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Chapter 892 Epitome of the times, heros resurgence!


Branches of lightning flashed across the dark sky, and rolling thunder spread back and forth along the sea surface.

The roaring waves rolled up, picked up the ship on the sea, and smashed it down hard.

A floating group of thousands of rafts tied together is constantly rising and falling with the waves.

And in a port somewhere where humans gather.

"A Category 3 storm is coming! Those on board please check whether the anchor is down in time! To prevent getting lost!"

"Idle people please disembark quickly and evacuate to the inside of the mountain to avoid the wind and waves!"

"Repeat that."

Surrounding the simple port built on the mountain above the water, the piercing sound of the trumpet continued to echo at the edge of the port. The person in charge of the port responsible for early warning was standing in the sea-viewing room halfway up the mountain, looking at the waves in the distance with a horrified look.

Deep in the sea, although the magnitude of the disaster has been reduced to the point where it can be ignored, the sudden change in weather still cannot be underestimated.

The meaning of a Category 3 storm is very simple, that is, the peak of the waves can reach 100 meters!

For humans, it is still a huge natural disaster that cannot be ignored.

"City, go and ask the brothers to put on their equipment. Later we may go to the port to check and make sure that there are no women or children who are reluctant to part with their own belongings and hide them in the corner."

"Brother Fu, the brothers have been prepared for a long time, just waiting for your order!"

The people responsible for the early warning were all brave, careful and good swimmers. After the horn sounded two more times, a group of more than a dozen people wearing raincoats left the room.

They descended rapidly along the slippery mountain cableway, distributing the high-calorie food they carried with them to the fleeing people from time to time along the way.

Soon, when the bag was almost empty, I descended to the foot of the mountain, the place closest to the sea.

Here, many buildings built in the past few months have been destroyed by the ferocious tsunami, and only the last third is still swaying back and forth in the wind and rain.

"Is there anyone, is there anyone?"

Holding the loudspeakers they carried with them, a dozen people tied their waists together with thin ropes to resist the wind and waves invading the gravel.

From time to time they heard unusual noises, and they would lower their bodies and rummage through the ruins of buildings.

It's just that the waves coming in waves will still hit them, causing them to collide with sharp building materials and cause them to bleed.

Just when everyone was thinking of quitting.

Finally, there was a noise from a dark corner.

"Help us, we have two children!"


The electric light streaked across the night sky, taking away the darkness in the corner.

The woman who spoke was being crushed under pieces of broken wood debris, and under her body was the only small space, revealing two pairs of longing eyes.

"Damn it, there's someone there!" Captain Fu Huang's scalp went numb, and he quickly took the lead and walked over.

What he was most worried about had happened. These women who usually did small business at the dock were still too weak to perceive disasters.

When the weather changed at night, the port issued an early warning, but these people still stubbornly chose to stay at the port in order to seize the stalls the next day.

"How are you? Can you still persist?"

Using a flashlight, I looked through the gap and saw that the woman's abdomen had been pierced by a wooden thorn, and a large pool of blood flowed out.

The two children cuddled next to him, trying their best to support a triangular stable space.

Although her face was pale and her whole body was trembling, she was still in a plank position without realizing it, holding up the only small space: "Save my child."

"Damn it, damn it, come quickly and help me!"

Fu Huang cursed angrily and quickly pulled out an iron rod from his waist and inserted it into the gap to prevent it from collapsing.

Using the most primitive rescue methods, everyone began to try to peel off the debris pressing on the human body piece by piece.

But how could the ruins, which were piled together by the waves, be easily removed at this time?


Another wave of waves crashed down, tens of meters high, and a team member was accidentally smashed against a brick wall on the spot, spitting out black blood.

"No, we don't have the tools, go find someone quickly!"

The condition of the mother and son who were trapped under the rubble was getting worse and worse, and his team members were also injured one after another. Fu Huang yelled anxiously.

He looked back and forth, as if crazy, trying to find a borrowed rescue tool.

But for a moment, when his eyes glanced at the black waves under the lightning and thunder, he suddenly froze on the spot.

Among the rolling waves of the black sea in the distance, there seemed to be a small ship sailing freely among it.

