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Chapter 1,312: The Crossbow Flying Arrow Divine Soldier Descends

With Liu Yu's wave of his hand, the suspension bridge was immediately lowered. The elite soldiers of the heavily armored Beifu under the city had been waiting in the cave between the two city gates early. Although Jinyong City was small, the city wall was extremely thick.

This city gate alone is five or six feet wide. Behind the gate, there is another iron gate in the inner gate, which can hide troops. The attacking troops are all here to avoid the attack of the opponent's bows, arrows and flying rocks.

Sergeant Xiyan was also shocked by this move in the city. No one could have expected that the Jin army in the city would actually take the initiative to attack. As soon as the suspension bridge was released, the gate also opened. Kuai En and Meng Longfu, nicknamed the Raptor,

The two muscular men were covered in heavy armor, like floating iron towers, with only two eyes exposed outside the eye holes in front of them, and even these four eyes were overflowing with murderous intent. Meng Long Fu

Holding a halberd, he swept left and right, while Quin held two large axes and danced like a tiger. While charging, he shouted in Chinese: "Spread out. If you want to survive, spread out and get down!"

The people who had been coerced and driven away had arrived less than thirty steps away from the second city ditch. When they saw someone rushing out of the city, many people instinctively screamed and ran away, while hundreds of people behind them

The Xiyan army who was still standing in the formation fired a volley of arrows. Many people just turned around and ran less than ten steps before they were shot like arrows all over their bodies. They fell down with blood all over the ground.

Children around ten years old all stand like this on the ground.

A look of anger flashed in Liu Yu's eyes, and he said sternly: "Cover the refugees, launch the ballistae and catapults, the distance is three hundred steps, two trenches away."

Sixty-seven heavy-duty ballistae were immediately launched from the top of the city. These ballistae were weapons for defending the city. They were usually hidden in the corners of the city wall. They were covered with rawhide-covered gratings, which could block arrows and prevent fire attacks.

Only when they are defending the city will they push forward and fire. Since Jinyong City was built so high that the city is high and the pond is deep, normally a crossbow arrow of about three hundred steps can be fired on flat ground. Here, it can shoot a crossbow arrow as far as five hundred steps, even from the rear.

The soldiers of the Yan army who supervised the battle and killed prisoners were also within its attack range.

The sound of the machine spring firing on the crossbow machine was endless, followed by a heavy sound of breaking through the air. Heavy crossbow arrows, one foot long, flew into the Yan army's queue one by one, with blood splashing.

Screams were everywhere. Since the Yan army was in a dense formation, people who were hit often fell to the ground only after two or three people were hit. Some people were hit from the front, and their bodies were torn apart and their intestines were broken. More than 3,000 people were hit.

Although only a few dozen of the Yan troops who were guarding the formation fell, the rest were so frightened that they fled in all directions, not caring about chasing down the prisoners in front of them.

Murong Yong was sitting on a commanding chair on a high hill two miles away. With a cold light in his eyes, he waved his flag: "Anyone who retreats, whether they are soldiers or civilians, behead them!"

After the more than 3,000 former Qin surrender troops who drove away the people, there were fully 3,000 armored cavalrymen of the Xiyan Army. Today, Murong Yong put the armored cavalry in the second formation in order to supervise the battle.

The former Qin surrender troops in front heard Murong Yong's order. These heavy-armored cavalry drew their arrows and cocked their arrows one after another. They fired at the fleeing front line of the Yan army, and bursts of black arrows swept across the Yan army.

The army fell down like mowing grass, and the remaining people looked frightened, gritted their teeth, and turned to press against the city wall in front again.

While the Yan army was killing each other, Meng Longfu and Kuai En, with more than a hundred people from the first team, rushed to the second trench. The suspension bridge only covered the first trench.

The soldiers of the Beifu Army, who had been prepared for a long time, each carried a sandbag and threw it into the trench. Some even built two or three long wooden bridges on the trench. Soon, they were

An area about three feet wide was cleared, allowing for unobstructed passage. The more than a hundred warriors who had thrown the sandbags stood in front of them with their large shields, and their long spears stretched out from the gaps in the shields, pointing to the opposite side.

, firmly guarding the life passage of about three feet.

The people on the opposite side who were screaming and running away also saw the trick. Many people rushed to escape the trench and bypassed the two sides of the Beifu Army's small formation. More than ten disciples of Tianshi Dao followed.

They shouted words in a Central Plains accent, guiding the fleeing refugees to gather in the rear. The soldiers in the city rushed out in a steady stream, while the refugees outside the city poured in in large numbers from the second trench and detoured to the other two trenches.

On the side, it is placed behind the formation, like two opposing rivers, with clear distinctions.

Liu Yu turned to Liu Muzhi on the city and said, "Fat man, I'll leave this place to you. Cover our army and save as many people as we can."

Liu Muzhi said sternly: "Don't worry, I have cleared the city. Lu Xun is there to guide and resettle the people in the city and will not block the city gates. Don't force it. The Yan army has armored cavalry to press the formation. If you attack directly, you will be in trouble."


Liu Yu nodded, drew out his dragon-slaying sword, jumped down, and shouted: "Rabbit!" Wei Yongzhi at the bottom of the city had been prepared for it, and he saw it clearly. He threw the big shield in his hand into the air, and Liu Yu was in mid-air.

In the middle, he stepped on the wooden shield, and his body bounced upward slightly. With this power, he flew forward another six or seven steps, like a big bird with a whole body of steel, flying out of the sky.

Among the crowd of common people, more than ten men suddenly pushed away the people around them. These guys, who looked weak just now, took out their crossbows as if by magic. The bright crossbow arrows had already been strung up, and they pointed at them.

Liu Yu, who was in mid-air, was about to launch.

The leader, a man with a sinister face and a ferocious face, shouted: "Liu Yu, go to hell!"

Just as he was about to press the trigger in his hand, he felt a flash of white light flash before his eyes. His right elbow went cold. When he looked again, he found that his hand holding the crossbow had been cut off by a knife in the air.

, his elbows were all broken off, blood splattered everywhere, the knife was so fast that he didn't even feel any pain, and even the finger of the hand that flew out was still digging slightly on the trigger.

The spy was about to yell, but he saw a woman dressed in common people's attire with long flowing hair appearing in front of him. This girl was as beautiful as a fairy in the sky, so beautiful that it took one's breath away, even with these coarse cloths.

Even though she was wearing a blouse, it was still difficult to conceal her beauty. The spy swallowed a sip of saliva and was about to say something, but then he felt a chill on his neck. The beauty even passed by him with a knife, and his eyes flashed.

Black, no longer conscious.

Murong Lan beheaded the leader of the spies with one sword, and another short sword flew out, hitting the heart of another guy who was aiming at Liu Yu. The man screamed and fell down again. Murong Lan said sternly: "People, don't worry, these are the ones who are mixed in with you."

The spies, please follow the sergeant’s arrangements and enter the city in an orderly manner!”

This chapter has been completed!
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