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Chapter 1,291 The Five Tigers of the Shen Family Want to Make Great Contributions

Shen Mufu laughed and shook his head: "Liu Muzhi, we are also good friends as young classmates. You join your Beifu Army and I join my Celestial Master's Way. There is nothing wrong with that."

Liu Yu was slightly startled: "Fat man, are you classmates with this Brother Shen?"

Liu Muzhi nodded: "For the middle and lower class nobles like us, young people have to go out to study and visit famous teachers. This brother Shen once studied with the great scholar Mr. Fan Ningfan at the same time as me and studied for two years. Brother Shen's father was a Confucian scholar, but he was a well-known wealthy family in the Wuxing generation. Even Mr. Xie Xianggong was recruited to join the army and worked with my father-in-law for many years. Therefore, we are considered family friends. Because of this, During the last wedding at my wife's family, Brother Shen came all the way from Wudi to attend the wedding, and it was at that wedding that you met once."

Shen Mufu smiled slightly: "No one would have thought that Brother Liu, who was humiliated in public at the wedding, and this Liu Jinnu, have actually made a name for themselves together over the years. Who in the world doesn't know that you two have nothing to do with each other? Wu is famous, but our Shen family has only been able to hold on to our little family property and do nothing these years. Therefore, not only me, but also several of my brothers have followed the divine religion to the Central Plains, just to have something. Whatever you do, you have to work hard to achieve it."

Liu Muzhi curled his lips: "Does your Majesty know about this? If you want to find a career, as long as he recommends it, it should not be difficult to get an official position."

Shen Mufu shook his head: "Our Shen family has good friends with the Xie family. When Xie Xianggong was here, we could naturally follow him to benefit from the glory. But with Xie Xianggong gone, even my father had no choice but to retire and return to his hometown. He has followed the Xie family on their expeditions these years. The expedition to the west was equivalent to a useless effort. Even some of our own property was usurped by others. If we wanted to keep our family's reputation and property, we had to make contributions. However, the imperial court had no intention of exploring the Central Plains. Therefore, our family You came to the Central Plains with the Divine Religion early just because you wanted to make a difference here. Isn’t it also for this reason that you came to Luoyang as white people to help in the war?"

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Since you want to make progress and can protect the country and the people, it is not a bad thing. It doesn't matter whether you join the army or work in your religion, as long as you are loyal to the court and the country. Brother Shen, these two heroes, He looks a lot like you, he should be your young master."

Shen Mufu touched his long beard with satisfaction: "Yes, it's Quanzi. The bigger one on the left is Yuanzi, and the one on the right is Yunzi. Dalang, Erlang, haven't you met General Liu yet?"

A trace of excitement flashed in the eyes of the two teenagers, and as they stepped forward to salute, Liu Yu smiled and waved his hand: "No need, I am not a military officer now, and besides, I am only a military leader at best, far from a general. We all need to treat each other as brothers. So, Brother Shen has also been in the army for many years and has some military experience."

Shen Mufu smiled and drew out his sword, and swung it a few times. He saw that his energy was strong, and there was a faint sound of wind and thunder on the sword. With the speed and power of the sword swing, he was obviously a martial artist, and by no means ordinary. Weak scholar, many veterans present nodded secretly. Looking at his two sons, they are also muscular and strong men. It seems that Wu Xing and Shen family still maintain the martial culture, and Jian Compared with those from high-ranking families in Kangcheng who could not even ride horses, they were much stronger. It was precisely for this reason that these middle-class nobles in the countryside were not willing to just be rich men and guard their three acres of land. After dividing the land, I would rather join the Celestial Master's Way than come out to make contributions.

Liu Yu nodded: "Brother Shen is good at martial arts and kungfu. With you here, I can take charge of organizing an army of hundreds."

Shen Mufu said seriously: "This time it's not just me. My four brothers, Zhong Fu, Ren Fu, Zu Fu, and Pei Fu, all came out with me. They were all in the Beifu Army and followed Shen Fu. They taught the troops to move together, and they all have the ability to march, fight, and command small groups. This time in the Central Plains, each person guarded a Wubao village. I left them in Luoyang City and asked them to command the troops in the Wubao where they were located. , and here, I took my two sons with me to act with Senior Brother Lu and Senior Brother Xu."

Xu Daofu smiled and said: "Liu Jinu, you probably don't know something. Junior Brother Shen has five children at home, and three younger ones. Although they are not old enough to go out to fight, they still dance with guns at home every day. If you master the stick and learn the art of war, you will have great potential in the future. There is more than one Jingkou in the world that can produce strong soldiers. I think the land of Sanwu may not be without heroes."

Having said this, Xu Daofu, Lu Xun, and Shen Mufu looked at each other and smiled at each other.

Liu Yu nodded: "Since they are all comrades who have been in the army for many years and have experience, I can rest assured. In Luoyang City, there are hundreds of disciples like you who have participated in the war, so we can command Ruoding and Zhu Xu, the governor." He is a veteran general for many years, and Luoyang is a fortified city with sufficient food. The Xiyan army can't even think of taking it in one fell swoop. Therefore, the most dangerous place will not be Luoyang City, but us here. But it is precisely because of this that we have a great chance. , giving the Xiyan Army the most fatal blow."

Lu Xun's face changed: "The most fatal blow? What do you want to do? Do you still want to take the initiative? Liu Yu, I know you have always been bold, but you can't lose your head. The Xiyan Army will cross the river this time. The army has a total of 30,000 infantry and cavalry. Along the way, it is likely to recruit some stragglers and horse gangs wandering in the Central Plains. Even the two thieves Zhai Liao and Zhang Yuan may send troops to help. You can hold this place until they retreat. That’s great, why are you still thinking about a fatal blow?”

Liu Yu smiled slightly and looked around: "You all think so, don't we have the ability to take the initiative?"

His eyes fell on Xu Daofu: "Brother Xu, you just analyzed Luoyang's layout very well. So, what do you think of this offensive and defensive strategy?"

Xu Daofu shook his head: "If there are five thousand of your Beifu troops here, with the equipment and ordnance from the Battle of Feishui, they can fight the enemy head-on, but now there are only one thousand, and we disciples of the God's Cult, I use short weapons and can defend the city in close combat. If I go to the plains and confront the enemy's cavalry head-on, I am not good at it. As for Zhu Xu's soldiers and horses, they will never dare to take the initiative to attack. You, a thousand men and horses, go out of the city. The terrain here is flat and clearly visible. It is impossible to deceive or use the terrain, so I think it is impossible. The only way is to strengthen the wall and clear the country, and wait for the enemy to retreat automatically." Shen Mufu nodded in agreement. .

Liu Yu turned to look at his brothers and said with a smile: "Xile, Yanda, Wuji, Bottle, Rabbit, do you think so too?"

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