It looks like a medieval sailing ship, with a large bright yellow sail.

But the magical thing is that when the sea water hits the big sail, a light yellow air shield will unfold, keeping all the water splash out.

"What is that?!"

More and more team members turned around and discovered this strange sailing ship.

Some people, including those in the boats on the shore who had not yet evacuated, also saw this magical ship that seemed to be driving the sea water.

The waves rise, and they rush to the highest splash point, like a fearless warrior on the battlefield.

As the waves descend, it burrows back and forth in the rolling water, like a nimble fish in the sea.

Gradually, the distance got closer.

Everyone can gradually see the yellow sail in front of the ship clearly, but most people's attention is not there at this time.

Because at the bow of the boat, there was standing a man with strange tattoos on his bare upper body.

Just standing there, he seemed to be the center of the world.

If you look carefully at the air shield that protects the ship, you can see that it is also emanating from this man's body.



Another wave of waves came up, and the man's boat docked.

With a casual step of his foot, he was ejected from the bow of the ship like a cannonball, leaping several meters before landing.

Then, when he saw Fu Huang and his group, he rushed towards them like a chariot.

"Get out of the way!!"

Rushing to the ruins, the man roared and lifted the heaviest bricks up.

In an instant, he lifted up the overlapping ruins that had been troublesome for a dozen people just now, and a hole appeared that was large enough for normal people to travel.

"Quick, why are you standing there, hurry up and save people!"

He rolled and crawled into the big hole, first took out the two children, and then tied the injured woman to a rope and took him out.

The whole process lasted for dozens of seconds. Fu Huang's hands were shaking nervously, but he still completed the task resolutely.

After he left, the man loosened his grip and the ruins of the building collapsed, making a buzzing sound.

"This strong man."

"Take me to your lord. From today on, I will be your new lord!"

"What?" The man's arrogance was unexpected, but facing his domineering eyes, Fu Huang felt a strange feeling in his heart.

It wasn't the panic caused by his previous inhuman behavior, nor the gratitude brought by the rescue just now.

It's not surrender, let alone fear.

If I had to find an adjective to describe it, that would be it.

Get close!

He felt a very close feeling from this man, as if the two were relatives and had a blood connection.

"I am the first batch of Chinese people who have awakened the soul of the hero, and I am also a strong person who is truly qualified to become a lord."

"From now on, only if I lead you can you get out of this predicament and establish a new order in this strange land!"

The man clenched his fists and looked toward the dark sky.

A faint trace of white air suddenly rushed out from his body and went straight to the sky.

After about three or four seconds, the white air reached its peak and exploded suddenly.

Two huge Chinese characters were revealed.


Dense patterns are engraved on the surface metal of the ruins, forming strange patterns.

Fumbling around with these patterns, Soma looked through them and seemed to see a grand sacrificial ceremony.

The man on the throne was radiating hot flames, and below him were his subjects who were also covered in flames.

All the fires are superimposed together, as if praying for some response.

"Be careful, there's something wrong with this ruins, don't talk about it."

The underground ruins that Su Deben dug up were obviously ordinary alloys on the outside, but there were no such patterns.

Sumo thought back and forth and was 100% sure that there were absolutely no such details in the excavation video he had seen.

But in today's reality, these things have happened, appearing so suddenly in front of us, which makes people have to be suspicious.

"Director, how do we get in? There's no gate or anything here?"

Pei Shao wandered back and forth a little confused.

The location of the ruins survey and excavation was based on the location map given by Soma.

But on the plane that everyone came down to, they couldn't see any ruins portal in the human instinctive impression.

"This door should be"

Somo's gloved right hand slowly groped on the wall, finally stopping at the throne in the pattern.

Just press it lightly.


A subtle but clearly visible soft red light flashed from the metal surface.

Along with the sound of mechanical transmission, all the patterns began to spontaneously retreat, finally giving way to a huge metal door about three meters high and two meters wide.

"Is this the gate to the ruins?"


Pei Shao stepped forward and stroked the smooth door surface with one hand.

Suddenly, a biting feeling came from the pad of his middle finger.

He raised his hand and was shocked to find that his finger had been bitten by something, and blood was oozing from it.

