Chapter 1408: The Forward Slave of the Blue Dragon

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Bai Hu laughed: "This is a good idea, I agree."

Suzaku curled up his lips and was silent, while Xuanwu gritted his teeth: "Winning three games in a row? What do you mean? Are you counting him facing hundreds or even thousands of people as one game?"

Qinglong smiled slightly: "There are rules on the horse stage. You have also seen it. No matter you win or lose here, you have to bet, and there are odds. If the disparity in strength is too big, then these young men from aristocratic families will be the first to refuse.

Therefore, there won’t be much difference in strength between the two sides. Whether they can survive or not depends on Liu Yu’s ability.”

Xuanwu said bitterly: "I don't believe it. You must have various ways to harm him. It will never be a fair duel."

Qinglong smiled and said: "But this is better than letting Liu Yu be beheaded for violating the national law. At least, I am giving him a chance to live. As for whether he lives or dies, I just leave it to fate."

A cold light flashed in Suzaku's eyes: "Qinglong, if you use any dirty tricks this time, even if you kill Liu Yu, we will be your enemy. You have to think clearly about it yourself."

Qinglong's eyes flashed with murderous intent: "I also want to see if Liu Yu can escape my design this time, and if he is really the son of destiny like the legend says."

Half an hour later, the autumn wind rustled on the stage. The fighting in the arena had ended. The bodies had been dragged away. Some servants were cleaning up the blood stains on the stage. Above the stands, the young masters and buddies in the private rooms were seen.

He and the noble lady also walked around. In the betting shed on the other side, Diao Xie was smiling all over his face as he counted the strings of copper coins in the cash cabinets in front of him.

In the small shed where the Mafia people were discussing matters, only Suzaku and Xuanwu in black robes were left, sitting on their respective couches, watching the situation in the venue, silent.

Suzaku sighed softly: "Do you want to blame me for agreeing to Qinglong's proposal to let Liu Yu enter the fighting ring?"

Xuanwu said coldly: "What's the point of talking about it now that it's over? Qinglong just wants Liu Yu to die, and he will definitely use all means this time. How can you let him decide Liu Yu's life or death?"

Suzaku smiled slightly: "Are you not confident in Qinglong or Liu Yu's abilities?"

Xuanwu gritted his teeth: "Although I asked Liu Laozhi to blackmail Liu Yu this time, things that have no solid evidence will always be left unsolved in the end. After all, Liu Yu has made great contributions. At the worst, he will be dismissed from the military and exiled to other places for a few years.

, as long as it doesn’t affect our Changdao civil war plan. But Qinglong really wants his life, and without Liu Yu’s control, how will we deal with Qinglong in the future?"

Suzaku sighed: "Think about it first, how can Qinglong decide Liu Yu's life or death?"

Xuanwu was stunned for a moment, then said in a deep voice: "The current Tingwei is Diao Kui. According to law, Liu Yu is going to Tingwei's house for trial. Since he can advise Sima Daozi through Zhang Fashun, he can let Sima Daozi give instructions."

Diao Kui, come and ask Liu Yu to sentence you to being banished to the stage, which is what he said is a fight between life and death."

Suzaku smiled slightly: "Exactly, then tell me, if we insist on stopping Qinglong, and he directly asks Diao Kui to sentence Liu Yu to death in anger, how do you solve it? You may be able to influence the emperor, but the emperor cannot

Would you go to have a showdown with Sima Daozi right now for Liu Yu, not to mention that Sima Daozi has a legitimate murder charge on his hands."

Xuanwu gritted his teeth: "Qinglong is not the only one who can influence Sima Daozi. I don't believe it. Our arrangement and power in the Central Plains for so many years is not as powerful as his Qinglong."

Suzaku smiled and said: "Don't worry, if you use other dirty tricks, maybe Liu Yu really can't escape this disaster, but on the battlefield, Liu Yu is invincible, and the only thing Qinglong can find is someone with strong martial arts skills."

Warriors, or beasts and various war machines, if he plays too much, these bettors will not let him go. Think about it, when Liu Yu appears as the number one warrior in Beifu, then everyone will buy

Should Liu Yuying or buy someone else?"

Xuanwu's heart moved, and he frowned slightly: "I didn't expect this, but will Qinglong stop just because of these people's thoughts?"

Suzaku shook his head: "Of course not. I don't doubt that Qinglong will find all the elite soldiers he can find and force Tiger to kill Liu Yu, but in broad daylight and in full view of the public, he can't do much.

, when the time comes, we will ask the emperor to come to the scene in person. No matter how courageous he is, he will not dare to offend the public in front of the emperor. Maybe, if Liu Yu fights well by then, he can be pardoned directly. "

Xuanwu shook his head: "I'm not so optimistic. Liu Yu is now our primary weapon against Qinglong. I have always been opposed to you letting Qinglong come back. In my opinion, Liu Yu is controllable. With his loyalty to the emperor and patriotism, the Northern Expedition

The principles of the Central Plains can control him, but Qinglong, he wants Jingzhou this time, and his next target will definitely be the whole world, and even us, he wants to eliminate."

Zhuque sneered and said: "How could I not know this? But if we don't let him come back now, Liu Yu, Huan Xuan, and Tianshi Dao will all be beyond our control. The civil war in Chang Dao will be impossible to start.

Regarding the possibility of stillbirth, instead of letting Qinglong sneak back to Jingzhou to assist Huanxuan and become our enemy, it is better to temporarily win over Qinglong and use him to stabilize Huanxuan and provoke a civil war. As long as the civil war is over, our own forces will control all major

The states, counties, and armies will send Qinglong on his way when the time comes."

Xuanwu gritted his teeth: "Without Liu Yu, how can we deal with Qinglong?"

Zhuque smiled slightly: "Then it depends on whether Liu Yu can survive this time. If he can't escape Qinglong's frame-up this time, he will not be Qinglong's opponent in the future. If Liu Yu can escape this time, then Murong Lan

This weakness no longer exists. When the time comes, we can no longer threaten Liu Yu and can only truly cooperate with him."

A trace of surprise flashed in Xuanwu's eyes: "Cooperate with Liu Yu? How to cooperate?"

Zhuque said calmly: "When the time comes, we will help Liu Yu eliminate Qinglong and Huanxuan, and give up the position of Qinglong to Liu Yu. Only by becoming one of us can he get our real support, and go all out in the Northern Expedition to establish him."


Xuanwu shook his head: "Liu Yu will not cooperate with us, that is not in line with his personality."

Zhuque smiled and said: "Don't worry, for the Northern Expedition, Liu Yu can even cooperate with Lu Xun, a monster. If we help him kill Qinglong for revenge, and blame Qinglong for this frame-up, then Liu Yu will not fail to cooperate with us."

The reason for cooperation. Xuanwu, you need to worry more about this matter."

Xuanwu's eyes flashed coldly: "Leave it to me." Website:

This chapter has been completed!
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