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Chapter 538 The third heat source

Chapter 539 The third heat source

The scientific revolution leads the technological revolution, the technological revolution leads the industrial revolution, and the industrial revolution profoundly affects the entire history of human development, and even changes everyone's destiny...

Manager Sun, Ning Shisan and others are just some of those affected.

The breeze stirred up by Meng Lang's little butterfly is quietly affecting the historical trend of the entire world.

Even in some fields, it has swept through the power of wind and thunder, sending out sound waves that shocked the world...


Amidst the huge roar, a small rocket rose into the sky and rushed straight into the sky in the rising white smoke...

"The ascent height is 50m...100m...300m...1000m...turn off the main engine and monitor the imbalance status..."

Dozens of scientific researchers in the command center held their breath and concentrated, with only the white arrow in the main surveillance screen turning around and falling freely in their eyes.

"Engine restart countdown...10,9,8..."

As the reverse thrust gas is ejected from the arrow position, the rocket's attitude is quickly adjusted.

"3...2...1! Fire!"

"Boom!" The orange flame rekindled.

"The landing attitude continues to be adjusted...the support frame is opened..."

Under the influence of the reverse thrust, the rapidly falling rocket descended more and more slowly until it accurately landed at the launch origin in the center of the cross star. The reverse thrust flame went out almost simultaneously...

Looking at the launch pad that was intact and standing quietly, with only the rocket body surrounded by white mist, the command center fell into silence for several seconds...


Following a question that some of them could not believe, everyone looked ecstatic, and the next moment the whole audience burst into cheers.

"Incredible, did we really succeed?"

"The recycling process is perfect, almost the same as the simulation data!"

"It scared me to death. I was already prepared for it to explode on the spot..."

"Gong Cao, you are so amazing! How did you come up with this composite algorithm for reentry trajectory constraints?"

"Lao Cao! OK, you! The first prize this time belongs to you!"

Cao Guoliang, who was surrounded by the crowd, had a wry smile on his face.

If I really have this ability, why am I only showing it now?

In fact, he was no less shocked than his colleagues around him.

It's one thing to know that the technology is theoretically feasible, but it's another thing when it's actually successfully recycled in front of you.

"Although I brought the technology back, it was not developed by our department. Well... at most it can be considered a joint research and development..."

Due to confidentiality regulations, he could not say much to his colleagues and could only explain vaguely.

"Joint development? Outsourced? Who else participated? Is it the Third Institute?"

Cao Guoliang did not answer directly, but said slightly apologetically.

"Everyone, after today, I'm afraid I will have to leave our institute temporarily, not just me, but our entire department."

Everyone was stunned.

"What? Are you right, Mr. Cao? The experiment has just been successful, and there is still so much work to do in the follow-up. You said you want to leave?"

"Yes, now that victory is in sight, how can the superiors transfer you all away? Isn't this giving up halfway?"

Cao Guoliang smiled.

"This is not giving up halfway, we are just going to a place where this technology can really work..."

If at the beginning, he was still doubtful about this mission, but now, he has completely "understood" the good intentions above.

Regardless of whether this technology was developed by Bai Yeji, a private company.

But there is no doubt that this rocket recovery technology can only play its greatest role in private enterprises with flexible management models and deep participation in market competition.

My family knows their own affairs.

In terms of competitiveness, state-owned institutions like them cannot compare with more flexible and autonomous private enterprises in terms of management systems and competitiveness.

Not to mention the crucial cost control in commercial aerospace.

The Space Fork Company has already conquered the city in the front, and it really depends on them to seize the time to seize the market. I am afraid that the day lily will be cold by then, and whether you can drink the soup will be a problem.

The country gives people money and technology, which is obviously intended to support Bai Yeji to compete with the Space Fork Company on the other side of the ocean!

Thinking about it this way, maybe the pie that Hu Yifei waved in front of him before and encircled the land was really not just talking nonsense?

With the country’s full support behind it, it’s not surprising that Ark Shares has received so many resources.

For example, your own launch site...

An inexplicable light flashed in his eyes.

Cao Guoliang, who had no room for improvement in his original position, seemed to have made some kind of determination at this moment...

My career has come to an end, and I thought I would remain quiet and unknown until retirement.

But as an aerospace researcher, who doesn’t have some sentiments and doesn’t want to leave his name in the future history of space development?

What's more... the salary they gave me was several times what I am now...

"Haha! It's not just us, maybe some of you will also have to go with me before long."

"Where are you going?"

Cao Guoliang smiled mysteriously.



Seeing the news from his subordinates, Mr. Hu was also very excited and couldn't help but burst into laughter on the spot.

