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Chapter 1848 The envoys from Dragon City come to welcome you back

 Murongde raised his white eyebrows: "You never help people for no reason. Tell me, what do you want this time?"

The black robe smiled slightly: "I want you to be the emperor of Nanyan!"

Fifteen days later, Company B, Murong Bao Camp.

Compared with the miserable situation of only a dozen cavalrymen a while ago, the Yi Company camp now is quite large, with more than 10,000 warriors, gathered here and there in groups on various campuses, led by Xianbei sergeants wearing iron armor

They were giving orders and conducting the most basic formation training such as holding the gun, advancing and retreating, and from time to time some recruits bumped into each other when turning or changing teams, causing small chaos.

Murong Bao sat on a beech bed on a high platform in the school ground, watching the training in various fields in the camp, shaking his head and sighing, while Yu Chong on the side whispered: "Your Majesty, these militiamen have never been in battle before.

, I just relied on my passion to come to serve the king. The general thought that this was enough. As long as there is loyalty and righteousness, sooner or later we can train into a first-class iron army. It may not be possible to counterattack Hebei, but there is no problem in regaining Dragon City."

Murong Bao gritted his teeth: "Yes, I just don't know if by the time we regain Hebei, the grass on my grave will be three feet high!"

Yu Chong's expression changed: "Your Majesty, you must never say such unlucky words."

Murong Bao said bitterly: "These Han people only know how to farm, but they don't know about battle formations. They can't even walk in a formation, let alone fight against the Wei army. They are going to fight against the rebels like Duan Sugu at this time.

They can only be slaughtered. Relying on these people to take back Dragon City is a dream. Sheng'er, are you just looking for these things?"

Murong Sheng, who was standing on the side with a stern expression, quickly said: "Father, it's not that I don't try my best to find him, it's just that in the land of Hebei, even the Ding Ling tribe followed King Fan Yang south. Except for the Han people, there is really no one willing to come and join him.

We have enough soldiers to fight. As for those stragglers, most of them are taking advantage of the situation and have no loyalty at all. I am afraid that the quick-blooded incident will happen again, so I did not recruit these people. I ask my father to give me advice."

Murong Bao's expression softened a little: "That's all, considering that you killed Mu Yuteng this time who wanted to use the conscription to cause trouble, even if the merits and demerits are equal, it's just the 100,000 stones of food and grass brought by the Hebei righteous people.

It’s almost time to finish eating. We can’t wait here endlessly. Is there any news from Zhao Huangmen?”

Yu Chong and Murong Sheng looked at each other and remained silent. Murong Bao's expression changed: "Could it be that you have the news a long time ago and have been hiding it from me?"

Murong Sheng gritted his teeth and knelt down: "Father, please forgive me. Three days ago, news came from the south. Murong De usurped the throne and established himself. He was promoted to King of Yan, appointed civil and military officials, and established his capital in Guanggu.

, although he did not take the last step, he has openly betrayed his father. As for Zhao Huangmen, he..."

Murong Bao's eyes widened and he jumped up from the bed: "What happened to Zhao Huangmen?!"

Murong Sheng sighed: "Zhao Huangmen's loyal advice made Murong De angry and wanted to detain him. Zhao Huangmen was so unyielding that he hit a pillar and died for the country. His head was cut off and hung on the Guanggu City Gate for public display. Murong

De used this method to declare his betrayal of my father. We can no longer count on him!"

Murong Bao's body swayed, and he collapsed back on the bed. He almost fell down with the chair. Yu Chong quickly went up to help him, and saw him shaking his head numbly: "Knowing people, knowing faces, but not knowing."

My heart, I can't believe that even Uncle De Emperor has betrayed me. In this big world, where will I go?"

Murong Sheng said loudly: "No matter when and where, I will defend my father to the death and never abandon him. We will live and die together."

Yu Chong and the surrounding guards also knelt down and shouted loudly: "I will defend your majesty to the death, and we will never leave you. We will live and die together!"

Murong Bao sighed: "Well, nothing can be accomplished with just these soldiers and horses. Doesn't Murong De want to make himself emperor? Well, then your majesty will go to Guanggu in person, remove the title of emperor, and meditate in Zen."

He, he will always be satisfied with this, as long as he can send troops to recapture Dragon City and counterattack Hebei, what does my honor and disgrace mean to me?"

Murong Sheng almost spurted out a mouthful of blood: "Your Majesty, even Zhao Huangmen was killed by Murong De. If you go there, won't you die? You must not do it."

As he was talking, he heard a commotion at the camp gate, accompanied by the sound of horse hooves and a loud voice: "General Su Chao of the Left, on the orders of Master Lanhan, the Minister of the Order, came to pick him up!"

Murong Bao's spirit was shaken. He stood up from his seat and looked in the direction of the camp gate: "Su Chao? Isn't he the general of the Lanhan tribe who stayed in Longcheng? Why are you here at this time?"

Yu Chong curled his lips: "Your Majesty, please don't be careless. The Lan tribe stood still during the last defensive battle of Dragon City and they are not loyal people. If you come here now, you may be checking your Majesty's true intentions. Your Majesty, don't see him."

Just let me wait to greet you, and by the way, I can tell you the truth about Dragon City."

Murong Bao shook his head: "No, Lan Han is my uncle and Sheng'er's father-in-law. He has no reason to rebel. Only by following our Murong clan can they have the glory and wealth of their Lan tribe. If they follow Duan Sugu

If we join forces to cause chaos, we will attack the city together last time."

Murong Sheng nodded: "What my father said makes sense. My father-in-law held back his troops last time probably because the troops and horses had not been assembled. After all, all the strong men of the Lan tribe went out with the army last time. If they had not come back, what would Lan Han have done?"

There is nothing we can do, Duan Sugu colluded with Murong Nong, and the Lan tribe gathered their strength around this time and connected with other tribes, and then they wanted to welcome the father back to fight against the thieves!"

Yu Chong said solemnly: "Li Han has only been away for a few days now to find out the news in Longcheng. To be on the safe side, let's wait for news from him first. After all, Li Han is loyal to His Majesty, and this Su Chao, I don't know his details.


Murong Bao waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, let's listen to what Su Chao has to say first, and then make a decision. It doesn't matter if we know something about the situation in Dragon City. Anyway, I now have an army of more than 10,000 people, and it's not that easy to deal with.

, if the emperor has to hide his head and show his tail, how can he convince the public? Come and arrange the handsome tent, I want to see General Su and his party!"

An hour later, Murong Bao, dressed in gorgeous armor and holding a scepter in hand, sat on the bed in the commander's tent of the Chinese army. He looked at Su Chao who was kneeling in front of him with several sandalwood boxes beside him and said in a deep voice.

He said: "General Su, I have really worked hard for you to come here all the way. What is the situation in Longcheng now? Did Murong Nong proclaim himself emperor and follow Murong De to persecute me?"

This chapter has been completed!
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