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Chapter 1,242 Siege

"Everyone, there is news coming from various places. The imperial court has united with several major princes to besiege them together. How do you think we should respond?"

Zhang Jiao glanced at everyone, and those sitting there were all senior officials of the Taiping Dao regime, both civil and military, and many of them were his disciples.

Over the years, his disciples have also grown up. Although they are still far behind those few, they are still the mainstay.

Moreover, most of his apprentices either like to study scientific knowledge, or they like to hang out in the army and be generals.

When it comes to internal affairs, few are good at it.

In fact, he himself didn't like this internal affairs very much. In the past, he had no choice but to go there in person.

Fortunately, several talents were introduced by his seniors and came, which also liberated him.

Especially the disciple of the aristocratic family from Xuzhou, Zhang Jiao was a little wary of the disciples of the aristocratic family at first.

But after communicating with the other party, he completely understood that the other party's ideas were similar to his, and they were like-minded.

In this way, he felt relieved. Later, he handed over the government affairs to the other party, and the other party handled it with ease, and even gradually surpassed him.

So he completely ignored it and let the former manage Taiping Dao's internal affairs. Over the past hundred years, the other party's abilities have been recognized by everyone in the civil and military circles within Taiping Dao.

Even those rebellious generals did not dare to show any slight to this young and shameless scholar.

Now that the internal affairs of Taiping Dao are in the hands of the other party, it is extremely smooth. Taiping Dao has been able to completely control the twelve states in just a few decades, thanks to him.

Of course, there is also the universal education implemented by Taiping Dao before. Although it is impossible for everyone to read, at least within the scope of Taiping Dao, the literacy rate is higher than that of other princes. In this way, Taiping Dao has hundreds of millions of people.

Thousands of literate people.

These people can be promoted if they are smart, even if some are dull, at least at the lowest level, there is no problem in doing the work of minor officials.

Under the leadership of these people, the grassroots level of Taiping Road has become more and more energetic. These grassroots officials can implement the decrees issued by the above very well.

Although there are many obstacles, under the force of Taiping Dao, any blocking force will only be wiped out.

The village elders and village elders in the countryside were simply unable to resist them. Even if Taipingdao did not use force but only used gentle means, they could easily get rid of those village elders.

In the past, the Liu Han court did not go to the countryside, and the villages were autonomous. At most, when the court collected taxes, it sent two petty officials, and the petty officials also interacted with the village elders.

Therefore, many village elders are very ruthless in exploiting the local area, because the village elders have the right to speak, and the people at the bottom cannot fight against them.

With the arrival of Taiping Road, people from the grassroots level will be sent to take care of it to replace the village elders. Taiping Road considers the people at the bottom, and the people at the bottom are not fools. They can tell who is good to them and who is bad to them.

No matter how well you say it, it's better to do it well.

Because in just a few decades, Taiping Road has won the hearts and minds of the people in the twelve states.

And all of this is under the handwriting of this young man.

Therefore, Zhang Jiao has never interfered with the policy policies of young people in the past few decades, and he has always looked like a hands-off master.

As for the others, apart from some remarks at the beginning, they were gradually impressed by this disciple of the aristocratic family.

Many people have even become followers of this person.

"Kong Ming, please tell me first."

After Zhang Jiao glanced at everyone, he focused on Zhuge Liang and said simply.

"Here! Ming Gong"

Zhuge Liang is also very informal. The people here have known each other for decades, and many of them are even his subordinates. Some of them were guided by him, and they are now in charge of the internal affairs of the twelve states of Taiping Dao.

The aura on his body is restrained. Otherwise, the aura on his body alone would be enough to make even a monk in the God Refining Realm unable to stand up.

This is not the aura that relies on his cultivation, but the aura that he has developed from being in a high position over the years.

"This time, the imperial court united with other princes to attack us. It was obviously planned before."

"There must be those aristocratic families behind it"

Zhuge Liang had actually received a lot of information secretly before. As a smart man, he naturally understood the importance of information.

Moreover, he was born in a noble family, and he also understood the worries of those noble families. Once Taiping Dao replaced Liu Han, other noble families would indeed have no good life.

It's not that Taipingdao has to target the aristocratic family, but that the aristocratic family controls too many interests and channels for advancement.

The people at the bottom had no choice but to rebel, and then the world was in chaos, with princes fighting for hegemony, and then the world was in turmoil. As a result, countless people were killed and injured in the process.

There is only one out of every ten people in the world. With fewer people and more land, it will become a prosperous age again.

But as time goes by, the population gradually increases, and there is still so much land. Naturally, it cannot feed so many people. The people at the bottom cannot survive, so they can only rebel.

All aristocratic families are greedy, and there are not many who are not greedy.

So this is entering a vicious circle that cannot be changed.

But Taiping Dao is different. To change this circle, the land cannot be controlled. So when they conquer the world, Taiping Dao will collect it all and then plan it for the people at the bottom.

We can eliminate land annexation to the greatest extent possible, and secondly, increase the yield of food per mu in the fields through scientific means.

In this way, the fields produce more food and can feed more people.

In addition, education at Taiping Road is widely opened to enlighten people, so that the people at the bottom will not be deceived, and the possibility of rebellion will be reduced to the greatest extent.

After all, there is enough food and the people are wise, so the possibility of being tempted to rebel is almost gone.

Moreover, channels for promotion have been opened so that the people at the bottom will have no complaints against the government. However, this is all about cutting the flesh and sucking the blood of the wealthy families. How could they be willing to do so.

Therefore, they are hostile to Taiping Dao and wish to destroy Taiping Dao immediately.

Zhuge Liang is a disciple of an aristocratic family, but he does stand on the side of the human race, because with his own eyes, he understands that the Taiping Road will be unstoppable in the future.

Moreover, behind the Taiping Dao, there are still human sages and even top human beings. Those young people cannot stop this trend of humanity at all.

When he joined Taiping Dao, he felt that the volcanic vitality of Taiping Dao could not be compared with the lifelessness of other princes.

The scope of Taipingdao is the real trend.

So he quickly integrated into it, and with the help of his own wisdom, he quickly gained a foothold, and the Taiping Dao leader's trust in him also shocked him.

You know, his current status is comparable to that of the Prime Minister of the Liu Han court, and even has greater power than the Prime Minister. ()

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