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Chapter 375 Lord, deserter, wanted criminal!

 "Brothers, hurry up and enter the game panel. There is a new function turned on. It is the live broadcast of the promotion match of the fourth-level title Ocean Commander!"

"Damn it, you're so awesome, I just brushed up my title to Level 2, and there are already people here who have reached Level 4?"

"Damn it, I just made the Infinite Merit, and these people have already reached the 10 million mark? That's outrageous!"

"A total of 80,000 people have reached the 10 million level. This is too abnormal."

"There are 55 of the top 100 humans. It seems that we humans are still stronger!"

"This is a fucking fight between gods, right? These 80,000 people are all ghosts? Why can't I see any of them on the World Channel?"

Facts have proved that whether it is on earth or in the wasteland.

The barriers between people brought about by the information gap are still so thick that it is difficult to match them.

At 7:08 pm, when more than 95% of the ocean commanders chose to enter and passed the first level...

The highlight for all is that a new feature has finally popped up!

And this new feature has finally come as a surprise to the survivors who are still working hard to gain experience.

From the release of the title to this point, it only takes two days.

Being able to earn 10 million points of progress in such a short period of time and still complete the tasks in between is so fast that it is daunting.

About 90% of people are still in the struggle to get from the second level to the third level title.

Although they can't see the progress, every day's progress and every day's quantity make them complacent.

They think that their progress, even if it is not the fastest, is at least in the mainstream of mankind, or even ahead.

But unfortunately, in just two days, their illusions were ruthlessly shattered!

Someone has already maxed out level 4 and is going to level 5!

And there are more than 80,000 people!

Hundreds of thousands of aliens!

These numbers are like a loud mouth that slaps every smug person in the face, making them dizzy.

With confusion, they immediately entered the newly appeared promotion interface and watched the fourth-level title promotion competition between top human and alien elites.

After a delay of more than an hour, some changes have occurred on the leaderboard.

The one currently in first place is no longer the gambling monster Lu Wei who Sumo had the upper hand when watching, but has become a human with the ID of Chu Xuan.

The current ranking points for the bottom one, that is, the 100th place, are 6.02.

But Chu Xuan’s points were three times that of the last place, a full 18.29 points!

And behind his ID, a new logo lights up.

Coast Guard Force - Thirty-fifth Corps - Commander-in-Chief!

Not knowing the meaning of this sign, the players and aliens who flocked in could only focus on the people below Chu Xuan.

But what makes the foreign race helpless is that the second person on the ranking list is still a human with 18.12 points.

ID: Great Emperor Wang Teng.

His name is very arrogant, and similarly his logo is even more majestic compared to Chu Xuan's.

Marine Guards-Seventh Army-Centurion!

"So the commander of the sea is competing for his ability to lead the army in war?"

With this kind of doubt, I skipped the first two people and came to the third place in the ranking. It was the only foreign race in the top ten that made it to the list.

His ID has only one word, snake.

But his current points score of 17.79 is something that no one dares to underestimate.

And as a foreigner, he also received a unique mark that was different from the first two humans.

Marine War Beast Army-Three Armies-Captain of Ten.

"It turns out that Ocean Commander tests each commander's ability to lead troops in war. This is a bit outrageous!"

"The Guards, the Coast Guard, the Advance Army, the War Beast Army, and the Logistics Supply Team, it feels like these arms are so complete!"

"Why don't you see Su Shen? Didn't Su Shen fail to reach 10 million this time? Or is it that Su Shen hasn't made it to the rankings yet?"

"Why isn't the live broadcast of the leadership battle started yet? Isn't this more interesting than the live broadcast of disaster relief?"

As more and more people joined this novel fourth-level promotion live broadcast room at this point in the night, the barrage area of ​​the live broadcast room also became lively.

Currently there is no live broadcast, so they can only speculate on the game rules for promotion based on the existing ranking information.

Some people guess that it is like a role-playing game, where everyone gets a military position and then competes to see who can climb to the rank of commander first.

Some people guess that just like the Age of Empires, when there are no live broadcasts in the early stage, it is the development time for everyone.

When the live broadcast starts, it will be your team and my team, and we will arm-wrestle with each other to see how high the command value is.

Some people even boldly speculated that all commanders would become part of Poseidon's troops and help Poseidon conquer the world and attack the mainland.

There are a thousand Hamlets in the hearts of a thousand people. You have your guesses, and I have my opinions.

In the promotion live broadcast room where speech is not restricted, the barrage speech area with up to 3.5 billion people, the screen refresh rate is astonishingly fast.

But when everyone was quarreling, everyone inadvertently.

A new name suddenly appeared at the bottom of the rankings!

And, it only takes less than five seconds.

Only when this name topped the list with a terrifying force did everyone react.

The next second, there was an explosion in the live broadcast room!

"Damn it, General Xing Daorong, points: 403???"

"Wanted deserter, wanted level: two stars, what kind of position is this??"

"Isn't this the promotion competition for Poseidon Commander? Is there anyone who has just become a deserter? Are they so awesome?"

"As expected of a general, this live broadcast is so effective!"