If you fall behind, you will be beaten!

Not to mention the competition for space resources, which is crucial in intelligence warfare...

The success of this recycling experiment can be said to have directly solved Mr. Hu's problem.

This means that the other side of the ocean, which is temporarily one step ahead, is once again pulled to the same starting line by them!

The female officer who had been following Mr. Hu and looked cold in the past could not help but smile at this moment.

“This is also thanks to the ‘reusable liquid oxygen afterburning cycle technology’ and ‘super strong titanium alloy formula’ that we just obtained, which has allowed us to make rapid progress in the field of reusable aero engines.

Otherwise, even if the control problem is solved, we may not be able to put the rocket recovery technology into practical use so quickly."

This sentence seemed to remind Mr. Hu, and after being stunned for a moment, he couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

The female officer didn't know the secret, but Mr. Hu had seen the "tip bag" that Meng Lang gave him.

Only he knew that it was actually the hacker team led by the Demon Hunter that obtained these two technologies for the country!

They solve the "hardware" problem of reusable engines in one fell swoop.

Now it is the Demon Hunter who has solved the "software" problem of the guidance and control system, the most critical part of the recycling technology, for them, which is equivalent to filling in the last piece of the jigsaw puzzle of this technology...

Could it be that from the very beginning, the demon hunters were aiming to help the country break through this key technology?

But he is obviously a programmer, but he still works hard to make up for the country's shortcomings in space development, and he also shows great enthusiasm for investment in commercial aerospace...

Could it be...that this is the unique feeling that technical geeks have for the stars and the sea?

Mr. Hu looked strange.

Regardless of this behavior, the witcher and the mysterious organization behind it always gave him a strange feeling that they were planning something secretly.

Whether it was the Damascus rescue a few months ago or the hacker counterattack, it seems that it is not as simple as simply serving the country.

It's more like making some kind of advance preparation for today's situation...

Accelerate the development of China's aerospace technology and destroy the biochemical experimental base of the mysterious organization...

The other party's purpose comes to light one by one.

And with such step-by-step actions, there is no doubt that behind them there must be a core figure who is good at strategic layout and has long-term plans!

The question is, what does this person... want to do?

Is it really just as they said, just to fight against the evil organization behind the welfare home?


Mr. Hu pondered for a moment.

"Xiao Chu, go get ready for the plane. I need to go somewhere."

The female officer stood at attention. "Yes! Where are you going?"

"silent Hill."

Female officer: "..."

Inside a certain research institute with a rather scary code name.

The little girl named Xiaoyu no longer had the calmness she had when she first arrived. She overturned the dinner plate in front of her.

Amidst the clanging of dishes and bowls, he cried with aggrieved expression.

"I don't want to eat, I want to see the dean's grandma, where have you done my dean's grandma! Why don't you let me go back to the orphanage! Woo~"

Asking the "nurse" on the side to clean up the things that were knocked down, the "doctor sister" in a white coat said helplessly.

"Xiaoyu, didn't I tell you that the dean's grandma was taken back by the police uncle for investigation because of some things.

If nothing happens, she will naturally come to pick you up after a while."

"You said the same thing two days ago, but after so long, grandma still hasn't come!

I don’t believe that grandma was taken away by the police uncle. It must be you who didn’t let grandma come to see me! Woo~woohoo~”

"Xiaoyu, maybe something has delayed me over there, so you can stay here for a while with peace of mind.

In this way, how about my sister bringing you some toys and your favorite lollipops later?"

"No! I don't want snacks, I want my grandma... Wuwu~"

After a long time of coaxing and lying, the little girl was forced to stop crying temporarily.

However, just after the medical staff left the independent ward with a sigh of relief, Xiaoyu's face that had just been so cheerful gradually turned cold.

Something's wrong! Things are getting more and more wrong!

So much time has passed, but the dean still hasn't gotten in touch with him again.

Although two policemen did come over two days ago and asked me a lot of questions, they seemed to be investigating the dean's "child abuse case."

But even if he was trapped by the police, the dean should have escaped long ago...

What made her even more uneasy was that she was moved to another independent ward today!

Although it looked like an ordinary ward, she noticed something unusual as soon as she entered here...

Xiaoyu listened intently, but the various sounds that used to be very noisy outside were now insignificant.

Sure enough... this room has been specially soundproofed...

If you are unable to receive information from the outside world, it means that you are also unable to transmit information to the outside world...

Does the other party know his abilities?

Xiaoyu couldn't believe it.

But such a ward undoubtedly proves that the other party has at least learned part of their own intelligence!

Could it be that the dean exposed something?

