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Chapter 893 Qihunsoul, a brawl is coming!

"Actually, I'm a little curious. Pegasus Universe completes the game tasks normally and the progress is much faster than people in other universes. Why will it follow the same path as other universes?"

As universes that are close together, there will always be more information left behind than those that are far apart.

Like this bronze face, if it lasts longer, it may become ineffective with the passage of time and fall into a permanent sleep.

Taking advantage of the fact that he could still communicate, Sumo asked as many questions as possible, dragging out the doubts in his heart.

"This is normal. The total amount of resources in the wasteland is limited. In the later stages, the conflicts among ourselves will become greater, let alone other races coming to compete for them.

And the reason why we choose to pursue the path of supreme power is because we need an existence that can talk to alien gods on an equal footing, whether it is ourselves or the backer we find." Human Face answered softly.

"The path of heroes we are taking is to imitate the path of the powerful human race. If one day we can reach a certain height, maybe we can be favored by that human race, and maybe we can leave this world."

"The road to the human race?" Speaking of this, Sumo somewhat understood.

If the machines developed by Yan Guo are combined with the human body, the path to the machine's eventual ascension into a new god is the path to self-strengthening.

So Pegasus Universe’s way of imitating ancient myths and exploring the human body’s potential is the way to recognize your ancestors and return to your clan.

The processes of the two are different, but the purpose is to deal with the gods behind the alien races.

Obviously, as they get to the later stage, they realize that the difficulty of completing the task does not lie in the natural disasters, but in whether humans can have a fair and just competitive environment.

"It's a bit ominous. If these weird routes start to revive in the wasteland and participate in the future territorial competition, the situation will probably be much more chaotic than it is now."

Just Sun Bahu, who inherited the relics of the Yan Kingdom, made everyone anxious.

If this is the case, all kinds of strange routes that humans have tried in the past have begun to gradually recover and occupy their place.

"Try it. Come forward one by one to test your potential."

Sumo stepped back and ordered with a headache.

A big brawl can certainly test out a route suitable for humans as quickly as possible, and it can also preserve the vitality of humans to a great extent.

But no one can guarantee whether they will be overturned during the fight.

At the same time, if there are still some sleepers who are not "dead" in this process and join in, the game will catalyze it.

The situation that Tianyuan Territory will face next may be much more complicated than imagined.

In front of the red metal gate.

Isaac and his team lined up nervously and began to step forward to test according to Metal Face's request.

Press your right hand on the door, and a drop of blood will be pricked by the protrusion on the door.

The detection speed is not slow, and it takes about ten seconds to see whether a person has the potential to inherit the hero gene.

But it's a pity.

"You guys have such poor qualifications that you don't even have any qualifications!"

After testing more than thirty people, some of the metal faces were obviously disappointed.

"Your physique is so pitifully weak. How can you withstand the oppression brought by heroic genes and become a true hero!"

"Hey, you old man, I can't even stand and talk without pain in my back. I couldn't eat enough in the past few months. Sometimes it took me two or three days to eat a meal, and I couldn't even drink a few sips of water. What do you mean about my physical condition?

Poorly weak." A team member from the Newquat Chamber of Commerce retorted.

"That's right, I've only had enough food for a few days, and you're asking for so much. In my opinion, hero genes can't turn ordinary people into heroes. That's the problem of your genes. How can we blame it on us?"

"Heaven will confer a great responsibility on this person, and he must first strain his mind, strain his muscles and bones, and starve his body and skin. If your genes can only make strong people stronger, then you might as well just appoint Su Shen directly."

"Su Shen?" The bronze face said calmly: "Anyway, it's not impossible if you can bring stronger people in. As long as the requirements can be met, my mission will be completed."

"As for other things, don't think about it."

"Tch, who cares about your genes? I'm quite happy being an ordinary person."

The heroic gene that might once have been sought after by everyone has now fallen to this level.

The bronze face was also a little helpless, but in the end he could only look at Somo who was standing behind the crowd.

Perhaps he has discovered that the person with whom he has just communicated smoothly is the leader who speaks the truth.

