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Chapter 160 The Republic Era

"Empire Current Affairs News" is a new media that emerged after the founding of the United Kingdom with Sonyans as its main subscriber group. It quickly gained a large number of fans because of its radical nationalist stance.

On November 28, the "Imperial Current Affairs Information" published a signed article "Where should the United Kingdom go in the new era?" written by Baden, a senior professor at Newman University and a famous Sonia scholar. The article was eloquent and set in the Mid-level Peace Conference.

Analyzing the world situation and analyzing the gains and losses of the United Kingdom over the past decade or so, the conclusion is that in order for the United Kingdom to gain a new lease of life, it needs to throw away the baggage of the old era and follow the path of a republic.

The baggage of the old era refers to the royal family and the old aristocratic system.

This article sounded like a clarion call to declare war on the royal family. For a while, articles calling for Henry II to abdicate sprung up in major newspapers and periodicals.

On December 7, a large crowd of demonstrators emerged outside the summer palace where Henry II's family lived.

Obviously, despite Prince Peter's announcement to return to civilian life, Henry's royal family still did not respond at all, resisting the pressure from the outside world with silence, which made the Republicans finally unable to bear it and launched a general offensive.

Anyone with a discerning eye can also see that without the acquiescence of the military, the Republicans would not be able to cause such a big disturbance.

On December 8, there was even a terrorist incident in which a company of military armed personnel tried to force their way into the Summer Palace.

Although security forces quickly arrived and disarmed these illegal soldiers, many analysts privately believed that this was a drama staged by the military itself.

This was not the first time for Lu Ming to enter the Summer Palace, but the eyes of the palace staff and attendants looked at him, and the meaning at this time was very different.

Although Lu Ming only brought one guard, the adjutant and guard chief Anilova, who seemed to the outside world to be just a sexy beauty with no intimidating power, so the commander-in-chief almost entered the palace single-handedly, but the people inside the palace saw that

The eyes of the commander-in-chief were full of fear.

Lu Ming came here at the invitation of Henry II.

Leading Lu Ming down the luxurious corridor of the palace was housekeeper Audrey, an elegant lady in her forties, wearing a light blue and white lace maid dress, and silver maid soft shoes that were extremely light on the thick floor.

, every move shows that she has undergone rigorous training.

A few days ago at the cabin, Lu Ming had a chat with Sekhmet about her past life. Sekhmet had not been to the summer palace a few times, but he was deeply impressed by Audrey and said that he received a lot of care from her.

What Lu Ming felt was the cold gaze of the housekeeper.

In a very private small reception room, Lu Ming and Henry II sat opposite each other, and Anilova was waiting outside.

Looking at Henry II, who seemed to be aging rapidly in a short period of time, Lu Ming felt a little complicated.

Henry II was also considered a tycoon of the previous generation. If he had not disrupted the world, Sonia would have probably dominated the empire for a long time.

He is not much older than me, but now his temples are gray, and he looks like an old man in his fifties or sixties.

"After abdicating the throne, I can ensure the normal life of the royal family and will prompt the Parliament to pass the Royal Family Preferential Treatment Ordinance and allocate a sum of money to the royal family every year."

"However, the summer palace will be turned into a museum, and all land assets of the royal family will be reverted to the republic. However, you can keep any of your suburban manors to settle in. Which one you keep is up to you."

There were only two of them, and they had no scruples just to negotiate terms, so Lu Ming seemed very ruthless.

"This is the bottom line. I don't want to negotiate terms bit by bit and make it seem too difficult for His Majesty."

The corners of Henry II's eyes twitched. He understood what the man in front of him meant. The two of them had also been guests and hosts. If he bargained with him in order to get better terms, it would be ugly to everyone.

In fact, if you think about it, more than ten years ago, this man slowly reached the top of the military world in the Western Regions.

After reading his detailed information, I admired him very much. Six years ago, I summoned him to the center and supported him to take root in the Gede area.

In just six years, a lot of things happened, including the threat of the New World.

This man gradually controlled more and more power in the military world, and now, he is completely on his opposite side.

