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Chapter 139: Child servants serve in the army to defend their country

Liu Jingxuan laughed: "He is indeed a cheerful man. Okay, if you have anything to do in the future, come to me. If you frown, you are not a good man."

Liu Yu breathed a sigh of relief and secretly said that fortunately Liu Jingxuan was an upright man. Although it was a common problem among the officials' children who looked down on the common people, it was very rare for them to be able to correct their mistakes and accept their mistakes. It seemed that he had such a bad character.

He is not like those children from a literary family who can only recite poems and compose poems, but rather like a general.

Liu Yu thought of this and looked at the other people in the tent with a smile: "Let's all talk about where we are from and what we want to do in the army. We will all be brothers from now on, so don't give birth to each other."

"My name is Sun Chu, and my nickname is Sandanzi. I am from Liyang. I join the army just to have food to eat."

"My name is Yu Qiujin, and I am known as Xiaoguizi. I am from the East China Sea. I came here, hehe, just to live up to my name and achieve wealth."

"My name is Tan Shao, and others call me Shaozi. I am from Jingkou, so Tan is my uncle. I heard that there was an opportunity to fight for my life on the battlefield and be rewarded with a title, so I came here."


It took about half an hour for more than 40 people in the tent to introduce themselves one by one. Without exception, they were all poor people from peasant families. They were soldiers either to earn a living or to strive for wealth and wealth.

With the exception of a dozen or so people from Jingkou, the others all seemed to be ordinary farmers. Apart from their strength, they had nothing special about them. 22

Liu Yu obviously relied on his actions just now and the reputation of the big brother from Jingkou to calm down many people. Invisibly, he has become the center of everyone in the tent. Even when everyone introduces themselves, they are all talking to each other.

He looked at Liu Yu and reported as if he were to a superior. This made Liu Jingxuan look a little unconvinced. Later, his face gradually darkened, and from time to time he would ridicule these people who reported their family status.

"I'm talking about Shuisheng. Don't you have more than a hundred acres of thin farmland at home? If you don't farm at home and marry a wife, why would you want to be a soldier?" Liu Jingxuan looked at a man named Xie Tingfeng, nicknamed Shuisheng, from Kuaiji County.

Shi Ning mocked coldly.

This Xie Tingfeng is a short, dark man less than six feet tall. He looks to be less than fifteen years old and has no hair on his mouth. He looks like a child. When Liu Yu first saw him, he always

I feel that this boy is somewhat similar to my third brother Liu Daogui, and I feel a sense of intimacy.

His teeth were very white, and he didn't know if it was because he drank from the mountain spring frequently. He grinned: "My hundred acres of land are not my own, but my employer's. No matter how much I plant, they can make me leave with just one word."

So this time I figured it out, I came to be a soldier. I heard that as long as I fought well, there would be big rewards. Then I could redeem myself, buy dozens of acres of land, and live my own life.


Liu Yu frowned: "Are you a boy servant of the Xie family?" Today was the first time that he encountered such a boy servant who was not completely free to serve as a soldier.

Xie Tingfeng nodded: "I have been a member of the Xie family since my grandfather's generation. Originally, boy servants like us were not allowed to join the army, but this time Marshal Xuan took the governor of the five states. The master said

, our servants of the Xie family are free to join the army, and if we perform meritorious service, we will be released directly."

Wei Yongzhi smiled and said: "Look at the Xie family, it's just different. Compared with the Diao family, it's really heaven and earth. One is taking advantage of the national crisis to get more child servants, and the other is to share the country's worries and use the child servants at home. Released to join the army, if all the aristocratic families in the Jin Dynasty were like the Xie family, why should they be afraid of barbarians?"

Liu Yu sighed: "It's a pity that there are not many families like the Xie family. Besides, many good fields in Dajin are occupied by high-ranking families. Just like the Shuisheng brothers, even if the Xie family gives him freedom now, I'm afraid he won't be able to Make a living."

Xie Tingfeng grinned: "That's right, so only if I serve in the army and receive rewards, can I go back and buy dozens of acres of land and live my own life. Brother Liu, you are a righteous man, so please take more care of me in the future. ah."

Liu Jingxuan said dissatisfied: "Shui Sheng, what are you talking about? Liu Yu hasn't become the captain yet. I am determined to get this position. If you ask someone to protect you, you should ask me."

Xie Tingfeng said quickly: "Yes, yes, brother A-Shou, I have to take more care of my little brother in the future."

Liu Jingxuan stretched out, shook his left arm, and said: "This arrow is really damn powerful, and Uncle Zhong is really capable of such a ruthless attack."

Liu Yuqi said: "Uncle Zhong? Does Ah Shou know General Sun?"

An unnatural look flashed across Liu Jingxuan's face, and he turned to smile: "He is older than us, and he is almost the same as my father. It's okay to call him Uncle Zhong. However, the hands of this man named Sun are very dark. Starting tomorrow He is going to formally train us, so we all have to take it easy and don't give him any excuses, otherwise we will suffer from physical pain again."

Having said this, he stood up, took the package, and walked to an empty seat in the corner: "It's getting late, we should go to bed. We have to go out for exercise tomorrow morning."

Liu Yu smiled slightly, stood up and blew out the lights in the tent. The men all returned to their straw mats. Soon, thunderous snores began to come one after another.

More than two hundred steps away, on a sentry tower in the camp, Sun Wuzhong looked at the tent where Liu Yu and others were, which was gradually getting darker. He curled his lips and turned to Liu Lao beside him. Then, he smiled and said: "This arrow and seven steps of soul-breaking hurt Ah Shou, you won't blame me, right?"

Liu Laozhi shook his head: "When I handed this brat over to you, I made all the mental preparations. Don't treat him as my son, just treat him as an ordinary soldier under your command. Train him hard." Okay, this kid can handle it."

Sun Wudian nodded: "It's a good piece of steel, but you still need to practice hard. But it seems that Ah Shou is quite interested in Liu Yu and wants to compete with him everywhere. Prison, you'd better remind him that there's no need. I am angry with Liu Yu."

Liu Laozhi sighed: "This kid has this kind of character. He has been fearless since he was a child. He has always been tough and not soft. When he heard about Liu Yu, he wanted to compete with him. If he is not allowed to compete with Liu Yu, If Liu Yu fights over it, I'm afraid he will have regrets in his heart for the rest of his life."

Speaking of this, Liu Laozhi suddenly laughed: "Think about it thirty years ago, when you and I joined the army, weren't we the same as these two guys today? We have been fighting for our whole lives, and we are still not on the same page now. Together?"

Sun Wuzhu shook his head: "I had to agree in advance that the soldier from Feibao Camp who I trained is your son. When the time comes, you can't steal it openly. Whoever you really like, you have to take it."

Things need to be exchanged with clearly marked prices. And I won’t let Liu Yu go."

Liu Laozhi said with a smile: "Liu Yu, don't even think about it. After half a year of training, I think Commander Xuan will recruit him as a soldier. Don't forget how hard Commander Xuan went to let him go."

He came to join the army."

Sun Wuzhong's expression became serious: "I just received the news this morning that Wang Meng is dead and Fu Jian intends to invade the south. Do we really have half a year?"

Liu Laozhi's eyes flashed coldly: "My Changshan is already very hungry and thirsty!"

This chapter has been completed!
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