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Chapter 541 The Shackles of the Soul

Chapter 542 The Shackles of the Soul

God’s chosen people…

Sounds like a "ball traitor" developed by the gods on the earth?

The first thing Meng Lang thought of was the "alien worship religion" in various science fiction movies.

"You are so thick-skinned..."

He made a casual remark, but he didn't take it too seriously.

After all, the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds. At the end of the day, there will definitely be a lot of monsters and monsters jumping out.

Continue to flip through the information in your hand until the last page...

Looking at the last line of text, especially the densely packed text below, which seemed to be manufacturing drawings of some kind of precision equipment, Meng Lang's eyes were slightly strange.

In this "On 108 Ways of Mental Pollution Targeted at Familia", the first 107 are pretty normal.

Although the methods are a bit strange, it is not difficult to see that they are basically using various methods to stretch the mental state of the dependents to the extreme.

Ultimately, the purpose is to weaken the target's willpower or deepen the sense of human identity.

And the key to determining the final success or failure of the plan...

Then on this 108th pose!

To use an analogy, the previous 107 style is roughly equivalent to "up, up, down, left, right, left, right, BABA". At best, it is just the forward swing of the ultimate move...

But the activation of the final decisive move requires the cooperation of something called a "brainwave amplifier".

Yes, it's like the one on the head of mutant Professor X...

"Classmate Xiaoyu, you dare to create anything. Maybe the next step is to create mutants..."

Looking at the designer's signature at the bottom, Meng Lang once again realized the great role of "scientific rain".

This "brainwave amplifier" is actually the key black technology included in the book...

If the previous 107 moves were a psychological offensive, then the last one is completely a "magic attack"!

Although Meng Lang couldn't understand it at all, the information was considerate of his level. There were only design drawings but no explanation of the principles.

It's a perfect subtext of "With your IQ, I don't even bother to explain."

But this did not prevent him from roughly estimating the technological content of this thing.

After all, I set a new survival record this time, living until 2063, a full 18 years longer than the previous record of 2045!

It’s been 18 years, and I’ve already waited for my aunt. It’s hard to imagine how far the technology would have developed at that time.

What's more, these 18 years have been spent in the turmoil of the world. The speed of scientific and technological development in the war years under the doomsday crisis cannot be measured by normal standards.

And this also involves the forbidden area of ​​​​the human brain and the most mysterious racial skill of the gods, "spiritual synchronization"...

Just thinking about it makes people excited!

But now that we have the design drawings, how to make them is a problem.

Although since the brothers gave themselves this design, it must be possible to build it based on the current technology and industrial foundation, and there should be no problem in terms of feasibility.

But you can tell by looking at the drawing that this thing cannot be rubbed out by hand.

Is it possible that after learning programming, I still have to learn precision instrument manufacturing?

Zhuangzi’s approach to happiness tells us that the more things our brains hold, the easier it will be to crack ourselves…

Glancing at the densely packed and precise drawings that made him dizzy just by looking at them, Meng Lang decisively handed over the job to his professional counterpart, the "god-level Party B".

"Zero, I want to build a 'brain wave amplifier' and provide several OEM solutions."

[Beep~] The laptop screen lights up.

[The drawings are being analyzed...the analysis is completed! The plan is being integrated...the integration is completed!

Option 1: Hire someone to do the manufacturing. Ask a well-known domestic foundry company to build it. The fastest time is expected to be 5 months and the cost is expected to be 30 million.

Option 2: Let me do the work, which is expected to take 10 days and cost 8 million.】


Your plan two is specifically used to mock plan one, right?

"Why is there such a big difference..." He couldn't help but feel unfair for human beings.

[Considering the non-standard nature of the equipment and various components, the OEM price will rise sharply, and 30 million is already the lowest price in the market.

And at the speed of human learning, it would take several months just to initially understand this drawing, and this is only if the manufacturing team is good enough.

So 5 months is the human limit.

And most of my 10 days were spent on time wasted on logistics and express delivery.】


If the co-authoring materials are readily available, can you do it faster?

"Then how do you do OEM work? Could it be that you hacked a factory?" he asked.

[Ordinary factories do not have all the functions required to build complete equipment, so in addition to funds to purchase parts, I also need a body. 】

Meng Lang was stunned.

"You mean the robot?"

【The answer is yes!】

"This..." He suddenly became alert.