And the blood imprinted on the door is disappearing quickly, and it looks like it has been absorbed.

"This thing still bites?"

"I don't bite."

"Who!?" An old voice came out, and everyone was startled.

In the dim light, a raised face appeared on the door, with a nose and eyes.

He opened his mouth slightly, and the sound just now came out of his mouth.

"I am the guardian of this ruins. Those who have the potential to open it can get permission to enter."

"Guardian?" Somo stepped back slightly, his hands involuntarily touching his waist.

During the entire process of Su Deben's excavation of the ruins, he did not encounter any so-called guardians.

The whole process is the same as the previous Yanguo ruins, find it, enter the password, open it, and then take away the contents.

Nowadays, not only do the ruins have some incomprehensible patterns, but there are also guardians who look a little creepy.

Could it be that you are so lucky that this place is not the ruins of the adventurer's device?

But an alien relic?

"Analyzing that your blood is human, I can tell you that heroic ruins with levels higher than level six will have guardians. We will select humans who can inherit the heroic genes to enter, so as to awaken the fight against alien races and natural disasters."

"What is the hero gene?" Sumo was still unmoved.

"A long time ago, we humans also had the blood of gods similar to aliens flowing in our bodies. We could control fire, ice, and summon thunder and wind. We could explode with power comparable to missiles with just a single movement of our hands. But later due to various reasons,

For this reason, these genes gradually fell asleep and were dissolved into our human heritage."

"We can no longer use the abilities brought by these hero genes, just like aliens can no longer use their superpowers. In short, just like what you see, we have become ordinary people and can only rely on technology."

"Have you found a way to awaken genes?" Sumo frowned.

Regarding genes, he had heard the previous five great ancestor gods mention it, why the human race has the genes of the ancient gods, but humans do not.

He didn't care at the time, but why are human remains now related to this?

"The mission of every heroic ruins is to inherit the heroic genes, which can bring unimaginable power to the heroes and lead us humans to become the kings of this land."

"Don't be ridiculous. If you were so powerful, you wouldn't have blown up the entire wasteland long ago. Why would you still be here waiting for the inheritor?" Pei Shao curled his lips, still a little aggrieved about having his blood taken away before.


"Genes are just a key, and the power they bring is all-round, not only to individuals but also to territories."

"If the strength is not enough, the more aggressive the gene, the more it will reduce the user's lifespan, and it will not be able to bring benefits to the entire territory as the soul of the territory."

"In short, whether you can succeed in the end depends on the hero's own ability." Metal Face explained.

He paused.

"With just one drop of blood, I can test the potential you inherit."

"If you have enough potential, you can enter all the heroic things in it."

"So there is no adventurer terminal manufacturing device here?" Sumo asked aloud.

"What is that?" Metal Face did not answer directly, but the meaning was already obvious.

The game actually actually completely fabricated a ruins in the future wasteland.

The same location, different structure, and even the things stored inside are different.

Directly from the precious adventurer terminal manufacturing device, it turned into a "hero gene" that makes your hips tremble as soon as you hear it.

"What if I want to force my way in?" Su Mo frowned.

"You can try. If you can force your way inside, you are qualified to inherit the hero's genes." The voice with the metal face was still emotionless.

But when he said this, Somo actually became interested.

"Which generation of humans are you from?"

"We are from the Pegasus Universe, and we are ranked 30th in the game round."

"It's Pegasus, no wonder." When he heard the name of the universe that was only one round away, Somo's brows relaxed.

If it were the Pegasus universe, then it would make sense to study this obscure thing.

Since their ruins have never been found in the future wasteland, all the information collected was relayed by people from other universes.

According to the description, the people of Pegasus Universe worshiped these strange powers before they were transported to the wasteland.

When they arrived here, after seeing the alien race that could almost serve as a template, they couldn't stop themselves and devoted all their energy to the research of special powers.

As for the final result, they could not escape a fate similar to that of Yan Kingdom.

The supreme being with power once again thought of breaking out of this prison, which led to the fact that the number of humans was too small in the end, and the game forcibly judged them as losers.

The once glorious Pegasus Universe, which was said to be able to suppress the alien races, hastily come to an end.

This chapter has been completed!
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