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Chapter 1,282 Eight Treasures Merit Pool

Human martial arts attaches great importance to physical training. Later, after the birth of military strategists, there were new creations in martial arts, but overall it has not departed from the martial arts pioneered by the ancestors.

But it also opened up many new secret methods for martial arts, making martial arts more open.

The art of body refining is the foundation of martial arts, because martial arts attaches great importance to the physical body, and even relies entirely on the physical body.

It is different from the immortal way which is based on the soul.

In terms of body refining techniques, the strongest one in the prehistoric times was the Wu Clan. The Wu Clan's Nine Turns Mysterious Technique was inherited from the Great God Pangu. The Taoist Sect's Eight Nine Turns Mysterious Technique was also the most holy method created by the saint based on the Nine Turns Mysterious Technique.

However, the Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques are also extremely difficult. Not many people in the entire Three Realms have succeeded in practicing them. The only person who has become a Da Luo in the flesh is Yang Jian.

It is also because he has practiced the Eighty-nine Mysterious Techniques. Although Yang Jian is a newly promoted Da Luo Jinxian, his combat power is extraordinary. Now he is probably the top existence among the entire Da Luo Jinxian.

After all, at the end of the day, Chan Jiao is standing behind him. As the first disciple of the third generation of Chan Jiao, he is extremely strong regardless of luck or opportunity.

And more importantly, Yang Jian is not only a disciple of Chanjiao, he also has great connections in Heaven, so the resources he gets are also very rare in the Three Realms.

Compared with him, the monkey is much worse.

Although there is no difference between a monkey and his feet, the Bodhi Patriarch who later became a disciple will not play any role in his future enlightenment. Perhaps this apprenticeship is actually about understanding cause and effect.

Of course, if the monkey really enters Buddhism, it is definitely not bad if it is to be said that it is not bad. The Buddha's fruition status in Buddhism is not low in itself.

Coupled with the luck and merit of the journey to the west, there will be no problem for the monkey to become a Daluo Jinxian in the future. He will become a fighting and victorious Buddha, and the monkey will also reach the level of Daluo Jinxian.

It’s not much different than Yang Jian.

But now after practicing the Nine Alchemy Golden Body Art, it may be better than the same period.

"A gift of teaching the Dharma is exchanged for a share of merit. When the time comes, you and I will understand the cause and effect."

The Journey to the West has begun, Buddhism has been preaching in Nanzhanbuzhou, and the journey to the West is about to begin.

Therefore, Su Fan deserves his share of merit.

"So, among the ninety-nine and eighty-one disasters, which one should you choose?"

Su Fan was thinking that most of the Nine-Nine-Eighty-One Difficulties were prepared by Buddhism and heavenly gods, at least a few were monster beasts with no foundation, so these monster beasts all died miserably.

Su Fan had no interest in those monsters. Those who died miserably were almost nothing good and deserved to die.

However, there are a few good ones, whether they are the Black Bear Spirit or the Great Immortal Huli, the three true demons of the Taoist sect, especially the last three demonic beasts who practice Taoism. They are considered true practitioners of the Taoist sect and are not contaminated with killing calamities.

Unfortunately, the three of them were in the land of Buddhism, and Buddhism would not allow them to exist. In the end, they were killed with the help of monkey hands.

These three demons do not have a backing. If there really is a backing, the three of them may become Golden Immortals in the future. They may even gain the merits of Journey to the West and cultivate Taiyi Golden Immortals.

As for Daluo Jinxian, that depends on themselves.

It cannot be cultivated by relying on resources alone. Daluo Jinxian has become a Taoist, and in ancient times he was revered as a Taoist or a divine king.

Only those who have entered the Tao are the Great Luo Jinxian, and they must rely entirely on themselves.

The heels and feet of the three demons are only ordinary, but they can cultivate to the level of true immortals, and they are obviously people with a strong mind.

Su Fan is considered a member of the Taoist sect. Although he is from the human race, his cultivation has always been closely related to the Taoist sect.

Taoism is not Xuanmen. Xuanmen was created by Taoist ancestors, while Taoism is related to Laozi, which is related to the Taiqing sage.

The Taoism of the human race is closely related to the human religion.

The Human Sect is the bishop of the human race, and the Taiqing Saint has always been the teacher of the human race. After all, practicing immortality also accounts for half of the human race.

During the Yin and Shang Dynasties, the human race's luck and Jiejiao were united, but in fact, the human race's luck was still dominated by the human religion at that time, and the Kongtong Seals at that time were all in the hands of the human religion.

Su Fan had no objections to Taoism, nor did he have any objection to Taoism. On the contrary, he did not approve of some of the concepts of Buddhism.

Of course, he did not want to stop the rise of Buddhism. With his current cultivation and status, although he could not stop the rise of Buddhism, if he really promoted it, it would bring considerable difficulties to the rise of Buddhism.

But if you do this, it will not do you any good, and it will offend the behemoth that is Buddhism.

He has a backing, with Zhenyuanzi Daxian, a semi-sage, behind him. There is no danger in facing Buddhism head-on.

But Su Fan naturally doesn't like to do things that harm others and benefit himself, even though he doesn't like Buddhism. Some things in Buddhism are no different from those in the devil's way.

But he will not stop it. Instead of stopping it, it is better to participate and claim some of the benefits when the time comes in exchange for the peace of the Xiniu Hezhou human race. This will be better for him and the Xiniu Hezhou human race.

Why are the human beings in Xiniu and Hezhou so miserable? Buddhism even turns a blind eye. It's just for the faith of the believers. Only if you suffer and the fate of Buddhism will those believers believe in Buddhism.

Belief in incense is not a separate heavenly way. Buddhism has an eight-treasure merit pool, which can transform the power of incense.

The Eight Treasures Merit Pool of Buddhism is a treasure place. Although it is not a spiritual treasure, the Eight Treasures Merit Water in it is no worse than the Three Light Divine Water, and it contains majestic power.

For immortals who have undergone tribulation, once they enter the Eight Treasures Merit Pool, they can return to their original cultivation level as quickly as possible.

It is similar to the Nine Turns Golden Pill.

However, the Eight Treasures Merit Pool requires a huge power of faith and incense, which requires a huge group of believers.

Therefore, in the end, the human race and other races in Xiniu Hezhou suffered. This was not only the case for the human race in Xiniu Hezhou, but also other races.

It’s just that the human race believes that the power of incense is the most powerful and the best.

After all, the human race is considered intelligent and is born with wisdom. Unlike other races, most of the creatures of the race are no different from the beasts if they do not embark on the extraordinary path.

Without wisdom, there is no way to provide incense.

It can be said that the human race is indeed blessed with natural wisdom, which is why the human race can become the overlord.

No matter how many shortcomings the human race has, there is one thing: innate wisdom allows one to embark on a transcendent path, which is incomparable to all other races.

Therefore, I also want to preach in the human race, especially in the base camp of the Nanzhan tribe, where there are more humans and are most suitable for the survival of the human race.

However, Nanzhan Buzhou has always been a land of immortality, which Buddhism could not touch before.

It was also because Taoism owed Buddhism the cause and effect that it was possible for Buddhism to travel eastward.

And Buddhism also paid a certain price to be able to preach among the human race. ()

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