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Chapter 543

"Daochang Li, this is the chief of our army, Chief Fang." Three days later, Lu Gang took Su Fan to the military area. Along the way, Su Fan also saw the military area in this science fiction world. It was indeed extraordinary. Some science fiction in the previous life

Weapons from all over the world are available.

"Chief Fang!"

Su Fan bowed.

"Daochang Li"

After the few people exchanged pleasantries, the former took the lead and asked: "I heard from Lu Gang, Taoist Li, does he have a secret technique that can help ordinary people improve their physical fitness?"

"Yeah! That's right. This is the secret of our lineage."

"Before the Great Nirvana, our lineage has been practicing diligently. It is good to strengthen the body, but if we want to reach the level of a warrior, we are still far behind."

"But after the Great Nirvana, the world changed. I also relied on this secret method, and then some other masters' secret methods to improve to where I am now."

Now that I have made up my identity, I naturally have to make it more decent.

Anyway, it's not bad, and he's not afraid of being investigated.

"Then I don't know if Daozhang Li is willing to make this secret technique public. Daozhang Li, don't worry. Naturally, our country's military will not ask for it in vain."

"If Guimen's Shi Duan Jin is really effective, then our military is willing to spend 10 billion for priority use. After that, Taoist Master, you can sell this secret method to the public."

Fang Nan said.

"no problem!"

When Su Fan heard this, he didn't care at all. He really didn't care about money or anything. Ten billion suddenly seemed like a lot, but some high-level generals also made more than one billion a year.

And a lord-level monster has almost 10 billion coins.

The real value lies in subsequent public sales. Once this secret method can really improve the physical fitness of ordinary people, it will be of highest value and can be practiced all over the world.

Even if many ordinary families cannot afford it, don't forget that there are at least close to millions of warriors in the world. The families of these warriors will definitely try their best to let their families practice.

I'm afraid that tens of millions of people will be involved by then. Even if a copy is sold for 10,000 yuan, the number by then will be huge, and he will definitely be the richest man on the surface.

As for why it is only on the surface, it is obvious that the real rich people are top powerhouses, such as Hong and Lei Shen, and they have all laid down a small ruin.

Moreover, Hong also has one base city, and there are only twenty-three base cities in the world.

Of course, no matter how much money he has, it means nothing to Su Fan. After all, at his current level, it is difficult for the resources on the earth to improve him much, unless it is those ruins on the earth.

But ruins are not that easy to navigate, and many ruins are also very dangerous.

Su Fan would not try it easily, so to him, the earth's coins are just a number.

After negotiating with Fang Nan, Su Fan handed over these ten pieces of brocade.

Of course, he recorded it, and then Fang Nan arranged for him to be an instructor at the military region headquarters.

It was not difficult for Su Fan to teach ordinary soldiers in the military region ten pieces of Jin.

The soldiers in the military region are accustomed to orders from their superiors. Many soldiers, especially those who are not warriors, are very eager to send someone to teach them the secret method. …

Because before they came here, their superiors had said that practicing new secret techniques could improve their physical fitness, and it was very possible for them to be promoted to the level of warriors.

How can this not excite those ordinary soldiers? Most of them cannot train to the level of warriors. Although they can still kill monsters with the help of technological firearms, they are still much worse than real warriors.

Warriors use firearms to be even more powerful. After all, warriors' neurological response abilities are far superior to those of ordinary people. No matter how hard they, the elites of the military, train, they can't compare to how many days a warrior can exercise.

This is the terrifying thing about warriors.

Ordinary people have their upper limit. No matter how they train, their upper limit is there, but warriors are different.

Therefore, soldiers all want to become warriors, but unfortunately their talents are there. No matter how hard they train, they cannot become warriors and cannot break through the boundaries of warriors. As they age, their physical fitness will decline, making it even more impossible.

Now there is a secret method that can improve their physical fitness, and every soldier cherishes it very much.

Su Fan only stayed in the Jiangnan Military Region for a month and a half.

Of course, it was impossible for the millions of soldiers in the Jiangnan Military Region to be taught by him step by step. He only taught some of the officers as instructors, and then explained in detail the key points of the Ten Duan Jin exercises and recorded them.

Just left directly.

In one and a half months, some people completed twelve of the thirty-six movements of Ten Duan Jin, and their physical fitness improved a lot.

With the sufficient supply of resources in the military region, it is normal for some people to be promoted. Indeed, it is indeed difficult for ordinary people to be promoted to the level of warriors.

The physical quality of warriors, in previous lives, had almost surpassed the limits of human beings.

A punch has a force of 900 kilograms and a speed of 100 meters in four seconds, which is like a little superman.

It is really difficult for those without talent to improve to this level, especially major martial arts schools. Although they have come up with various physical training techniques to train the body, to be honest, in Su Fan's eyes, these physical techniques are really good.

But just for people with good talents, ordinary people, it won't work.

This is more like a kind of talent selection. With good talent, you can quickly improve to the level of a warrior with the help of this physical and boxing technique, which ordinary people cannot accomplish.

Su Fan didn't know what Hong and the others were thinking.

However, the ten pieces of brocade he took out were different. This was itself a basic method of physical training in the ancient martial arts world.

Strengthening the body is the most suitable method for the general public.

Moreover, in the last twelve movements, Su Fan incorporated some techniques from the Yijinshuoguan chapter. If someone can really complete all thirty-six movements.

Then let alone a mere warrior, it is very easy for the physical fitness to even reach the peak of warrior level.

As for the follow-up, there is no need for it. The guidance skills on the earth are still not bad. Even if Su Fan creates them, it is not said to be able to surpass them.

He will create something next. After all, in the future, if you want to build a martial arts gym or a sect, you need to come up with something different, right?

As for the Guidance Technique, it is not difficult for Su Fan. After all, the Guidance Technique is, in the final analysis, a method of smelting the vitality of heaven and earth, accommodating the physical body, and improving the strength of the physical body.

In fact, it is no different from internal strength or the method of cultivating immortality and Qi.

The only difference may be Qi training, body training and spirit training.

With the evolution space of the Universal Mirror, he can create a variety of guidance techniques.,

This chapter has been completed!
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