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Chapter 857 Function


Everyone had doubts on their faces when they heard this. The status of doctors among all the schools of thought was not high. This was related to the fact that doctors kept a low profile.

In addition, there are very few disciples of doctors.

"Is it Bian Que?"

Someone comes up with an idea.

However, it was rejected by Dayu, "Bian Que is not in Kyushu, but Emperor Fuxi and us deduced that that person is still in Kyushu."

Bian Que and Dayu naturally knew that after hundreds of schools of thought, the other party entered the Fire Cloud Cave and became the god of Shennong.

But later, he left the Fire Cloud Cave and went to various wastelands in the Earthly Immortal Realm to search for various medicinal herbs and perfect his scriptures.

Dayu also went out of his way to find him, knowing that it was not him.

"Well! Li Si, did you discover anything?"

When everyone looked confused, Lu Buwei suddenly noticed something was wrong with Li Si's expression.

Li Si has now become one of the Nine Qings, and he also holds a high position of authority.

Moreover, he was also a disciple of the Legalists. Although he was taught by Xunzi, he practiced the methods of the Legalists. Legalists were the strongest among the upper echelons of the Qin Dynasty.

Li Si was originally recommended to the court by Lu Buwei, but later he was promoted by the First Emperor based on his talents.

He has become one of the top leaders of Daqin today.

"Prime Minister Lu, even your subordinates don't know, right?"

"Some time ago, one of Xiaguan's staff brought back a book from the land of Qilu?"

Li Si quickly took out the paper version, which was about the thickness of his thumb.

"This is a paper book"

Paper was invented, but it is very rare. However, as senior officials of Da Qin, Lu Buwei and the others are no strangers to paper.

However, they could tell at a glance that the quality of the paper seemed to be very good.

And at a glance, it can be seen that the ink on the paper is different, especially the words on it, which seem to be arranged very neatly.

"This is?"

"Not a copy?"

Lu Buwei instantly saw the difference.

"That's right! This is a printing technique invented by Qilu, which can print a large number of various books."

Li Si said quickly.


Lu Buwei just thought about the three-breath time, and then he thought of the benefits of this new papermaking and printing technology. Paper is light and easy to carry.

If the imperial court transmits various requests downwards with paper, it will be much more convenient to transmit various decrees in the future.

I don't know how much better it is than silk books and bamboo slips.

This was the first thing Lu Buwei thought of. Then with the emergence of paper and printing, the spread of knowledge became unstoppable.

Unless all parties stop paper and printing, the spread of knowledge will be unstoppable.


Lu Buwei soon also thought of Confucianism and the way of education. The land of Qilu happened to be the base camp of Confucianism.

Lu Buwei was also wary of Confucianism.

Confucianism is really too powerful, much more powerful than Mohism.

Regardless of the fact that the Qin Dynasty now governs the country according to law, in fact, Legalism is no longer pure. At least compared to the Legalism during the Shang Yang period, the current Qin law is much weaker.

It was absolutely impossible in Shang Yang's period to punish a high official.

Under the Qin Law of the Great Qin Dynasty back then, even if the Ying family broke the law, they would still be punished by the Qin Law. Of course, it was not absolute at that time.

Those who break the law can use their titles as compensation.

But no matter what, anyone involved, except the emperor, will be punished.

But today's Qin law is a little different. It is difficult to punish the officials, and it is difficult for the nobles to be punished.

And now some of the higher-ups of Qin Legalism already have some Confucian ideas, making the situation of Qin Legalism even more serious.

In the future, Legalism will even be integrated with some Confucian ideas.

Lu Buwei could see that in the future Great Qin, Confucianism might also sweep in, especially since the future successor of Great Qin, the eldest son of Great Qin, actually believed in Confucianism.

Of course, Lu Buwei is not hostile to Confucianism. Some Confucian ideas are indeed beneficial to governing the country.

However, the Qin Dynasty has always used Legalism to govern the country. Once Confucianism came up, Legalism would collapse, and the court would be in chaos.

Even if it is a time of peace, then Legalism will collapse if it collapses, and it is not impossible to replace it with Confucianism.

But what is the situation in Da Qin now? Da Qin has to face the behemoth of Heaven, and the top management must not be confused.

Therefore, Confucianism can rise, but it cannot enter the center. This is Lu Buwei's decision. As long as he reigns for one day, Confucianism will not be able to extend its hands to Xianyang City.

Of course, if Da Qin really defeated Tianting and won this calamity, he wouldn't care if Confucianism settled in the center from now on.

In fact, in recent years, the laws of the Qin Dynasty in the Qin Dynasty have been strict and need to be revised. There are so many rebels in the world, especially in the Six Kingdoms. This is actually inseparable from the strict laws of the Qin Dynasty.

The people of the old Qin Dynasty did not think the Qin law was harsh, because they were used to it. After all, after tens of thousands of years of high pressure, they had become accustomed to it long ago.

But the people of the Six Kingdoms were not used to it at first.

Great Qin made Great Qin extremely powerful with its military merit titles and Qin law. However, after Great Qin unified the world, the military merit title system almost collapsed. Without the military merit title system, the latter also made many people unable to deal with the strict Qin law.

People can't stand it.

After all, in the past, there was a military merit title system. If you broke the law, you could use your title to offset it. Now that the military merit title system is gone, you can't be promoted to a title. Once many people break the law, they are finished.

Lu Buwei naturally sensed the danger in this.

So he knew that the future Qin law would either change or introduce Confucianism and combine Confucianism and Legalism to form a new way of governing the country.

Otherwise, Great Qin will collapse from top to bottom.

Even now, there is some internal instability, relying entirely on the pressure of the First Emperor and the strength of the Qin military.

Lu Buwei had many thoughts in his mind.

But at this time, Dayu ignored Lu Buwei's thoughts. He was also a little happy with the emergence of paper and printing.

When these things appeared, as a former emperor, he naturally saw the benefits, which was the spread of knowledge.

As an emperor, he knows very well that the more knowledge is spread, the more benefits it will bring to the human race.

In ancient times, there was not much knowledge spread. After all, most of them were ignorant. Writing was also created at that time, but it was very rare.

The spread of knowledge relies on hand-to-mouth transmission from the older generation. Once an older generation dies suddenly in the tribe, it often means a disconnect.

This tribe is almost finished.

Later, the emperor appeared and a unified situation was formed. However, in fact, it was still dominated by tribes.

However, there was also a main city at that time, so the tribes became closer and closer.

Later, knowledge gradually gathered and was passed down uniformly.

Of course, it was more difficult to spread knowledge back then than it is now.

This chapter has been completed!
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