Because of the experience of being stabbed in the back several times, he has always had a subconscious rejection of giving Zero a real body.

But after thinking about it, I couldn't help but laugh at myself again.

If you really want to do something with zero ability, an elevator is enough. Whether you have a "body" or not, it really doesn't make any difference.

Besides, although it may be difficult for others to understand what you are making, it is still a bit uneasy to hand it over to others.

First make a robot, and then let the robot make a "brain wave amplifier". This can be regarded as a curve to save the country.

What's more, building a super factory and creating an army of robots to fight against the Night Demons was originally my planned project...

"Okay, what are your physical requirements? Well... preferably something that can be mass-produced."

With Baiyeji's increasingly huge computing resources, there was almost no delay, and a three-dimensional image of a humanoid robot was displayed.

[This is a cost-effective multi-scenario multi-functional humanoid robot that I designed based on existing mechanical and material science technology and cost considerations. 】

Meng Lang looked carefully and saw two arms, two legs, two eyes without nostrils...

Well, this silver robot looks very similar to Bai Yeji's logo robot.

There are no exaggerated design elements, and the whole body is even full of a sense of cheapness...

This made him relieved but also a little disappointed.

"It looks pretty ordinary..."

[Common means universal. Although it does not mean that there are no more efficient design solutions, considering the current environment and industrial foundation.

A special-shaped robot is far less versatile than a common design.

The humanoid design means that I can directly use most tools made for humans without having to redesign and manufacture them.】

Hmm... Then you must be equally smooth when using human weapons...

Meng Lang couldn't help but add in his mind.

"Okay, let's follow plan two and execute it immediately."

[Sorry, your account has insufficient funds!]

"What?" Meng Lang was stunned.

How is this possible? My balance sheet has such a long list of net asset figures, how can it be possible that it is only 8 million...


Only then did he realize that because he had given Father Lin a large sum of money some time ago, and now his small coffers had reached the bottom, he could barely maintain food and clothing...

Although I still have a large amount of Bitcoin in my hand, I cannot use it easily.

Selling a coin at random may cause a huge earthquake in the world's currency circle.

After all, that is the "creation address". Once it is activated, or even shows the intention of cashing out, the price of Bitcoin may directly collapse.


If you want to "cash out", you need a more reliable plan to maximize your benefits...

Because of the previous ZhiFuba transfer operation, Mr. Hu revealed the "investor relationship" between himself and Gao Yuan in one sentence, making Meng Lang realize the importance of "separating public and private interests."

After that, I tried my best not to have too much connection between my small treasury and the capital flow of Wanwu Holdings.

So it's true that he is an invisible rich man, but most of the funds are in the group's "public accounts"...

"I have no money and you still give me two such expensive plans?" Meng Lang couldn't help but rolled his eyes angrily.

[So I suggest you use group funds and borrow the space and equipment of Bai Yeji’s ‘Industrial Robot R&D Department’ for manufacturing.

As a demon hunter, he not only has purchasing authority within 100 million yuan, but also has the right to control and use most of the company's materials and facilities.

In fact, the budget of 8 million is based on Baiyeji's existing resources and equipment, otherwise this fund would have to be doubled at least.

Not only is this more efficient, but it can also refund part of the corporate income tax in the name of research and development.】


Meng Lang had a strange look in his eyes.

You know how to avoid taxes reasonably...

And this sexy operation...is for public use and private use, right?

Inexplicably, he thought of the wealthy people who put their luxury cars and airplanes in their company names.

Use public money to build your own robots, and then use your own robots to build your own black technology...

Well! If you don’t spend a penny on yourself, at most you will be paying more for research and development materials and consumables, which can be said to be unnoticed...

This is indeed a good idea.

Bai Yeji has indeed established an industrial robot research and development department a long time ago. After all, his "super factory" is indispensable for the blessing of industrial robots, and the relevant personnel and sites have been prepared in advance.

It will undoubtedly be safer to purchase these parts in the name of the department...

"Then follow this plan."

[Yes! The task is confirmed, product retrieval is in progress...material selection is in progress...process flow is being formulated...BOM is being produced...

Production completed! Related purchase orders are being assigned...Relevant manufacturing tasks are being assigned...]

In almost just a few minutes, Zero successively released hundreds of relevant parts and components in all purchase lists on the group procurement network and multiple large domestic and foreign parts trading platforms through Tianshu ERP.

