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Chapter 2957: The National Preceptor actually has military talents

  Kumarajiva smiled slightly: "As long as you can get enough rewards in Guanzhong, then you won't have to be attacked by Hu Xia when you move back. Most people should be happy, and I will help your majesty!"

Yao Xing was surprised and said: "How can the national teacher help me?"

Kumarajiva said calmly: "Lao Na can send his disciples to the cities in the north of the Ling Dynasty to propagate the Dharma, and say that the Buddha has issued a decree, saying that the cities in the Ling Biao have been rejected by the gods and Buddhas because they have caused too much killing in the previous battles, and they need to use Liu.

Bo Bo, the God of Killing, comes to eliminate karma. Of course, those who stay here may also accumulate merit for themselves by killing demons. But if you don’t want to fight, it’s best to leave this place. In this way, we will cooperate with His Majesty to relocate the people and stay the army.

According to the imperial edict, most of the common people will be able to move to Guanzhong in the end. As long as the rewards given by His Majesty are enough, they will definitely rush back."

Yao Xing nodded, then frowned: "However, in this way, there will be only a few thousand soldiers left in Lingbei at most. With this number of people, the six or seven big cities cannot be defended at all. It does not mean that they are allowed to stay in Lingbei.

Are Lingbiao waiting to die?"

Kumarajiva smiled slightly: "The people in Lingbiao need to withdraw, but the troops in Guanzhong have to go to Lingbiao, just like Duke Dongping just now, and the soldiers who want to kill me, all of them have relatives and comrades who died there

Hu Xia wanted to take revenge, so he could go to Lingbiao to guard the city. Only the sergeants were left in the city, not the people. The fields outside the city did not need to be cultivated. The military rations originally used for the expedition were stored in the cities.

, it can be used for several years. If the Hu Xia army invades, there is no need for rescue. All you need to do is defend the cities. You can even use false information to lure the Hu Xia army to attack, and then set up an ambush to annihilate them."

Yao Xing laughed and said, "I didn't expect that the Imperial Guards would understand this military and state affairs. So, how can we spread this false information?"

Kumarajiva said calmly: "I can send my disciples to flee to Hu Xia, and tell your Majesty to forcibly relocate the people in the cities in Lingbiao and let them go to Guanzhong. Prepare to abandon the cities in Lingbiao. If they don't come to plunder at this time,

, I am afraid that I will only be able to get empty cities one after another in the future. Your Majesty is newly defeated and Hu Xia is at the peak of his arrogance. When you hear the news of the evacuation, you will not doubt that you will divide your troops to attack and plunder the cities. As long as your Majesty chooses one or two big cities to build.

If we lay an ambush and use our mourning troops to fight, we will surely defeat the arrogant Hu Xia army."

"As long as Liu Bobo suffers this defeat, he will not dare to act rashly again. Your Majesty can also calmly withdraw the troops and civilians from Lingbiao, and at the same time send the victorious troops to stay permanently. In this way, the situation in the cities in Lingbiao can be stabilized again, and Hu Xia

If no benefits can be obtained from plundering for a long time, internal changes will inevitably occur, and those tribes that have submitted to Liu Bobo's brutal rule will rise up in rebellion. Your Majesty can then unite with the Northern Wei Dynasty and ask the Northern Wei Dynasty to send troops to eliminate Hu Xia. This will permanently solve the troubles in your heart, and both

Being able to pacify Liu Bobo without increasing your own murderous karma is an act of immeasurable merit! What your military strategists and generals say about subjugating the enemy without fighting is probably like this."

Yao Xing smiled and clapped his hands: "The National Preceptor is far-sighted and far-reaching. Sure enough, you are not an ordinary person. If you come out and are willing to be a prime minister, you will become a famous prime minister. Being a National Preceptor is too unqualified."

Kumarajiva sighed: "I have been familiar with various classics on country governance and military strategies since I was a child. These methods of killing people in battle are easily accessible to me. But after all, the war is fierce and dangerous. If it were not for

I don’t want to come up with this idea from Your Majesty to save the hundreds of thousands of living beings in Lingbiao. Liu Bobo was barbaric and cruel. He also killed many of the disciples I sent to the grassland to propagate Buddhism and preach. To eliminate him is also an act of slaying demons."

An intriguing light flashed in Yao Xing's eyes: "But someone told me that the master's disciples tipped off Liu Bobo on the grassland, leaking the military information of our army."

Kumarajiva said indifferently: "Not to mention that these disciples of mine do not understand military affairs, how can they, the monks, know about the military situation of Your Majesty's army? If a few ordinary disciples know the secrets of Your Majesty's army, then I am afraid that Liu

If Bobo knew about it in advance, how could he let His Majesty survive this time?"

Yao Xing's brows were still frowning: "But the grasslands are full of ferocious and barbaric Hulu. They don't believe in Buddha at all. Why does the master let his disciples go to the grasslands to preach?"

Kumarajiva said with emotion: "In those days, no one believed in Buddhism in the Central Plains. But isn't it the duty of monks like us to let the world know about Buddha and know good and evil? The barbarians on the grassland are barbaric and cruel. That's because

They don’t know the afterlife, and they don’t know the cause and effect, so they behave like wild beasts. My disciples have dedicated themselves to spreading the Dharma and died a worthy death. Sooner or later, these barbarians will be able to fear them and know that good and evil will be rewarded. This is the only way.

, so that the trouble of the barbarians in the north can be eliminated forever."

Yao Xing sighed: "In terms of firm will and sacrificing one's life for righteousness, no one can compare to the Buddhist disciples. However, if the master wants to carry out this counterintuitive strategy, I am afraid that the disciples who went to spread the message will never come back.

Does anyone really dare to go like this?"

Kumarajiva's white eyebrows twitched slightly: "The disciples who went to the grassland to preach Dharma before were like that. They knew that they would be saved by nine deaths, but they still had no hesitation. In the eyes of us Buddhist disciples, sacrificing one's life for righteousness is like the Buddha cutting meat to feed eagles. It is to accumulate merit for oneself and achieve success.

If they have a positive result, they will leave with a smile on their face, and I will also do more salvation for them. If they are really unfortunate, I will help them reach bliss as soon as possible."

Yao Xing gritted his teeth: "If there is a disciple of the master who is willing to do this, he can indeed trick Liu Bobo into being fooled. It seems that today's trip is really not in vain. Without further delay, I will dispatch the troops and generals!"

Kumarajiva nodded: "Lao Na personally went to Lingbei, Yinmi, Xinping, and Anding. The abbots of the big temples in these three cities are all my direct disciples, and asked them to take dozens of monks and hundreds of people with them.

Fleeing to Liu Bobo will not arouse people's suspicion. In order to make things more realistic, these disciples can even be asked to petition for the people, and then His Majesty's soldiers can beat and imprison some monk disciples. If the trick is enough, Liu Bobo must

Bobo also has a lot of spies in these cities. His Majesty's reinforcements should not enter the city for the time being and lurk dozens of miles outside the city. They can only wait for the monks to set off, then completely seal off the city and cut off all connections with the outside world. Then, wait for Hu Xia's army to arrive.


Yao Xing nodded: "It is indeed a perfect ambush method. It is impeccable. I will personally arrange elite soldiers and generals to fight this battle. National Master, if this battle is really won, you will be the number one hero. I will definitely fight for it."

These monks who sacrificed their lives for righteousness gave great rewards, built a golden body for the Buddha, and asked the people of the country to fast for three days to commemorate their merits. However, National Master, you are too humble here. In these troubled times, you are still born.

Be my prime minister and manage the world and benefit the people."

This chapter has been completed!
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