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Chapter 308: Its Hard to Lose Your Job and Go to Prison

Xuyi, Qin army camp.

Peng Chao, who was wearing a general's robe and armor, had a face as heavy as water. He looked straight at the pair of Qin generals who stood in front of him, with their helmets and armor discarded and their faces dusty. Just a few days ago, they were in high spirits.

At this moment, everyone was keeping their own thoughts and were relatively speechless.

The two rows of generals standing in the tent also changed their arrogant appearance before. They all looked like defeated roosters, with their heads lowered and silent.

It was Peng Chao who coughed dryly, cleared his throat, and broke the unspeakable silence: "General Ju, why did you lose all your 20,000 cavalry in just these two days? What happened?

?Until now, I still can’t believe this is true!”

Ju Nan sighed and shook his head: "Duyan advanced lightly and was ambushed. Let's not talk about it for now. But when I faced the enemy's forward in Junchuan, I really saw the power of the legendary Beifu soldiers.

Marshal Peng, it is hard for anyone but me to absolve ourselves of the blame for the defeat. In fact, these Jin troops are the most powerful enemies we have ever encountered. You must not take it lightly!"

Peng Chao said coldly: "You should know how many troops the Jin army has and who its general is. You fought such a battle with them."

Ju Nan closed his eyes in pain. Half a day ago, the nightmare-like past reappeared in his mind. He sighed: "The Jin army facing our army has only more than a thousand troops in front, plus the ambush in the grass.

, it will not exceed six thousand. As for the leading general, he is a man named Liu Yu, who is just a building owner!"

This shocked the generals in the tent into an uproar. Even Peng Chao stood up unconsciously and blurted out: "What? Less than six thousand people? Are they heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals? Six thousand soldiers and horses can destroy you."

Twenty thousand cavalry? How is this possible!"

Ju Nan sighed: "If I hadn't experienced this defeat personally, I wouldn't have believed it. These Jin troops are all heavily armored, and our army's strong bows and crossbows cannot shoot through them. And they are all extremely powerful, even if they are heavily armored."

A, you can still run like flying on the battlefield. What's even more rare is that these sergeants have strict discipline. Whether they are advancing or retreating, they are very organized. The formation is not chaotic at all. They advance when they hear the drum and retreat when they ring the gold.

Generally speaking, Wu Bing lacks organization and discipline."

Peng Chao gritted his teeth and murmured: "Could this be the legendary Beifu soldiers trained by Xie Xuanxin? It is somewhat believable to say that these Lianghuai refugees have outstanding personal martial arts skills and are strong and good at fighting, but to say

I don't believe how disciplined these bandits are. How could they develop such an iron army in just one year?"

At this point, Peng Chao's eyes suddenly flashed: "That leader, Liu Yu, is he really just a building owner? Didn't you lie to me?"

Ju Nan's face turned slightly red. He did not tell Peng Chao that he had been spared on the battlefield. This was the same as being captured. Once the news of this matter leaked, it would be easy to go to jail.

It is very likely that he will be beheaded by King Fu Jian. He sighed and said: "Exactly, this is what Liu Yu said when he communicated with me by name. It should not be wrong. I have heard it before.

There was a strong man named Liu Yu who was crossing the Yangtze River. He was the martial leader of several martial arts conferences in Jingkou. He might be this man!"

Peng Chao's eyes lit up: "When you said this, I remembered it. It seems that there is indeed a man named Liu Yu. Could it be that he is really the building owner of the Beifu Army? But even if he didn't lie, a building owner can lead at most

How can five hundred men command an army of five or six thousand?"

Ju Nan shook his head: "The general doesn't know this. But Liu Yu was indeed counting on him from beginning to end for this battle, including beheading Shao Bao and shooting Quanzi. It was all done by this person. Even if

As an enemy, I must admit that this man's martial arts skills are rare in the world, and his command is determined, and everyone under his command is willing to die for him. Although he looks like he is only in his early twenties, he is really a rare general.

Got it!"

Peng Chao was silent and sat back in the handsome chair. After a long time, he sighed: "Even if there are bushes and ambushes, it is unjustifiable for 20,000 troops and horses to be wiped out by a mere few thousand infantry. It is difficult.

, you have lost our division and lost our military power. It is not because I, Peng Chao, have any personal grudges with you. According to military law, I can kill you now. But you are a veteran general of Qin after all. Your life and death should be decided by the king of heaven.

, Now, I will remove you from all command positions and put you in prison. I will send you to Chang'an early tomorrow morning. You can explain it to the King of Heaven himself!"

Ju Nan's forehead was dripping with sweat. He gritted his teeth and performed a military salute: "General Sin, thank you very much for not killing Commander Peng. But before General Sin leaves, I must remind the commander that the enemy's morale is like a rainbow and his army is extremely powerful.

Sheng, you must not overpower him at this time, it is best to retreat to the territory of Da Qin quickly!"

Peng Chao said sternly: "It's difficult. You are just a defeated general. If I don't kill you, I will be showing mercy to you. It's not your turn to point fingers here. Why don't you retreat quickly!"

Junan sighed and turned around to leave. Suddenly, he saw a figure in the corner, hiding behind several sergeants. The one who poked his head was not Bao Erji.

As soon as he saw Baoerji, he was so angry that he shouted: "Baoerji, you deserter, coward! This time everything is ruined by your hands, why don't you get out and die!"


Peng Chao said coldly: "It's difficult. It's not your turn to give orders here. General Bao risked his life to come back from the battlefield to report the news. If it hadn't been for him coming back in time, we wouldn't have been able to make preparations here. You are

The sinner is a meritorious official, and his right and wrong will be judged before the King of Heaven!"

Junan let out a long sigh, shook his head, and walked out of the military tent under the supervision of several sergeants. Peng Chao sighed and waved his hand. The generals and generals in the tent all retreated one after another as if they were receiving an amnesty. Soon, except for

Among the few trusted sergeants, only Peng Chao and Bao Erji were left.

Bao Erji came up with a mocking smile on his face: "My lord, I have been undercover in Junan for many years, and today I can finally return to your service!"

Peng Chao shook his head: "It's hard to argue with me all my life, but in the end it ended like this. I'm not happy at all. Now that we're facing a formidable enemy, what do you think we should do?"

Bao Erji curled his lips and said: "What Ju Nan just said is not wrong. The combat effectiveness of the Jin army is far beyond our imagination. These are really elite soldiers that have never been seen before, especially

The momentum of the attack was truly intimidating and unstoppable. There was nothing wrong with Ju Di's command, and Cuvolid's attack was not a big mistake, but in front of them, there was no chance of victory.

If we continue to fight this battle, we will only lose worse, and retreating as soon as possible is the only way out!"

This chapter has been completed!
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