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Chapter 94 How to Sentencing Unlicensed Driving

 April 3, 2018, the weather is fine, it is suitable to move, but avoid traveling...

"Xiaoyu, have everything been packed?"

"Not yet. My sister took half a day off today to pack her things at home. Uncle, are we really going to move to a new home today?

Walking on the way to school, Xiaoyu seemed a little excited.

"Well, Yan Weiwei also said that she would have a housewarming ceremony at home tonight. Anyway, she must be greedy. Let's buy some more food tonight."

"Okay! Then let's think about what we want to do tonight."

"No, just sit down today and I'll show you my skills!" Meng Lang said with a smile.

"Huh? But uncle, didn't you say you only know how to make pasta and know nothing else?" Xiao Yu looked at him doubtfully.

Humph! No? That was all from the old almanac a few days ago.

The person I am now is no longer the person I used to be...

Since the last time, I have accumulated more than eighty years of cooking skills, especially the brother who chose to live alone.

Even if you didn't say it in your book, I know that it's impossible for you to order takeout every day.

After so many years, even a pig can almost prepare a table of dishes, right?

"Xiaoyu, you need to look at uncle from a developmental perspective. Do you know what three days of separation is? If you didn't do it yesterday, it doesn't mean you won't do it today.

I have been studying for the past two days, and I will show you my skills tonight."

Through the last game, he discovered that his "life" is actually more than just the information and skills mentioned on paper that can be used.

In fact, there is still a lot of potential to be tapped in ordinary daily life that has not been mentioned.

It's like a treasure house. If you don't look at what's in your treasure house, you won't realize how rich you are.

Only when something like ability is triggered and used can it slowly and truly become one's own.

So he was going to work harder and, among other things, specialize his life skills first!

Why don’t you have too many skills?

"Real or fake? How did you learn it?" Xiao Yu was doubtful.

"Look at the acne marks! The lady above is not only beautiful, but she can also do everything, such as making a conch powder."


"By the way, Xiaoyu, I heard that you are busy rehearsing a play recently?" Meng Lang suddenly asked.

"Oh! It's our class show. It's very interesting. Uncle, if our show is shortlisted, you can come and watch our performance!"

"Of course it's okay to go to the show... But Xiaoyu, do you like performing on stage?" Meng Lang asked tentatively.

"Hmm... I quite like it!" Xiao Yu glanced at Meng Lang and smiled.

She clenched her little fist.

"Don't worry, uncle, we will definitely be shortlisted!"


Watching Xiaoyu's back walking into the school, Meng Lang couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

I haven't interfered with Xiaoyu's hobbies before, right?

If the future trajectory does not change, should Xiaoyu still choose to pursue a career in medicine?

So the love that Xiaoyu mentioned...should be just an amateur kind of love, right?

"Alas!" Meng Lang couldn't help but sigh.

I have just reached the age of marriage and I have already started to worry about cultivating my children’s interests?

Why do I always have to bear the troubles that I should not bear at this age...

[My love is too stupid and too naive...] At this moment, the ringtone of the cell phone in his pocket suddenly rang, and Meng Lang pressed to answer it.

"Hello Mr. Meng, the vehicle you purchased has been registered. Do you need it delivered to your home now according to your address?"

"So fast? Okay, just send it to the address! Thank you!"

After hanging up the phone, Meng Lang was a little excited. After all, it was his first car of his own in his life.

After checking that there was still time, I went for a morning run in the park for two laps according to the health maintenance plan.

After returning to the rental house out of breath, I took a shower and changed into the clothes I bought yesterday, and then started packing and giving gifts.

As a single man, he had nothing to pack, so he packed a suitcase and settled it!

As soon as I finished my work, I received a call that the car had arrived downstairs.

When I went downstairs with my suitcase, I saw a small white four-wheel electric vehicle parked downstairs.

"Hello, Mr. Meng!" A salesperson whom I had met in the store before came over with a smile and handed over a key.

"This is your idol mini key, please take it. If you encounter any usage or after-sales problems,

Please feel free to contact us.”

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

After seeing the other party off, Meng Lang happily circled his new car twice.

Yes! I’m quite satisfied. It completely meets all my requirements of being fashionable, not luxurious, low-key enough, and affordable!

"Meng Lang? What are you doing?

