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Chapter 631 Unless, he can hit me on the head!

"This is a building from the Eastern Province of our civilized era"

When I saw Feng Mengyue, she showed an expression just as expected by the director.

The soldier who had not spoken before, but had been secretly observing Feng Mengyue's performance, finally walked out confidently.

Pointing to the three-story building bathed in the last rays of the setting sun, he introduced:

"When we were marching here for repairs, we discovered this small building."

"At first, we thought it was a trap set by a lonely monster in the wild, and we were a little scared. But as you know, my director, the giants who occupy the entire sky dare to confront them head-on. What if there is a ghost or something?

Give someone a head?"

"With a bang, we went up. Soon, the door was blown open, but who knew there was really a monster hidden inside. Someone without martial arts would come and attack us. There was nothing we could do. Naturally, this small building

It has become our trophy!"

When he said the words "our spoils of war", the soldier puffed up his chest and involuntarily emphasized his tone.

However, what even he didn't expect was that Feng Mengyue, who had been standing next to him, didn't hear a few words of his introduction at all, and just nodded stiffly and mouthed "Yeah".

It is not difficult to find out as early as the first time you see the mountain-like supplies piled in front of the small building.

Feng Mengyue's mind had been completely distracted. How could she care about such an irrelevant question as where this thing came from?

"It's so damn real!"

He thought to himself that the soldier was not slow to speak and continued to introduce the types and quantities of the goods in a good manner.

Because there is not much storage space, and all the electrical appliances were taken away, except for some supplies that were thrown away by the soldiers in the first wave, more than 95% of the remaining items are placed here.

From the introduction of basic fast food products to various snacks, candies, drinks, and convenience foods.

It also introduces everything from ordinary daily necessities, towels, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, and moisturizer to pots, pans, and various seasonings.

Taking out the list from his arms, the soldier spoke enthusiastically, and Feng Mengyue listened enthusiastically!

As for the rear, the ordinary Shanyue villagers who had slowly climbed up the slope to see the supplies appeared more realistic.

The noisy discussion that had disappeared due to the forced control had now become ten times louder.

Looking at the pile of supplies, almost everyone's eyes were red, and they didn't know what they were thinking in their minds.

But as long as you observe the trembling on their bodies, you can also find that if Feng Mengyue wasn't still standing here, there would have been a large-scale looting at the scene!

"Lord Wind, the above is the list of all items. The quantity of each item has been clearly counted on this piece of paper."

"Take a look!"

After reading for four or five minutes, the soldier finally completed his task and handed the paper in his hand to Feng Mengyue.

And this delivery seemed to break Feng Mengyue's dream and forcibly brought her back to reality.

Looking at the pile of supplies in the distance, and then at the list nearby, Feng Mengyue shook her head calmly: "I will help Su Shen keep these things, and we will all do it when he comes back."

"No, Lord Wind, our director said you can take half of these things as hard work money!"

Interrupting Feng Mengyue's speech, the warrior raised his head like a proud peacock.

But at this time, after hearing the news, Feng Mengyue could still see the anger that had been brewing before, and the slightest bit of dissatisfaction with the soldier's attitude.

Almost instantly, she raised her head in surprise:


"That's natural! Is it possible that Lord Feng still doesn't trust my family director?"

Unaware of Feng Mengyue's change of expression at the foot of the mountain, Sumo, who had already led the team over Wuzhishan, felt that it was not easy for him.

After entering the mountain, except for the first cliff territory we encountered, the situation was extremely miserable, and every refugee there was oppressed by the two brothers Liu Yai and Liu Quan.

In the several gathering places we encountered later, except for the assassination plot in the murderer's territory, life seemed to be going well.

Pretty good?

In Feng Mengyue's Shanyue territory, there are many stone houses, and the villagers live in peace and contentment there, without any anxiety about running around and fighting for their lives.

Two newly discovered gathering places on Wuzhi Mountain.

Although the first stone territory has a population of only ninety-seven, the people there are all very strong, not only have extraordinary fighting power, but also have various unique skills.

On Wuzhi Mountain, they live a prosperous life and have no shortage of supplies. They have even opened a small mushroom cultivation base on the outside of the cave.

It can be said that life is prospering and people are full of hope.

And the second Sanchuan Territory is even better.

Although its population is not large, with only a little over 200 people, they live a very prosperous life just like the first cave territory.

Relying on the accumulation gained from previous battles with foreign races outside, as well as some precious items traded from outside.

This Sanchuan territory has also opened up a suitable breeding base in the cave.

However, what they are breeding is not mushrooms, but a herbivorous animal that only exists in the wasteland, the Great Sichuan Rat!

