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Chapter 2840: Underestimating the enemy creates a crisis

Everyone looked serious and agreed in unison. Liu Yu looked around and said: "We just discussed that if the soldiers conquer Guanggu, you can reveal the rewards to the victorious squadron. This can be disclosed to the sergeants in order to reassure the soldiers.

In addition, in this battle, the generals who have made great achievements will also be evaluated according to their military merits and given titles. Whether they are civilians or knights, they can be divided into three places in other places according to their titles in Qingzhou.

twice the amount of land in return.”

This caused another burst of exclamation, and Zhuge Changmin's eyes widened: "This, this land is three times the size, and the ordinary Ding man's land is divided into 100 acres. A fourth-level citizen can be allocated 160 acres.

Ten acres, according to that, if you get the fourth-level civil nobility, you can be allocated 640 acres of land in Qingzhou?"

Liu Yu nodded: "Yes, but after deducting the land he originally occupied in his hometown, the newly added land will be paid three times. For example, before the expedition, it was an ordinary Ding man's 100 acres of land. This time, his meritorious service has reached the fourth level of civil nobility.

, he can be allocated 160 acres in his hometown, but if the extra 60 acres are divided here, he can be allocated 180 acres. He can transfer this land to the aristocratic family who comes to collect the land.

Rich families can also settle here themselves, and if they do, they can also enjoy three years of tax exemptions like the local people in Qingzhou."

Tan Shao smiled and said: "After hearing Brother Jinu say this, I have already thought of buying property here. If I capture Guanggu and my title rises, it won't be a problem to have more than three to five hectares of land. If I have three times as much land, I can get it here."

That’s more than ten or twenty pounds.”

Liu Yu said seriously: "Ah Shao, your Tan family is originally the ancestral home of Gaoping. If this place is really settled this time and some nephews can move back, we can occupy a lot of new space."

Tan Shao curled up his lips and said: "This, we will discuss this with the whole Tan clan after we become the master. But thanks to the commander-in-chief for your care, we will definitely consider your proposal carefully."

Liu Yu said with a smile: "Our Beifu Army has been shouting to destroy the Hu and bring back the old farmers. This time it is really going to become a reality. But it seems that not many people really want to go back to their hometowns. It seems that we still have to come up with something."

More preferential policies will attract everyone to settle down and buy property here. Otherwise, if you all are unwilling to come, I’m afraid there won’t be too many aristocratic families willing to spend money to acquire land and buy property here.”

Zhu Lingshi sighed: "This is also human nature, brother Jinu. After all, Qingzhou has just been recovered. It is still unclear whether it can be stabilized. Just like the six counties in Jiangbei before, not many people are willing to run it.

, but now if Nanyan is destroyed and Jiangbei becomes a safe inland, there will definitely be a large number of aristocratic families going there to buy property and land."

Liu Yu nodded: "What you said makes sense. It seems that I have to think of other ways to restore everyone's confidence in coming here. We will talk about this later, but these post-war rewards and policies

, I have revealed it to everyone in advance, now you should have an explanation with the soldiers."

Xiang Mi laughed loudly: "Brother Jinu, I have given you such a good reward this time. These boys will laugh in their dreams. If any bastard is still greedy, I will let all the brothers in the team kick his ass. Directly

Let him take the current reward and get out. There are many people who will join the army in his place."

Mao Dezu also laughed and said: "That's right, I'm afraid that as soon as this news spreads back, those who went back to recover from their injuries, as well as the children of the aristocratic families, will come back crawling and crying. Therefore, we have to speed up our actions, and take advantage of the opportunity.

The Yan army has just been defeated, and when morale is low and people are in panic, the best way to conquer Guanggu in one go is to not give others a chance to take the credit."

Xiang Mi began to clench his fists, and his joints crackled: "Last time we fought against Linqu, I, Tieniu, was the first one to scale the city wall. This time, don't fight me. Hum, I'm here, you fight."

Second is enough.”

Tan Shao said angrily: "Damn you Tieniu. Last time you asked me to be a human ladder when you climbed the city, you got there first. I won't let you do it this time. Besides, it's your turn to be a human ladder."

I’ll get on it.”

Xiang Mi rolled his eyes and laughed: "Oh, brother Ah Shao, last time the wall of Linqu City was only two feet high, so we didn't need a ladder and just stacked up an Arhat and went up. But this time Guanggu City is

The city is high and the pool is deep, but you can't get up even if I serve as a ladder for you, so let's just use the ladder normally and see which one is faster."

Zhu Lingshi smiled and said: "My master is here. If he wants to rush, I'm afraid you, Brother Tieniu, will have to go back a little bit."

The corner of Xiang Mi's mouth curled up: "Brother Jinu is now the commander-in-chief of the entire army. How can he climb the city like a small soldier like before? Don't rob me of this matter. I will worry about whoever robs me.


Liu Yu smiled and waved his hand: "Tie Niu, you are already a general after all. Why are you still fighting for the first place like you were when you were a small soldier? Well, I must remind everyone here that in this battle,

You must never underestimate the enemy. Maybe in your eyes now, Guanggu City is just something within easy reach, but the more this happens, the more dangerous it becomes, so I must remind you all."

Having said this, Liu Yu's face became serious and his expression became extremely serious, and the generals also felt a chill. The light-hearted laughter just now stopped, and more than a dozen eyes were focused on Liu Yu.

Liu Yu's eyes looked around, and finally stopped on Xiang Mi's face. He sighed: "Tieniu, the war is not over now. We have won a great victory in Linqu, but the Yan army still has the main force, plus the Guanggu strong city

, and more than 200,000 Xianbei people have gathered together, it can be said that they are a hard nut to crack."

"Before the Battle of Linqu, probably everyone in the Yan army, from Murong Chao and Heipao to ordinary sergeants, were just like us now. They were full of confidence and thought they were sure of victory. The rest was just a matter of declaring merit and rewards after the war.

Just like what we were talking about just now, we talked for a long time, not about how to fight or how to attack the city, but how to share the benefits and obtain benefits after the war. It was as if Guanggu had been captured, as if from Murong Chao to Heipao.

The head is already placed in front of us. Brothers, this kind of blind arrogance and optimism will kill us and thousands of soldiers. Think about it calmly now, this Guanggu is really

Does it mean that it can be captured by attacking?"

Xiang Mi gritted his teeth: "Brother Jinu, I was wrong. I was careless and underestimated the enemy. This will indeed kill me and kill many brothers, just like the pursuit battle in Haiyan back then. That young Master Bao was careless and killed many brothers.

I killed myself and killed thousands of brothers. I almost forgot this bloody lesson."

Zhu Lingshi also saluted and said: "Master, I was careless for a moment, but as long as we put aside this pride and encircle and attack it, with the ability of our Beifu Army to attack fortresses, we can easily conquer Guanggu City.


Liu Yu sighed softly: "What a big mistake!"

This chapter has been completed!
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