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Chapter 18 The Five Pecks of Rice has a long history

Tan Pingzhi laughed, stepped forward and picked up the large bunch of straw sandals next to Liu Yu, counted them twice, and nodded: "Well, not bad, there are fifty-two pairs of straw sandals in total. Brother Liu, it costs three yuan each, right?"

, we want all of these.”

As he spoke, he took out a cloth bag from his arms, untied it, grabbed a handful of large coins from it, counted one hundred, sixty or seventy, and gave them directly to Liu Yu.

Liu Yu smiled slightly, accepted the money bag, and said: "Brother Tan seems to have saved some money when he came from the north to the south. I wish you all the best to live and work in peace and contentment in Jingkou."

Tan Pingzhi looked at Liu Yu and said: "Today I came specifically to see you, Brother Liu. I just went to your house, but your brother said that you came to the ferry to sell straw sandals. That's why I came all the way here to invite Brother Liu."

You go to our social drama."

Liu Yu opened his eyes wide and asked curiously: "Social opera?"

Tan Pingzhi nodded: "Yes, there are now hundreds of families of northern refugees concentrated in Jingkou, and everyone has been centrally resettled in Fei County, where Qiao Zhi is located."

"Although the cultivated land has not yet been divided, the officials in the state, oh, the Liu Yi and Liu Zheng that we met that day, took us to a Qiaozhi village to settle down, and said that the matter of cultivated land was waiting for Diao Inspector

We’ll talk about it after taking office, but stay here first.”

"Then a noble person came today and said that it was not easy for us northern refugees to go south. Today is an auspicious day, so they funded a celebration for us and included various sideshows!"

"To be honest, those of us from the north had a hard journey south, so we couldn't care less about the celebrations in our hometown. But today, we even saw the shadow puppet show in my hometown."

"Brother Liu, you helped us yesterday. You have to participate in this social drama no matter what."

Liu Yu curled up his lips: "Nobles? Are they the two scholars from the boat behind yours yesterday?" Liu Yu's eyes began to show the ecstatic appearance of the two nobles.

Tan Pingzhi shook his head: "No, it's not them. This time we got lucky. We actually encountered the leader and a living god coming. It's something we never dreamed of."

Liu Yu's expression changed: "The leader is a living god? Are you talking about the Tao of Heavenly Masters?"

Tianshi Taoism is the oldest religion in Chinese tradition and an important sect of Taoism. According to legend, it was created by Zhang Daoling, a real person in the Eastern Han Dynasty. This Taoist sect worships Taishang Laojun as the highest believer. After defeating the primitive people in the Central Plains,

After the emergence of witchcraft, it became the mainstream form of religion in the Central Plains.

After Zhang Daoling's death, his grandson Zhang Lu succeeded him as the leader of Tianshi Tao. At this time, Tianshi Tao had developed greatly. Believers who joined the religion needed to pay five buckets of rice as a membership fee. From then on, all brothers in the religion were equal.

There will be various religious ceremonies, and Taoist officials and sacrificial winemakers will pray for them. From then on, Tianshi Tao is also called Wu Dou Rice Tao.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Yellow Turban Army, which believed in Taiping Dao, another Taoist sect, launched a great uprising. Zhang Lu took the opportunity to start an uprising in Hanzhong, captured the entire Liangzhou area, and appointed himself "Master Shijun", the supreme leader of Tianshi Dao Dao.

He is the supreme chief executive and established a **** regime.

Those who have just entered Taoism are called "Tao people"; those who have been in Taoism for a long time and have become more sophisticated in the Taoism are appointed as "jiujiu", each leading the tribes, and those who lead many people are called "zhitou big sacrificial wine". Zhang Lu uses "zhi" as the management unit.

Within the area under its rule, there are twenty-four governments. Each government does not have an official, and uses wine sacrifices to manage administrative, military, religious and other matters. The wine sacrifices are the master of governing the Tao and the people, and they must gather and visit regularly.

Zhang Lu's good times did not last long. The northern hero Cao Cao finally sent troops to Hanzhong. Zhang Lu could not resist and asked to surrender. So tens of thousands of believers from him moved to Guanzhong. Because Zhang Lu surrendered early, Tianshi Tao's

The power and believers were basically preserved, and then spread to the whole world in the Wei and Jin Dynasties.

With the Yongjia Rebellion and the Wuhu chaos in China, it was difficult for the Tianshi Taoist disciples in the north to gain a foothold and began to move south in large numbers. Since the upper-class nobles in the Eastern Jin Dynasty liked to talk, the metaphysics of Lao and Zhuang Tao were different from the teachings of Tianshi Tao.

Therefore, Tianshi Tao, or Wu Dou Mi Tao, has been greatly developed in Jiangnan, and can even be said to be a state religion.

Liu Yu frowned. In this place of Jingkou, for some reason, Liu Yu didn't like Tianshi Tao. Most believers in Tianshi Tao would add a zigzag after their name to show that they were different from other people.

The difference between non-believers, such as the great calligrapher Wang Xizhi, is that his family is a believer in Tianshi Tao.

Liu Yu looked at Tan Pingzhi and murmured: "Brother Tan's name also has a zigzag, so that's it. But, this time you are really seeing Sun Tai, the leader of Tianshi Tao?"

Tan Pingzhi's expression changed slightly, and he said in surprise: "Brother Liu is not a brother in the sect, so how could he know the name of my sect leader?"

Liu Yu sighed: "Your sect is so famous in the south, and Master Sun's reputation is also very popular. It's hard not to know."

Having said this, he glanced at Tan Pingzhi and said, "Brother Tan is from the north, how can he believe in the Tao of the Heavenly Master?"

Tan Pingzhi smiled slightly: "Our family has believed in the divine religion for generations in the north, and our fathers and ancestors have received a lot of favors from the divine religion. To tell you the truth, this time our family went south, and we also got the decree of You Fang to offer wine, and we were asked to go south.

The Jin Dynasty is resisting the Hulu!"

Liu Yu opened his eyes wide: "Will Tianshi Dao do such a thing? Let your Taoist people go south to join the Jin Dynasty?"

Tan Pingzhi nodded: "Yes, Lord Jijiu said, the Hulu are ferocious and easy to kill, and they believe in the pagan religion of that country. The Tao of the Heavenly Master is the divine religion passed down by my Chinese ancestors. It can only be found in the south where the Han people are tracing back."

Dajin is our true hometown, and now that the barbarians are about to go south to attack our Dajin, Taoist people from all over the world should go to the rescue to defend Dajin and protect our way to the Heavenly Master."

Liu Yu sighed: "So, Tianshi Dao has done a lot of good things this time."

Tan Pingzhi raised his eyebrows: "Listen to what Brother Liu means, could it be that the Divine Sect has not done any good things in Jiangnan? I have lived in the north for a long time and I don't know about this. I still want to ask Brother Liu for advice."

Xu Xianzhi, who had not spoken for a long time, said bitterly: "Not only have we not done any good, our Jingkou has suffered terribly from this Tianshi Dao monster!"

Tan Pingzhi's expression changed: "Little brother, what's going on?"

Liu Yu curled up his lips and said: "That was a few years ago. Here in Jingkou, Tianshi Taoism is at its peak. Just like your brother Tan, a large number of refugees from the north moved southward and settled here twenty years ago.

, and Lu Xue, the great priest of Tianshi Dao at that time, also established good relationships in Jingkou and recruited many believers."

This chapter has been completed!
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