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Chapter 818: Plan

"Sir, the Yellow Turban camp has been captured. Except for a few Yellow Turban soldiers who escaped, there are now 350,000 Yellow Turban soldiers and civilians in the Yellow Turban camp."

“Sixty percent of them are old, weak, women and children.”

When it comes to this, Gao Hu is a little dissatisfied. 60% of them are old, weak, women and children, which is a burden. No wonder the Yellow Turban Army has little combat power. It seems that there are many people, and there can be dozens, millions, or even millions.

As a result, more than half of them were old, weak, women and children, without the slightest fighting ability, and they had no use for food.

"Three hundred and fifty thousand!"


Su Fan didn't care if these people were old, weak, women, or children. Even if they were, so what, these people could still create wealth.

The old man has rich experience. Women, especially strong women, are even worse than those who are not young. This era is not the age of castration in the Qing Dynasty in later generations, where women have to have their feet bound.

Especially in this world, because of the vitality of heaven and earth, as long as they have enough to eat, the strength of these strong women is no worse than that of adult men.

In the villages surrounding Sufan Military Camp, you can often see many strong women farming in the fields.

Everyone can create value, it’s just a matter of how much.

So Su Fan didn't care about these old, weak, women and children. He also had enough food and didn't care whether they would become a burden.

"Those soldiers were taken over and examined. Those who had committed the most serious crimes were taken out and killed. The remaining ones who were less serious were sent to the mines to work for two years."

Su Fan not only has a compassionate heart, but also has the power to kill. He will never show mercy to those who harm the army.

"Yes, sir!"

Gao Hu knew the young master's character a long time ago, so Gao Hu immediately agreed.

"As for the remaining soldiers who have no bad records, you can try to conquer a group and expand the army. The morale of these people must be low, but they have been on the battlefield several times and have seen blood."

"Go back and train more, train their morale back up, and their combat power may improve a lot."

"Sir, you finally let us expand our army."

Gao Hu's face lit up when he heard this.

"You were not allowed to expand the army before because you didn't have enough manpower. There are more than 500,000 civilians. If you want to directly raise 50,000 soldiers and draw one out of ten, do you think it can last long?"

Su Fan rolled his eyes. The troops he needed were completely off-duty soldiers. According to this calculation, it was really a militancy.

Therefore, although there were 50,000 soldiers at that time, only 10,000 were completely off-duty, and the rest were just militiamen who worked in the fields when they were busy and trained when they were free.

It is considered a prepared army.

However, some time ago, hundreds of thousands of people were recruited, so the original 40,000 reserve militiamen officially became regular soldiers.

The amount of training may not be as much as the previous ten thousand, but it is much stronger than these Yellow Turban Army.

Coupled with abundant weapons and equipment, the combat effectiveness is extremely powerful.

It's a pity that they were not used at all in the previous night attack. The three hundred cavalry, plus the three hundred personal guards, defeated Peng Fei's army.

Afterwards, they could only see the cruelty and blood of the battlefield.

After going through two battles, it can gradually become an elite army.

However, even 50,000 elite soldiers are still far from what Su Fan will need in the future. Even in the previous Tang Dynasty, he had 300,000 elite soldiers.

What's more, this world needs at least hundreds of thousands of elites, which also requires more people.

Now including the Yellow Turban soldiers and civilians, his territory only has 1.5 million people, which is almost equivalent to the population base of some relatively large counties.

Of course, in fact, these 1.5 million people are actually considered black households, because they are not under the official rule of the Shenhan Dynasty. Strictly speaking, they are similar to those Shanyue barbarians.

They are not around the official city, but around the wilderness mountains and rivers, and some are even in the mountains and forests, hanging with wild beasts and spirits.

These priests in the mountains have psychic powers and can drive spirits and beasts. They use various monsters as tentacles to sacrifice to these monsters. Some mountain barbarians even have the blood of monsters.

There are many mountain barbarians, especially in the south, and they often threaten the government of those counties.

From time to time he would go down the mountain to plunder.

Governments in various places have quite a headache for these mountain barbarians. The number of these mountain barbarians is not large, but their number is really small. Compared with the people of the divine Han people, they are really far behind.

However, tens of thousands of them descended the mountain each time, which was also very scary.

After all, these mountain barbarians, because of their bloodline and the fact that they have been in the mountains and rivers all year round, have indeed surpassed the common people of the divine Han in terms of physical fitness.

Just like the grass barbarians in the north, the physical quality of those who grew up eating meat and those who grew up eating grain is really incomparable.

The divine men were able to defeat the barbarians from all directions, firstly because they had generals and disciples with military strategist heritage to lead the troops, who could gather military spirit and amplify the combat effectiveness of the army.

Secondly, the Shenhan has been using equipment to crush the barbarians from all directions.

Weapons greatly affect the combat effectiveness of the army, and this will still be the case in the post-apocalyptic era.

However, Su Fan is not a barbarian. Although he has opened up a pastoral land in the wilderness, he still abides by order.

It's just that he is not recognized by the government now, but that doesn't mean that he will be like a barbarian who only knows how to plunder and destroy.

He is now holding his ground and conserving strength. The government and the Yellow Turbans are not helping each other.

He was waiting, waiting for news about Zhang Jiao in Jizhou, Taiping Road, the only person Su Fan was afraid of was Zhang Jiao.

Because Zhang Jue is so powerful, a look from the other party can make him fall into an illusion and be unable to extricate himself.

Facing Zhang Jiao, Su Fan really had no chance to resist him.

If he wants to fight for world hegemony in the future, he must take the orthodox path and first find a governor from the imperial court. Of course, he must at least be the county magistrate of a county.

Then slowly develop and accumulate strength, which is what he is best at.

Here in Donghai, he has laid a good foundation. If he really has to choose in the future, I am afraid it will be Donghai County.

In fact, Xuzhou is not a good choice. After all, in terms of wealth, it is not as rich as Jizhou and Yuzhou.

On the size of the territory, Jingzhou and Yangzhou.

Moreover, Xuzhou is still a place of four wars. In the future, when heroes really compete for hegemony, Xuzhou will be targeted by all parties.

It is quite difficult to develop slowly.

However, Su Fan also has his own plan. If the plan is good, he will first plan for the governor of Donghai County, and then the Gao family.

You must know that the Gao clan may be more effective than the prefect's words in Guangling.

Connect the two places, and then develop southward to capture Jiujiang and Wu counties. Once he captures the six counties in Jiangdong, he will have enough confidence, and Xuzhou will no longer be a dangerous place, but his bridgehead out of the Central Plains.


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