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Chapter 170 Wu Ketongshen


Su Fan was naturally excited when he traveled to the Xuanwu world of the Yellow Turban Rebellion. This extraordinary world was far more powerful than the previous two worlds.

Even compared to the main world, it was no worse. At least when he met Zhang Jiao, he felt that Zhang Jiao's strength would definitely exceed that of Zifu and Jindan in the main world.

As for whether the Yuanying Yuanshen realm or Zhang Jiao is stronger or weaker, it is not clear.

After all, he has never seen masters such as Jindan Yuanshen in the main world.

In this world, there are many ways to practice. There are scribes who refine souls, refine their souls, use their souls to communicate with heaven and earth, and have magical powers and spells at their fingertips.

Martial arts refine the body, transcend the ordinary and become a saint, assist military strategists with magical powers, condense military energy, and transform into dharma.

The Immortal Way cultivates both life and life, and practices Qi to achieve longevity.

For example, there are also the methods of hundreds of schools of thought passed down from the pre-Qin Dynasty.

However, the mainstream of this world is still body refining and soul refining. The immortal path is vague and not many have been passed down, and most of them are hermit masters.

Physical training and martial arts are mostly practiced by knights and knights in the martial arts world, as well as soldiers and generals in the army.

The scribe cultivates his mind and nourishes his soul.

Su Fan was originally from the Gao family in Guangling, so he naturally had a family tradition of cultivating the mind and nourishing the soul.

The soul-nurturing realm blesses the five senses of the monks, causing the monk's spirit to transform. The soul-refining realm allows the monks to use their gods to control objects, and their spiritual thoughts are vigorous and can communicate with heaven and earth.

Martial arts is divided into practicing Jin and practicing Gang. The strength penetrates the body and the Qi and blood are vigorous. Only then can the Qi and blood become Gang.

Cultivation of both life and life in the immortal way, practicing Qi and nourishing the spirit, is actually no different from cultivating immortals in the main world.

Wen Dao and martial arts are just a single form of body, spirit and soul.

The original memory does not know much about cultivation, but according to Su Fan's estimation, martial arts training is below the sixth level, which is equivalent to being below the innate level, while Lian Gang has entered the gate of the Grand Master of the Tang Dynasty.

Refining Gang and refining soul are divided into nine levels.

The original owner himself is a scribe at the seventh level of soul cultivation. He is already a rare genius in the land of Guangling. His spiritual thoughts penetrate the body. Although he has no lethality, once he reaches the level of soul refining, he can communicate with the vitality of heaven and earth and release various magical powers.

The power is huge.

According to Su Fan's understanding, the power of the soul in the Soul Refining Realm is almost in the foundation building stage. It is only the ninth level of Soul Refining. How is it comparable to the main world? Su Fan doesn't know, but he knows that above the Soul Refining Refining Gang, there must be more.

There is a realm.

It's just that based on his current status, it's impossible to know.

After Su Fan passed through, more than a year later, he has now returned to the ninth level of Qi training, and his strength is roughly equivalent to the first level of Soul Refining or the first level of Gang Refining in this world.

After all, in terms of the power of the divine soul alone, he is no worse than those at the third level of soul refining, and he has not let go of his physical body.

Martial arts training is no different from his previous Qi and blood martial arts in the early stages. They are all about tempering the physical body and nourishing the blood and energy.

It's just that his current strength is really nothing compared to the whole world of gods. Not to mention top bosses like Zhang Jiao, even Guan Hai, who is closest to him, is stronger than him.

He came to Xuzhou and became a Fangqushuai thanks to Guan Hai. Although Guan Hai was not Zhang Jiao's disciple, his status among the thirty-six Fangqushuai was also at the forefront.

Because of his strength at the third level of Gang Refining, it can be said that he is at the top level among the many commanders in Taiping Dao.

Su Fan and Guan Hai had discussed each other, and Su Fan estimated that the opponent's strength was at least as strong as that of the main world's mid-stage foundation establishment, or even stronger.

