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Chapter 1132 Left Radicalism

 When the sleepy-eyed worker saw the face of George III, the first thing that came to his mind was to say hello. Although Mohism preached that everyone is equal, even in the modern society of the 21st century, when faced with politicians who hold important positions,

Ordinary people will also subconsciously feel awe, including Emperor Russell when he was awarded the title, and they all felt awe towards the emperor of the kingdom.

But when he woke up a little from his sleep and saw clearly what was happening in front of him, he couldn't help but widen his eyes. George III was burning with dark flames, spreading into the empty pyramid. The outside of the pyramid seemed to

Nothing happened, but inside the pyramid, everything seemed to go back in time, showing the construction process.

George III's current state is the Duke of Sequence 2 Entropy, and he has completed the pre-digestion of Sequence 1 potions, as well as most of the promotion rituals for the Black Emperor to become a god.

What he demonstrated at this time was some kind of distortion and application of the power of entropy, which could also achieve effects similar to Amon's time reversal or Will's restart.

At this time, George did not intend to reset the pyramid to its pre-construction state, but just reset the construction process and personally observed whether there were any tricks hidden in the construction process, such as planting bombs directly in the building during the construction process. After all, this

It looks like a ceremonial building no matter how it is built. It seems completely reasonable for the Mo family to save a hand during construction to ensure that they have the ability to destroy the ritual site at any time.

Time began to flow back inside the building, but it quickly went back after the inspection, as if nothing had happened.

George III was very satisfied with the Mohist construction process. The quality of the pyramid was extremely high. I am afraid that even if it stood here for thousands of years, it would not be damaged at all.

Moreover, he found no mechanism inside the building that could destroy the building. It seemed that the Mo family had no intention of playing any dirty tricks with him.

But the actual situation is different from what he imagined. Huang Tao is now considered an ally of the Mo family. Under such circumstances, it is naturally impossible to allow the promotion ceremony here to succeed.

In the process of designing a building, the hands and feet may not necessarily be to directly install the mechanisms inside the building, but can also work on the overall structure of the building. This aspect of the problem is only possible if one has mastered a fairly comprehensive knowledge of architecture.

I can see it.

The general principle is similar to Rupert's Tears, that is, molten glass-like substances are dropped into water and quickly cooled, which will produce a structure similar to water droplets, with a round head and an elongated tail. The round head has

It has extremely high strength and can even withstand bullet fire in tests, but its slender tail is its weak point. As long as the tail is gently broken, the entire glass structure will explode instantly.

In the process of building the pyramid, the design principles used by the Lannos were the same as those of Rupert's Tears. Overall, the building was built to be indestructible. Even a nuclear bomb explosion may not be able to destroy it at once, but there are

There are several extremely vulnerable points, and an attack may only require a few kilograms of bombs to collapse the entire pyramid in an instant.

Without a solid enough foundation in natural science, these weaknesses cannot be seen at all. During normal use, the weak points of these buildings are basically not exposed, leading to accidents.

George III's inspection was destined to find no problems, but the Mohist workers who witnessed all this also realized that they seemed to have seen something they shouldn't have seen.

Countries have agreements with each other. Since the death of Emperor Russell, each country has required that the person who becomes the emperor cannot become an extraordinary person above demigods. The maximum value can reach Sequence Five. Otherwise, the emperor will easily survive.

If it is hundreds or thousands of years old, the impact will be too great, and it will make it impossible for the mysterious world to remain mysterious at all.

The power displayed by George III in front of him cannot be explained by Sequence Five at all. This kind of ability to reverse time and reverse cause and effect is probably not available to ordinary semi-saints.

The real George III had already discovered the witness, but he did not stop his actions. As the emperor of the kingdom, an ordinary worker was as dust and grass in front of him, even if he was seen by such a person.

It doesn't matter, just kill him.

