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Chapter 630 Opening the door for the first time, seven letters on the copper pillar!


“The quality of this door is really good!”

After continuing to fumble around the door carefully for a while, Li Hu couldn't help but cursed when he realized that there was no place in the entire door for anyone to start.

Judging from the results of the outside observation, the entire black metal door, which is 2.7 meters high and 2.4 meters wide, does not have any buttons that can be opened and closed, nor is there any place similar to a traditional keyhole for inserting a key.

It looks like a wall with no place for anyone to start.

To be honest, if someone had told Li Hu that there would be a genius to make the door like this before seeing this door, he would never have believed it.

How could anyone be so stupid as to not even leave a place to insert a key at the entrance door of a building?

Does it really rely on the mechanical structure of the energy supply to turn it on and off?

What if there is a power outage?

What if the mechanical structure is damaged?

Any unexpected situation may cause the door to become dead, and there is no other way to open it except destroying it.

Could it be that if it comes true, it will be ruined if it can’t be opened?

Under various questions, Li Hu was very puzzled.

But now, the task is on you. No matter how outrageous it is, how to open it has become the first hurdle for everyone to enter.

"Try blasting?"

After looking at the entire building up and down, Li Hu pondered in his mind and did not dare to give this order directly.

In terms of architecture, even a layman knows basic knowledge such as stress points and load-bearing columns.

Once the door is one of the stress points of the entire building, if you choose to blast it, it is very likely that the building will collapse even if the door is opened.

When the time comes, it's okay if there is an enemy inside. Quan should have eliminated the opponent in advance, and he, the commander, will be able to take all the credit.

But if they are all high-value items, they are rewards awarded by the game to their own talents.

It's just that the director is temporarily outside and cannot notify the territory information.

If it collapsed like this, not to mention that old miser Chen Shen would cry to death inside.

As a commander, he, Li Hu, had to bear the penalty of being unfavorable in his performance, and was gradually relegated to the sidelines and marginalized.

Inappropriate, inappropriate.

"In that case."

After analyzing the pros and cons of several attack methods in his mind for a while, and then turning to look at the defensive circle guarding one kilometer away, Li Hu made a decision on the spot.

"Technical team, let me go first and see if you can get him away gently!"

The voice fell.

Behind him, four of the soldiers who had been grinding their fists for a long time walked out.

These four people are all quite young, all in their early forties and unshaven.

They were all manufacturing talents specially selected by Sumo when he was selecting talents from the tundra fleet.

Even the most inferior one has been immersed in this industry for more than ten years. He has checked almost all technical points and is rated A-level.

The strongest one has been working for more than 20 years and is a well-deserved S-level talent.

It is only because the manufacturing industry in the depression is still at zero level that its rating is only A-level and it does not enjoy the best benefits!

"Captain, please step back first and let me, Lao Liu, test the quality of this thing!"

Given the chance to perform, the man named Liucheng, the leader, rubbed his palms together excitedly and led the three people behind him forward.

There is no place to attack the door. Although it is rare to defeat Li Hu, it is already common for people like them.

It’s a problem, but it’s not a big problem!

Putting down the tools temporarily rented from Lu Kuan's laboratory for scanning and testing, the four people clearly divided their responsibilities and quickly started the first wave of tests.

The first is the thickness of the entire door, which is best solved.

First connect the scanning tool to the portable power supply, turn it on, and then place a few detection tentacles tightly around the door.

As a regular resonance wave was emitted, although the entire door remained unchanged from the perspective of naked eye observation, it actually began to tremble from a microscopic perspective.

Just relying on this little tremor, the instrument easily gave a data that was accurate to two decimal places!

"4.15 meters, good guy, the person who made this door is really willing to spend money."

"Such a thick door, even with sandwich iron, can withstand the power of a small amount of TNT!"

As Liucheng read the data on the instrument with a look of amazement on his face, the four of them looked at each other and realized that they could understand each other's thoughts.

In the civilized era, when all the tools and instruments were available, this thickness would naturally not be difficult.

Either way, the key parts are chemically corroded, causing it to break rigidly so that it can be opened by external forces.

Or start with the method of opening the door and forge the corresponding authentication point outside, and you can open the door calmly without any effort.

