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Chapter 2878: What can be explained about soldiers becoming generals?

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "Forget it. Confucian students like Fan Ning have no actual ability in government affairs. It's okay for them to be teachers in schools and monasteries, but joining the army will only cause chaos. I will pay close attention to this matter.

Deal with it. However, what I just wanted to say is that in addition to the children of aristocratic families who come to seek military merit, there are also several types of newcomers. They may now have a tendency to have conflicts in order to compete for merit and superiority. You can point out that

Be sure to pay attention.”

Liu Yu curled his lips: "You mean, the Taoist tribe of the former Tianshi represented by the Shen brothers, the Huan Chu surrendered generals represented by Hu Fan and Fu Hongzhi, and foreign warriors like Wang Zhene and Mao Dezu?


Liu Muzhi nodded: "Yes, the composition of the Old Beifu Army is very simple. It is composed of people from Jingkou as the core, plus some armed refugees from the Huaihe and Huaihe areas. Although it later recruited a lot of horse thieves and bandits, after all, during the military period

Not long after, after the Beifu Army was disbanded and rebuilt by you, they could no longer rely mainly on looting as before, so they withdrew one after another. Most of those who remained were under the command of Zhuge Changmin and Liu Xile, who led the troops

Running an army is different from yours. After a victory, you are still allowed to let go and plunder for a while."

Liu Yu sighed: "That's the trouble. Although I set the military discipline, Changmin and Xile are very senior. Especially Xile and I are the same three giants, and they are also responsible for guarding Yuzhou against the Northern Wei Dynasty and the west.

It is not appropriate for me to interfere too much with his troops leading the task of the two powerful Huru kingdoms in the Later Qin Dynasty."

At this point, Liu Yu turned around and smiled slightly: "I won't talk about the two of them for the time being, nor the thieves of the Beifu Army, but only after I rebuilt it. Indeed, as you said, after wiping out the demon thieves and peace in Wu,

After the conquest of Huanchu, the Beifu Army also opened its doors. It is no longer mainly the original Jingkou locals, as long as they are talented and brave people, they can join."

"Many of the Wu elites, mainly the Shen brothers, are people who participated in the Tianshi Dao rebellion before and later changed their ways, because the Shen brothers defected to me very early, and their previous experience in the Tianshi Dao

We can also gain the trust of many veterans of Tianshi Tao who want to reform and are willing to seek forgiveness from us through them."

"After all, in the past, Liu Laozhi's men burned, killed, and looted in the Wudi. They had a very bad reputation. They also massacred many Celestial Masters and Taoists who had surrendered. At that time, many people would rather hide in the mountains and starve to death than dare to come out and surrender.

In addition, they also had the blood of many officials and soldiers of the Jin Dynasty on their hands, and they were deeply afraid of the imperial court's liquidation afterwards, so when they saw that after the surrender, the Shen brothers were not only pardoned for their previous crimes, but also doing well, so they came to me through them,

Express to the court the desire to reform."

"And I took advantage of the situation and put many of these people under their subordinates. They became the tenants of the Shen family in peacetime, and in wartime they could bring thousands of light troops to accompany them. This time in the battle of Linqu

, they came in handy. However, the proportion of people who died in battle was also the highest among all the troops. After all, they were using light infantry to fight to the death with the opponent's most elite armored cavalry. It was very heroic."

Liu Muzhi nodded: "Tell me, do these Wu soldiers listen to you or the Shen brothers? If they are willing to fight to the death, do they believe in you or the Shen family?"

Liu Yu's expression changed and he was speechless for the time being.

Liu Muzhi sighed softly: "We have discussed this issue before. Soldiers are generals and have contact with the lower-level sergeants all day long. Naturally, these sergeants only recognize the mid-level generals they see every day and do not know about the emperor and the court.

, I don’t even necessarily recognize you. That’s how you won the military’s heart from Liu Laozhi back then. Today, it seems that you are heading for another kind of repetition."

Liu Yu frowned: "But, now that I am in this position, it is impossible for me to eat, sleep, and drill with the soldiers every day like before. How can I solve this problem?"

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "Actually, what the soldiers really care about is their own vital interests. Just now you announced a thirty-fold increase in military pay. With this news, the soldiers will definitely cheer for joy, but..."

At this point, the fat on his face jumped, he sighed, poured another glass of water into the water glass in front of him, gently put it to his mouth, took a sip, and said: "The soldiers are from

If the generals of the various armies know this news, they will support and worship the person who told them the news even more. I am afraid that not many soldiers will think that this is the treatment you strive for for them."

Liu Yu curled his lips: "I understand what you mean, but with an army of tens of thousands, it is unlikely that I would announce this matter to the entire army, just as I cannot command an army of 100,000 by myself. I must go through various channels."

The superior army will issue orders in the future. It is impossible to say that I rely on them to give orders in normal times. It is up to me to announce rewards like this."

Liu Muzhi's eyes flashed coldly: "There are many things to order, and they are unavoidable, but announcing rewards is a big deal. It can only be done once. You can announce such a thing together with the whole army when they go out to take the oath, "Send slaves, in the future you will

If you really want to realize your ideals, you must have power in your hands. The current power is not enough. You have to further seize the highest power. To have absolute power, you have to..."

Liu Yu waved his hand and interrupted Liu Muzhi: "Okay, Fatty, I understand what you mean. We will not discuss this issue for the time being, but what you said makes sense. In this military discussion, I also feel that now I have

The lower-level officers and men are a little out of touch, and we need to strengthen our ties. But you said that the Shen brothers and other generals and commanders are slowly forming a situation where they have troops at their disposal. I really need to pay attention to it, and try to reduce the number of chief generals in the future.

Long-term contact with the sergeants to avoid separatist military leadership."

Liu Muzhi nodded: "I'm going too far, let's take it back. The Shen brothers are the representatives of the Wu generals, while Hu Fan, Fu Hongzhi, and even Zhu Lingshi and Zhu Chaoshi brothers are the representatives of the old Jingzhou soldiers.

The same is true for the current distribution of troops. In the past, most of the surrendered troops of the Jingzhou Army were under their subordinates. Hu Fan's situation is a bit special. He took over Tan Pingzhi's Shenjian Assault Battalion and joined the army by your side."

"But the Zhu brothers are composed of a large number of Jingzhou veterans. Although these are called the Beifu Army, their training, discipline, and combat methods are quite different from ours, just like the Wu light soldiers under the Shen brothers.

It is also completely different from the combat training of the old Beifu Army. You have not been able to change it by changing generals. Do you have a solution to this problem? "

This chapter has been completed!
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