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Chapter 530 Feng Chu

Chapter 531 Feng Chu

Gao Yuan had already anticipated Meng Lang's "global layout".

In fact, when she initially chose the Cayman Islands as the place of registration for Wanwu Holdings, she had relevant considerations.

Based on the consideration of low tax rates, international operations and capital operations of enterprises, this approach is very common in the globalized economic environment.

For example, it has no foreign exchange controls, and fund transfers are not restricted. Offshore accounts can be opened and foreign exchange funds can be flexibly allocated.

This will make it easier to conduct international management of funds, facilitate the issuance of international bonds, and even overseas listings...

For example, Gao Sheng's funds want to come in, and Zero's funds want to go out and invest in the global market. With such a registration place, the flow of funds will be much more convenient than in China.

Not to mention that it does not levy direct taxes, including corporate profits, capital gains, personal income, profits from operating overseas, no profits tax, investment income and profit tax exemptions, and the company does not have to pay any taxes within 20 years after its establishment...

For companies pursuing profit maximization, it is really difficult to refuse such a temptation.

In fact, most large multinational groups have their own tax avoidance methods, such as the famous "Double Irish and Dutch Sandwich Tax Avoidance Method".

One word...scent!

But even though she had expected it, Gao Yuan really didn't expect that Meng Lang would take the first step of "internationalization" in this way...

After reading it for a long time, he put down the so-called "script" in his hand with a strange expression on his face.

She looked up at Meng Lang.

"Although I don't know why you can even get the internal information of the Iwasaki family...

However, when others develop business territory, they either start with market planning or start with product development. Only you seem to always like to start with a certain person..."


How should he answer this question?

He can say that in the long river of history, it is much easier to change a person's destiny than to change the destiny of a business empire...

Low-end game players are all-rounded, while high-end game players are all about making do with a few points...

"Wait a minute, don't you have a copy of my script in your hand?"

Gao Yuan touched her chin and stared at the other person thoughtfully.

Meng Lang was shocked when he heard this. He felt so anxious that he couldn't help but feel anxious. This woman's sixth sense was so accurate!

Fortunately, an actor's self-cultivation is still there.

His expression remained unchanged.

"Of course we do. As an organization with a long-term strategic vision, we create exclusive life and career plans for our employees. Only then will we appear professional.

You only have one copy. A senior employee like me can count the number of scripts on my ten fingers..."

Gao Yuan stared at Meng Lang's face seriously for several seconds.

"Well... although you must be hiding something, from the look on your face, it doesn't seem like you are lying."

Meng Lang is a sweat.

Fortunately, I am an expressive person who is good at being misunderstood...

"I said to Director Gao, if you have the energy to study psychology, can you stop using it all the time to observe the behavior of your leaders?

It is human nature to be sociable. If we have some free time, let’s study more on how to increase the employment rate and develop chickens. Isn’t it good?”

Gao Yuan also smiled when she saw Meng Lang's speechless expression.

"Haha! Who told you that observing words and emotions is a waste of energy? You also said that being sophisticated is a bad trait of human beings, and the current social situation determines that basically everyone has this bad trait.

Whether you are managing a company or a country, in the end, you are just managing people.

Human nature is a science.

It's just that most people have only learned a superficial knowledge, and then derived many bad habits, and then call them "human feelings and sophistication".

Advanced human sophistication should be the control of human nature. It is an advanced application of psychology and a skill that managers must master.

The more high-end talents, the more difficult it is to manage.

Therefore, the higher one is, the more he must be proficient in this way.

Han Xin is a good general, and Liu Bang is a good general. In comparison, which one is better?"


As expected of a management psychologist who studied history, these remarks are impeccable.

Speaking of which, if he, Meng Xiaolang, had this level of knowledge, he might not be a "professional failure in starting a business."

The former "family business" failed because of the words "humanity and sophistication"...

Alas! With this bad nature, I will eventually...be unable to avoid it...

But think about it from another angle, General Gao Yuan, I will lead Gao Yuan...

As the other party said, how easy is it to manage a simple-minded big-headed soldier?

A manager like Gao Yuan is so thoughtful and can have seven or eight hundred tricks at every turn. It is very difficult to manage!

In comparison, of course I am the one who has taken Gao Yuan under my command and is good at managing high-end talents?

Well! He is indeed a master of this art.

Such flattery! The photo was really moisturizing and silent...

