierce competition between the two countries, there is no market for domestic peacemakers.

As for a country with a long track record of misdeeds and a world-leading biowarfare technology...who can surpass it?

The 73rd Unit is still researching biological weapons at the military base. The pot on the other side of the ocean is smooth and smooth.

Already, China has been wary of the other side's "unconventional warfare." If China knew that this might be the work of Uncle Sam, it would definitely treat him as a high-risk foreign spy and hunt him down with all his might.

And I will never take any chances.

On the one hand, this is to prevent the amount of information from being too large and causing confusion in one's decision-making.

On the other hand, this is also a strategic deception for the enemy.

Sooner or later, the Night Demons will become aware of the fact that Jinghai Welfare Institute has lost contact, and they will definitely launch an investigation into this later.

If they find that they have been exposed, the behavior of the Night Demon Clan will not be as low-key as it is now, and they will definitely have no scruples.

If the other party thinks that the X virus cannot solve humanity and the world line directly enters World War III, then Meng Lang will also be a Muggle.

Therefore, even if we know about the existence of the Night Demon Clan, we have to pretend not to know for the time being.

The Night Demons thought that there was no time to flip the table, so why didn't he?

"I was mistakenly shot in the passenger car due to counter-espionage operations"...

This reason must also give the Night Demons a little peace of mind and prevent them from jumping over the wall immediately.

As for when China had a deeper understanding of the "trophies" and discovered the doubts in it, Meng Lang could naturally evade that it was due to inaccurate intelligence.

After all, how could Chaoge, a member of the 18th-line periphery, know the "true face" of the evil organization?

And we just enthusiastically reported a suspected espionage organization, and we didn’t expect that we would accidentally hit and destroy an alien stronghold, right?

Get yourself clean first, and let Mr. Hu worry about the rest.

It is professional to engage in secret warfare, and a layman like Meng Lang does not need to worry about professionalism.

If he obtains so much information about the Night Demons, he can still be traced back to him.

Then Meng Lang almost has to consider whether Mr. Hu is reliable as a collaborator, and whether he should evacuate to Mars in advance...

"I always feel like that guy is hiding some key information..."

Of course Mr. Hu was not without doubts about Meng Lang's rhetoric of "making friends out of nothing".

But once we got on the phone, both parties were ambiguous.


In the past, someone took out a "certificate of surrender" to enhance national strength, and later, the fact that the orphanage was hiding secrets was revealed before our eyes. There is no doubt that the two sides are on the same front.

In Mr. Hu's eyes, as long as the positions are consistent, the rest are innocuous details.

If you want more intelligence from the other side, you may have to establish deeper strategic mutual trust...

He flipped through the information in his hand repeatedly, and finally his eyes fell on a photo of a little girl.

"This is really another great gift..."

Mr. Hu was naturally angry that overseas organizations dared to use Chinese orphans as experimental subjects.

However, it is undeniable that this little girl has unparalleled research value.

As long as we can reverse engineer from this experimental product, it is very possible to study some of the other party's technical details.

This is ultra-sophisticated biotechnology involving brain nerves. The research value of even a dog is immeasurable...

The military's top laboratories can't analyze the "trophies" that the newly emerging evergreen creatures can match.

If you want to safely slice "Night Demons", experimental equipment and professional talents are indispensable...

The laboratory must reach P4 level no matter what!

This was one of the reasons why Meng Lang chose to give the trophies to the demon hunting team to take back for study.

As for the research results...

Even if I can't get it, can my brother still not get it?

Of course Mr. Hu didn't know Meng Lang's little plan.

He repeatedly analyzed the enemy's capabilities and characteristics, and finally believed that the key to action lies in confidentiality!

Everyone knows that Uncle Sam eavesdrops on the world, but who would have expected that he is "really eavesdropping on the world"!

Forget about electromagnetic waves, now even sound waves are not spared, so the confidentiality work is simply hell...

Thinking of Meng Lang's immature "little suggestions" yesterday, he looked a little strange, but he still issued a few urgent orders...

"Xiaoyu, what do you think of today's breakfast?"

"Hmm...it's quite delicious."

"Where's the best thing?"

"Bean paste buns..."

"So you like to eat sweets? Sweets make people feel happy easily, right?

So what do you want to eat for lunch?”

Looking at the "doctor sister" in a white coat who asked weird questions one after another and kept recording them on the file, the little girl finally couldn't help it anymore.