"You guys should go and try it too." Sumo said in a deep voice, gesturing for the adventurers to line up and come forward.

If it was the real body, he wouldn't be afraid to step forward and test it.

But this body was originally made of cards. In order to prevent accidents, it was better not to take action.

Soon, a new round of testing began.

This time, the result was that the bronze face was slightly less sad, and he muttered something:

"It's a pity that you are only a little bit short of meeting the minimum requirements, but you still have potential."

"Hey, you are only a little bit behind, almost as good as his potential."

"You guys are so surprised, why are the limits of the hero's genes so different?"

"It's still a little bit worse, it's still a little bit worse!"


At first, after the first few team members finished testing, Bronze Face was just a little surprised.

But as the sample data grew larger, his surprise gradually turned into surprise and even shock.

If you divide the potential to become a hero into 100 numerical scales.

As long as it reaches 30, it means that it has the minimum qualifications to become a hero, which means it can accommodate the minimum hero genes.

Reaching 40 means that you can not only become a hero, but also become a group with outstanding abilities.

When you reach 50 or 60, you will awaken other abilities when you become a hero, and can even accommodate different types of hero genes.

In the test just now, he tested more than thirty people in a row, and almost everyone's potential value was between 20-22.

This is quite astonishing in the past data.

As long as they undergo systematic training for a period of time, it means that these people have the potential to become heroes.

"It's a pity that your potential value is the highest, but it's still a little bit behind."

Qi Qin stepped forward, tested the highest value of 28, returned without success, and stood back in the team.

"What about me, what's my numerical value?" Moore looked like he wanted to drip blood.

But the bronze face just shook his head and let the blood slide down the metal surface to the ground.

"You are not human and cannot inherit the hero gene."

"Hey, Moore is not a human being, so he can't be a hero?!" The two-meter-tall Thunder Bear was a little frustrated.

But before he could finish speaking, a pair of big metal hands rested on his shoulders.

"Moore, back off!"

Turning his head subconsciously, a three-meter-tall metal humanoid monster walked out of the darkness and shot out a jet of air.

The eyes of the humanoid head exude scarlet light, and the intricate metal surface of the body is filled with cold light.

The power tube as thick as an arm hidden under the surface is like a human blood vessel, emitting the sound of surging energy.

"You want to force your way in?" The metal face disappeared, but the voice still sounded from inside the door.

"Your strength."


In an instant, the air exploded with a loud noise.

The metal monster's chest glowed with red light, and the air pressure pillars all over its body made an extremely suppressed creaking sound.

A fist the size of a human head hit the lower left side of the door from slow to fast.


Bang bang bang bang!

Amidst the continuous left and right blows, each time the shadow of the fist fell, the dent in the metal door became deeper.

The force of the Sun-Sun Armor's attack when activated to its limit is far more terrifying than imagined!

The entire ruins seemed to tremble, making an inaccessible creaking sound.

After more than ten punches fell, Somo took a deep breath and stepped back.

At this time, the entire metal door has been dented, and it seems that it is only the last bit left to be broken open by force.

"Don't want to continue?" The metal face appeared and exclaimed: "This suit of armor of yours is really powerful. Its power can actually reach the level of a first-level Qi Meridian hero, but it's a pity that its durability is a little short."

"I'm just worried that this place will collapse." Sumo opened his helmet and was silent for a moment.

The resonance caused by the violent opening of the door just now has put the snow at risk of collapse.

If the attack continues, even if the gate is blown open, this place will collapse.

"So, do you decide to quit, or try to meet your potential?"

"Is this the gate to the ruins?"

"What do you mean?" The bronze face was slightly stunned. In his sight, a retro golden key suddenly appeared in Somo's hand.

"You're trying to open the door with this, and to be honest, it doesn't look like that."



Before he finished speaking, the key was thrust into his mouth arrogantly and began to turn.

At first, the surrounding metal was still buzzing, as if it was organizing the key to open the internal mechanism and open the door.

But after a few seconds, a slight deformation began to occur on the door body, spreading to the surroundings.

