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Chapter 32 Half dreaming and half awake meeting the fate of immortality

Liu Yu only felt that his body was light and airy, surrounded by a vast white fog, and he didn't know where he was. The familiar fishy smell penetrated his nose from time to time.

The grass in front was shaking from time to time, and vaguely, I saw a humanoid creature wearing a golden crown on its head and shining all over, running forward rapidly, and where he ran, above the top of the grass, there were traces of

The drops of green blood fertilized the grass until it was green, and even the leaves became different in size.

Liu Yu's eyes widened and he shouted: "Don't leave, monster!" He picked up his bow and arrow, strung the arrow, and shot the arrow at the fleeing monster.

But this time, something was wrong. After the bows and arrows left the string, they were clearly aimed at the demon's back, but they always landed on the ground a few steps away from his back.

In this way, Liu Yu chased for more than ten miles, but the figure of the demon gradually moved away. Slowly, it was hidden in this vast white mist, and the fishy smell gradually disappeared.

, like the back of a demon, lost between heaven and earth.

Liu Yu bent down and looked at the blood shed by the demon on the ground. The blood was all green and gave off an unspeakable smell, a bit fishy and a bit fresh. It was an experience he had never experienced before.

The grass that was soaked with green blood was obviously different from the surrounding vegetation. The stems were like mugwort, three or four feet long, and the leaves were like orchids with long pointed tips. One stem had spikes straight up, and the leaves were alternate. Its seeds

It looks like barnyard grass and is thin, with small white flowers blooming on it.

Liu Yu frowned slightly. He had never seen grass like this before, but the strange thing was that when the monster escaped, the bloody place became like this.

He tried to pick off a leaf, put it in his mouth, and chewed it gently. He felt a bitter taste coming from the back of his tongue, and even his tongue was numb.

Liu Yu quickly spit out the leaf, along with all the saliva in his mouth, and then ran to the creek on one side and rinsed his mouth a dozen times. The numbing feeling and bitter taste gradually dissipated.

Liu Yu stood up. The secret passage was really evil. The demon could no longer catch up. He didn't know where he was now. It was better to find a way to leave. But when he looked around, he couldn't distinguish between east, west, north and south. There was only the dense

Thick white mist surrounded him, and the sound of flowing water in the creek echoed in his ears.

Liu Yu began to walk around aimlessly. Based on his years of experience in surviving in the mountains and fields, he made marks on the trees in the forest he passed.

Two hours passed, and Liu Yu walked around, only to find that no matter which direction he went, he would eventually return to the same stream and the same dense forest, and the mark he made was still there prominently.

It hangs there silently on the big tree in the forest, like a satire.

Liu Yu began to feel more and more panicked. He suddenly recalled what some old people said. According to legend, if you go into the mountains, you will encounter the mountain god who worships the land. It is the so-called ghost wall, so that no matter where you go, you will always return.

If you get to where you are, you will eventually be trapped alive.

And Liu Yu remembered that the place where the mysterious ceremony of Tianshi Dao was performed yesterday was the Chiang Temple. Could it be that he really got into trouble with this evil god and encountered such a supernatural disaster?

Liu Yu gritted his teeth and looked up to the sky and screamed: "What kind of monster is playing tricks on me like this? As long as I get out of this demonic barrier, I will completely wipe you out. This little illusion can't scare me!"

Strange to say, as Liu Yu stopped shouting, there was a sound in the dense forest, which seemed to be the sound of farmers grinding rice. Again and again, Liu Yu's heart moved, and he followed the sound and walked over.

The thick white fog opened, and the vision gradually became clear.

In the dense forest, on a piece of grass, there were several people dressed as children running around. Some were collecting the spiky grass with white flowers that they had picked just now, while the other two

The boys took the medicine pestle and pounded the grass into medicine mud in several stone mills. From time to time, several boys rushed over, holding bowls, and put the pounded medicine mud into it.

Then he turned around and headed towards the end of the clouds and mist.

Liu Yu opened his eyes wide, held the knife handle at his waist tightly, and said in a deep voice: "These young men, may I ask where the master of your family is?"

An older boy in Tsing Yi raised his head, his face was clear and innocent, and he didn't look evil at all. He said, "My king was injured by a man named Liu Yu. He is in bed now."

I can’t afford it, you want me to come out later to collect medicine for treatment.”

Liu Yu's heart moved and he quickly asked: "Then who is your king? Is he the strongman here?"

Another boy in blue puffed up his chest and said proudly: "My king is an immortal who has been practicing for thousands of years, how can he be a mortal?"

Liu Yu laughed: "So, you are all fairy boys, right?"

The boys didn't even raise their heads, and said in unison: "Yes, mortal, you are destined to meet the fairy boy. It is the blessing you have cultivated for several lives. Leave quickly and don't hinder us from collecting medicine."

Liu Yu sneered and said, "Really? Since the king of your family is an immortal and you are fairy boys, then why would you injure that mortal named Liu Yu?" He made up his mind, these few

I don’t know if the so-called fairy boy is just faking it, but he seems like he won’t lie or conceal anything. You might as well give him a try first.

The boy in green curled his lips and said: "Of course a mortal can't hurt my king. The king has said that Liu Yu is the king destined by heaven. Even if he hurts the immortal, the immortal can only endure it. If he grudges

If you take revenge, you will be punished by the Emperor of Heaven and your body and soul will be destroyed!"

The boy in blue said disdainfully: "Huh, it's just because the king went out to look for food last night and didn't show his true body that he plotted against Liu Yu. Let me tell you, if Liu Yu dares to come, how many of us can do it?"

You can take care of him!"

Liu Yu laughed loudly, causing the leaves in the forest to sway, and countless birds and magpies jumped up from their nests. Several children stopped their work in surprise and looked at Liu Yu carefully, only to hear

Liu Yu shouted loudly: "Open your eyes and look, I am Liu Yu! If you want revenge, just come to me!"

Several children exclaimed in unison: "You, are you Liu Yu Liu Jinnu?"

Liu Yu smiled and took out the big knife from his waist. The light of the knife flashed and illuminated the faces of these children. All kinds of expressions of surprise and fear were clearly written on these young faces.

Before Liu Yu could say anything, all these boys dropped what they were holding, turned around and ran away, as fast as a rabbit. In the blink of an eye, they disappeared deep into the vast dense forest, leaving only the herbs and the rich stuff on the ground.

The alms bowls filled with mud were still scattered all over the floor.

This chapter has been completed!
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