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Chapter 1,277 Untitled

"If you two can't leave Kyushu from now on, try not to leave Kyushu. Unless you reach the level of Taiyi Golden Immortal or Daluo Golden Immortal, or wait until the great calamity comes, at that time, our human race's hostile forces will temporarily have no energy.

I’m plotting against you.”

Su Fan continued.

"The prehistoric world measures calamity?"

Zhang Jiao and Zhuge Liang were a little confused.

"I mentioned to you before that there is another world. Now the prehistoric world is bordered by the other world. In the future, the two worlds will merge into a larger world."

"At that time, the creatures from the two realms will inevitably fight for the sovereignty of the new world. At that time, the forces from the three realms will also unite."

"The strength of that world is no weaker than that of the three realms of the prehistoric times, so the powers of the three realms will fight against the creatures of that world. No one with such strength would risk the disapproval of the world and take action against the human race."

"But when that time comes, it will be a calamity for all sentient beings in the wild."

When Su Fan said this, his face became very serious. As the two worlds merged, it seemed that the speed of the integration was getting faster and faster.

Originally, according to calculations, it would take tens of millions of years for the two worlds to completely merge. However, according to the re-extraction by Master Fuxi and the others, they found that the time for the integration of the two worlds has been greatly advanced. I am afraid that tens of millions of years will be enough for the integration.

And in fact, it won't take tens of millions of years for the two worlds to conflict.

After all, it takes tens of millions of years to completely merge into one world. Maybe in a few million years, most of the two worlds will be integrated, and the barriers between the two worlds will probably be gone.

At that time, both worlds could come into contact with each other.

Even now, there are creatures from both sides entering each other's world to test the depth of the other's world.

A powerful man from the ancient Nightmare clan, the Great Luo Jinxian, has already tried many things.

And according to what Emperor Yu said, the other party also had a regional creature called the Three-Headed Dog of Hell, which entered the wilderness and carried out a killing spree.

It was a monster beast comparable to a golden fairy.

The strength is quite strong.

However, he was eventually suppressed by a Daluo Jinxian from the human race.

But obviously the conflict between the two sides has begun, because there are more and more passages between the two realms, and maybe one day, a void passage will appear in Kyushu.

Therefore, the calamity of the prehistoric world is getting closer and closer.

Faced with this kind of calamity, even Su Fan couldn't guarantee. What he could guarantee was that he would survive. But he couldn't guarantee others. In the war at that time, Quasi-Sage and Daluo Jinxian would all go crazy.

Join the war.

Compared to the two worlds of lich and witch, they are no different.

By then, the quasi-saint-level powers in both realms will exceed hundreds. One can imagine how terrifying such a battle would be.

In the future, the human race will inevitably suffer heavy casualties in the war, so in order to ensure that the human race can survive as much as possible, it is natural to make adequate preparations in advance.

Jiuzhou has always been protected by Jiuding. Jiuding is a treasure of acquired merit and virtue. It can be said to be very powerful and is definitely the top magic weapon in the ancient world.

The only ones that can surpass it are probably those few innate treasures. Even the top innate spiritual treasures will have a hard time surpassing him.

Such a treasure can indeed ensure the safety of Kyushu, but if a war breaks out in the future and the human race joins the war, then this treasure will definitely be used on the front lines.

After all, Emperor Yu holds the Nine Cauldron, and his combat power is no worse than that of a peak quasi-sage. Even with the help of this humane treasure, he is even more powerful than an average quasi-sage at the peak.

By that time, Jiuzhou will not have the protection of Jiuding. If Jiuzhou does not have strong power, the protection will still be very troublesome.

Therefore, tens of millions of years ago, a powerful force must be born in Kyushu. Not to mention quasi-sages, at least a few Daluo Golden Immortals were born, which would ensure the safety of Kyushu to the greatest extent possible.

Su Fan can't guarantee whether he can be born after tens of millions of years. After all, some people can break through in just a few hundred thousand years, and some may not be able to break through even after several tribulations.

Zhuge Liang and others have potential, but whether they can break through or not depends on them.

"So dangerous"

Zhang Jiao and Zhuge Liang were even more surprised. They did not expect that there would be such a calamity in the ancient world.

When Su Fan heard this, he shook his head and said: "The danger of calamity is far beyond your imagination. Let's not talk about it far, let's just talk about the war between humans and gods, the war between Da Qin and Heaven."

"This is also a calamity. In fact, it is the calamity of the Human Emperor. Under humanity, there should be nine human emperors."

"Three emperors and five emperors, eight human emperors, only one human emperor is missing"

"Once the Great Tribulation of the Human Emperor is over, the strength of our human race will be even higher. The nine emperors of the human race will rule the world and jointly deploy the Human Emperor's formation, which is enough to rival the three great divine formations of the Saints and the power of the Saints.


"It's a pity that the human race has been born and even the human emperor has not survived the great calamity."

Su Fan sighed, if all nine human emperors were born, the luck and strength of the human race would be even greater.

Although the human race is now at the overlord level, there are still opponents to the human race, and they are still very powerful.

The human race is not afraid of those big forces one on one, but the human race does not have the power to suppress all races. Once the Nine Emperors of the human race appear, it will be different.

"Two human emperor catastrophes?"

Although the two of them have good cultivation, they were born too short and do not know much about the secrets of the ancient world.

"You have also heard about the last great catastrophe of the Human Emperor, which was about conferring gods to measure the catastrophe. Among them, the last human king of the Yin Shang Dynasty, Emperor Xin, was preparing to attack the Human Emperor."

"It's a pity that I didn't expect to encounter the Conferred God Heaven and Earth Tribulation, and the two great tribulations came together."

"King Zhou?"

When the two heard this, their eyes widened. They were both well-read poetry and books. Regarding the historical records of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, in their understanding, King Zhou was a cowardly tyrant. Such a king could challenge the human emperor.

If you say Ying Zheng, then forget it. In the historical records, although Ying Zheng also committed killings and even raped the Qin Dynasty, after all, some things handed down from the Great Qin Dynasty show that the people lived a good life in the Great Qin Dynasty.

Especially compared with the Liu Han court, the Qin Dynasty spent hundreds of millions of people building various Great Wall mausoleums, which seemed more cruel. However, in fact, during the Qin Dynasty, foreign tribes in the north rarely invaded the border.

Because the foreigners who were suppressed by the Qin Dynasty did not dare to come over.

As for the mausoleum, Zhang Jiao and Zhuge Liang still know a little bit about it. It is not a pure mausoleum, but the construction of twelve golden figures, which is the supreme magic weapon to guard the Qin Dynasty.

Although the Qin Dynasty was short-lived, the people were indeed not in dire straits. Especially later, the people were able to have enough food and clothing.

This is enough for the people. Although it cannot be compared with the current Daqian, they are two kinds of political power after all.

Da Qin and others still know a little about the history of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, but now it is different from what they know. ()

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