"Is this the power of the game? You used cheating methods to open the hero ruins!"

"Didn't you say you just need to go in?" Pulling the key back, looking at the number of times left, Sumo smiled and put it back into the storage space.

In front of him, a doorway half as tall as a man had opened, revealing its true contents.

No matter how much Metal Face resisted at this time, the power of opening the door attached to the previously obtained gold-level key was still not something it could stop.

After about three minutes, the front wall disappeared, completely giving way to a deep road leading inward.

"You win, this is yours, you can take away everything inside, but I will no longer answer any questions from you."


Sumo smiled even more and directly put his palm on the surface of the ruins to call the system.

A green light flew out of the body, began to scan the entire ruins for information, and finally returned to the attribute panel that popped up.

[Abe Zhidev’s Sanctuary (Lv.16)-Pegasus Universe]

[Description]: This is a shelter created by humans from the Pegasus universe. Because the owner of the shelter has died, it has been inherited by the host.

[Shelter level]: Level 16 (immovable; completeness: 31%)

[Shelter Appearance]: Bonus, range, combat

[Shelter characteristics]: Qi (lv3), soul (lv1), soul (lv1)

[Shelter permissions]: If you are not the original owner, everything is locked.

[Territorial Status]: Destroyed (destroyed and cannot be restored by any means)

[Shelter Properties]: Blocked (unable to be viewed by non-original owners)

"Qi, soul, soul?"

"What characteristic is this?!"

The fact that ruins are refuges is nothing new, especially in a universe like Pegasus that is known for its personal power.

But in these different shelters, this was the first time Sumo saw such strange descriptions of characteristics.

"With the shelter of phase, is it possible that there will be other changes in the shelter in the future?"

Opening the game panel and switching to the attribute comparison of the underground shelter, Sumo quickly discovered the difference between the two.

The only special thing about the underground shelter is that it displays two different 'super powers'.

One is obtained from the water of the mermaid who inherited the ancient ruins of Magu, and the other is the wind of the lion man.

It does not show more specific characteristics and characteristics.

"Qi represents the heroic spirit, which is the backbone of the entire territory and the foundation of the hero's strength."

"The soul represents the soul of the hero. Every hero is the soul of the territory. He can drive the territory to produce spiritual feedback and give birth to a team with unique abilities."

"Po represents the hero's soul, which is the hero's talent. It is fixed by the innate bones and cannot be changed."

Hearing Soma's murmur, the bronze face appeared again and answered with a strange tone.

"Are you Abe Zhdev?"

"Didn't you already use it to get the answer?" He looked at the sky with a self-deprecating face, apparently mistaking the system identification for the game identification, thinking that Somo had used the game to obtain detailed attributes.

"After becoming a hero, not only will the shelter change, but even the territory will gain different levels of benefits. But if your potential is not enough, I advise you not to try, otherwise it will be a waste of what I left behind.

The hero gene.”

"You can lead people in with a light to take a look." Somo looked at Isaac.

The latter was taken aback, and at first he smiled and wanted to refuse, but after he realized what he was doing, he could only bite the bullet and lead the people inside.

After going back and forth for a few minutes, Isaac returned from inside: "Sir, there are only three things on the altar table inside. Why don't you go in and see for yourself?"


Looking at the photos taken by Isaac with his camera, Somo nodded slightly, then took off his armor and led people inside.

The internal structure of the ruins is not complicated, and is almost the same as the ruins opened by Sudeben.

Go straight inward and turn two corners, and you will come to a slightly spacious room.

It's just that the treasure placed here now is no longer a highly valuable adventurer terminal manufacturing device.

It turned into a red oak wood table with simple patterns like a sacrificial table, with three objects of different shapes neatly arranged from left to right.

They are: a bronze spear, a tube of red liquid, and a dark golden disk.

"That's all?"

Sumo raised his eyebrows and subconsciously released an identification light to illuminate the three objects.

Within a few seconds, the properties of the bronze spear were the first to come back to me.

This chapter has been completed!
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