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Chapter 161 Legend

On December 25, Lu Ming was sworn in as the Commander-in-Chief of the Federal Republic at the Capitol Building under the auspices of Chief Justice Milson of the Federal Supreme Court.

Just one day ago, the lengthy and controversial Mid-Levels Peace Conference came to an end.

The agreement reached by all parties is called the "Continental Peace Declaration of Han, Griffinni, Sonia,... and Many Ethnic Groups", which lists more than a hundred ethnic groups. The name of the agreement alone can fill half a page, and

This ethnic group is not only divided by the ethnic characteristics defined by Lu Ming in his previous life. For example, in the agreement, the Donghai people are also one of the ethnic groups.

This agreement is referred to as the "Continental Declaration".

In the Declaration, all parties recognized that peace and economic integration are the common goals pursued by many ethnic groups on this continent.

All parties agree that the mainland is vast and each ethnic group has the right to determine regional autonomy based on their traditional way of life.

All parties agree that reducing weapons of mass destruction is a well-being for all citizens of the mainland.


Many clauses are actually the result of seeking common ground while reserving differences. Not all parties agree to these clauses unconditionally. They are just listed like a big pot.

The Declaration has five appendices.

Appendix 1 is the new layout of the continent, which is mainly divided into three major plates, the Tianhan Empire, the Holy Grifenni Empire and the Federal Republic of Sonia.

Among them, the Western Alliance regards the Emperor of the Han Dynasty as the king of the free city states, while the Eastern Economic Alliance, the Kingdom of East Grifinni and most of the traditional Western autonomous states regard the Holy Emperor Grifinni as the head of state.

Many emirates in the southern region recognized Commander Bit as the head of state. They did not recognize the Commander of the Sonia Federation, but recognized the personal charm of Commander Bit.

The three major sectors have also determined to start a new round of negotiations on mainland free trade next year.

For the Federal Republic of Sonya, in the final analysis, it can be said that Commander Bit saved the crumbling Sonya Federation and achieved the best results for himself.

Even the enemies of the Commander-in-Chief in the political arena have to cease their activities at this time. If they still make remarks questioning the Commander-in-Chief at this time, they may soon become public enemies of the Federation.

Next is the New Year. The end of the Peace Conference has also removed the cloud of war from the heads of the people of all parties. During this New Year, the consumer market across the continent has experienced explosive growth compared to last year.

The following year, on January 8, 972, a grand wedding was held in the Newman Cathedral between the Grand Commander and His Highness Sekhmet.

"Royal No. 1" was one of the many special planes auctioned after Henry's royal family's property was nationalized. It was bought by the Grand Commander with his own money.

In fact, it is a modified version of the "Song-201" jetliner produced by the Northern Royal Airbus Group. This model is very suitable for transformation into a private jet.

Today, the jetliner market is completely monopolized by the production chain of cooperation between the East China Sea and the Northern Territory, and the United Kingdom's civilian passenger aircraft are also imported from the Northern Territory.

"Wang Family One" was refitted by Airbus technicians for door-to-door service. On the afternoon of January 8, it took off from Newman Airport, destined for the New Emerald Island of the Independent State of Antiguara.

This is the honeymoon trip of the Grand Commander and His Highness Sekhmet.

The Independent State of Antiguara, formerly the state of Antiguara, is actually still a place of underground drug supply.

It is now a federal member of the Tianhan Empire.

Although the state of Antiguara has strongly requested to be incorporated into the Kingdom of Tianhan several times, and the referendum has been passed by a large margin, the Parliament of the Kingdom of Tianhan has always rejected the proposal of some members to absorb Antiguara as an autonomous territory of the Kingdom.

The Tianhan Kingdom was the main body of the empire and the homeland of the Han Kingdom.

Only citizens of the Tianhan Kingdom can call themselves Han people.

The so-called member states of the Imperial Federation, just like the dozens of members of the Commonwealth of Nations in Lu Ming's previous life, only have the Imperial Emperor as the head of state in name, but in fact are completely independent in their internal affairs. In the final analysis, they still belong to two countries with the Han Kingdom.

Antiguara failed to merge with the Han Kingdom, so it had to settle for the next best thing and establish the Independent State of Antiguara, with the Imperial Emperor as its nominal head of state and join the Han Federation.