I was a little reluctant, but now that I thought about it carefully, I suddenly realized that this man had always been completely outside my control. In fact, I couldn't say that I had supported him and given him the strength and status. In the past few years, I had been deeply involved in conflicts with the cabinet.

In the quagmire of struggle, he was completely overwhelmed and could not provide him with any substantial support.

I don't know why, but he is always able to get what he wants in various crises with ease, as if the entire empire continent and even the new continent are cooperating with his usurpation of power.

It’s hard to understand, maybe, this is the so-called destiny.

The glory of the Henry family in just over ten years was just a flash in the pan. The real man of the times was the man in front of him.

In the future history books, as the father of the Republic, he ended the Sonia royal family's rule over the old kingdom. He is the real protagonist, and he is just his background.

Henry II sighed inwardly.

So, should we make a desperate move?

Henry II's heartbeat accelerated slightly as he thought of another option and his palms became slightly sweaty.

However, this involved the life and death of his own family. He hadn't slept much for days and nights. He had already made up his mind, but when the matter came to a head and trouble was imminent, he suddenly hesitated again.

"Your Majesty Henry, I hope we don't make things too ugly." Lu Ming looked at him calmly, "Dickens can't do anything. There are more than 20 gunmen ambushing here. Do you think my adjutant is really a vase?

?And even if I die here, have you thought about the consequences?"

Henry II's expression suddenly changed.

Lu Ming nodded, "The Thorn Grass family should have been in contact with you before they fled far away. I told you that the hidden world should not interfere with secular affairs, but that was what he was forced to do. It is not that my deputy chief and

Servants, they can't even protect me."

Beads of sweat gradually formed on Henry II's forehead.

Finally, he let out a long breath, "Just as you said, I will make a statement tomorrow."

He also didn’t ask about the "Royal Family Preferential Treatment Ordinance" and the amount of special funds allocated to the deposed royal family every year. But with Bit’s ambition and ambition, how could he care about this kind of thing? He would not treat the old royal family badly. The premise is that he would not be able to reconcile with him later.

The power of restoration is in tatters.

Lu Ming stood up and bowed slightly, stroking his chest and saying, "Your Majesty, I hope that the topic we talk about will be easy when I visit you next time."

Henry II's face was full of bitterness, he sighed and said nothing.

On December 19, 971, Henry II issued an edict of abdication, announcing that the royal family and nobility would no longer exist in Sonia. He would support the republic as an ordinary citizen, abide by the laws of the republic, and look forward to the arrival of a new life.

On December 20, the United Kingdom Parliament passed a resolution to abolish the existence of the House of Lords.

On the 21st, Congress amended the constitution and the United Kingdom was officially renamed the "Federal Republic of Sonia".

The Grand Commander is the supreme head of state and is directly elected by the people. He is elected every five years and can be re-elected for two terms.

In addition to the Constitution, the Congress passed the "971 Provisional Bill". The main content of the bill is that in view of the current world situation, when the first general election of the Republic will be held will be decided by the Grand Commander-in-Chief. Before the new election, the Grand Commander-in-Chief needs to conduct an annual election.

Signed an executive order postponing the election.

There is a restriction issue.

From a legal perspective, administrative orders are not irreversible. If the Supreme Court rules that the administrative decree promulgated by the President to postpone the general election is unconstitutional and the special period has ended, then the President will have no choice but to push for the general election. Otherwise, it will trigger a constitutional crisis.


This kind of restriction is naturally taken for granted by the parliament.

The Grand Commander's Office later issued a statement expressing respect and support for the "Interim Bill."

This relieved many people who were worried that the general would become a dictator.

It was only after the Grand Commander's Office issued an official statement that the carnival celebrations in various places to celebrate the Republic officially kicked off.

Regarding this point, Lu Ming was a bit dumbfounded when he heard the feedback. People in this world still have too little knowledge. As for this check and balance, he has ten thousand ways to avoid it.

Of course, I probably wouldn't do this myself.

This chapter has been completed!
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