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Chapter 243 Attacking Wu County

 "Let Yuan Shu and Sun Jian fight each other to the death, and we will benefit from the fishermen. This is a clever plan, my lord."

After hearing this, a group of military generals patted their thighs and said.

"Use Sun Jian to consume Yuan Shu's foundation and serve your talents with filial piety. I will leave this matter to you two. The dark owl will fully support you."

"Of course, once Yuan Shu is defeated, we will immediately send troops."

"But for now, let's capture Wu County first, and wait for the Jiujiang side."

"As for Xuzhou, it's time to visit Tao Shijun."

Originally, Su Fan, Xi Zhicai and others planned to capture the six counties of Yangzhou, but Sun Jian captured Yuzhang, but Su Fan actually didn't care.

Sun Jian was a fierce tiger, a famous general in his own right, and his ability to lead troops in battle was very strong. Among the many princes who fought against Dong, he was definitely at the forefront.

However, Sun Jian's background was too poor. Although he occupied two counties, these two counties were vast and sparsely populated. The combined population of the two counties was probably only a few million.

The south is undeveloped, so there are so many people because they have fled from the north during the troubled times in recent years. Otherwise, I am afraid the population would be even smaller.

In addition, although Sun Jian obtained Yuzhang County, the time was too short, and Yuzhang County could not provide many resources to Sun Jian.

Most of Sun Jian's 500,000-strong army came from Changsha County, and most of the supplies came from Changsha County and Yuzhang County. It would take him at least several years to truly control it.

So Su Fan didn't care about Sun Jian. Even if his army of 500,000 was as elite as the Forbidden Army, it wouldn't pose much of a threat to Su Fan.

After all, in terms of the elite of the army, Su Fan's army is more powerful.

The world's strong armies are divided into several levels. The strongest ones should be veterans of hundreds of battles. These are like the frontier troops who often fight against the barbarians on the grasslands.

This kind of army that has been trained for several years and then experienced dozens of wars is the most powerful, such as the previous Forbidden Army.

Nowadays, the imperial court's forbidden troops are just a few points behind.

Secondly, there are the elite soldiers from various places. The soldiers they recruited were trained for half a year, then brought to the battlefield and survived three or five battles.

The weakest thing is that the army that has just joined the army is only young and strong and has not been trained. This kind of army is actually the mainstream in the world.

After all, the princes are fighting in a melee, and the elite soldiers will become fewer and fewer, while the young and strong soldiers are recruited in batches after batches.

Once these young people are gone, they will immediately weaken.

Sun Jian's army of 500,000 people only had tens of thousands of them considered elite. As for veterans of many battles, there were not many. Firstly, they were not trained enough, and secondly, how could they compare with the frontier troops in combat?

Of course, tens of thousands of elites are already very good. After all, most princes can have tens of thousands of elites, which is already very powerful.

All that Sun Jian has left are young men. Once these 500,000 young men are gone, it will be very difficult for him to recruit them again.

Four to five million young people represent four to five million households. Changsha and Yuzhang together have a population of just over one million households.

Can he recruit all these civilians into the army?


Without young people, how will the food in the farmland come from?

Drawing one out of ten would be considered an act of aggression, let alone drawing one out of five, or even less.

Su Fan's subordinates can do one thing out of ten because of his strong productivity. What other princes cannot do, once they do it for two or three years, there will be backlash.

Sun Jian did not have that kind of foundation, but Yuan Shu was different. Thousands of years of accumulation and family foundation could last Yuan Shu ten years.

So Su Fan didn't care about Sun Jian, but he was extremely afraid of Yuan Shu.

Because Sun Jian cannot lose. If he loses once, he will be doomed. But Yuan Shu is different. He has this confidence.

Su Fan needed to use Sun Jian to consume Yuan Shu. This was the first plan he thought of after learning that Yuan Shu and Sun Jian had turned against each other.

So for this reason, he did not hesitate to change some of his previous plans.

Of course, half of Yangzhou is now in the hands of Yuan Shu. With the power of the Yuan family, the governors of the six counties of Yangzhou immediately moved closer to Yuan Shu, and there was no need to go on a conquest.

This is the horror of Yuan's family.

His disciples and former officials are spread all over the world.

Fortunately, the Yuan family is not very powerful here in Xuzhou, and the previous agreement between him and Tao Qian made it quite easy for him to capture Xuzhou.

Guangling in the East China Sea of ​​Xuzhou has been controlled by him, Tao Qian is in Xiapi, Langya doesn't have much strength, that is Pengcheng, and he needs a large army.

As for Yan Baihu of Wu Commandery, he is a local tiger. According to the news from An Xiao, he has an army of 300,000 men under his command.

Of these 300,000 troops, 250,000 were newly recruited in the past two years. Most of them are new soldiers. Their combat strength is at most slightly stronger than the ordinary Yellow Turban Army.

As for the real elite, there are about ten or twenty thousand of them, and they have been trained in these years of fighting against the Shanyue barbarians.

The generals asked for a battle, and he considered who should be the chief general.

Seeing the generals gearing up and eager to try, they seemed a little distressed that there were too many generals under their command and they couldn't choose.

After thinking for a while, Su Fan said seriously: "General Taishi, when we attack Wu County, you will be the main general, General Gan, Captain Zhou, and Captain Jiang, and you will be the deputy generals."

"General Taishi, I will give you an army of 100,000, can you take down Wu County in one fell swoop?"

"Don't worry, my lord, if the army of 100,000 cannot take Wu County, the general will be willing to come to see you."

Upon hearing that Su Fan appointed him as the general, Taishi Ci immediately became excited, but immediately issued a military order.

"Haha! General Taishi is serious. I want you to come back alive, General. Even if Wu County is not captured, I don't want anything to happen to you."

Su Fan knew very well that with Tai Shi Ci's ability, it would be no problem to conquer the small Wu Commandery, especially since he gave the opponent a hundred thousand troops.

You know, the army in his East China Sea Territory may have less combat experience than some border troops, but the amount of training is far beyond this world.

They are definitely elite warriors. Besides, the East China Sea Territory doesn't fight many princes, but it hunts a lot of surrounding bandits, bandits, and even monsters.

This can be regarded as a different kind of combat experience, at least I have seen blood.

Coupled with the advantages of equipment, even if you encounter elite border troops, there will be absolutely no problem.

In the battle in Hanoi, when fighting against the elite infantry of Xiliang, the army of Donghai Territory did not fall behind. On the contrary, relying on its equipment, it was often able to achieve battle losses of one to three and one to five.

Can Wu Jun Yan Baihu be compared with Xiliang's elite?

Because he only sent troops to Wu Commandery, Su Fan decided on a general, but all the generals who didn't get a chance were a little disappointed.

Of course, they were just a little disappointed, because they knew that their lord's ambition was to conquer the world, and a war in the future would be inevitable.

The most important thing for them now is to seize the time, train hard, and strengthen the cohesion between themselves and the troops under their command.

This chapter has been completed!
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