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Chapter 296: The strong bow pushes the arrows to cover the sky

Following Baoerji's scream, behind the shield formation of the front row of the Beifu Army infantry, bursts of dark cloud-like arrows, hundreds or even thousands, streaked across the sky with a sharp whistling sound.

, bypassing long and far arcs, and slammed into the dense Hun cavalry fifty or sixty steps away.

The sound of horses neighing, accompanied by the screams of those who were hit by arrows. From this scene, the bursts of arrow rain came so hard and so fast that the sun in the sky changed color. It was still bright just now.

The battlefield suddenly became covered with dark clouds. The clouds of arrows that covered the sky turned into bursts of deadly rain of death, pouring towards the opponent's cavalry formation. Wherever they passed, there was almost no grass!

Just this rain of arrows hit the Xiongnu Qingqi, who had been galloping around in large circles with great joy just now, and they were unlucky. The arrows of the Jin army were not their bone arrowheads, but sharp arrowheads.

The unparalleled sharp triangular iron arrows, and most of the Huns cavalry were wearing leather robes and cloth jackets. Most of them didn't even have leather armor. Many of them even went into battle almost shirtless in order to shoot more efficiently, so that they could be more capable.

While he quickly opened his bow and fired arrows, he also made his protection close to zero. Under the blow of these arrows, he fell in pieces like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

This burst of arrow rain hit more than a thousand Hun cavalry in front, and almost everyone within a hundred steps was hit by arrows. The horses, which were also unprotected, kept jumping wildly amidst the screams and screams after being hit by arrows.

Then, the rider was thrown off the horse, and more often than not, the man and the horse were hit by arrows at the same time, and their backs were full of arrows, and both the man and the horse fell to the ground, and they were trampled to dust by the iron hoofs of the war horses just now.

The battlefield suddenly became littered with corpses, and the dying wails of those who had been hit by arrows were everywhere. The scene was as bloody and tragic as the Asura Hell.

When the Huns cavalry were still in shock, the Jin army's infantry formation, which was more than fifty steps away just now, had firmly advanced to a place less than twenty steps away from them. Now they finally saw clearly that the Jin troops in the first two rows were

The soldiers held long shields and advanced like a wall.

But behind them were three rows of archers on foot. They were also wearing heavy armor, with two-handed swords on their backs, but they were holding strong bows in their hands, and between their fingers was a long-poled wolf.

The tooth arrows were constantly nocked and strung, and they were shot towards the 45-degree sky while walking. They did not care about accuracy, but only about quantity.

However, these hundreds of archers firing their bows at the same time can form a rain of arrows, completely covering the distance of fifty to eighty steps in front of them. The Hun cavalry archers who just charged too fiercely and lined up too densely,

Just like the wheat fields blown down by the wind, they were shot down in pieces. Those who survived by chance did not dare to shoot again. They turned their horses and fled backwards. There was only one thought left in everyone's mind:

Run away, run away faster!

In the Jin army's infantry formation, a short and rapid trumpet sound suddenly sounded. The two rows of long soldiers who were advancing like a wall suddenly let out a roar and dispersed their formation, suddenly forming into groups of three or three.

, or a small formation of five people, with one person holding a shield in front to guard, and several people behind. The long spear in his hand was piercing the fallen enemy cavalry lying on the ground, still twitching slightly.

The sharp and sharp sword flashed, and when it was pulled out, it was already a bloody color. The air was suddenly filled with the pungent smell of blood, and the screams and wails that had just filled the battlefield just now, as these spears penetrated the body, began to appear again.

After ruthlessly pulling out the rhythmic and rhythmic sound, I gradually stopped hearing it.

Bao Erji's eyes were splitting when he saw it. The deputy general beside him cried sadly and begged: "General, we have fallen into a trap. The enemy has a large number of archers who are just showing weakness and waiting for us to charge. If we don't charge, they will attack."

, now almost all the more than a thousand brothers who were attacking in front have been defeated, withdraw, if you don’t withdraw, we will all be blamed here!"

Baoerji gritted his teeth and looked back behind him. His eyes were full of expectation. As long as a green flag was raised next to Junan, it was an order to allow retreat. After fighting with his master for so many years, he

One thing is very clear, that is, if you retreat without orders, you will definitely die!

But when Bao Erji saw the huge cavalry formation behind him, he saw at a glance that its owner was holding a mace and patrolling back and forth in front of the formation. But behind him, he was still allowed to attack.

The yellow flag, the expected green flag, was nowhere to be seen.

It was as if a basin of cold water had been poured on Bao Erji's head, and the deputy general beside him was muttering in disbelief: "What's going on? Why don't you let us retreat? Ju Shuai, he is..."

Baoerji suddenly yelled: "If you don't retreat, don't retreat. Grandma's army is more than a thousand Jin troops. Send the order, reorganize, charge for me, and fight with them!"

With a cruel smile on Ju Nan's face, he looked at the nearly two thousand Huns cavalry in front. Under Baoerji's hoarse roar, they began to reorganize behind the flag. This time, they formed a triangular charge formation.

shape, instead of the linear formation in front.

A Hun boy in his twenties next to Junan was his son Jufulitu. He opened his eyes wide and said with confusion: "Father, what are you doing? The front army was ambushed.

Morale has declined. Shouldn’t the strategy of war be withdrawn and reorganized? Do you really not want Uncle Bao?"

Ju Nan's lips curled up: "Have you forgotten what your father always taught you? On the battlefield, there is no love to talk about. In this position, everyone is your pawn. In order to win, there is no

They cannot be abandoned or sacrificed. Baoerji and his three thousand men are the chess pieces I want to throw out to test the enemy's strength. If I cannot test the enemy's true identity, then the death of those in front will be in vain!"

Kuvolidou asked curiously: "Is it possible to try it out by letting them charge like this?"

Ju Nan sneered and said: "Of course not, so next, you go out with two thousand fine cavalry, and when the two sides are fighting, shoot them to death. Within a quarter of an hour, each person must shoot twenty arrows!"

Kuvoli gasped: "Even one of your own people is shot?!"

Ju Nan nodded: "It must be like this. The Jin army's armored soldiers are sharp and well-protected. Baoerji's galloping attack just now did not cause any damage, but when the two armies meet in this way, the shield is useless. At most, two thousand of us will die."

People, but don’t expect a few of these Jin troops to survive. After destroying more than a thousand troops, let’s see if he has an ambush!”

There was a trace of unbearability on Kuvolidu's face: "Uncle Bao..."

A cold look flashed across Ju Nan's face: "He's just a slave. I will take good care of his family and children. Come on!"

This chapter has been completed!
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