Meng Lang showed a satisfied smile full of "humanity and sophistication".

"Haha! You are right, but it would be better if you put more of your energy into studying the enemy."

Gao Yuan smiled and glanced at the "script" on the table.

"Do you mean to let me study the enemy, and then you will study your own people?"

"Ahem! How could it be? We have to study what our own people should do, but the organization has dedicated 'human resources'." Meng Lang coughed dryly.

As the saying goes, the human heart is separated from the belly, and human nature is the most difficult thing to grasp.

Some people see true love in times of adversity, and some people see true feelings in times of adversity.

You may not be able to judge your likes and dislikes by observing words and expressions, and you may not be able to win true love by attacking someone in person. It’s a pity that some people still think that they can meet true love through a network cable...

But I kept it simple and just took the test directly...

Time will completely expose a person's humanity and let the world see it clearly.

Hmm...I am an HR who takes an unconventional path.

It’s this kind of management method…it’s more expensive in terms of “human resources”…

"Speaking of manpower, is the person you arranged to come for treatment two days ago also one of our 'manpower'?" Gao Yuan suddenly remembered something.

"Oh! You said he...well, he is an old man who has worked hard for the organization." Meng Lang nodded.

"Really? But that disease...can it really be cured?"

"Of course, didn't I give you all the technical information?

With Evergreen Bio’s current medical equipment, such treatment shouldn’t be difficult, right?”

Gao Yuan was a little speechless.

"Is this a problem with the treatment equipment? I've also checked the basic information, okay?

According to the analysis of the serum samples and patient status you sent, the survival time without treatment is only 3 to 6 months. Even with the most advanced technology, the survival rate within 5 years is less than 1%...

Even Professor Zheng said that when this disease reaches an advanced stage, there is almost no possibility of cure.

Are you sure that this treatment method, which has never been clinically tested and has no successful precedent, will be useful?"

It is true that there is no "precedent" of success, but there is a "follower example" of success...

It will be a big success in the future!

"You can just treat him with peace of mind. The guy in the last episode was still fighting on the front line. He will definitely not get his lunch box so quickly." Meng Lang waved his hand with a look of honeyed confidence on his face.

Gao Yuan was speechless.

The last episode?

You are filming, and you have to send out a preview of the next episode just to receive a box lunch?

Although I think it is a bit fanciful and fanciful, but when I think about this technology, it is "produced by the organization"...

Whether it is "Africa Z vaccine" or "L4 level autonomous driving", she cannot guarantee whether it is unprecedented, at least it is unprecedented...

It seems that it is commonplace for a miracle to happen again?

Based on this clear understanding, her face became a little solemn.

"Do you know what it would mean if this patient was cured?"

Meng Lang thought halfheartedly for a moment.

"Hmm...means your workload has increased again?"

Gao Yuan: "..."

That's true, but can you have a more realistic consideration?

"Do you know how big of a cake it means that we have to touch someone else's plate once this patient can really be cured and the cost of treatment is so low?"

"You are the CEO, isn't that a headache you should have?"

The harmless "minority shareholders" blinked innocently.

"Do you really think that I am Han Xin, the more the merrier? I will be tired if I am suddenly put under so much pressure..." Gao Yuan pinched her eyebrows speechlessly.

"Young man, it's okay to be tired. It means you are on an uphill road." Meng Lang looked encouraging.

"Of course I know we are going uphill, but the slope is a bit too steep..."

Gao Yuan can probably imagine how sensational "Universal Car-T Therapy" will be and how much resistance it will encounter.

This technology is not only targeted at a specific cancer, but can be extended to almost all anti-cancer fields...

Domestically alone, it is a huge market worth trillions every year...

But this world is sometimes so cruel, with disasters, wars, diseases...

The more painful something is, the more it means wealth.

Those who control medical resources will not sympathize with your pain.

They take advantage of the loopholes in the system, mingling with each other at the worldly wine table, and in order to seize wealth to a greater extent, they generally use excessive medical treatment...

If you have ruined so many people's golden jobs all at once, they will really fight for you.

Seeing that Gao Yuan was hesitant to speak, Meng Lang could only helplessly spread his hands.

"I know things are difficult, but there is nothing I can do about it. Who can let some people know that their lives are unsatisfactory, but they still can't see the suffering in the world..."

He was referring to Lin Haitang, who chose this technology, but when Gao Yuan heard it, the light behind him instantly shone brightly.

