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Chapter 1,430: Centripetal Assault on Left and Right

Liu Yu's eyes were as cold as lightning. After quickly looking at the situation on both sides, he suddenly smiled, looked at Sun Xing who had just stood up in the circle, and said with a smile: "Brother Sun, are you okay?"

Sun Xing's face was full of shame, and he lowered his head and said: "I'm sorry, it's all my fault for being greedy and rushing out, which almost killed you. If you were really surprised, I'm afraid..."

Liu Yu smiled and patted his right shoulder: "Brothers of life and death, why are you so polite? Next, I need your help."

Sun Xing opened his eyes wide: "If you need anything, just tell me."

Liu Yu said loudly to Yan Xiaoer on the side: "Xiaoer, do you know the steps?"

Yan Xiaoer nodded quickly: "I know you. I have been taught by you. I can measure distances."

Liu Yu smiled and said: "Okay, tell me the distance between the enemies on both sides, every thirty steps."

Yan Xiaoer said loudly: "The bull is one hundred and ten steps away from me, and the chariot is one hundred and forty steps away from me."

Liu Yu ignored it and said to the prisoners in the shield formation, who were all looking at him: "Brothers, life and death depend on this. Now, listen to my order. The five people on the left, after listening to my order, follow me and follow my orders.

Run to the left as quickly as possible, remember, only bring the spear and nothing else."

"The five people on the right, after listening to my order, follow Sun Xing and run to the right as fast as possible. Remember, follow Sun Xing and don't look back. Do you understand?"

Yan Xiaoer's voice shouted: "The bull is eighty steps away from me, the chariot is a hundred steps away from me!"

Amidst the war elephant's loud roar, Liu Yu looked at Sun Xing and said solemnly: "When I give the order, you run to the right and don't look back. Run as fast as 150 steps to the fighting point."

On the edge of the field, walk ten steps away from the wall, then turn around, raise your spears and form a single line to meet the carriage. If the carriage comes at full speed, spread out on both sides. If it slows down and rushes, use your spear to resist it. Hold on until I come!"

Sun Xing said loudly: "Understood!"

Yan Xiaoer's voice roared loudly: "The bull is fifty steps away from me, and the chariot is sixty steps away from me."

Within the shield array, the shields outside were shaking slightly. The elephants and chariots were galloping at full speed, and the ground was shaking. However, it was different from when they first saw these beasts and chariots. Everyone's faces were filled with tears.

With a firm and confident smile, Liu Yu's command and the previous offensive and defensive rounds have made these people believe in their hearts that today, under the hands of this god-like Brother Liu, they will definitely survive!

Liu Yu looked around and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, this is our best chance. The war elephant and the chariot are facing each other like this. As long as we can separate to the left and right at that moment, they will collide with each other, so

, The key this time is the time to disperse. After we disperse, follow me and Sun Xing with all your strength. The people around me must not be forced to obey my orders. Sun Xing, you follow my orders.

Stay close to the wall so that chariots or war elephants don't dare to hit it with full force, do you understand?"

Sun Xing completely understood, nodded and said: "Don't worry, leave it all to me!"

Yan Xiaoer's voice was trembling with excitement: "The bull is twenty steps away from me, and the chariot is forty steps away from me!"

Liu Yu laughed and said, "Have a blast!" Before he could finish his words, he picked up the Benlei bow from the ground, pulled out a long spiked arrow that had been planted on the ground early, strung the arrow, and was angry.

To move the Dantian, make a big spin and pull the bowstring towards the rider on the war elephant.

The rider had been lying on the elephant's back to prevent Liu Yu from shooting him. When he saw Liu Yu turning around and suddenly facing him, he was so frightened that he quickly rolled left on the elephant's head, and his whole body rolled one step to the left.

It's so fast that it almost pulls the elephant's ear, and the whole person is pressed against the elephant's ear. This movement is as fast as an ape's. Even the moment it is hung on the elephant's ear, it looks like a monkey.

But Liu Yu didn't shoot the arrow. He just pulled the bow string emptyly. When the war elephant rider rolled to the left, his whole body pulled the elephant's ears and hung in the air, he smiled and pulled the bow string again.

The feather was smoothly placed on the string, pulled and released, just in the blink of an eye, and the arrow came almost instantly from a distance of less than twenty steps, without leaning to either side, hitting the elephant hanging in the middle.

The back of the rider on the ears kept him and the elephant's ears firmly fixed on the profile of the war elephant, and the man's hands and feet waved feebly twice, and then died, far away.

From a distance, it looks like there is a black-skinned Kunlun slave growing out of the elephant's face, which is extremely interesting.

After Liu Yu killed the war elephant rider with one arrow, he shouted: "Run!"

Like an arrow from the string, Sun Xing immediately ran out from the right, and the five people following him also used their strength to jump out after him. As soon as they came out of the shield formation, several sounds came from the chariot.

There was a sound that broke through the air, and not only had Ali rushed out less than three steps, a long arrow was nailed to his back, and it went in without any feathers, and his whole body fell to the ground.

Liu Yu gritted his teeth and ran out to the left. He held the Benlei bow in his left hand. The moment he rushed out, he had already picked up two arrows in his hand. As he ran, he nocked the arrows and stringed them.

On the chariot, the archers continued to wind up. Liu Yu suddenly cocked and released an arrow, and an arrow shot out. The driver on the chariot on the left opened his mouth wide. He was about to dodge, but this arrow came out.

It penetrated directly from his big mouth, came out through his brain, and directly nailed his head to the wooden board behind him.

However, the speed of the galloping chariot did not slow down, and it just happened to run over the body of the half-armed warrior outside the formation. This corpse pushed the wheels of the chariot outward, and the entire chariot suddenly turned sideways, and the shooter on the vehicle rolled over.

He Jianshou didn't even have time to jump out of the car, so he was heavily crushed under the car. His eyes suddenly popped out, he vomited blood, and he died.

When Liu Yu shot this arrow, he had already run for more than ten steps. However, he ran sideways and deliberately fell behind the other five people. To be precise, he was behind. Yan Xiaoer

He was the smallest and the slowest runner. Liu Yu was less than three steps away from him. For some reason, this thin young man reminded him of his little brother Xie Zingfeng when he first entered Beifu. Even his smile was very similar. Thinking of that because

When Shui Sheng died due to his first command mistake, Liu Yu felt a stab of pain in his heart, and he made up his mind: he must save Yan Xiaoer.

The archer on the chariot on the right has re-strung his bow and looked at Sun Xing and others running to the right with a grin. The one-armed Sun Xing ran at the back because he was missing an arm to swing.

In the eyes of the archer, his heart was almost an infinitely magnified target. He drew the bow to full string, right up to his mouth. With just a slight release, the one-armed enemy would stand up, just like he had just done.

The prisoner who was shot to death.

This chapter has been completed!
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