"Fuck, in a competition where you are promoted to the title of Poseidon, you dare to deal with deserters and other underworld work? Isn't this a joke?"

"Awesome, this operation can only be described as awesome!"

It has to be said that in the top 100 of the rankings where all regular soldiers are gathered together, the sudden appearance of deserter Xing Daorong is dazzling and eye-catching enough.

Different from Chu Xuan who is currently ranked second.

Xing Daorong, who flashed like a meteor, crushed everyone with a score of 403.

In an instant, the voices discussing the promotion content of the fourth-level ocean commander disappeared.

There are no more people studying the alien and human rankings.

Even some discussions on how to increase points disappeared.

Only Xing Daorong was left in the barrage, and everyone only had curiosity about Xing Daorong in their minds.

But what everyone didn't expect was that the general who had risen to the top of the list like a meteor was now in a huge trouble!

"Chief, what good news!!!"

"The flying mines we placed earlier have killed all the Ocean Guard scumbags who came to attack!"

"They chased us all the way without telling us, and now they want to sneak onto our island. They are simply asking for death."

He looked at the fish-man subordinate who was holding a large knife that was nearly one meter long in the distance. He was swaying due to the weight of the knife handle as he ran. He didn't have the slightest bit of strength.

Somo sat on a stone and covered his forehead helplessly.

It's been three days.

Three full days have passed since I clicked on the challenge mode and came to this mysterious world.

Contrary to what everyone imagined, this level is not that you go back to the glass cabinet to repair after completing one level, and then go to the second level.

Instead, after the first level is completed, the second level starts non-stop, and each level is closely related.

If the first step is chosen incorrectly, the difficulty of the second step will be increased accordingly.

Even if you complete the second step, you will only make more mistakes and enter a vicious circle, making the situation worse and worse.

And Sumo, who is currently a deserter, happens to be in this cycle.

"Oh no, other people are so lucky. They can get military posts and lead the army as soon as they come here. How come they become deserters when they come to me!"

"I didn't escape voluntarily for this damn thing!"

After glancing at the rankings in the level entry panel, I saw that my ID ranked first, and I was listed as a wanted deserter who was extremely arrogant.

Somo's eyes twitched and he half stood up from the stone.

"Yu Yi, how are our casualties?"

"Report to the leader, we have no casualties! And we also captured all the equipment and supplies of the 40 invading navy scum, making us rich!"

The fish-man called Yu Yi is only a little over 1.2 meters tall. He is similar to the fish-men in the Western fantasy world on Earth. He can speak human words, but his combat power is pitifully weak.

Although the sword in his hand looks majestic, it is the standard weapon just captured from the Poseidon Army.

But in this case, Somo had a hundred reasons to believe that before attacking the enemy, he would be cut down by his own knife!

"Yes, if the scumbags from the Poseidon Force dare to go to the island, just give me a good beating!"

He put on a stiff smile, called Yu Yi to explain some aftermath matters, and then took out a bottle of powder and handed it to him.

Seeing the naive fish-man returning along the original path in excitement, Somo stopped resting and climbed down the stone wearing a mermaid suit that restrained his hands and feet.

Along the direction of the center of the island, Somo moved slowly.

The entire island is not large, only about two square kilometers in size, and it is bulging in the middle and sinking on all sides.

When Soma slowly climbs to the highest point in the middle, the entire island can be seen at a glance.

But at this time, Sumo had no intention of admiring the white sandy beach and blue water in his field of vision.

Nor did he pay attention to the murloc tribe on the beach, which currently only has 9 people.

Standing on the big rock at the highest point of the entire island, Somo gently tapped the surface of the stone with the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand.

If this action were taken in the wasteland world, even if Soma smashed the stone, there would be no response.

But in this mysterious level world, as Soma struck, a token that looked simple on the outside, but ignored the laws of matter, suddenly emerged from the center of the stone.

Then, as Sumo held the token with his hand, an attribute panel naturally appeared in Sumo's field of vision.

【Ocean Commander】: Somo (Rank: 1; Points: 403)

[Identity of the leader]: Lord of Baisha Island; deserter; wanted criminal

[Current level in progress]: 3 (Free Lord Development Route)

[Level content]: Guard the territory, protect the subordinates and successfully overcome the first difficulty (completed)

[Extra-level rewards]: Excellent level design drawing*1 (already upgraded, do you want to receive it?)

[Reward within the level]: Junior Territory Transformation Card*1 (Do you choose to receive it?)

【Occupied Territory】: Baisha Island

[Territorial area]: 2 square kilometers (actual usable area: 0.689 square kilometers)

[Territorial specialties]: treasure fish, green shrimp, beet palm, honeypot grapes (excellent)

[Number of people in the territory]: 9 (murlocs)

【Territorial Famousness】: Obscure(0)

[Territorial development potential]: None

[Territorial Health]: 6 points (lack of continuous production of food crops; lack of effective armed forces; lack of defense facilities; lack of intelligence collection methods; lack)

[Evaluation]: In the vast ocean, this is a place destined to be a resting place for travelers.

This chapter has been completed!
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