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Chapter 1014 Untitled

Although Wang Jian's status now has even surpassed that of his old boss Meng Ao.

But the Meng clan, after more than ten generations of family disciples working in the military, is actually still ahead of the Wang clan.

Moreover, the younger generation of the Meng clan is now in charge of the Golden Fire Cavalry and is highly regarded by His Majesty the First Emperor. If the Wang clan wants to catch up with the Meng clan, it will still take several generations.

Wang Jian knew this very well. If the Wang family wanted to rise, Wang Jian and his son alone would not be enough.

The two of them are indeed deeply valued by His Majesty the First Emperor, otherwise it would be impossible for father and son to become generals at once. You must know that there are very few fathers and sons who served as officials in the same dynasty and became generals in the history of the Qin Dynasty.

Except for a few exceptions, there is none at all.

But Wang Jian also knew very well that although they, the veteran generals in the army, had greatly increased their longevity due to their martial arts, they could not stay in the army forever.

Even if they are as powerful as Wu'an Lord Bai Qi, they are now relegated to the second line in the Great Qin military, and they rarely show up unless it is a matter of life and death for the Great Qin.

It is not that the First Emperor was unkind and ungrateful. In fact, His Majesty the First Emperor had done a very good job with his ministers of civil and military affairs.

His Majesty, the First Emperor, has never had anyone with great achievements. Wu'an Jun Baiqi and the others retreated to the second line, not because their prestige in the military was too high, which aroused His Majesty's fear.

It's because neither the army nor the court can remain like stagnant water. Without fresh blood, it will be very dangerous.

Just like many emperors of the Qin Dynasty, they can live for thousands or tens of thousands of years, but generally they only sit in the position of emperor for three to five hundred years, and the longest does not exceed a thousand years, and they will automatically step down from the position of emperor.

Most of the civil and military ministers were like this, except for a few extremely capable ministers, such as Shang Yang. Because of the reform of the Qin Dynasty, they needed to sit in power for a long time and assist three generations of emperors.

Even if most of the other civil and military officials can live a long time, especially military generals, their longevity in practicing martial arts is indeed a bit lower than that of ascetics, or even half the difference in some cases.

But once one can practice Taoism and practice martial arts, one can live for thousands of years, comparable to that of an immortal.

However, no matter which general is as strong as Wu'an Jun Bai Qi, he will not be in the army for more than three thousand years. Most of them will not even have one thousand years, and they will slowly retreat and retreat to the second line.

Lord Wu'an also rose up because the six countries united to force Da Qin back then.

In fact, even if he retreats to the second line, this general's status is unquestionable and irreplaceable.

Just like this Lord Wu An, he is still a myth in the military of Great Qin, but he needs to abdicate to make way for more generals, so that fresh generals can display their abilities.

Otherwise, over time, people will grow old and their blood will become stiff. This is also true for dynasties. The Six Kingdoms were finally destroyed by the Qin Dynasty because most of the top positions were held by nobles. They were extremely stiff.

Da Qin learned a lesson, or in other words, Da Qin was not like the Six Kingdoms from the beginning. Da Qin also had nobles, but since Shang Yang, there are still certain differences between Da Qin's nobles and those of the Six Kingdoms, so Da Qin has become stronger.

The army needed to be replaced, so Wang Jian knew that it would be no problem for his father and son to serve as generals of the Qin Dynasty for three hundred years.

But no matter how long it takes, you will need to give way.

Next, we need to slowly change and retreat to the second line. If we want to maintain our influence in the military, we must have family members who continue to join the military.

Wu'an Jun Bai Qi is truly the number one person in the Qin army, not only because of his military skills but also because of the generals who have been with them during these thousand years in the army.

As well as the continuous emergence of disciples from the Bai family, this has created the existence of the Bai family, which is now the number one general in the Qin Dynasty.

Although the Bai family's other descendants have been overshadowed by Lord Wu'an Bai Qi's prowess, it does not mean that the Bai family does not have outstanding disciples.

In fact, in the past thousands of years, the Bai family had no fewer than ten people in the Qin army who had been awarded titles.

You know, the creation of noble titles at the upper level is almost the ceiling of the army. After that, there are only two levels: Jun and Marquis.

As for the titles of princes and kings, they would only be those who had made great contributions to the Qin Dynasty, such as Wu Anjun and Shang Yang, or who had made great contributions to the destruction of the country, such as Wang Jian.

There are not many people in the entire Qin Dynasty, especially those who are granted lordships or lordships in the army are even rarer.

The Bai family's disciples were awarded the title of Dashangzao not only because of Lord Wu'an. The military titles in Da Qin were considered the most fair.

Although the children of generals may be given priority when being ennobled, without merit, even if you are the biological son of Lord Wu An, you will not receive any promotion.

Therefore, the Bai family can become the number one general in the Qin Dynasty, not only because of Lord Wu An, but also the outstanding disciples of the Bai family.

Wang Jian knew that his Wang family was still far from becoming the top generals in Da Qin. Their Wang family's background was much worse than those of the top generals.

The father and son alone may be able to keep the Wang family and become a first-class general, but that's all.

Unless Wang Jian's martial arts can reach the level of Da Luo Jinxian, otherwise, it will be difficult for the father and son alone to rank the Wang family at the top level of Da Qin's generals.

Unless the next generation of talents emerge in large numbers.

But the Wang family's own background is too poor, and the people in the clan are not as good as the Bai family, and even worse than the Li family.

But now, the appearance of this rune cannon gave Wang Jian hope. If the Wang family could control this elite army of rune cannons, they might be able to be like the Meng family.

The reason why the Meng clan is now almost among the top generals is not only the efforts of more than ten generations of the Meng clan, but more importantly, the Golden Fire Cavalry Legion built under the training of His Majesty the First Emperor.

This legion made great contributions to the Meng clan in the North.

Moreover, His Majesty the First Emperor has never been afraid. Even if the Meng clan controls the Golden Fire Cavalry, His Majesty the First Emperor has never felt that the Meng clan is in any danger.

This is also the reason why the generals of the Great Qin Army are loyal to the Great Qin and have great respect for His Majesty the First Emperor.

Let’s try this on the emperors of the Six Kingdoms.

Li Mu, who was also Lord Wu'an, was no worse than his Wang Jian in terms of ability. However, in the end, he was feared by King Zhao. Even on the front line, there were several people sent by King Zhao in the army, staring at him.

With different minds, the two countries will end up differently.

His Majesty the First Emperor's magnanimity is also the most exemplary of the Qin emperors in history. Even Bai Qi, the Lord of Wu'an, was impressed by His Majesty the First Emperor and was willing to be driven by His Majesty the First Emperor. ()

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