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Chapter 2394: In troubled times, everyone fights and kills

Doupeng Ke smiled slightly: "It is precisely because of King Ma that he can consider the gains and losses of interests more rationally. Nanyang is beyond the reach of the Later Qin Dynasty. Now Liu Yu is polite first and then soldiers. If you don't give it to him, he will seize it. It will also irritate the relationship between the two countries. How about that?"

It's good to take the initiative to give it away, but Yao Xing can't directly convince those simple-minded and superstitious subordinates, so he has to use your words to convince others. You know what you should say tomorrow."

Kumarajiva said in a deep voice: "I don't know much about military matters, but based on your past behavior as a donor, I don't believe that anything good will happen. You two want to win the twelve counties of Nanyang without fighting.

, I'm afraid that the next step is to enter Luoyang in the Central Plains or even Chang'an in Guanzhong. When the war breaks out again and the people suffer, it will all be my fault."

Doupeng Ke smiled and waved his hand: "Monk, you really don't understand military affairs. The land of Nanyang is thousands of miles away from Guanzhong, the core area of ​​the Later Qin Dynasty. If you go from Guanzhong to Nanyang, it will be a difficult journey to supply supplies.

It is even more troublesome. The army is stationed outside. If the required food, grass and baggage need to be supplied from Guanzhong, it will not be able to support it for a long time. Yao Xing has not wanted to maintain the garrison in Nanyang for a long time. Liu Yu saw this clearly and took the initiative to propose

Send some food and grass and stop accepting refugees in exchange for this place."

Kumarajiva said coldly: "If all the powerful ministers and generals in the world can stick to their duties and there is no war, then naturally the suffering of the people in the world will be relieved. And we, the monks, can propagate the Dharma and save people, can't we?

For this? Be it Yao Xing or Liu Yu, they are just people who want to realize their own hegemony and ambition. For this ambition, they will not hesitate to drive the people of the world to fight like wild beasts. I have no good impressions of any of them.

, and have no intention to intervene in the disputes between them."

Doupengke sneered and said: "To put it nicely, you monks and these temples are not engaged in production, but rely entirely on the incense of the people and the land allocated by the state. At least people with great power like Yao Xing and Liu Yu must

Encourage farming and mulberry cultivation, and let the people under your rule organize production and produce rice, grain, silk and silk to support parasites like you. Can you translate Buddhist scriptures and let food and drink fall from the sky to meet the needs of all people?


Kumarajiva's face changed slightly: "We are monks, and monks are naturally not bound by the world. Is this wrong?"

Doupengke laughed and pointed to an empty bowl placed on the small table in front of Kumarajiva. There were still a few grains of porridge and rice left on it. He said in a deep voice: "Yes, a monk, but do monks really think about it?"

Don’t you stop eating, drinking, and defecating? Did the rice you eat and the monk’s robes you wear fall from the sky? The land cultivated by all the people in the world is allocated by the state, and the taxes you pay are also the price for obtaining this land.

Why don't you give them these things? Others need to work and pay taxes, but you monks and Taoists are the exception?"

Kumarajiva bit his lip: "All the kings in the world, from Tianzhu to the Western Regions to the Central Plains, treat us monks like this, because we can save the world, give hope to the suffering people, and make them believe in this life.

You can accumulate virtue and do good in this life, but don't do evil, otherwise you will go to hell and suffer. In this way, there will be fewer people who gather in the mountains and forests to cause rebellion. If it were not because of us that these rebellions were reduced, how could the kings give it to them?

Our conditions?"

Doupengke sneered and said: "I made up such a big lie to deceive people about the afterlife and karma. I made it up to the point where I even believed it. It gave people that kind of false hope without giving any benefits. It even made stupid men and stupid women.

You sell your sons and daughters to make incense for the pitiful money you have. Monks, monks, you are worse than the most cruel tyrant in the world. In order to support these idle people in your temple who are not engaged in production.

, requires the blood and sweat of countless people. Don't think that Yao Xing is still polite to you now. That's because you haven't consumed too much of his population. If Buddhist temples are as prevalent as in Tianzhu and the Western Regions, a large number of people will lose their hair without working.

Monks, in the end, the country will be unable to make ends meet, no one is farming, and everyone wants to be a monk. When that day comes, I wonder who else will provide food and clothing for you!"

Kumarajiva was so angry that he was trembling all over: "Nonsense, nonsense, we are trying to save all sentient beings for the Buddha, but we tell you such unbearable things. The country, the country can raise hundreds of thousands of troops, and can fight and kill people and slaughter cities, why can't we?

How many temples should be built and tens of thousands of monks be raised to help and transform sentient beings?"

Doupengke said coldly: "The country raises troops, either to capture more territory, or to protect the existing territory from infringement. To put it bluntly, it is to protect the people's production. How can it be the same as yours? Are you a turtle?

In this country, there are great national masters in Houliang. In order to support you, the living Buddha, the whole temple is tax-free and there are hundreds of thousands of monks who are not engaged in production. But as a result, the enemy country attacked. Did you protect the country?

Have you protected the people? In the face of Lu Guang's butcher's knife, you can actually not break the precepts in order to become a Buddha for yourself, and watch tens of thousands of people in the city being slaughtered like this. For a person like you, you still have the nerve to say that you will transform the world.


Kumarajiva bit his lip tightly, closed his eyes, just chanted sutras, and ignored the cloak man.

Doupengke also felt a little boring and sighed: "That's all, you have your creed and I have my plan. I only believe that only by ending the troubled times and bringing peace to the world can we avoid these human sufferings, not like you

Such a way of deceiving oneself and others. This request from the Twelve Counties of Nanyang is a request to avoid war without bloodshed, and it is also in line with your idea of ​​saving the common people. It is a rare consensus between you and me."

Kumarajiva said solemnly: "The two powerful countries are so directly bordered. Liu Yu won twelve counties without fighting. His momentum is soaring and his power is further strengthened. In the future, it will definitely stimulate his ambitions and launch more wars, and then Qin will be here

The territory gained through hard fighting was handed over to others, and the generals were dissatisfied and would definitely try their best to take it back. Yao Xing was kind on the outside, but in reality he was ambitious. He hoped to dominate the world, including the one he gave up to Guzang before. He was by no means peace-loving, but

Because he didn't have enough troops to defend Liangzhou for a long time, he moved all the people in the city to enrich Guanzhong. Judging from what he did in Liangzhou back then, he will definitely move all the Han people in Nanyang this time. I don't know when the time comes.

How many wives and children have been separated, husbands and wives have separated, such a human tragedy, and you actually tell me that it is a good thing?"

Doupeng Ke said coldly: "It's better than fighting and bleeding thousands of miles away. You also know Liu Yu's personality. It is inevitable to be polite first and then fight. If Yao Xing doesn't give it, he will rob it. Which one is better for you?

My friend, the Buddhist master Shi Dao'an, wasn't it Fu Jian who captured Xiangyang and forcibly moved to Chang'an? If Liu Yu really followed Fu Jian's example and first went to Nanyang and then Guanzhong, wouldn't you also be preparing to move to Jiankang?"

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