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Chapter 574: Combination and matching, busy ordinary days!

Facts prove.

There is never enough money to survive!

Even if it is a plant transformation that costs 100 points once, once the greed in the heart is aroused, the more times it is used, the more it will add up and gradually turn into a terrifying number.

From 37,000 points, it was spent all the way until just over 20,000 points were left.

Sumo suddenly realized it and quickly stopped thinking about changing the attributes with random seeds.

“It’s only when money is used that you regret it”

"Even if we have one hundred thousand or two hundred thousand to survive, it's not enough!"

Transform the lower right side of the panel.

The entire number of transformations has been as high as 142 times, which means that a full 14,200 survival points have fallen into this bottomless pit.

Calculated based on 1,000 survival points per day, it would take half a month to collect these points without spending any money.

If we had just crossed over, this would have been an astronomical figure.

But fortunately, the costs are huge and the benefits are not cheap.

All the seeds brought back from the treant tribe have now had their properties modified and no longer look like the 'waste' they once were.

The plants that are urgently needed in several depressions have been combined into "combination skills" that can be played in pairs according to Sumo's inner thoughts!

According to grade and rarity.

Then according to the usage time.

The ninety-four seeds brought back from the tree people were neatly arranged in rows on the white cloth.

After closing the entire upgrade panel and taking out a small book, Sumo began to record and number them carefully.

The first is the most important part of the combo, the Royal Flower.

The No. 1 seed still retains the ‘dedication’ randomly received from the previous burst of luck, which can directly mature the second plant whose level is not higher than the rare level.

The second seed is equipped with a modification that is somewhat similar to the reverse growth of the earth flower, called "retrospection", and its effect is roughly the same as the name.

It depends on the amount of energy and brewing time.

Every seven natural days, you can designate a plant and restore its status to one hour ago.

The reason for retaining this transformation attribute is very simple. After the No. 1 King Flower is dedicated, it will die.

At this time, through the backtracking of No. 2, it can be resurrected.

In other words, every seven natural days, you can have an opportunity to ripen plants at a designated location.

As for the third seed, it took a total of 9 times for this Soma to be transformed to fit what he had in mind.

Its transformation direction is "wild division".

The attributes are somewhat similar to those of the Earth Flower clone, but not exactly the same.

If you want to get the seeds of the treant tribe's magical plants to continue cultivating, you can't get them by pollinating after blooming.

Just like the first two kinds of modified giant flowers, no matter how mature and how they grow.

It is impossible to find any seeds in its flowers that can continue to be sown.

This is the tree people's countermeasure against the leakage of seeds.

This is also the reason why the Dream Plant Shop can buy and sell plants at will!

If you want to have seeds, you must either harvest them from the original mother plant, or find ways to modify attributes such as division.

Therefore, in order to continue to propagate the two plants, the rhizome and the ground flower, and improve the entire depression as a whole.

Soma could only bear the pain and spend a lot of money to get rid of the clones, and arranged a wild split for both of them.

As long as the plants enter the mature stage, you can collect 1-10 seeds every half month depending on the growth situation and continue planting.

"Reverse growth, turning stone into gold, dedication, retrospection, two wild divisions"

"At this stage, we should first plant the reverse growth to improve the fertility of the land."

"When the fertility is reached, I will immediately plant the seeds with dedication, backtracking, and wild division. I will obtain batches of seeds through dedication first, and then I will be able to get rid of the constraints of the tree people."

"When I have thirty or fifty seeds in my hand, I will spend some survival points at that time. No matter what attributes I transform into, I won't be afraid of leaving them unused!"

Grow flowers.


No matter how powerful the subsequent plants are, growth time and land fertility requirements will always be two hurdles that cannot be overcome.

With a lot of time buffer in winter, Sumo was not anxious, nor did he want to catch up on all his efforts.

After recording the remaining seeds on paper and pasting them with small strips of paper to mark them, Sumo waved his hand and put the temporarily unused seeds back into the bag and stored them.

"There are still 20,000 points left, just enough to resurrect three people."

"Including Ouyang Guo, Ai Jianqiang, and Yan Xiaqing from the last time, six people will be resurrected!"

Summarizing the number of people in his mind, Soma didn't hesitate much about the newly resurrected three people.

At this stage, as Lu Kuan's assistant, Ji Yang will definitely be resurrected.

With him here, Lu Kuan's research and development speed will increase by more than one level, greatly driving the progress of basic subject research in the shelter to skyrocket.