But unfortunately, the current situation is not the earth, but the wasteland!

To detect this thickness and eliminate some unusable methods, there are not many ways left for everyone to try!

After internal discussion for a while and reaching a unified opinion, Liucheng pondered for a while.

Finally, he chose to stand up and came to Li Hu's side.

"Captain, maybe we need to damage this door a little bit and do some experiments."


The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

This door now seems to be blocking everyone and protecting the secrets inside, which makes people feel a little helpless.

But correspondingly, as long as we can capture this building, this door will in turn become "one of our own".

Think about how sturdy and durable it is.

As long as you hide in danger, the effect will be comparable to hiding in an underground fortress!

However, there is still a prerequisite for this.

At least you have to go in before you can think about how to use them later. If you are stopped outside the door, it will be useless to say anything.

After thinking about this clearly, Li Hu was slightly stunned, but finally nodded in agreement.

After receiving the agreement, Liucheng returned to the gate and began to greet the other three people to take out various bottles and cans from the box.

These things are the various solutions that the four of us came up with during this period of time when there was nothing to show for them, so they relied on their spare time.

Red, green, blue, purple.

As several different colors began to mix into the inside of one of the bottles, under Liucheng's shaking, a jet black color like ink began to spin out from the center, and then infiltrated the entire solution.

"It's done!"

Shake for a full five minutes until all the pitch black appears, disappears, and finally turns into a colorless and transparent solution.

Liu Chengcai sighed excitedly and stopped moving.

At this time, half an hour had passed since three o'clock, and the sky began to suddenly turn towards dusk.

Not daring to delay, Liucheng immediately strode forward with the solution in hand and began to carefully pour it into the lower right corner of the gate.


Colorless and odorless solution, seemingly harmless to humans and animals.

In fact, the moment he touched the door, a burnt smell suddenly erupted, just like sulfuric acid corroding white paper.

In an instant, the lower right corner of the door began to change color, and countless holes appeared on it that would make trypophobia attack on the spot.

"Change to A-3-552 solution!"

After lowering his head and looking for a while, Liucheng shook his head dissatisfied and quickly ordered the three people behind him to continue the deployment.

Although the solution just now can corrode the material making up this door, the damage is irreversible.

If you want to open it this way, you can only produce a few tons, pour it all on the door, and corrode it layer by layer.

Not realistic and not cost-effective!

A moment later, five minutes passed.

Taking the newly prepared colorless solution, Liucheng moved to the lower left corner and continued pouring.

This time, the reaction speed of the door material was obviously slower. Although the smell was still pungent and unpleasant, the material was finally saved and no large-scale collapse and corrosion occurred.

"There's a show!"

Liucheng stood up excitedly, and after a quick thought in his mind, Liucheng continued to order the preparation of a new solution.

again and again.

Lower right corner, lower left corner, upper right corner, upper left corner.

After waiting until all four corners were tested, Liucheng returned to the door with the fifth solution in hand with confidence.

This time, he did not continue to experiment on the edges, but very boldly dumped them all in the middle left of the gate!



The moment the solution comes into contact with the black material, countless white gases begin to evaporate, giving off a dreamlike fragrance.

Visible to the naked eye, the black color on the surface of the door began to fade quickly, gradually turning into a light silvery white.

And the silvery white color didn't last long, and finally settled into a white color that was incompatible with the surrounding area.

"It's done!"

Before the intense heat erupted on the surface of the door subsided, Liucheng excitedly picked up the scraper he had with him and gently pressed it against the white surface.

As if the mud was being scraped away, layers of white began to be removed.

Finally one was gradually revealed.

New window!

"This is the lock on this door!"

Relying on the detector, the general structure inside the door is detected and the location of the "lock core" is determined.

The solution corrodes away the protection above the lock cylinder layer by layer, exposing the entrance below where the key can be "inserted".

Liucheng's plan was extremely successful!

At the same time, looking at the style of the lock, he unconsciously got a new piece of information in his mind.

"Captain, this door, no, this building, I have a 99% probability of being sure that it was made by us humans."

"We are so familiar with this kind of structural design, and I have even participated in similar projects!"

Calling over the excited Li Hu, Liucheng gave out the information he had obtained.

Inside the window is a mechanical lock that looks extremely complicated.