This large Sichuan rat grows very fast. It only takes two months from the time it comes out of the cage to maturity, and it can provide about five kilograms of meat.

If it weren't for the fact that it consumes a lot of fodder and can easily damage the environment in the territory, even Somo passing by would be tempted to pick up a few and take them back to the territory.

Such a comparison.

Sumo really felt that it was too difficult for him.

As the lord of the territory, although he can go out and wander around, he also has to live a life of running around and working hard. How can he be as comfortable as these lords who are enjoying the blessings in the territory.

"I hope Chen Shen, Shen Ke, and Li Hu can live up to my expectations."

"It would be great if when I go back, the territory can develop as quickly as theirs!"

The pass provided by Feng Mengyue proves it, and Su Shen's face proves it.

There was no trouble in either territory, and both welcomed the team in with great enthusiasm and treated them warmly.

But, in this case.

Sumo couldn't find any good reasons or excuses to think of ways to conquer these two territories so as to bring them back to fill the vacancies in his own population.

Taken together, I looked at the sky outside and thought about the delayed journey in the past few days.

In the end, Sumo said goodbye to the bearded lord of Sanchuan Territory neatly, and led the team to continue on the road to the sixth mountain of Bapan Mountain.

And this was the first time the team marched at night after five days of departure!

The road is slippery in the dark, and at night, the obstacles below are even more difficult to detect when covered with white snowflakes.

Fortunately, when setting out for the sixth nameless mountain in Bapan Mountain, Sumo successfully found the adventurous mechanic staying at the foot of the nameless mountain again.

This time, it was only a mountain away, and the signal detection range actually increased dramatically, reaching about 800 meters.

Looking at the replaced memory card and the adventurous mechanic who was already ticking away, Sumo had a smile on his face.

According to the increasing amplitude of this signal, when we reach the center of the mountain, there is a certainty of five kilometers.

Now he no longer has to worry about the huge risks he would have to take to lead people into the opponent's camp to explore.

There is no need to worry about not being able to find the whereabouts of Marshal Wang and others.

As long as the Adventure Mechanic's signal can be transmitted stably, he will be able to easily detect the secrets of the enemy's secrets, as if he has clairvoyance and ears.

very nice.

Thinking like this, Sumo strode back to the climbing car in the middle of the team. While importing the data of Wuming Mountain with familiarity, he tried to make contact through the radio in the car.

Nothing went wrong.

With the signal range now reaching 800 meters, and the hand station having a certain ability to resist interference, the voices of the soldiers behind were smoothly transmitted clearly.

"Director, according to your instructions, Lord Wind has led his people to transport all the materials back. They also left twenty people to guard the small building. From the looks of it, there is a high probability that they plan to wait until tomorrow.

During the day, just pick it up by the roots and bring it back to the territory to see if you can find any other related secrets!"

"But after you left, we searched carefully, and we are almost certain that we can't find any other secrets."

Good guy.

Feng Mengyue's appetite is not small at all.

She wants half of the supplies, and she also wants this small three-story Western-style building located in a deserted ravine!

However, it is not easy to move this big thing. Most likely, what Feng Mengyue can do is to dismantle it, then bring it back to the territory piece by piece, and slowly arrange it.

It can be regarded as a good place to pass the time when you are bored in the apocalypse!

After thinking about this, Su Mo smiled and said: "It's okay. If they like it, let them dismantle it. We don't plan to take them away anyway."

It’s just a three-story small foreign-style building. No matter how good the construction materials are, it can’t compare to the newly built residential buildings in the territory in the future.

As long as this winter is over and there are sufficient raw materials, Sumo is fully convinced.

In just a month or two, your territory will be completely transformed and it will begin to resemble a human city, and you will no longer have to live in such embarrassment.

"Pay attention to safety. We are marching all night tonight. If you are scared at the rear, you should rest for the night and let me observe the two territories to see if there is anything unusual."

“Don’t be in a hurry right now”

After thinking about it, Sumo finally decided to be skeptical about the "grand occasion" presented to him by the two territories.

It's not that the two territories are living well. He, the human God Su, feels envious and jealous in his heart.

But because they are located near the center of the mountains, on the edge of the previous wave of storms, the lords of these two territories did not show any panic about the future.

It's not abnormal, there are indeed some problems.

Let's call it abnormal. Without further evidence, Somo could not continue to reason further.

On the other side, the soldiers received the order, responded respectfully immediately, and then hung up the signal.

The car became quiet again.

Tianyuan territory.

Hope Village.

The mysterious building.

Looking at the tents dotted with sparks at the back, and at the soldiers not far away who were sitting around chatting, bragging, and drinking hot soup to warm themselves up, Li Hu let out a long sigh.