Suddenly a suspicious voice came from behind him. He turned around and saw Lin Haitang carrying two black garbage bags, seemingly coming down to take out the garbage.

Meng Lang then remembered that Xiao Yu had just said that Lin Haitang had taken half a day off to pack things at home and prepare to move. It seemed that he was cleaning the room.

He smiled and pointed to his side. "How does the new car I bought look like? Is it cool?"

"New car?" Lin Haitang was stunned for a moment.

After carefully looking at the car in front of Meng Lang, Lin Haitang suddenly looked strangely in his eyes.

"You call this cool?"

Idol mini is a new small electric car on the market this year.

I don’t want to go into details about the characteristics... I just highlight the cute, small and exquisite features.

But in the eyes of many people, this kind of car is just a little better than the old car running on the street...

Which show is this from? This agent is a bit cute?

"Yes! Don't you think it suits me very well?" Meng Lang patted the car hood and smiled.

First of all, it is electric, which is indeed "fashionable".

I don't know why Meng Lang has no interest in fuel vehicles, but fell in love with this electric vehicle at first sight.

In recent years, the state has provided sales terminal subsidies to the electric vehicle market. Electric vehicles have become popular at an extremely rapid rate, and supporting facilities such as charging piles have begun to appear everywhere, making electric vehicles one of the choices for urban travel.

Especially in crowded urban traffic, this small and flexible car is very convenient.

Meng Lang is pragmatic and has no plans to buy a luxury car and live in a mansion. Being too high-profile will easily attract attention. He works in insurance and has a little money. This is my disguise.

As for the future shareholders of large medical groups, it is really just a sideline business that they have to do...

"Well! Don't tell me, it really looks a little different."

Lin Haitang crossed his arms and looked up and down at the people and cars.

Meng Lang put on the newly bought clothes today, and paired them with this car... Although it's a bit cute, but after all, he has officially entered the car-owning family, right?

Successfully completed the transformation from a down-and-out young man to a struggling young man in the city.

So this is an upgrade to hiding identity?

"But where did you get the money? I heard from Weiwei that you seemed to be unable to pay the rent some time ago, right?"

Meng Lang didn't panic at all.

"Didn't I win the lottery before? I recently signed up a few more customers and got a loan. I couldn't help but buy this car.

Fortunately, there are state subsidies, and it only costs 50,000 yuan!

Gasoline prices have been rising recently. Look at this car. It has a range of 250 kilometers and costs 5 cents per kilometer. How about it? It’s economical, right?"

Seeing Meng Lang's calculating look, Lin Haitang couldn't help but laugh again.

"Okay, don't cry about being poor. In your line of work, will you still be short of money for this car?"

Meng Lang naturally knew which line of work Lin Haitang was talking about, but she obviously misunderstood.

"Alas! You don't understand. The organization's money is not scraped. If you want to make a fortune, you still have to rely on yourself."

There is a song that fits the human structure of the All Things Returning Association very well, called "Only You"...

If you don’t rely on yourself, who else can you rely on?

"Hey! By the way, have you packed your things?"

"Yeah! It's almost done. Everything is complete at Weiwei's place, including some of our clothes and kitchen utensils. I'm about to call a car."

"Oh! There's no need to call, I'm about to go there too, let's go! I'll help you carry your luggage."


"What? You dislike it?"

"Of course not, but are you sure you can fit it?" Lin Haitang pointed to his car with a strange look in his eyes.

"Are you underestimating my idol?" Meng Lang went over to open the car door, and then put down the rear chairs. The trunk space immediately became much larger.

"How's it going?" he said proudly.


Fifteen minutes later...

"Uh~" "Harder!" "Almost!"

"Huh~ We finally got in." Meng Lang wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at the packed trunk and back seat with helpless eyes.

I still underestimate women too much...

Lin Haitang was exhausted from running up and down, and the tip of her nose was sweating.

After the two of them got into the car, started the car, and Lin Haitang was fastening his seat belt, he suddenly asked casually.

"By the way, I've never seen you drive before. When did you get your driver's license?"

Meng Lang's hand that had just put down the handbrake suddenly froze.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Lin Haitang looked at Meng Lang strangely when he saw that he was not leaving.

But Meng Lang looked embarrassed.

"May I ask, how can I be punished for driving without a license?"

Lin Haitang: "…"

"Stop joking, how can you buy a car without a driver's license!" Lin Haitang thought Meng Lang was teasing her.