He did not realize that his thoughts and emotions were being controlled by an invisible force. From an absolutely rational point of view, the most important thing for him to do was not to kill people and silence them, but to erase the memories of witnesses. Many extraordinary people

Anyone can do similar things, either steal the memory, seal it, or use psychological suggestion to make the target subconsciously unable to remember everything they saw before.

This is very simple for Extraordinary people. The witnesses will forget everything that happened today and behave without any abnormality. If the event really progresses like this, then the follow-up arranged by Adam will not happen.

But the power of the writer was silent, and it only slightly affected George III's mood, making him a little more arrogant than usual, so he chose to kill people and silence them, ignoring the possible violent reaction of the Mohist family.


The body was discovered the next morning. The body was found under the tower crane. It looked like it had fallen to death from above. However, during the investigation of the accident, the Mo family's investigators retrieved the monitoring system on the tower crane and confirmed that there was no accident that day.

Climb the tower crane.

After this abnormality occurred, the severity of the incident immediately escalated. Extraordinaries directly intervened in the investigation, and through divination, it was confirmed that someone used extraordinary power to interfere with the divination results in the process, because all the contents of the divination were from the victims.

The person lost his footing and fell from the tower crane, which is inconsistent with the content captured by the surveillance camera inside the tower crane.

So the incident was quickly classified as a murder and transferred to the extraordinary people of higher-level departments for handling. George III did not expect that the death of an ordinary grassroots worker could allow the Mohist family to invite demigods to come out for divination. If you include Mendel and

Homils, this should be the fourth demigod of the Mohist family, a mystic.

You can directly use the power of the Book of Changes to perform divination. Although the results obtained by asking Bernadette or Will to divination are not as accurate, ordinary demigods cannot interfere with the results of divination.

During the dream divination, the picture was hazy, but one thing was certain. The deceased tried to escape before death and was extremely frightened. After many pendulum divination, it was confirmed that the deceased died of murder, and the murderer was basically identified as an engineer.

The royal family of the Fang Loen Kingdom.

After the impact of the incident reached this level, the Lan Nuos also learned about everything that happened. They did not think that there was any coincidence, but instead felt a little guilty. They did not formulate more stringent rules to restrict it.

Discipline in the engineering process.

After all, as someone who knew a lot of information, they could easily deduce that the cause of the accident was that the workers who lived on the construction site saw something they shouldn't have seen and were brutally murdered.

Nowadays, not all the senior members of the Mohist family are Lan Nuo, so not everyone knows the truth about building the pyramid. Several committee members who were promoted from the bottom were very excited: "We must use what we can use

All resources are required to ask the royal family to hand over the murderer. If we compromise on this matter, we will still choose to compromise when facing other high-ranking people. The nature of this matter is extremely bad. The employee was brutally killed.

It proves that the rulers of the kingdom have never accepted our suggestions and have always been feudal and reactionary. I suggest taking this opportunity to launch an uprising, completely overthrow the royal rule of the Loen Kingdom, and truly establish a republic belonging to the people."

The representatives of Lan Nuo rubbed their brows and felt very helpless in their hearts. They couldn't control all the top leaders of the organization, otherwise they would be nothing if they left in the future. However, the people selected now are still not mature enough. Not only

This incident was like many other incidents that were not of such a bad nature, but some people still behaved so radically.

This is really because the Lannos protected this group of people so well that they underestimated the losses that might be caused by bloody conflicts and the powerful suppression of ordinary people by the extraordinary people in this world.

Lannuo believes that they can definitely win the uprising at this stage. They already have enough control over the grassroots. If they launch an uprising, all the people will be mobilized. Even if the enemy has accumulated a large number of veteran Extraordinaries, they will be able to use new weapons in conjunction with modern weapons.

In the face of extraordinary people, there is only a failure in the end.

But that also means that most of the cities on the land where the Kingdom of Loen is located will be reduced to rubble. The extraordinary and conventional military forces controlled by the royal family are still a force that cannot be underestimated. With their

Perhaps we can also win the support of some churches and some secret organizations. In terms of extraordinary warfare, the Mo family will be under great pressure unless all Lan Nuo and others are dispatched. At this time, Lan Nuo can only come out to pour cold water.

