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Chapter 1865: Wei Lord’s Black Fire Burns Bai Si

With a smile on his face, Tuoba Gui pointed to the battlefield in front and said: "Because the terrain here was set by me early. Baisiwu is behind us, and this mountain blocks the northern brigade.

According to the cavalry's attack route, the cavalry coming from the south along the river must advance to our camp and then circle around to pursue us. This is destined to collide with the Yan army and the Helan tribe coming from the north here."

"It is dark now, and I have made arrangements here in advance. The smoke fills the entire battlefield, which makes the enemy not distinguish between us and the enemy, but only kills each other. Of course, now it is the Yu tribe, the Erzhu tribe, and the Baba tribe.

When He Yifu's troops come forward and engage in a melee with the enemy, they will always encounter our Wei soldiers. They will not have time to stop and take a closer look. If they were the only ones, they would soon find something was wrong."

An Tong said with a smile: "Anyway, if we kill those servant tribes, it won't do us much harm. As long as we still have elite soldiers, we can suppress the various tribes. Right, General Daxi."

Da Xijin had already changed into a set of clothes and armor, and was standing beside Tuoba Gui with a sword in his hand. Behind him, more than 3,000 exhausted soldiers from the main camp of the Wei army were drinking water and eating cakes. After what they experienced last night,

In that thrilling and terrifying night battle, after escaping from the death of those immortal medicine men, these Tuoba warriors were greedily breathing fresh air while taking in water and food as quickly as possible to restore their strength.

Because, it is very likely that they will need to continue fighting next.

Da Xijin smiled slightly: "Although we lost more than half of our soldiers in yesterday's night battle, it doesn't matter. As long as this battle is won, there will be more to supplement. As long as Your Majesty is here, the backbone of our Wei Dynasty will be there, and we will be able to do it soon."

We are several times stronger than before. Now, those Yan troops and rebels have attracted us here, and they are fighting in a melee, and our follow-up troops are constantly joining in. The victory of this battle must belong to us!"

At this time, a gust of west wind blew, and several shrill whistles sounded from the barren hills in the north. A white fish belly rose from the sky, and the sun shone faintly on the battlefield. You could vaguely see the mountains and forests in the north.

, thousands of crooked immortal medicine men poured out, walking or crawling, rushing towards the smoke-filled battle group.

Da Xijin's face changed drastically, and his voice trembled a little: "These, aren't these..."

A cruel smile appeared on Tuoba Gui's lips: "Yes, Da Xi, you guessed it right, these are the immortal medicine men in the camp last night, those terrible monsters!"

An Tong gritted his teeth: "Your Majesty, these monsters are invulnerable and can be hurt by unusual weapons. Please order the withdrawal of the troops and let the Yan army fight these monsters to the death."

A cold light flashed in Tuoba Gui's eyes: "I came just in time. This is the preset battlefield where I prepared early to eliminate all the Yan troops. Originally, I planned to withdraw here last night, and then lead the Yan troops to pursue me.

Those rebel Helan tribe were eliminated here together. Although there are monsters like the Immortal Medicine Man, it doesn't matter. I just treat it as a small change in the plan. I don't believe it. These monsters are invulnerable and invulnerable to fire and water! Bah, Bah!

Sir, how are you preparing?"

Babasong's gloomy smile appeared from the side of Tuoba Gui: "Your Majesty, it has been prepared for a long time. All the black fire thunders you asked your subordinates to develop are placed under Bai Siyuan in front, just waiting for you to say

With the order, everything will be activated!"

Tuoba Gui smiled slightly, looked at a giant man standing next to him holding a bow, more than eight feet in length, and holding a six-foot-high four-string bow, and said: "Abogan, you are known as the best shooter on the grassland.

Eagle Hand, it’s up to you to shoot this arrow!”

A Bogan hummed: "But our brother is still inside, do you really want to cum?"

Tuoba Gui smiled and said: "But this will also shoot at the enemy. If we retreat now and the enemy chases us, who will we burn? Master Yu, Master Erzhu, they are commendable for their loyalty and bravery. They have long put life and death at risk."

, pass my order, all the warriors of the Yu tribe and the Erzhu tribe will be given one level of nobility. If they come back alive, they will be given two levels. Each will be rewarded with three slaves, ten cows, and thirty sheep. The rewards for those who died in battle will be doubled.


An Tong quickly recorded these orders under a piece of parchment in his hand, and said at the same time: "Then on behalf of all the soldiers, I would like to thank Your Majesty for your kindness."

Tuoba Gui stood up, raised a torch with his own hands, and threw it into a trench that was more than a foot wide and two hundred paces long underground. The trench was filled with sulfur, saltpeter, and other fire-starting materials.

It burned into a ribbon of fire, illuminating the murderous faces of a thousand eagle shooters with strong bows standing behind the ditch.

Abogan strode forward, picked up the quiver hanging on his leg, and threw it on the ground. More than fifty long-stemmed wolf-toothed arrows fell down directly, within five steps of him, like a goddess scattering flowers.

, inserted into the soil, he pulled it out casually, clasped three long arrows in his hands, and looked into the fire ditch. Suddenly, the arrows coated with sulfur ignited with raging flames.

Abogan strung an arrow, held his breath, opened his legs, and slowly pulled out the six-stone bow. When the four animal tendons were pulled, the extremely tense sound of the string echoed nearby, shaking everyone's heartstrings, and thousands of

The rest of the eagle shooters also followed Abo Gan's actions, inserting arrows on the ground, detecting the arrows into the fire ditch, and then stringing the fire arrows. Soon, after the entire fire ditch, there were nearly two thousand bows and arrows with burning arrows.

Pointing directly at the fighting battlefield two hundred steps away.

Tuoba Gui stood up and suddenly sang a song: "Who are you, said the proud A-gan, why do you want me to kneel to you? And I am here, your A-gan, recalling the past."

This song of Agan has already spread throughout the grassland along with the past events of Shenhebei. Tuobagui’s illustrious reputation and ruthless killing character, with this song, can stop children’s hooves at night on the grassland.

, and the chanting on the battlefield has also become a requiem for the opponent. The singing sounds, and tens of thousands of voices join in harmony, shaking the sky and the earth, and the bowstrings sound, and groups of fireballs shoot towards the dense battle group.

Flying away, flames rising into the sky from time to time, accompanied by the huge explosion sound when the black fire thunder was ignited, immediately covered up the shouts of killing and the sound of weapons clashing on the entire battlefield. And

Instead, there were the horrific screams and cries of people being burned.

Tuoba Gui stood up and watched A Bogan's rapid fire one after another. He turned back to An Tong and said, "When we clean the battlefield later, remember to focus on searching for the bodies of Murong Bao, Murong Lin, and Helan Lu.

Oh, yes, there are also Lu Pu and his son. I said that if he takes refuge in me and then betrays me, I will make his life worse than death, right, Cui Shilang?!"

Standing next to Tuoba Gui, the father and son Cui Hong and Cui Hao, who looked calm, smiled slightly and bowed at the same time: "His Majesty is so powerful that no one dares to disobey!"

This chapter has been completed!
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