"I didn't expect you to have a sense of social responsibility..."

Facing Gao Yuan's appreciative eyes, Meng Xiaolang couldn't resist.

"Ahem! Actually, it's not that great. It's just that with greater ability comes greater responsibility.

If you look closely at the characters selected by history, sometimes it is not because of their strong sense of responsibility, but because of their stronger abilities that allow them to shoulder more responsibilities..."

Gao Yuan looked at Meng Lang with even more admiration.

He has a righteous heart, is neither arrogant nor impetuous, and has a clear self-awareness.

He is worthy of being the man chosen by the organization...

After pondering for a moment, Gao Yuan seemed to have made some kind of decision.

"In this case, no matter how difficult this matter is, I will find a way to overcome it.

But the speed of promotion... it must not be too fast, we have to make a decision before we move, and plan it slowly..."

"Haha! I didn't ask you to promote it nationwide immediately. You can use the technology as appropriate. I believe in your business judgment." Meng Lang waved his hand indifferently.

In the beginning, when he took out this technology so early, he just wanted to use a "healing technique" on his "tool man"...

After all, the organization is short of people, and any employee who dies unnaturally is a huge waste of resources.

He happened to be sick and he happened to be able to cure it.

It's that simple.

As for how much money Gao Yuan can make using it, and how many years it will take before it will be widely promoted, that is secondary.

"By the way, speaking of medical treatment, how is the "Lotus Qingwen Prescription" I gave you before?"

Meng Lang thought of another medical technology selected by Lin Haitang.

"Oh! You are talking about the formula of Chinese patent medicine... In order to avoid confusion, I plan to develop the development of Chinese medicine separately from the original business of Evergreen Biotechnology.

In addition, the management is relatively simple, so I will temporarily leave it to Cheng Biao and the others.

Counting the time, the ‘Lotus Qingwen Capsules’ should have almost been launched.

What? Is it possible that this thing has amazing curative effects? Don’t tell me that it can also kill human flesh and white bones?"


Can I say that even I don’t know the efficacy of this thing?

But since it is produced by Xiaoyu and Lin Haitang personally selected it...

The flesh and bones of the living dead is a bit exaggerated, but to cure a cold or rhinitis or something like that... it should be killing a chicken with a knife, right?

In the following time, the two held detailed and in-depth discussions on the strategic planning and development details of Wanwu Holdings.

Ark Shares, Lingjing Media, Mengshan Animal Husbandry, Idol New Energy...

Meng Lang also selectively revealed some of his strategic goals to Gao Yuan so that the other party could better implement the "organization's" plan.

He is responsible for proposing strategic goals, and Gao Yuan is responsible for brainstorming.

As a "legendary" CEO chosen from thousands of people, Gao Yuan was able to understand Meng Lang's intentions in the shortest possible time, and put forward effective suggestions and preliminary plans, and even found out the deficiencies and pointed out the inappropriate points.

This made Meng Lang deeply appreciate the joy of "general", and he just wanted to shout...

We have Kongming, just like a fish has water...

No one knows that in this somewhat simple ordinary living room, a "Longzhong Duel" that will affect the future world pattern is going on...

But at this moment...

"Click!" The sound of the door lock being opened interrupted the two people who were immersed in brainstorming.

Gao Yuan was shocked.

However, the next moment, a little head poked out from behind the door.

"It's Xiaoyu, is school over?" Meng Lang said with a smile.

"Well! Uncle, are you at home?"

Xiaoyu, who was carrying a small schoolbag and wearing a red scarf, just opened the door and discovered that there was someone else in the living room...

"Uh...Uncle, do you have guests today? I won't interrupt you. Come over and read some other time."

"Wait!" Meng Lang suddenly stopped Xiao Yu who turned around to leave.

"Xiaoyu, come here, I'll introduce you to each other."

"Introduction?" Xiaoyu was stunned.

Gao Yuan also gave Meng Lang a strange look.

From the fact that this little girl has free access, it can be seen that the relationship between the other party and Meng Lang is definitely unusual.

But she also didn't understand why the other party wanted to introduce her to a child...

But soon, she remembered something from Meng Lang's name for the little girl.

"Are you...Lawyer Lin's sister?"

"Huh? Beautiful sister, do you know my sister?"

Gao Yuan looked at the beautiful little girl in front of her, and the more she looked at her, the more she fell in love with her.

"Yeah! We know each other. Speaking of which, I have to thank you..."