"I...I just passed by the store and didn't think much about it. I just bought it as soon as I got excited, just like buying some groceries. You don't need a driver's license to buy a car!"

Meng Lang was dumbfounded and put the handbrake on again.

Lin Haitang looked like you're kidding me. She looked at the handbrake and immediately discovered something suspicious.

"Stop making trouble, how do you know how to release the handbrake if you don't know how to drive?"

Meng Lang was helpless. I would say it was the physical reflex of an experienced driver. Do you believe it or not?

"I can drive, but I don't have a driver's license. The two are not necessarily connected."

He does know how to drive, where is the handbrake, whether the accelerator is left or right, and when he touches the steering wheel, it feels like he has been driving it for many years.

The "Super Dimensional Radio Tribe" gave him the ability to do a little bit of everything, even if it was the first time in his life to touch a car.

But this natural sense of familiarity made him subconsciously ignore a very real problem.

Being able to drive and having a driver's license are two different things...

Even if you are an experienced driver, you still need to take Subject 2!

"You know how to drive but don't have a driver's license, so where are you... uh..."

Thinking of Meng Lang's identity in "that business", Lin Haitang suddenly had a guess.

"Did you learn to drive abroad and then forget to take the domestic test?"

Lin Haitang made up his mind based on the scenes he used to watch spy movies.

Everyone has thought of this for you, what else can you do?

Meng Lang had no choice but to nod, "This... almost."

"Then what should we do now? Judging from the distance, it's not that far, so we shouldn't be so unlucky to meet the traffic police, right?"

"Hey! You're a lawyer. It's not good if you know the law and break it. It's not you who will be detained."

Meng Lang was speechless. "What's more, I have never had much confidence in my own luck..."

Lin Haitang was helpless, "Then what do you think we should do? How about finding a driver?"

“Do you think this car can still accommodate a third person?

Besides, I just bought my favorite car! How can I give it to another man for the first time!"

Meng Lang said and looked at Lin Haitang for a while.

Men can't, but I can barely accept women.

"Why do you look at me like that?"

"I heard what you just said, you should also be able to drive, right?"

Lin Haitang was stunned for a moment and waved his hands quickly, "I took the driver's license test when I was in college, but I haven't touched a car since then. I can't do it!"

"It doesn't matter, I'll teach you from the side. This kind of bike is similar to riding an electric bike. You can do it!"

Meng Lang couldn't help but drag Lin Haitang out of the car, and then pressed him into the driver's seat.

Lin Haitang glanced at Meng Lang helplessly, thinking that he had the foundation after all, and nothing would happen if he drove slower, so he put down the handbrake...

After trying it twice, I couldn't let it go.

She looked at Meng Lang doubtfully.

Meng Lang was speechless, "Press the brakes first..."

He has now begun to doubt whether he made the right choice. In a sense, letting a female driver drive may have more serious consequences than being caught by the police?

Lin Haitang looked embarrassed. Fortunately, the memory of driving before was still there. With Meng Lang's step-by-step reminder, he gradually became familiar with it, and the car finally started slowly...

"Left blinker! Turn on the left blinker! Why are you turning on the wipers?"

"Turn off the left blinker, eh! Why are you turning on the right blinker? Why are you turning on the left blinker again? Don't switch back and forth!"

"That...I can't turn it off..."

"Hey! This is a straight lane, take the right turn lane! Press the line, press the line, oh my points..."

On the street, a small white idol mn walked coquettishly at a speed of about 30 kilometers,

Being overtaken by cars behind...

Fortunately, when the experienced drivers on the road saw this posture, they didn't understand that this was a rookie, so they wanted to go around and give them a safe distance.

Good people have a peaceful life.

When the car parked crookedly in the parking space of the community, put on the handbrake and turned off the engine, Meng Lang and Lin Haitang let out a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the process was uneventful.

It was only a ten-minute drive, but the two of them walked for half an hour.

Lin Haitang looked at the parking space outside the window and asked with some unconfidence, "Did I park the car crookedly?"

Meng Lang wiped the sweat from his forehead and took a look.

As expected, it basically stopped along the 45° diagonal.

After thinking about it, I didn’t want to offend the other party too much.

"It's okay. You didn't stop. The parking space is painted crookedly."

Lin Haitang:”…

This chapter has been completed!
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