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Chapter 2607 Beifu Spirit Attacks

  Liu Yu looked at Liu Yi motionless for a long time before shaking his head: "Xile, if it was the Northern Wei Dynasty or the Later Qin Dynasty, if they attacked your Yuzhou like this, or attacked Yanzhou, you would do what you said.

How to deal with it?"

Liu Yi's face changed slightly. From Liu Yu's words, he could hear Liu Yu's dissatisfaction, but he still said in a deep voice: "Yuzhou has been a frontline military town for many years, and the land of Huainan has always been the screen of the Jin Dynasty.

The fortress, where the water network is crisscrossed, makes it difficult for the Huqi to raid back and forth, and many military forts, forts, and beacons have been established on the front line. They will never give the Hulu the opportunity to easily attack and plunder. As I said just now, Huaibei

If we do not have such conditions and there is no danger to defend, if we forcefully station troops in the strongholds around Beiqingzhou, it will require a large number of troops and consume too much money and food. It is better to abandon it than to defend it."

Liu Jingxuan's voice sounded from behind: "Jingxuan is not talented. I am willing to join the army and go to Huaibei. I don't need a grain of rice or a piece of cloth from the court. I am willing to spend all my family wealth to use the management and influence of our Liu family in Huaibei for generations."

No matter how hard it is, there will still be righteous men who will come to vote."

He Wuji frowned: "Ah Shou, don't be impulsive. Your old troops are all with me now. Who can you recruit? In the future, when my place is safe, I can disband the troops and withdraw the defenders. Then I will let you

The old department has been restored, but it’s not possible now.”

Ruan Fangzhi suddenly said: "What is Jiangzhou? I dare to ask you a question. Jiangzhou is the hinterland. Why is it not safe?"

He Wuji said coldly: "Please don't get me wrong, Ruan Changshi. Guangzhou is also a prefecture and county of the Jin Dynasty. You, Governor Lu, and Prime Minister Xu are all officials of the Jin Dynasty. Our soldiers and horses in Jiangzhou are used to guard against thieves."

Yes, and since Governor Lu and others have been recruited, they are no longer thieves. However, Huanchu in Jingzhou has just been pacified, and there are still many remaining party members. It cannot be eliminated overnight. There are also thieves in various places in Jiangzhou and in Xiangnan Prefecture and County from time to time.

The party is in rebellion, so tens of thousands of soldiers and horses need to be left to quell and pacify them. Once these thieves no longer appear, that will be the time to withdraw the troops as I said."

Ruan Fangzhi smiled slightly: "What Jiangzhou said, I deeply agree with you. We have the same situation in Guangzhou. The barbarians in various places are of different tribes. They do not obey the king and often cause chaos, so they need soldiers and horses to guard them. This time

Nanyan invaded south, invaded our territory, killed my county guards, and captured my people. After I heard this, I was extremely indignant. Here, I would like to express my position on behalf of Governor Lu and Prime Minister Xu. If the imperial court needs Guangzhou soldiers and horses, we will definitely send troops.

Horse, go north to fight against thieves and make contributions to the country!"

Wang Shen'ai said calmly: "The Holy Emperor already knows about Ruan Changshi's desire to serve the country. However, the road is far away and Guangzhou itself is not safe. For the time being, we can stay in Lingnan and wait for the court's call. What He Jiangzhou just said is also true.

In the view of the imperial court, the attitude of the Jin Dynasty was that Governor Lu and Xiang Xu had done great service to the country by conquering the puppet Chu and capturing the officials of the puppet Chu. The old scores in the past were also wiped out. Everyone was the guardian of the Jin Dynasty and they needed to trust each other and work together to serve the country.

, there is no need to have any unnecessary doubts.”

Ruan Fangzhi nodded and returned to the train, while He Wuji breathed a sigh of relief, and a stone fell to the ground in his heart. He secretly thought that in his excitement just now, he forgot that Ruan Fangzhi was still there, and almost said what he would do in the future.

If the world was at peace only after conquering Lingnan, it seems that my cultivation level is still not enough.

Liu Jingxuan curled up his lips and said: "Wuji, don't get me wrong. When I go back to Nanyan, I will recruit new righteous men. I won't use my old troops. When my father and I were in Huaibei, we didn't have any old troops at the beginning. As long as we are loyal,

And if it can provide people with a basis for survival, then people will come to invest. If my father can do it, I can do it too. I still have some savings over the years. In the past, because of my impulsiveness, I caused great trouble for the country. In the end

I also need Brother Jinu to help finish things off and remove the garrison guards in the north, which led to this incident. It is reasonable to say that the trouble I caused should be made up for by me. Even if I lose my life for this, I will do it.

No matter what."

Xiang Jing laughed and said, "Well done, brother A-Shou. I have been a Tieniu for so many years, but this is the most impressive thing for you. If you go, count me in, all my servants, and the three boys in my family,

I went into the cottage with you."

And many Beifu military officials were also excited and started shouting.

Wang Shen'ai's beautiful eyebrows frowned slightly and said: "General Xiang, you are not just in charge of military matters now. If I remember correctly, you are now the prefect of Xiapi, the Northern Chen Liu Neishi, and responsible for Jiangbei.

The military and political affairs of Pi County are important. If you just abandon the soldiers and civilians of the whole county and go to the village like Wugang Man, you will be doing a small loss and a big loss."

Xiang Jing blinked: "Oh, Queen Wang reminded her in time. I, Tieniu, have such a temper that I forget about this matter when I get excited. However, I am a rough man and I don't know anything about government affairs.

The chief historian of the county is handled by the Sima. I am good at killing thieves and fighting. Brother Jinu, oh, no, Liu Zhenjun, I think you should let me go back to the army. I stay in the Yamen every day. Tieniu is about to get bored.

It’s a bird.”

Although Xiang Jing’s words were vulgar, they were sincere and sincere. Everyone listened with a smile at first, but later they couldn’t help but be moved when they saw his tearful appearance.

Liu Yu nodded and said: "Brother Tieniu is Tieniu. He is indeed a good brother. Don't worry, I will definitely fulfill your wish. Ah Shou, you want to join the army for nothing and spend your wealth to recruit righteous men. What is your intention?"

That’s good, but in my opinion, it’s not necessary. Our Beifu Army has never been passive in defense. We can only attack and attack again. This is the characteristic of our Beifu men! Brothers of Jingba, tell me, isn’t it?”

Most of the Beifu Army brothers present cheered in unison: "Brother Jinu said it well!"

Liu Yu looked at Liu Yi and said seriously: "Xile, what you just said makes sense. The country has been in war for many years and is in need of recuperation. That's why we left some rebels and barbarians alone.

, Anxin internal affairs, it is not that only Wu has wasteland. There are more fertile fields in Jiangbei, and most of them are plains. The yield is very high. In recent years, it has been difficult to defend, so it has been simply abandoned. I don't think this approach is reasonable.

Is it because we are afraid that the barbarians will come south and our fertile fields in Jin cannot be cultivated? If we are afraid that barbarians will come and we don’t guard the land or cultivate the fields, will Jiangbei still be the land of Jin? The more afraid you are, the more likely they will come.

The more diligent you will be, the more diligent you will be. Only by attacking the evil wolf head-on and making them pay an unbearable price can they never dare to make mistakes again, not only to Jiangbei, to Shu, to Jingzhou, but also to your Yuzhou and Yanzhou.


Liu Yi said in a deep voice: "How are you doing?!"

Liu Yu said word for word: "Raise troops and destroy Yan!"

This chapter has been completed!
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