"Sister, I really don't have any psychological problems. I just want to know where my other friends have gone?

And where is grandma? I miss grandma and want to go back to the orphanage."

"Xiaoyu, sister, I heard that you were kidnapped by gangsters yesterday, so how can you not be afraid of danger?

Don't worry, after you finish all the examinations, your grandma will come to take you back.

The leader has asked me to take special care of you."

Focused care? Are you sure it’s not targeted?

Now, how could she not realize that something was very wrong?

First of all, the ride is wrong.

Logically speaking, even if psychological treatment is needed, the police should coordinate with the local civil affairs department to place them nearby.

But yesterday they walked for two or three hours just on the highway.

And this place doesn't look like an ordinary medical institution at all. Not to mention the remote location, what's even weirder is that there aren't any other patients...

If all this can be explained by the fact that the police attach great importance to this "child abuse case in the welfare home".

Then the listener behind her couldn't be contacted for a long time, which made her really nervous.

With the listener's tracking ability, one night should be enough for it to arrive here and reestablish contact with itself.

However, the reality is...the signal she sent fell silent without any response.

Perhaps it was because of the nearby dog-catching operation that the listener had an accident and was delayed...

She could only comfort herself in this way.

"Okay, I'll be here this morning. Staff will come over soon to take blood tests. Xiaoyu, you have to cooperate well."

"What? Why do we need to draw blood?"

The little girl suddenly looked suspicious.

"Haha! Psychological treatment also needs to be assisted by medication. We have to check your drug resistance first. What if you are allergic?

By the way, there will be a full-body CT scan this afternoon. Look, you still have bruises on your neck, as well as internal and external injuries. We need to check them carefully."

Uh...sounds reasonable?

Watching the other party's leaving figure, the girl felt a little anxious and couldn't help but listen.

【Xiaomei, what do you think of today's breakfast?】

【Where is the most delicious one?】


Listening to the identical psychological test not far next door, she felt a little at ease.

The only good news is that this "hospital" has separate rooms for all children.

She was not treated specially...

If not, she might have been unable to resist looking for an opportunity to escape.

However... although ordinary examinations could not reveal any abnormalities in her body, the strangeness revealed everywhere after she was taken away from the orphanage gave her an uneasy sense of urgency.

He touched the white-haired puppy in his arms.

She made up her mind that if contact could not be restored, for the sake of safety, she would have no choice but to escape first...

What she didn't know was that silent private communications were also taking place within this "hospital"...

【Have you determined your goal?】

[Confirmed, the information is correct!

Since last night, inexplicable infrasound signals have appeared three times in total. Our sound collection system finally locked the sound source through triangulation.

It is indeed the single room where the girl is.]

[The frequencies of the three sound waves are exactly the same. We have also carefully confirmed that there is no other mechanical noise in the room. We can confirm that these three sound waves are not natural and accidental. 】

[It’s simply incredible, with a human body...]

【Hmm...maybe it's that dog?】

[Of course, this possibility is not ruled out, although I don’t understand why the superiors specifically asked to keep this dog...]

[Don’t make any noise, we can’t relax the examination of other children. By the way, the construction progress of the special laboratory must also be accelerated. 】

[Speaking of this special laboratory, our military base is fully equipped, otherwise we would not be able to meet such a weird request...]

[It’s just that time is too tight. I’m afraid our excuse won’t last too long. After all, ordinary inspections won’t take that long, and the target may be suspicious.]

[Well... then let the "police" do it again, on the grounds that they are investigating the illegal behavior of the director of the welfare home and temporarily taking care of these children. 】

[This is a good idea. Let the strategy team prepare the script and try not to reveal the secret.]

[The other party has strange abilities. The superiors solemnly remind you that the possibility of the other party sending people to rescue cannot be ruled out. Guard work must not be slackened.

In addition, all researchers at the institute are not allowed to leave the base, and everyone must be prepared to work in isolation for a long time.]

[Others are fine, but the inability to communicate verbally is too uncomfortable and anti-human...]

[Well... Regarding this point, in view of the importance of this mission, the above has officially changed the name of our special research institute and established a project. ]

【Name change?】

[Hmm! The research institute’s code name...Silent Hill...]





The name is quite appropriate.

I just feel a little scared...

Provide you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no out-of-order chapters. The first release of this book??????????.??????

This chapter has been completed!
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