Zhuo Junfan, who studies biology, cannot be spared.

Whether it was the group of coolie lizards with extraordinary potential in the depression or the problem of accelerated cell aging, he needed to conduct a lot of research.

Except these two people.

The last spot was naturally given to Su Deben.

Winter training is always the eternal way to become stronger.

With Su Deben's front-line teaching, I believe that after this winter, the combat effectiveness of the depression will be visibly improved.

"In just a few visits, I have resurrected eight of these brains frozen in boxes!"

"If only we could find more geniuses like this in the remaining ruins."

"Thousands of miles of mountains."

When he thought that in another seven or eight days, Marshal Wang would come back with news, Sumo couldn't help but feel happy and look forward to it.

My mind is rolling.

Dispel thoughts.

After realizing that his mind could no longer calm down, Soma stopped sitting still.

Resurrecting six people is not troublesome.

Not counting those loaded for more than sixty villagers, the mark is still in its early fifties, which is quite sufficient.

Following the last experience, this time he just woke up the brain in the brain box first, entered the virtual reality scene and informed, and then immediately started the imprint implantation.

First there are Yan Xiaqing, Ouyang Guo and Ai Jianqiang.

With anchor point filtering, the three of them had no problem loading it. It only took less than half an hour to successfully learn how to use imprints and how to load templates.

Gray-black light flashed as the transformation ended.

The three of them were lying on the ground, looking at each other with strange expressions.

"This kind of ability is really amazing. I never imagined that I would one day regain my human body!"

Having just gained physical authority, the brain has not yet been fully connected to the previous memories, resulting in the three of them unable to flexibly control their hands and feet.

But this doesn't stop them from looking at each other.

Feeling a bit of cold wind blowing over your body, and a hint of faint fragrance blooming from the tip of your nose.

The template loaded by Yan Xiaqing was a second-level modified human woman who transformed her left hand into a mechanical prosthesis that could be equipped with various tools.

In terms of appearance, this look does not show the gentleness and slightly outstanding appearance of her body in the virtual reality.

But according to the personal wishes collected before resurrection.

Yan Xiaqing said this: "I have been an old woman for decades. How can I still have the heart to engage in such lovemaking? The appearance is so flashy. If I can survive, it is because of God's will that I don't want to die."

, I hope that I can continue to burn my own value, so in my heart, the practicality of a template is far greater than its appearance. If there is one, it is best to load me with a template that can assist medical treatment."

On the other side, Ouyang Guo was loaded with a cybernetic whose hands were transformed into steel.

His reasons are also outrageous.

"When I was a graduate student, I was doing experiments with my senior brother. In order to protect me, his left hand was blown to bits by a chemical reagent. Finally, my supervisor paid him to send him to the capital to install an iron body that could directly hold a two-hundred-degree beaker for centrifugation.

, and you can also blow hot air for drying and so on. I’m greedy just looking at it.”

"Now that I have the chance, you can give me two iron hands no matter what!"

As for the last Ai Jianqiang, he is the most serious one among the three.

Because he needed to measure the properties of the building and the length of some projects, he chose to transform his eyes into multi-functional mechanical prosthetic eyes just like Lu Kuan.

At this stage, although this prosthetic eye can only zoom in and out to observe objects and see at night.

But in the later stage, you only need to implant the corresponding decoding chip inside to achieve the WYSIWYG effect.

"If this method were used in modern medicine, I don't know how many lives could be saved."

"What a pity, what a pity!"

As a medical worker who has extremely high requirements for body control, it only took Yan Xiaqing eleven minutes to adapt to her body before she could successfully stand up and walk around.

This is even more amazing than the fourteen minutes set by Lu Kuan.

Feeling that this new body was completely the same as the previous human body, she shook her head repeatedly with a sigh on her face.

Without interrupting, he waited until the three of them had fully adapted to their new bodies and no rejection reactions occurred. Then Sumo smiled lightly and stood up.

"This kind of body modification is not the end of science."

"We only feel this way when we look at today from the perspective of the past."

"If we look at today five years from now or ten years from now, we will still have the same feeling of sitting in a well and looking at the sky!"

The ignorant are fearless.

Different from people like Lu Kuan and Yan Xiaqing.

Not completely standing at the end of technology, standing in front of the shackles, Sumo didn't have much fear in his heart.

In some sense, Soma even believed it.

As long as the technology tree is completely restored to what it was before time travel, humanity will not stop in the next ten or even fifty years.