The Gang Qi trained by that horse was really terrifying. Compared with the Gang Qi trained by Su Fan in the Tang Dynasty, it was even more powerful, at least the attack level was much stronger.

According to his understanding, the Gang Qi of martial arts in this world is made by melting the vitality of heaven and earth with Qi and blood. The Gang Qi developed has different attributes and different powers.

However, the combination of Gang Qi and martial arts will really opened Su Fan's eyes, maybe it may be the difference in the laws of the world.

So Su Fan was very honest. Guan Hai was only at the third level of Gang Refining. Although his talent was good, judging from the history of the novel, among the many generals in the late Han Dynasty, he could barely reach the top level.

"First Evolution"

So Guan Hai is so strong, what about those top generals, Lu Bu and others are at their peak,

Wouldn't it mean that he has reached the ninth level of Lian Gang, or even surpassed Lian Gang.

In the memory of the original body, there are records of martial arts experts. Xiang Yu at the end of the Qin Dynasty faced hundreds of warlocks from the Qin Dynasty and summoned a huge mountain.

That big mountain.

This kind of strength is definitely above that of Zifu. At least he knows that it is difficult for Zifu monks to break a big mountain with one blow.

So Su Fan knew that the level of this world was not low, or even very high.

After traveling here, it is impossible to imagine the world of the Tang Dynasty.

In the last world, he was able to dominate the world with force, but this time it will be difficult. Let alone the old monsters hidden in this world, even those top warriors, he has no idea if he wants to catch up.

In this world, one can live a long life, especially Taoist cultivators can live a long life. Some advanced monks can easily live for thousands of years.

Literary and martial arts can also prolong life, but it is inferior to Taoist cultivation.

A strong martial artist can live for three to five hundred years, which is already very good. After all, wars often tend to destroy the essence.

Of course, this world is powerful, and it is naturally good for Su Fan. Apart from other things, Su Fan can tell that the Qi training method that Zhang Jiao gave Su Fan is at least better than what he has in the main world.

The legal level must be high.

It's just that Su Fan didn't practice.

Who knows if there is any secret hidden in this.

In addition, there were some spells that surprised Su Fan again and again. For example, the technique of spreading beans to form soldiers was actually equivalent to an alternative puppet refining technique.

The beans in "Spreading Beans into Soldiers" are not ordinary soybeans, but specially refined golden beans. After being used, they will turn into Tao soldiers.

In addition, the Yellow Turban Warrior is actually a kind of magic.

As for the art of calling wind and rain, it is not that advanced.

But do these three spells have much effect on Su Fan? Of course they are very useful. They can even increase the strength of the family after being placed in the main world.

Of course, these three spells are indeed very profound. Su Fan has barely mastered the first two spells until now.

It may take some time to display it.

On the other hand, Su Fan was already able to skillfully perform the art of summoning wind and rain.

And it has been implemented on a large scale in Ganyu County in the East China Sea.

Su Fan has been in Donghai County for more than a year. With Guan Hai's support, he has hundreds of thousands of Taiping Tao believers under his command.

Su Fan took them to Ganyu, near the coast, to farm and practice salt, and also to train troops.

This world is too advanced, and Su Fan is even more insecure, and he doesn't want to participate in the battles between the big guys.

Taiping Dao has been developing for so many years. In fact, Su Fan knew that both the imperial court and the local government were aware of it, but they just didn't take action. It was probably a secret fight between the local government, the imperial court and Taiping Dao.

Su Fan knew how dangerous the future would be. If he wanted to be able to protect himself, it was best to grow up first.

This place in Donghai County is pretty good.

Because of Guan Hai, most of the local officials focused their attention on Guan Hai. After all, Guan Hai had millions of strong men under his command. Even if most of them were ordinary farmers, they would be very shocked when they gathered together.

The official garrison of Donghai County only numbered tens of thousands.

Even half of them are old and weak. The heroes have been at peace for thousands of years. There is also a lot of corruption in the army, let alone the local government.

Therefore, Guan Hai was out and had to let the government focus on him, which also gave Su Fan a certain amount of time to develop.

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