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Chapter 1 A young man who is not afraid of the strong and brave

In the sixth year of Taiyuan in the Eastern Jin Dynasty (381 AD), Jingkou Town, Nanyanzhou.

It's May, and on the green paddy fields, farmers with short shirts and exposed legs are bending down to work. The breeze blows, and the rice is drooping. From time to time, buffaloes with plows appear, waving their tails.

While walking forward slowly and leisurely, there is an official road more than five feet wide, with flying loess, and the road faces the sky.

On the official road, there was an eight-foot-old man, wearing khaki cloth with colorful patches sewn on it. He was tall and tall, carrying a bundle on his back that was more than ten feet high. It looked like a hill, and it looked like it was at least two or three hundred.

Carrying pounds of firewood, he walked forward.

This bundle of firewood was so tall and wide that almost half of the official road was completely blocked, and even pedestrians on the road behind could not see it.

What's even more frightening is that despite carrying such a large bundle of firewood, this big man is still walking quickly. His big feet wearing a pair of broken straw sandals will leave a small hole several inches deep on the ground every time he steps on it. Even this official

The Tao was shaking slightly.

The two farmers straightened up from the farmland and smiled at the big man: "Liu Yu, why did you come to Nanshan to cut firewood again today? Didn't you go to the ferry to be on duty?"

The big man named Liu Yu turned his head and smiled slightly: "I will collect firewood in the morning, and then go to the ferry in the afternoon. There are orders from above. There have been a lot of jiaozi (a contemptuous name for people from the north) recently.

) is going south and wants us to greet you. However, I have to support my family first. Just relying on the little rice from Li Zheng, the whole family will have to drink from the northwest wind."

This big man named Liu Yu was from Jingkou in the late Jin Dynasty. His parents died when he was young, and he was raised by his stepmother. Because his family was too poor and his mother died in childbirth, his father once sent him to his aunt's house.

He was even nicknamed a slave.

When he was about five years old, little Liu Yu was finally taken home by his father, but his father soon died of fatigue.

Probably God didn't want to see Liu Yu so miserable, so he was born with supernatural powers since he was a child. He was so aggressive and fierce that even the Jingkou people with their strong folk customs turned their attention to him. Many children who called him a slave were among his

Under the fists, people became disabled in varying degrees, including those with missing teeth and broken noses.

It is precisely for this reason that in this troubled world where fists are king, he was promoted by the imperial court to be an upright person, and today, the new governor is about to take office.

After Liu Yu finished beating the bundle of firewood, he planned to sell it at the ferry market and take on duty. Maybe the new governor would first inspect the ferry, which had a lot of traffic recently.

Another farmer pointed to the official road in front and said: "Liu Yu, there is a group of people coming over there. It seems to be quite a scene. You'd better see if the governor is here."

Liu Yu's eyes flashed coldly and he looked forward: "I'll go right away." As he said that, his pace quickened.

On the official road about a hundred paces ahead, a group of people were shouting in front and behind, blowing gongs to clear the way. The leader was in his early twenties, of medium height, wearing a green robe and a small hat, high cheekbones, big eyes and thin lips, a stern complexion, and was dressed as an official.


Behind him, a man in his thirties, wearing a fine brocade silk robe, a Xiaoyao scarf, and thick boots with jade belts, dressed like a noble prince, with thick white powder on his face, holding his head high, riding a horse

And go.

Dozens of people followed behind and on both sides of this noble young master. They were all tall and thick-set, with sinewy faces, holding sticks in their hands and leather whips around their waists. However, they were dressed in silk and satin with flying eagles and lackeys embroidered on them.

In the world of this high-ranking family, it is obvious at a glance that these people are the servants of a noble person. As they walked, they shouted loudly: "The noble people go out, and the idle people are waiting to retreat quickly!"

A farmer carrying a hoe had just walked onto the official road from a field on one side. He was sixteen or seventeen years old, dark and short, with black and yellow field mud on his legs. He reluctantly walked to the roadside and said to himself

He said to himself: "Who is this person, so cruel?"

The noble prince's ears twitched and he stopped his horse. He gently took out a gauze scarf from his arms, wiped his nose, and said casually: "Ravage it!"

A dozen evil slaves immediately rushed in front of the farmer. The leader of the group had a black mole the size of a copper coin on his right cheek. Several sparse black hairs on the mole moved as he cursed: "

You are so blind that you don’t even recognize the newly appointed son of the Diao Cishi family? I’ll teach you to remember better!”

These evil slaves scolded and hit him with three kicks and two punches, knocking the farmer to the ground, and then whipped him head and face.

The farmer wanted to resist, but when he heard the word "provincial governor", he suddenly felt like a deflated rubber ball. He just hugged his head, protected his vital parts, rolled around on the ground, and shouted for mercy.

: "The little ones have eyes but no beads, the little ones have eyes but no beads."

A cruel smile appeared on the corner of Young Master Diao's lips, and he said coldly: "Diao Mao, let Yi see the doctor!"

The leader, the evil slave with black mole named Diao Mao, took out a small bag from his arms and weighed it in his hand. There was a clanking sound of copper coins inside.

Diao Mao immediately threw the money bag in front of the beaten farmer, and spat on him: "Remember, this is what Master Diao rewards you. Next time, show your best tricks."


He proudly walked back to Mr. Diao, nodded and bowed, waved his hand, and waved to his companions to walk forward.

Mr. Diao smiled and said to the subordinate who was leading the way: "Liu Zhizhi, everyone in the world thinks that the folk customs in Jingkou are strong. From this point of view, it is nothing more than that!"

Suddenly a shout came from behind: "You can't judge the folk customs of Jingkou!"

Young Master Diao frowned, and Diao Mao took a few steps forward. He whipped the whip hard on the ground, raising a cloud of dust: "How can I not recognize the things that are promoted? I don't know if noble people are traveling, do they need to avoid it? I feel itchy."


The person who came was none other than Liu Yu. He stopped and raised his head. A face of seventeen or eighteen years old was revealed. It was plump, with thick eyebrows stained with ink, a pair of bright and bright eyes, and a high nose.

His jaw was as hard as a rock, and his body was built with strong muscles that sharpened the edges of his patched cloth. The dress of a country woodcutter could not hide his extraordinary heroic aura.

Diao Mao just wanted to hit someone, but he was intimidated by Liu Yu's size and unconsciously took half a step back. Young Master Diao frowned in disgust, pointed his nostrils at the big man, and said in a deep voice: "You

Are you deaf? Do you want to die if you block the middle of the road?"

Diao Mao suddenly gained courage again and shouted: "Boy, I'm going to thank you for your words, why don't you kneel down!" As he said this, he tightened the whip in his hand and prepared to pounce, but more than twenty evil slaves

He also tightened his grip on the stick and silently surrounded Liu Yu from both sides.

This chapter has been completed!
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