The wasteland is both a risk and an opportunity!

Seeing the thoughtful expressions on the faces of the three of them, Sumo continued his resurrection plan without any further pause.

According to the standard of 6,500 points per person, the three people spent a total of 19,500 points.

There are 3540 survival points left.

With the system loading mark, the resurrection time this time is even faster than the previous three.

In less than five minutes, three people were lying on the floor of the shelter again.

"Wow, I'm actually alive again!"


"Tsk tsk tsk!"

Among the three new people who appeared, Su Deben coquettishly chose to be a muscular man with a height of 1.9 meters.

The other two are extremely low-key.

I chose the most basic template to load, and it looks like a normal human being.

As soon as there were more people, the shelter, which was a little cold just now, immediately became lively and full of people.

Seeing a group of Sudeben people lying on the ground chatting, they didn't think anything strange at all.

Su Chan, who had just come up with tea, didn't stop and started laughing.

This scene reflected in Sumo's eyes and gave him some ideas.

"When there are many people, it's not enough to live on the first floor of the shelter. We still need to arrange special rooms and residences for them to conduct experiments."

Rubbing the stubble on his chin, Sumo thought for a while and quickly made a decision.

Although he has no paranoia about being persecuted, he is not worried about these people who are already working for him.

Some tricks suddenly broke out, trying to steal the spotlight right under Oreo's nose.

But considering some privacy issues and the consequences caused by the various magical functions of the system.

Sumo decided to build a prefab room for experiments as soon as possible, move all the instruments there, and integrate it into a rough technology laboratory model.

When the winter passes later, the depression will have large-scale infrastructure such as reinforced concrete.

The laboratory was gradually built, eventually forming a composite experimental base with an above-ground layer, an underground layer, and a safety retention layer.

Tall buildings rise from the ground.

Sumo already had a plan in mind.

This is just the preparation stage.

Big events don’t happen all the time when you’re out there.

On rest days, after the busy work is completed, the idle time will naturally be longer.

Everything was arranged, there was a dedicated person responsible for supervising the docking, and a dedicated person responsible for handling the repairs. There was not much work on Lord Sumo.

As of 7:40 p.m., all the villagers who were mining outside had returned collectively.

There is a coolie lizard pulling it in front, and a cart accompanying it behind.

The three tons of energy stones that Lu Kuan needed were all pulled to the door of the shelter, which made people feel happy just to see them.

"Hey, what kind of day is it today?"

Following the convoy, Ai Jianfeng also came back.

As soon as he entered the door and looked at the people sitting inside, he was stunned for a moment, then said hello in surprise.

Once upon a time, when I chose to give up my body and only keep my brain.

No one said it, but they knew in their hearts that the chances of regaining their human status in this life were very few, almost zero.

but now.

People who could only communicate in virtual reality in the past will be able to be human again in just a short time.

Such an encounter can only make people sigh that fate is unpredictable and fate plays tricks on people.

"Hey, brother, our Director Su is just waiting for your power stone to come back!"

"I don't have to run tonight. I have to work overtime to make all the converters. Otherwise, I will not be able to cultivate my talents!"

Ai Jianfeng is an honest person.

Ai Jianqiang is a bit glib.

This is not derogatory, but the professionalism of his subject is not as strong as the previous ones.

If you want to gain prestige in the university course of architecture, you must naturally participate in various exchange meetings and discuss differences in ideas with others.

However, after he made jokes, the atmosphere was not boring.

Soon, after counting the number of energy stones and having dinner, the energy extraction and transmission tool that had been prepared for a long time finally started to be made.

From the device for extracting energy stones, to the wires responsible for transmission, to the demodulator used to balance voltage and current.

Although there are not enough modern tools to assist, for these experts, the difficulty is still within the acceptable range.

The time came to eleven o'clock at night.

When most of the villagers had gone to bed, Lu Kuan and Ji Yang finally completed the last step and took the lead in taking out the energy extraction device.

Subsequently, after a simple test, the two quickly joined in the production of demodulation equipment.

Standing aside, everyone was busy working, and Somo was not idle either.

This process of close observation of operating techniques is also a top-level teaching process, which can just confirm the knowledge previously learned in books.

After watching it for only half a night, he had a feeling of understanding and enlightenment.

With help from time to time, the night passed quickly.

When the alarm clock rang, everyone was shocked to find that they had stayed up all night and it was six o'clock in the morning!

This chapter has been completed!
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