Lu Ming did not interfere with the ownership of Antiguara. Although he had a strong sense of a great nation and a large territory in his previous life, this has slowly changed this morning. He also knew the concerns of the members of the parliament. In fact, Antiguara joined the kingdom.

It will just be a burden.

However, Antiguala, this strange place, is a very famous tourist destination in the west.

The New Emerald Island was once a free trade city-state where Lu Ming had been operating for a long time. With the disappearance of Antiguala's strategic position, the New Emerald Island also changed its development route and is now known as the Pearl of the Western Blue Sea.

Most people in the West have never seen the sea, but Antiguala can satisfy this long-cherished wish to some extent, but what they see is not the real sea, but the scenery of some islands is much more beautiful than the sea view.

Antiguara covers an area of ​​millions of square kilometers, but it is actually a huge lake dotted with mainland islands.

New Emerald Island focuses on "island" tourism projects and is positioned as a high-end customer service. Going to New Emerald Island for vacation is very popular among the middle and upper classes in the West, which is the real elite class. New Emerald Island also has its own unique appeal.

It is a fake island, but it may not be as fun as the islands in the eastern sea.

Lu Ming chose the New Emerald Island as his honeymoon place mainly because it was for others to see. The south of Antiguala is close to the Sonia Federation, and it is within the radiation range of the Sonia Federation fighter planes. If he went to the East China Sea, it would be frightening to his men.

In addition, the New Emerald Island is actually an asset of the Tianhan Royal Family. Not only the New Emerald Island, but also many islands in Antigua. If you peel back the cocoons, you will find that the real owners of the land are all converging in one direction, which is the Tianhan Royal Family.

My dear, there is more to come after this chapter. Please click on the next page to continue reading. There will be more exciting chapters later!

He chose his own territory because Lu Ming also had some necessary things to do.

Including telling Sekhmet who he really is?

New Emerald Island is crowded with people. Recently, probably because the mainland has restored peace and retaliatory consumption has occurred. There are many various tourist groups coming to Emerald Island. Most of the members of these tourist groups are from Sonia, Georgia.

Middle-class families in western Rifenni and western Northern Territory.

Lu Ming came to the Independent State of Antiguala in a private capacity and did not notify Antiguala officials.

The entire New Emerald Isle is operated by "Audrey Entertainment Company".

There are four super large main parks, namely Future World, Animal Kingdom, Magic Kingdom and Oriental Studios, as well as three water parks, 35 resort hotels and more than 700 campsites.

Its scale also shows how popular this "Pearl of the Blue Sea of ​​the West" is.

Naturally, Lu Ming and his party's room had been arranged early, in Room 1 of the Presidential Suite on the top floor of the Audrey Hotel.

In fact, Presidential Suite No. 1 is vacant most of the time. It is Lu Ming's private residence here and is not open to the public.

It's just that Lu Ming doesn't necessarily come once a year.

As soon as the group checked in, Audrey came over excitedly.

As the original four Western ladies, now they all have their own world, and Audrey is the one who manages this new Emerald Island.

She is a very typical Sonia beauty, with sexy red hair and a hot figure. The years seem to have frozen since she met Lu Ming, and she is still as beautiful and charming as she was more than ten years ago.

When Lu Ming and Audrey smiled and hugged each other, Sekhmet, who was originally full of worries and confusion, was suddenly shocked.

Because "Bit" suddenly turned into an Oriental with black hair and black eyes, and he looked very much like the same person.

Lu Ming looked at Sekhmet and smiled: "You just saw the real me today. Queen Hera knows who I am."

"You, you are..." Sekhmet stammered, thinking of that person, but how could this happen?

Lu Ming smiled: "I think you need some time to digest."

"Your Majesty Yuezhao arrived yesterday! But tell me I don't need to tell you." Audrey said with a smile.

Lu Ming was helpless, "I told her to come back tomorrow."

Queen Yuezhao, like Sekhmet, is her wife with another identity.

According to the tradition of the Central Continent’s God Lord, next to the God Lord, there are one queen, three palaces, nine concubines, nine concubines, twenty-seven wives, and eighty-one female queens.