This was the fifth time he sighed in an hour.

Normally at this time, as the armed minister of the entire territory, he would have returned to his residence, filled a basin of hot water, soaked his feet comfortably, and watched the disaster relief videos on the game panel to help him sleep.

But today, it was already ten o'clock at night, and he was still standing in the wilderness, blowing the cold wind.

As for being busy with things, Li Hu can accept being so busy, and is even willing to be a little busier and a little tired.

But the reality is

From three o'clock in the afternoon to now, for more than seven hours, the only thing he did was nodded in agreement with the order, and then stood aside and waited.

Why don't you just go home today?

This waste of life waiting would be better if we knew what we were about to face.

But I don’t know anything, and I don’t even know when to open it. It’s better to come here the next day and fight a protracted battle.

Having an idea, Li Hu looked back.

Looking at the four members of Liucheng who were still busy sitting at the door and the newly joined eight-member apprentice team of Ai Jianfeng, he cleared his throat.

"Um, Liucheng, Ai Lao, come here and have some soup."

"It's so cold, can we open it up, or forget it today?"

"We still have plenty of time, so let's recuperate our energy and come here after dinner early tomorrow morning to have a good fight with this big iron gate."

After saying that, Li Hu walked to the table in a decent manner, picked up his bowl, pretended to take a sip with pleasure, and made a whirring sound.

But it's a pity.

Before the expression of "enjoyment" could fully bloom on his face, Li Cheng and Ai Jianfeng's replies had already arrived in front of the gate.

"Right away!"

"Wait a little longer!"


With the exact same answer, Li Hu's enjoyment suddenly turned into pain.

He can guarantee that starting from six o'clock in the afternoon, apart from instructing to get materials and instruments, these two people only had these two sentences left in their mouths.

At that time, Li Hu was deceived into leading people to set up a defensive formation, ready to launch defensive counterattacks at any time against enemies who might rush out after the gate was opened.

But now, Li Hu felt that raising his eyelids was a sign of respect for the enemy behind the door.

For a while, as the time got closer and closer to early morning.

After finishing the soup in his bowl, he forcibly took half of the share of the most talkative warrior in the fifty-man team as a punishment.

Li Hu simply sat on the ground, staring blankly at the night sky of the wasteland like everyone else.

Similar to Earth, but not exactly the same.

There is a bright moon and stars in the night sky of the wasteland.

These stars, like countless pieces of jade, spread across the entire sky, creating a gleaming star belt that exudes a strange attraction.

After watching for a while, just when Li Hu was sleepy, a meteor suddenly cut through the night sky and broke into everyone's sight.

"Look, that's a shooting star!"

On the earth, meteors are not uncommon, and meteor showers are not difficult to find.

But unfortunately, for most ordinary people, they will never have the opportunity to spot meteors with the naked eye.

At this time, I heard someone exclaiming. Everyone looked up and saw clearly in an instant.

A star with a blue-gray tail is sliding from the edge of the sky to the center at a slow speed, causing a long stream of light to scatter.

At this time, most of the soldiers could not restrain their curiosity and stood up involuntarily.

Some people stared closely, their eyes following the movement of the meteor, and they didn't know what they were thinking about.

Some people put their hands on their chests reverently and began to make wishes according to the customs of the earth.

Some people subconsciously touched their trouser pockets, wanting to take out their mobile phones to take pictures, but after realizing that this was a wasteland, they couldn't help but chuckle.

The crowd was noisy, and Li Hu, who had just felt a little sleepy, was instantly awakened by the noise.

In desperation, he had no choice but to stand up and look where everyone was paying attention.

It's magical, yet very ordinary.

For people like Li Hu who don't understand customs, instead of admiring this shooting star, it would be more practical to think about how many slices of beef can be added to the noodles to be eaten tomorrow morning.

"Don't even look at it. It's just a shooting star. What's the fuss about!"

"Let me disperse them all, one by one. It's not good to sit on the ground to rest, so you have nothing to do."

"This meteor has a purpose. Unless it hits me on the head, I won't even take a look at it!"

Li Hu cursed and drove away.

Being driven away by him in this way, the atmosphere was ruined, and all the soldiers had to apologize and find their seats again to sit down and rest.

However, some clever guy looked up at the night sky again when he sat down.

Followed by: "Captain, this meteor seems to have really fallen!"

Everyone subconsciously looked up, and instantly saw the meteor that was still on the edge of the sky. It seemed that it had found its home, and it was tilting towards the speed at which everyone was sitting at a terrifying speed.

At this speed, it would only take thirty or forty seconds at most for the meteor to hit the ground!


This chapter has been completed!
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