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Chapter 2953: The barrier between scholars and common people can finally be broken

Kumarajiva was speechless for a long time, and then sighed: "I understand, you want Hou Qin to become a threat to Liu Yu in the future. In the end, what you really care about is in the south, and this Liu Yu has become

The number one obstacle to your plan, you now want to use all the power you have to help you to deal with him, don't you?"

Doupeng nodded: "That's right. Heipao and I underestimated him before, thinking that he was a villager with only strength and some cleverness. He could become a loyal dog with the help of some noble families. But we were both wrong.

It’s amazing, he is not a simple-minded warrior like Liu Laozhi, and what he pursues is not even the kind of military and political power, but fighting for his own fantasy!"

Kumarajiva's brows furrowed: "Utopia? What fantasy? He already has great power and can control a big country. What else does he want? Isn't he just to make himself emperor?"

Doupeng sighed: "If this is all he wants, he won't be our strong enemy, because if a person only pursues power, it can be bribed and used. At worst, let him be the emperor, as long as he

When someone ascends to the throne of God, he will have selfish motives and think about making himself immortal or letting his descendants inherit the throne for eternity. As long as he wants to do this, sooner or later he will have no choice but to cooperate with us."

Kumarajiva laughed: "This is not bragging. When it comes to various methods of prolonging life and stimulating the human body's potential, your organization is good at it. So what Liu Yu wants is to leave a name in history and establish immortal achievements.

A great achievement? Just like what he always said, the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains and the recovery of rivers and mountains? "

A cold light flashed in Doupeng's eyes: "I thought his ideal was just like this, but I was still wrong. His goal was far beyond that. The Northern Expedition was not because he wanted to make great achievements, but because he believed that in the north,

Under the rule of Han people, the Han people were suffering. He wanted to be a hero to save these suffering people. After decades, he now felt that in the south, the refugees and tenants in the aristocratic manor in the Eastern Jin Dynasty suffered a lot.

There are fewer Han people than in the north, so what he wants to eliminate now is not only the Hulu in the north, but also the aristocratic families in the south!"

Kumarajiva took a breath of air: "Does he think he is the Buddha and wants to save all sentient beings?"

Doupeng's brows were furrowed: "Buddha would only let people like you give people unrealistic hopes, thinking that if you accumulate virtue and practice in this life, you can go to the Paradise of Paradise after death, but Liu Yu is not a Buddha, and he doesn't talk about lies.

, He only came here to show that he has thousands of troops under his command. The Northern Expedition can destroy the Hu people's country, and the Southern Expedition can bring down the Jiangnan family. He will destroy all those who hinder his ideal, even those who are high and do nothing in the country.

Production and the powerful people who live a prosperous life by enslaving the common people are all his enemies!"

Kumarajiva laughed: "Then Liu Yu's ideas are consistent with our Buddhists. I should support him. On the contrary, you are our common enemy!"

Doupeng sneered and said: "Monk, don't play tricks like this with me. Liu Yu really wants the people to be equal and liberated. Is that the same thing as you? Put on your own cassock and let all the monks in the temple

What will you do if everyone serves you alone, even boiling water, cooking, eating and living? You can't survive a day without those who serve you. In essence, you are the owners of the manor in the south of the Yangtze River and the children of the aristocratic families.

, not the kind of poor people Liu Yu wants to rescue."

Kumarajiva gritted his teeth: "That's because I have learned a lot about ancient and modern times and have read many scriptures. I am a person of great wisdom. How can I be the same as an ordinary villager or fisherman?"

Doupeng laughed and said, "You can learn about ancient and modern times because you were born into a noble family. Your mother allowed you to receive royal education since you were a child, allowing you to be proficient in the languages ​​​​of various countries and to read Buddhist classics. In Qiuci Kingdom, ordinary people

How many people are literate? You are just taking advantage of the unique benefits of knowledge, not that you are really any better than others."

Kumarajiva said in a deep voice: "There is nothing we can do about it. Those books are classics that my family has collected since childhood, and they cannot be given away in vain. Even if I want everyone to see them, it is impossible for everyone to see them.

"This book, just like now I am here translating Buddhist scriptures and asking my disciples to copy them day and night. Isn't it because I want to get as many scriptures as possible so that I can help more people in the world?"

Doupeng gritted his teeth: "You probably don't know that there is a smart fat man next to Liu Yu, named Liu Muzhi, who is his military advisor. This man is extremely smart. He seems to have come up with some kind of tapping method recently. He can

If he can directly transform those books, such as the Four Books and Five Classics, he can use this rubbing technique to make thousands of books, then he can really have one in each hand!"

Kumarajiva opened his eyes wide and kept shaking his head: "How is this possible? How can there be such a magical way in this world?"

Doupeng shook his head: "It seems to be carving each word on a small piece of copper and iron, just like a seal ribbon, and then all the words in a book are arranged in the order of each page.

, Arrange these small iron blocks to make a full page, just like rubbing an inscription on an inscription, you can directly print out the entire page. As long as you make this template for each page of the book,

The whole book can be copied. If it is made with iron and copper blocks, one edition can be copied hundreds of times and the handwriting is still clear. In other words, he can use this iron block template method without having to copy it by hand.

Hundreds or thousands of books can be created directly."

Kumarajiva was silent for a long time, and then curled up his lips: "In this way, ordinary people can really have a book in their hands, especially as an introductory literacy book, which can really popularize literacy all over the world.

, if everyone is literate, then the wisdom of all living beings can be opened up, and the distinction between common people and scholars will no longer exist."

Doupeng sneered and said: "Everyone reads and practices calligraphy, and everyone knows the book and responds to the etiquette. What do you think is a good thing? The difference between scholars and common people in this world is like clouds and mud. It has always been those who work hard to govern others, and those who work hard to govern others. In the field

Because they are illiterate, uneducated, and do not know how to govern a country and bring peace to the world, the villagers and villagers who farm can only face the loess with their backs to the sky, work hard with sweat, and feed the rich and powerful first before feeding themselves.

People are just like you here. You are the most knowledgeable and understand the Buddhist scriptures best, so you can make those little monks do things for you. They cook and wash your clothes instead of you serving them. If it is true that everyone

Even if they can master knowledge and culture, how long do you think the good life of scholars or powerful people can last?"

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