As for Queen Yuezhao and Sekhmet, as the other wives of the God Lord, their status is between the ninth concubine and the twenty-seventh concubine, slightly lower than the ninth concubine, or maybe similar to the ninth concubine and slightly higher than the concubine.

, but it may also be the same as a worldly woman, mainly depends on her status in the heart of the God Lord.

Lu Ming asked Yuezhao to come because he thought Yuezhao and Sekhmet were in similar situations and might become good friends.

Audrey is from Sonia, and she might have a common language with Sekhmet.

At the same time, it also made Sekhmet understand the rules in the palace.

Of course, the status of the concubines is not static. For example, Audrey, who was originally just the concubine of the prince's house, has now been promoted to the rank of a lady of the household and was named a "constant maid".

Although Yuezhao came, she did not come on the excuse of being sick. She was originally asked to come to the Emerald Island tomorrow. She came a day early and could wait, but she must not appear to be here to steal the limelight of the new nobleman. After all, he is the emperor today.

The first day of honeymoon between His Majesty and the new noble man.

Lu Ming went there in person, and Yuezhao brought the No. 1 presidential suite. Her maids also brought luggage and other large and small items and sent them to her room.

At Lu Ming's signal, Yue Zhao entered Sekhmet's room.

When the lanterns first came on, Yuezhao and Sekhmet came to the terrace garden where Lu Ming was.

Lu Ming was slightly stunned when he saw Sekhmet wearing a snow-white wedding dress. She had already changed into casual clothes after the wedding ceremony.

Yuezhao seemed to know what Lu Ming was thinking, and chuckled: "Today is a very important day for Your Majesty and Sister Sekhmet, and it requires a sense of ceremony."

Lu Ming coughed, and Sekhmet, who had silver hair and silver eyes, was already noble and angelic. Dressed in a snow-white wedding dress, she looked even more pure.

The moon shines on the traditional Japanese kimono, which is charming and charming, yet another kind of classical beauty that is comfortable and charming.

Two foreign concubines with very different appearances but both exuding a noble and beautiful aura are sitting on the left and right, which is a feast for the eyes. It is really an indescribable visual enjoyment.

"Your Majesty, please excuse me first. Today's time belongs to Sister Sekhmet and Your Majesty!" Queen Yuezhao bent her knees slightly, and turned around without waiting for Sekhmet to stay. The noble Queen's charming and swaying figure,

It took Lu Ming a long time to look away with regret.

"You... teacher, did you always know..." Sekhmet secretly glanced at Lu Ming, then quickly lowered his head. He was probably still not used to Lu Ming's oriental appearance, and his thoughts were extremely confused.

Lu Ming pondered slightly and said: "We won't talk about her, what do you think now? I should have told you in advance, but the matter is serious..."

Sekhmet lowered his head and said nothing.

Lu Ming was about to say something, but then Sekhmet's stomach growled. She immediately blushed and tried to find a crack in the ground to get in in embarrassment.

"Ah, I didn't think well. You didn't eat much on the plane. The wedding was even more tiring. Well, let's eat first."

Lu Ming stood up and came to Sekhmet. Sekhmet, who was standing up, was slightly startled when he saw Lu Ming stretching out his hand.

She hesitated for a moment, then slowly raised her little hand wearing a snow-white lace glove, letting Lu Ming hold it.

"I originally wanted to take you out to eat some local specialties, but your outfit...well, let's go to a restaurant."

Holding Sekhmet's delicate hand, Lu Ming walked forward, chattering something incessantly, but Sekhmet was so confused that he didn't listen at all.

She took two steps, suddenly looked up and asked, "You, are you really the person in the legend?"

Lu Ming was helpless: "If it's fake, why, doesn't it look like it?"

Sekhmet lowered his head, probably she was getting more and more confused. Ever since this man regained his true form, he was suddenly no longer the traitor she hated so much. Everyone had different positions. He used his great power to come alone to the Western Enemy Ring.

He can even start as a low-level soldier, stay with the enemy as a noble person for more than ten years, and have nothing to say when his own side is completely defeated. But although he is no longer a traitor, he still has a relationship with the terrible figure in the legend.

The terrifying images do not overlap at all, but look like a liar, which is really weird.

Lu Ming didn't know what she was thinking, so in order to express his concern, she deliberately found a topic and said a few more words.

This chapter has been completed!
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