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Chapter 2741 Three consecutive iron cavalry attacks

However, the armored cavalry, who have experienced hundreds of battles and have been on the battlefield for many years, still did not show any panic or hesitation even if they encountered such a sudden blow, even if almost all their companions in the first row fell down.

Mi Li, without flinching, even jumped into the air in a row at a faster speed, jumping over the first row of cavalry and horses that fell to the ground, and did not dodge those fallen companions, because, for the cavalry,

Falling horses are no different from dead people. Stepping on them is just like stepping on corpses, and will not cause guilt or burden.

A whole row of armored cavalry soared into the sky, using the strong inertia of the full-speed impact to fly more than ten steps into the air. While trampling to death more than twenty comrades in the front row, they also crossed the first line of falling horses.

The line was already less than thirty steps away from the Jin Army's eight-oxen crossbow formation on the opposite side.

The armored cavalry all had blood in their eyes, roaring in unison, waving the weapons in their hands, their long swords and maces leveled, pointing directly at the eight bull crossbowmen on the opposite side, and the captain leading the team was gnashing his teeth.

Roar: "Charge up and crush them to death! This crossbow machine can't fire continuously, hurry, hurry!"

But his words just stopped on the tip of his tongue, because he suddenly discovered that the crossbow arm on the opposite side had rotated at some point. The crossbow arm that had been empty had already moved to another place like a turntable.

What is currently resting on the clasp of the crossbow is a crossbow arm that has been re-strung. A five-foot-short spear is resting on the crossbow arm, with a three-edged arrow pointed directly at him.

Liu Jingxuan shouted: "Do it again!"

Wang Mengzi, who was behind him, swung the hammer and hammered it down again. The short sticks flew out with a "woo", not one, but more than three hundred. In front of the entire Jin army, the cavalry thirty steps away charged forward. Suddenly,

A cloud of blood mist rose up, and the distance was close again. This time, the charging knights stood up when they leapt. Their feet were not hooked on the stirrups like the first batch of knights, so they were penetrated by flying spears.

, most of them flew directly backwards from the horse, falling seven or eight steps away, and some even bumped into the companions in the third row who were following the charge.

In addition to people being hit, more than thirty war horses were also hit head-on. The single-horned thorns on the horses' heads could no longer protect their heads. They were hit at this distance, whether they were people or horses.

, there was only one way to die. The killed war horse fell to the ground directly, and more than 20 horses lost their front hooves and fell to the ground. This made the entire row of cavalry unable to maintain the state of impact with the iron rope, and ran about ten steps away, and finally

Like a collapsed city wall, it fell to the ground.

A huge cloud of smoke and dust, accompanied by blood, rose into the sky, less than twenty steps away from Liu Jingxuan. The Eight Bull Crossbow on his waist, the crossbow arm rotated again after the sledgehammer fell and the firing switch was activated.

, the last stringed short spear turned to the front, and the crossbow string was pulled back and stuck, ready for the final blow.

"Whoosh", a row of feather arrows came towards me. In the smoke and dust, the attacking cavalrymen in the third row had their bows and arrows in their hands, and while flying over the second row of fallen horses,

A burst of shots were fired at the opposite side in the air. Hundreds of long arrows roared in the air. More than twenty of them directly hit the Jin army warriors with eight oxen crossbows on their waists. More than ten warriors fell down with a groan. After all,

At a distance of more than twenty steps, the powerful armored cavalry were shot with large bows, and even double-layered heavy armor was unable to withstand them.

Two soldiers rushed forward, waving their shields, and blocked three arrows in front of Liu Jingxuan. Liu Jingxuan gritted his teeth, kicked the butt of a soldier in front of him, and shouted: "

If you don’t want to die, just get out of the way and try again!”

The shieldman suddenly fell to the ground, and Wang Mengzi's sledgehammer slammed down hard. The last row of short spears flew out, drawing an arc of death, and hit hard the man who had rushed ten steps to his side.

Inside, the Yan Army's third platoon of armored cavalry, who was cocking their arrows and preparing to fire for the second time, was hit by another burst of horses and men flying down. Short spears were everywhere in the air, directly piercing their bodies, and they were flying like meat skewers.

The cavalry rose up, and this round of attacks, because they were launched into the air, hit more horses than people, so that the moment the entire row of cavalry landed, they almost fell to the ground. Some knights even fell to the ground.

He was thrown to the ground and fell to the line of the Eight Bull Crossbowmen of the Jin Army.

A sergeant lying in front of Liu Jingxuan was hit hard by a Yan Junjiaqi who flew out from his horse and rushed to the ground. A big bump suddenly bulged on his head, but he didn't bother to rub it with his hands.

Picking up the big shield on the ground, he smashed it hard on the head and neck of the armored knight. While smashing, he shouted: "Die, die, die." And this Yan Jun knight was even injured.

Before he had time to get up, his head was smashed to pieces, the iron mask was smashed directly into his face, and his eyes were popped out from the eye holes of the mask, and the position of his head was

, was hit by the big shield and sunk half a foot into the ground, turning into a small pool of blood.

Another cloud of smoke rose up, and another armored knight rolled on the ground more than a dozen times, passed over the shield bearer in front and the enemy he was smashing, and rolled in front of Liu Jingxuan. On Liu Jingxuan's waist, it was already

The empty Baniu crossbow fell with a loud sound. The armored knight who rolled in front of him instinctively wanted to stab Liu Jingxuan's legs and feet with an arrow held in his right hand, but instead, the Baniu crossbow weighing several hundred kilograms was given.

The crossbow was smashed down and pressed against his hand. He let out a scream, and looked at the blood pouring out from under the crossbow body. The pain was so painful that his voice was distorted, like a wolf howling.

Liu Jingxuan raised his right foot high, stepped hard in the air, and stepped on the back of the Yan Army Cavalry. There was a sound of the armor cracking and bones breaking, accompanied by the terrifying sound of broken internal organs.

When it reached everyone's ears, the knight tilted his head and immediately lost his voice. The force of this step was so terrifying.

As the entire third row of Yan Army cavalry fell, the shield array opened behind the Eight Oxen Crossbowmen. More than a hundred warriors holding sledgehammers, the same people who had just fired the Eight Oxen Crossbows, stepped forward one after another.

Wang Mengzi struck left and right, knocking these Yan soldiers to the ground. They didn't know whether they were dead or alive, and all their heads were smashed into broken watermelons. The curses and screams of the armored cavalry were accompanied by these terrifying

The sound of hammers opening skulls and crushing bones was carried along the wind to the second wave of armored cavalry who were attacking fifty paces behind.

Liu Jingxuan put his hands on his hips, twisted heavily, spat a mouthful of bloody spit on the ground, and yelled: "Who else!"

This chapter has been completed!
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