Bai Yeji's "Industrial Robot R&D Department" also received a robot assembly schedule issued in the name of "The Demon Hunter".

Seeing the tight time requirement, the relevant staff began to study the freshly released robot assembly instructions intensively...

Meng Lang watched with emotion as the progress bars of various plans slowly increased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

For an ordinary R&D team, from understanding the drawings, to selecting parts, to production plans, and arranging manpower, these preliminary preparations alone would take at least one or two months.

If it were replaced by some inefficient organization, it wouldn't be surprising if one leader signed and that leader reviewed it, and it would take a year or two.

As for Zero, which has a huge search library, the time spent is almost negligible.

Moreover, the two manufacturing plans of humanoid robot and "brain wave amplifier" are simultaneously multi-threaded operations.

This is the crushing of humans by AI...

The historical trend of human beings being replaced is inevitable...

Looking at the slowly rotating three-dimensional model of the robot on the computer.

"This model hasn't been named yet, right?"

【Yes, please name it!】

Meng Lang hesitated for a moment.

"Huanwu City's security circle is lined with turrets, third-generation robot guardians are scattered all over the mountains and plains, and unmanned seventh-generation fighter jets are blocking out the sky..."

Thinking of this description in "No Survival"...

"Then let's call it...Guardian Series Type I!"

Three days later...

"Hey! It's the third day and there's no movement. We won't starve that thing to death, right? This is a precious living specimen."

A man in a white coat observed the white puppy that had not moved for a long time and couldn't help but worry.

"Don't worry, all the indicators are normal. Just follow the instructions as explained above." Another man in a white coat said, staring at the monitoring instrument.

Then he raised his watch and looked at it again.

"Well...it's almost time."

The dog inside weakly opened his eyelids slightly, looked at the two humans in the observation room with slightly red eyes, and his heart was filled with hatred...

It couldn't hear what the two were talking about, but it just felt that these humans were completely insane.

Spend so much effort to capture yourself alive, and then prepare to starve yourself to death?

What the hell kind of operation is this?!

From the beginning, I was incompetent and furious, hoping to continue pretending to be an innocent, natural earth pet dog with a sense of luck.

Later, it was discovered that human beings had already discovered their own secrets, and knowing that continuing to pretend was futile, they could only gradually stop and adopt an attitude of non-violence and non-cooperation.

No matter what the human asked, it would always give a cold look and look like it was too lazy to answer.

I thought that the other party would shoot me to death, or even dissect me and slice me into pieces.

It had already prepared for the worst, but who could have imagined... the other party actually cut off its own food without even saying a word!

From being dismissive at the beginning, to now becoming increasingly manic and angry.

There is no way, I am now a dog, although it still has absolute control over this "body".

But this body's desire for food is using various brain hormones as carriers to constantly stimulate its nerve endings, making it restless...

Yes, the gods are very powerful, but their existence form determines that they are more sensitive to all mental stimulation than ordinary creatures.

It is now as if a curse of "double pain" has been imposed on it, struggling against the strongest survival instinct of living things.

If it does not need to absorb nutrients and cannot survive alone in the earth's atmospheric environment, it is already considering whether to abandon this body directly...

Because the increasingly intense and unbearable hunger is gradually eroding its sanity...


At this moment, something suddenly fell from the top of its head and fell straight in front of it.

It weakly opened its eyelids again, and what came into view was...

It's a chicken leg with an alluring aroma...

The air suddenly became quiet.

I stared at it for more than half a minute and wanted to close my eyes, but the scent of meat lingering on the tip of my nose made my whole body start to tremble with excitement.

The inner reason tells it that all this is a human conspiracy.

No matter what those humans want to do, I will never let them succeed.

But the creature's strong desire to eat keeps urging it...

Eat! Eat quickly!

It's just a chicken drumstick. Only when you fill your stomach can you have the strength to deal with these humans.

Finally, after several minutes of struggle, it slowly closed its eyes...


A roll of tongue!

Mmm...it smells so good!

Meng Lang saw this scene through screen sharing and couldn't help but curl his lips.

It seems that even alien species still retain the basic survival instinct of living creatures.

"The human body is a treasure raft for crossing the world, and it is also a shackles for the soul..."


This chapter has been completed!
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