From left to right, there are a total of twelve rollers with unknown symbols that are difficult to understand.

Directly above the roller is a copper piston that can be pressed.

The method to unlock such a lock is very simple.

Just place the twelve rollers in the appropriate positions and press the piston, and the mechanism inside will automatically fail.

When it fails, the lock plate placed inside will also start to work, pulling up or pushing back the entire door to make room for entry and exit.

This method is extremely retro, but extremely reliable.

There is no need to resort to any facilities that require energy, and there will be no reliability issues.

The only tricky part is this.

"I even know how to make this lock!"

"But being able to create it doesn't mean I can crack it, because he only has three input opportunities. If he exceeds three times, the inside will be locked forever!"

Liucheng's face became solemn as he tried to turn the wheel and felt the smooth damping it brought.

"Are you sure this lock was made by us humans?"

Liucheng nodded heavily: "I'm 100% sure, captain, look, there's even a sign that locks the owner's identity!"

Taking out the rag from the tool bag on his waist, Liu Cheng carefully wiped the lubricating oil on the copper piston.

As the black stain faded away, the so-called owner's identity began to gradually appear in the circle of the cylindrical stopper.

This logo is no stranger to Liucheng, and neither is Li Hu.

It is the combination of uppercase letters and lowercase letters in English!

Tilting his head, Li Hu began to read out word by word in order in confusion.






"Huh? What does this mean?"

At the foot of Wuzhi Mountain, the sun sets in the west.

It was already early seven o'clock in the evening, and Feng Mengyue, who was chasing the last rays of the setting sun, finally arrived late with the three hundred or so Shanyue villagers.

The two soldiers who were left by Somo at the temporary camp to support him heard the noise from afar.

At this time, when they saw the team approaching from a high place, both of them shook their heads calmly.

It is completely different from the strict convoys during the march.

The people brought by Feng Mengyue were extremely amateurish, and most of them were even talking and laughing on the road, as if they were out for an outing.

This gap is not small.

On the other side, after walking through the high slope, Feng Mengyue also saw the soldiers waiting here and the traces of the temporary camp not far away.

"Hey, has Su Shen left already?"

One of the two soldiers who stayed on the spot walked out and said with a smile: "Lord Feng, our director has been leading people away for three or four hours. Now, I am afraid that they will all come into contact with the two territories on Wuzhi Mountain.


"So fast?"

Looking at the scattered footprints on the snow in surprise, Feng Mengyue murmured in her heart, but she was not slow to say:

"I heard that Su Shen found a small treasure here. There are quite a lot of things in it. Can't you take it away?"

The soldier's smile did not diminish and he continued to nod: "Yes, come with me!"

After saying that, without giving Feng Mengyue a chance to continue asking, the two of them decisively turned around and led the way.

Seeing this kind of behavior, Feng Mengyue was slightly stunned and could not help but feel a little dissatisfied.

When facing Somo, no matter what behavior Somo makes, whether it is friendly or disdainful.

Feng Mengyue will accept it naturally.

After all, this is the human Su Shen.

But when facing these ordinary warriors under Somo, Feng Mengyue boasted that she was once the lord of the Qianbama territory.

Now that he is so ignored and disrespected, the clay figure is still very angry!

"I want to see how many supplies we have that can make you so awesome!"

With a cold snort in her heart, the smile on Feng Mengyue's face faded, and a momentum naturally spread out.

Feeling the mood swings of their lord, the Shanyue villagers following behind gradually stopped chatting, shut their mouths and covered their heads before heading on their way.

For a time, except for the ordinary sounds of falling down from time to time due to the slippery snow, the atmosphere in the entire team was extremely dull.

"Lord Wind, ahead is where our supplies are stored."

"The mountain road is dangerous when we return at night. Our director specifically warned us, please be careful when you return!"

After climbing over a slope again, the two soldiers stopped and turned around with smiles on their faces.

Don’t reach out and hit the smiling person.

With the anger still lingering in her heart, Feng Mengyue could only nod stiffly and walked up the slope after taking the last few steps.

Following the direction of the soldier's finger, she looked immediately.

And this look.

Feng Mengyue was stunned on the spot, with a look of disbelief on her face!

"This is!"

This chapter has been completed!
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