In the Yuan Li case, Meng Lang's appearance can be said to be closely related to Xiao Yu.

Without Xiaoyu bringing out the great god Meng Lang, she might not even have entered Meng Lang's sight...

Not to mention, it was because of her relationship that Xiaoyu, an innocent child, suffered a huge safety threat inexplicably.

From this point of view, she felt guilty and grateful to Xiao Yu.

"Thank me?" Xiao Yu was a little confused and looked at Meng Lang with questioning eyes.

"Haha! Let me introduce to you. This is your sister Gao Yuangao. She is half of your sister's boss. Well... she is also the future teacher I specially hired for you."

"Teacher?" X2.

Meng Lang said with a smile.

"Well! Didn't I tell you that to bring together the strengths of hundreds of schools, online theoretical teaching alone is not enough, you also need social practice.

This sister Gao will be your social practice teacher from now on."

ten minutes later……

Looking at Xiao Yu who was sitting opposite him on the sofa and looking a little nervous, secretly looking at her from time to time, Gao Yuan looked at Meng Lang with a strange expression.

"Although I don't mind using my name, you should know how busy I am, right?

Besides, for such a young child, even if he were with me now, he wouldn't be able to learn anything at all.

Even if you want to instill elite education into Xiaoyu since she was a child, it would be too much to encourage others..."

Haha! Destroying growth and encouraging growth?

You're afraid you don't know what kind of evil seedling you are facing...

You are "Wolong", and this little ancestor is a proper "Fengxiao".

It’s time for you to see what the real “talent reserve” of an organization is...

He looked at Xiaoyu and said with a smile.

"Xiao Yu, what new things have you learned recently?

It doesn’t matter, Sister Gao is not an outsider, show her openly and openly, this will determine whether you can have a good teacher~"

Hearing this, Xiao Yu hesitated for a moment.

He looked at Gao Yuan who looked suspicious...

Well...since it is the uncle's request, of course I can't embarrass him...

She took the small schoolbag and took out a... Rubik's cube?

Gao Yuan was stunned for a moment, and when she saw what the Rubik's Cube looked like clearly, she was immediately surprised.

Actually...it's ninth level...

As we all know, there are levels of Rubik's Cube, from the most basic three-level Rubik's Cube to the highest level 12-level Rubik's Cube.

With each additional level, the difficulty increases geometrically.

As long as ordinary people have patience and recite a few fixed formulas, they can still barely complete the third-order Rubik's Cube.

But if the level reaches level nine... then it is beyond the ability of ordinary people's IQs to complete.

Concentration, logical thinking, calculation, spatial imagination, and memory are all indispensable.

Even if there is a formula, few people can actually remember it and complete it.

Xiaoyu randomly turned the Rubik's Cube a few times to disrupt its order, and then began to observe the color distribution on it. He looked like he really wanted to show off his "talent".

Gao Yuan suddenly raised her eyebrows.

If the other party can really complete this level of deconstruction of the Rubik's Cube at such a young age, then he can really be called a genius...

However, the next moment, something happened that almost shocked her.

After Xiaoyu observed the Rubik's Cube, he untied the red scarf around his neck, and then slowly tied it around his eyes...

Gao Yuan: "..."

This...this is...

Blind twist?!

A little girl of six or seven years old, blindly twisting a nine-level Rubik's Cube?

Her eyes widened in shock, and then she saw Xiaoyu pick up the Rubik's Cube on the table, almost without stopping...

"Whoosh~" "Whoosh~" "Whoosh~"

The living room was unusually quiet, with only the slight sound of the little girl twisting the Rubik's Cube with her nimble hands.

The colorful Rubik's Cube was spinning in the opponent's little hand, changing colors rapidly.

From chaos, to gradually returning to uniformity...


It wasn't until a "uniform" standard nine-level Rubik's Cube was slapped on the table that Gao Yuan woke up from the shock.

Her eyes widened and she looked at the clock on the wall.

From start to finish...seven minutes or eight minutes?

How many world records are there?

Gao Yuan felt that the stereotype of the word genius in her heart was shattered to pieces at this moment.

She opened her mouth wide, and her neck, which was stiff from staring at the Rubik's Cube for a long time, turned to Meng Lang aside...


Gao Yuan: "..."

Hey hey!

You found this monster, and now your eyes are bulging in anger and your mouth is wider than mine. What does that mean?


This chapter has been completed!
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