But how is this possible?

Xiaoyu, who couldn't figure out what was going on outside, became more and more anxious, and had no choice but to test the other party by crying.

However, the result is obvious, the other party is not moved at all...

"Woooo~" The white-haired puppy in his arms seemed to feel the owner's mood and let out an uneasy whimper.

"No! We can't wait any longer!"

Xiaoyu gritted her teeth.

At night.

In a monitoring room a few hundred meters away from Xiaoyu's ward, Colonel Chu Tianchu was staring intently at the dozen or so screens in front of him.

Above, it is the ward where the little girl is located, and there are real-time monitoring of all the surrounding entrances and exits.

After this special ward was built according to the above task requirements, the important "observation targets" were immediately transferred into it.

The "Demon Hunting Team" that became the temporary guard of the institute became the "security personnel" here, responsible for the internal and external security of the institute...

"Click~" At this time, the door was opened, and a member of the special forces team named Xiao Hei walked in and brought a cup of hot drink.

"Here, Captain, strong tea to refresh you."

"Yeah!" Chu Tian took the tea cup and took a sip, but his eyes never left the surveillance screen of the ward.

Looking at the little girl in the picture who is holding a puppy and watching a cartoon, her expression is always solemn.

"Captain, I've been staring at her for several days. She looks like an innocent and ordinary little girl. Is it necessary to go to such trouble?"

"There are some things you don't understand..." Chu Tian still looked solemn.

He was one of the insiders to the autopsy analysis reports of several listeners and the old dean.

That’s why I realized that what Ning Shisan said before was true.

The group of enemies they faced were by no means ordinary people!

"Well, it looks like I have to stay up late again tonight, it's hard..."

Just when Xiao Hei was complaining, a certain surveillance screen went dark.

It turned out that the little girl yawned and seemed to be getting ready to turn off the light and go to sleep.

Without the light source, the surveillance screen will naturally be dark.

However, Chutian just tapped twice on the keyboard, and the screen lit up again.

This expensive special "ward" has more than one monitoring method, including low-light night vision devices.

Although the picture at this time is not as high-definition and as detailed as the original, it is still not a problem to see the people and objects in the room clearly.

Looking at the little girl who climbed onto the bed and covered her dog with a quilt, Chu Tian slowly leaned back on the chair again and continued to monitor each other's every move.

Time passed like this little by little until two o'clock in the morning, and the surroundings of the secluded research institute became increasingly quiet.

"Ha~" Xiao Hei beside him couldn't help but yawned.


However, at this moment, Chu Tian, ​​who was leaning on the chair, suddenly sat upright, moved closer to the monitor screen, and squinted his eyes as if he wanted to see something clearly.

"What's wrong Captain?"

Xiao Hei looked at the screen with a confused look, but it showed a little girl sleeping quietly under a quilt, and there didn't seem to be anything unusual.

"No, the target seemed to have moved just now."

Before Chu Tian became the captain of the dragon hunting team, he was the best soldier among the best soldiers in the army. He was not only proficient in various tactics and tactics, but he was also an ace sniper.

Needless to say, he has great eyesight, even the slightest disturbance cannot escape his eyes.

"Maybe it's just that he turned over, it's not a big deal, right?" Xiao Hei said disapprovingly.

Chu Tian had no intention of continuing to explain, but instead tapped twice on the keyboard with a cautious look.

As a result, the original low-light monitoring mode was instantly switched to the thermal imaging mode.

Then the next moment, the two people who saw the surveillance screen were stunned at the same time.

Slowly, Xiao Hei's eyes widened in fear.

"Then...what is that?!"

Even Colonel Chu, who had experienced battles for a long time and could face explosions at close range without changing his expression, now had a look of horror on his face.

I saw several heat sources appearing in the room in thermal imaging mode.

One is for the little girl, the other is for the pet dog...

This was not what surprised them, it was what shocked and frightened them both.

It was between the little girl and the pet dog...a third source of heat suddenly appeared!

The unknown object connecting the two was not large, but the two of them noticed it at a glance.

Without it, it is just too eye-catching in thermal imaging mode.

If the heat source of the little girl and the pet dog is shown as an intertwined graphic of yellow and red.

Then this weird heat source that is fuzzy and exhibits some bifurcation-like characteristics is completely a pure red highlight pattern.

This shows that the surface temperature of this unknown object is definitely above the body temperature of normal organisms!

If two people were at the scene at this time.

You will see, in the darkness, a dark red, squirming cluster of bifurcated nerves.

From the little girl's mouth and nose, it slowly penetrated into the pet in her arms...


This chapter has been completed!
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