"I understand everyone's feelings. Our comrades workers were killed by feudal rulers without any reason. The nature of this matter is very bad, but we must also be aware of the responsibilities we shoulder.

Realize the reality. In places we don’t know, the same things happen every day, and what we really have to do is not to break off the corn like a black blind man, solve one thing when we see it, without considering the relationship between these events.

connections and consequences, but to find ways to solve the problem at its root.

It is true that the comrades are now powerful enough to launch an uprising, but that will inevitably lead to this land being reduced to rubble.

We have emphasized the existence of the doomsday to everyone many times. Although the specific reasons cannot be told, at least one thing is certain, that is, our current strength is definitely not enough to fight the doomsday, let alone reduce the base area to ruins.

Although we have not yet obtained real governance rights in the country, as a responsible organization, we must shoulder the mission of human survival. I know that I have said this rhetoric more than once, and there is no way to convince everyone present.


So stick to the old rules and vote! The plan I propose here is to provide the highest standard of compensation to the families of the victims, which can be compared with the treatment of the families of martyrs. At the same time, it warns the royal family of the Loen Kingdom to terminate cooperation, require the murderer to be handed over, and

Give necessary economic sanctions, but avoid armed conflicts as much as possible and continue to accumulate strength.

Now is our period of rapid development, and the efficiency of cultivating new types of Beyonders is improving rapidly. If the war breaks out a year later, our losses will be reduced by at least half."

In the final meeting, there was a heated discussion on the two options of uprising and sanctions. In the voting results, sanctions won by 79 to 71 votes.

Although it cannot be said to be a narrow victory, it can be seen from the voting results that radical ideas have gradually begun to take over the mainstream. After all, most of the committee members who were able to participate in the voting have personally experienced the pain of the old era. Among them

Many are eager to lead comrades workers to get rid of the old era, and even look forward to exporting revolution and leading the working class in other countries to resist the rule of capital and feudalism. If this kind of thinking is placed in a world without apocalyptic oppression, blue

We are actually very supportive. Even though more sacrifices will be made in this process than conservative advancement, it is much better to let a civilization grow in the process of stumbles than to cultivate a civilization into a flower in a greenhouse.

But the end is approaching, and the human civilization in this world has no chance to fall, because falling may very well mean destruction in the future.

However, giving up the radical uprising does not mean that the royal family of the Loen Kingdom can be better off. The Mohist family's ability to control the grassroots has reached a terrifying level. The imperial family's administrative capabilities at the grassroots level can be said to exist in name only. After suffering

After the Mohist family's comprehensive sanctions, all the royal family's various industries were on the verge of collapse.

George III was sitting in a ruined bedroom, with the floor covered with fragments of porcelain and antiques. Before that, a roar from the head of state apparently occurred in the room.

The day after the Mohists publicly announced their request for the royal family to hand over the murderer, the royal family's major industries experienced a shortage of industrial raw materials. The high-speed railways newly built in various places even refused to provide transportation services to related companies. Overnight

The royal family's property losses exceeded 800,000 gold pounds, and this loss will continue to increase as time goes by.

"How dare they! Wasn't it just a person who died? Wasn't it just a pariah who died? Ten years ago, no! Just five years ago, Backlund East District didn't know that hundreds of such poor people would die every day. They

Why do you dare to go against me because of such a low life!"

The Mohist family not only imposed sanctions, but also evacuated all construction personnel, transported all raw materials, and banned the sale of various raw materials needed for construction to the royal family. In such an era of feudal tail, no one can imagine that

, for a human life, a powerful organization ranked high in the kingdom can do this to this extent.

Many members of the Mohist family may think that such a protest is too conservative, but in the eyes of others, the Mohist family's actions are simply like lunatics who are about to explode at the first touch.

[To be continued]

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