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Chapter 3071: Act according to circumstances and secretly instigate

Lu Xun's eyes were shining brightly. He looked directly at Zhu Chaoshi and said in a deep voice: "If He Wuji doesn't come to Nankang but sticks to Yuzhang, how can he be eliminated? Are all hopes placed on He Wuji taking the risk of taking the water route?

Offensively? Then why didn't Liu Daogui come to save Baling?"

Zhu Chaoshi sighed: "Because only He Wuji was the one who thought about taking the risk to attack Lingnan, not Liu Daogui in Jingzhou. If He Wuji hadn't taken advantage of Lingnan, how could he have dispersed his troops to collect food for the divine sect?

Where is the opportunity? As a general, you must understand the thoughts of the enemy general so that you can make accurate judgments. Deputy leader Xu's style of play may seem aggressive, but he made it after fully understanding the enemy general.

Choice is never a simple adventure."

Lu Xun gritted his teeth: "He Wuji wants to grab credit, doesn't Liu Daogui have this intention?"

Zhu Chaoshi said seriously: "Liu Daogui has always been calm, but he seeks no faults and no merit. In Jingzhou, a place of four battles, he has always stayed in Jiangling and defended himself from all directions. He did not think about destroying Shu or attacking Lingnan. Of course, this is not the same as

It has something to do with the fact that he is not one of the three giants and cannot rely on military merit to make further progress. Therefore, if He Wuji loses Nankang, he will definitely take it back personally, because without Nankang, not only will he be responsible for losing the land, but he will also lose the opportunity to attack Lingnan.

He couldn't bear the advanced base and opportunity. If Liu Daogui lost Baling, the first thing he would do would be to shrink his troops and protect Jiangling. Even if he sent an army to seize it, he would not go out in full force and finish his work in one battle.


Lu Xun was silent for a while and then sighed: "You are right on this point. This time Liu Daogui only sent Tan Daoji with 3,000 troops to counterattack Baling. After seeing the strength of our army, he simply retreated without fighting.

, returned to protect Jiangling. Not only that, they also withdrew all the troops and horses from all over Xiangzhou in the south of the Yangtze River, and transferred Tan Zhuan's troops who were originally sent to rescue Baidi City back to Jiangling. As you said, they wanted to protect Jiangling to the death.

Don’t lose it.”

Zhu Chaoshi nodded: "That's why the three leaders also took the initiative to cooperate with Xu Daofu to fight He Wuji, even though the couple had lost their relationship for a long time, and the three leaders were also determined to take advantage of this battle.

Killing He Wuji with my own hands gave me credit for marrying her, but this is not the main reason. The main reason is still at the level of military tactics, that is, He Wuji is the only mobile man on the entire Jin army's defense line.

If we eliminate him with our military strength, then Jiangzhou can be obtained, and we can completely isolate Jingzhou and Yuzhou, and separate Liu Daogui and Liu Yi."

Lu Xun sighed: "That's all, until now, I won't hide it from you. Yes, it is indeed necessary to fight He Wuji. This is true from the point of view of the art of war. But in this world, there is not only the art of war, but also the power of strategy.

Xu Daofu relied on him to raise troops first and take the initiative, which meant that he could choose where to attack. On the contrary, I, the leader, could only passively cooperate with him everywhere. In this way, the host and guest changed positions, and the battle was won.

His credit for the defeat is due to my lack of cooperation as the leader. Soon, I will have to give up my position as the leader to him. Do you think there is no problem with that?"

Zhu Chaoshi said seriously: "Of course there is a problem, so although the three leaders raised troops to cooperate with him to eliminate He Wuji, they insisted on leaving him for this reason. The great achievement of defeating He Wuji must be in their own hands, and

Rely on me to divide Xu Daofu's military power, and fighting him in the army will be more than a simple love affair between a man and a woman."

Lu Xun's face was gloomy and he said coldly: "If it weren't for your ability to lead troops and your outstanding military talent, how could my sister have fallen in love with you? If it weren't for the fact that talents are so rare nowadays, how could Xu Daofu and I have fallen in love with you?

Keep you until now? But no matter what, my sister died because of you this time, do you just want to get away with it with a few words? "

Zhu Chaoshi said calmly: "That was a fight between you, Master Lu, and Marshal Xu, and I am just a prop or a chess piece. If you are really responsible, it will be you, Master Lu, who is responsible. If you don't divide your troops to attack Baling, but

If you lead the troops to fight in person, how can your sister die?"

Lu Xun gritted his teeth: "I had no troops to send at that time. Lan Xiang's fleet and disciples were under her direct command, not my subordinates. And based on the conditions at the time, if our siblings went to Xu Daofu at the same time,

There, he might just hack them. After all, we were already separated at that time. If anything goes wrong in this battle, then I won’t even have the troops to save them."

Zhu Chaoshi smiled slightly: "Master Lu, you had thousands of disciples in the main altar at that time. I saw this with my own eyes in Nankang. How can you say you don't have troops? What's more, the three masters also have one or two thousand people, combined.

Your strength is not inferior to that of Xu Daofu, but your strength was not used to defeat He Wuji, but was used to sweep Xiangzhou. With all due respect, you are competing with Xu Daofu for credit. Where is he?

With three leaders sharing the power, even if they win a big victory, they can't be better than you who took Xiangzhou. Not to mention that if he fails, you will look even more wise and powerful. However, the enemy is still plotting like this at the moment. Is this really good?


Lu Xun's face turned red slightly. Zhu Chaoshi hit the mark in his mind, Xiao Jiujiu. He secretly thought in his heart that he was lucky to have let these junior brothers leave just now. Otherwise, if he had directly poked his head, I am afraid that even people like Fan Chongmin might not be able to control him in the future.


He gritted his teeth and looked at Zhu Chaoshi, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes: "Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Zhu Chaoshi smiled slightly: "Master Lu, I am a man of low words. Life and death are all in your hands, so how can I dare to make arrogant comments on major matters of the religion? However, from the perspective of a disciple of the religion, I think that now I cannot make mistakes for the sake of personal grudges.

It’s a big deal.”

Lu Xun's expression became more and more stern: "Why did I miss the important event? Doesn't his surname Xu miss the important event?"

Zhu Chaoshi said sternly: "The current situation is that it is only appropriate to unite the troops, not to divide them. This time I came here because I got Xu Daofu's command to tell the leader that he is willing to obey your command and please give up the attack on Jingzhou."

, go to Jiangzhou to meet him and join forces to advance eastward."

As Zhu Chaoshi said this, he was thinking quickly in his mind that Xu Daofu would never send him just to deliver the message. This intention must have been expressed to Lu Xun through the letter. If he lied too obviously, such as

If Xu Daofu is willing to lead troops to Jingzhou and return to Lu Xun's command, his life may be in danger on the spot. The only way is to express Xu Daofu's intention first, see Lu Xun's reaction, and then act on his own initiative, trying to break up and provoke them.

In terms of relationship, it is best for the two of them to continue to maintain the status quo and divide their forces into two places. If they cannot form a joint force, Liu Daogui and Liu Yi will have the opportunity to defeat them individually.

This chapter has been completed!
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