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Chapter 3390: Fight with your life if you dont retreat when faced with a knight

Some army armored cavalry noticed the Jin Army crossbowmen who were shooting at them from behind. They gave up direct attack on the chariots and turned to these Jin Army crossbowmen without any cover. Twenty or thirty cavalrymen shouted.

, roaring towards these Jin troops.

The horse spears that were originally intended to stab the wheels were also pointed at the crossbowmen. The ground was shaking and the south wind was roaring. The armored cavalry of the Yan army all had blood-red eyes and clenched teeth, vowing to kill these more than a hundred crossbowmen.

Penetrating the body, nailing it to the ground, and then crushing it with iron hoofs, a breath of bad breath came out of his heart.

The crossbowmen of the Jin army faced these armored cavalry charging at them at full speed less than thirty steps away. Many people had a look of fear in their eyes, but these elite soldiers who had experienced hundreds of battles

, knowing that at this time, fear is useless. The only way to survive is to fight to the death and kill the current armored cavalry.

The crossbowmen who had already cocked their crossbows and still had crossbow bolts in their hands stopped shooting, holding the crossbows in hand, and aimed the last arrow accurately at the enemy cavalry charging toward themselves or their closest companions.

Before they had time to cock the bow, the sergeants who had already fired the first few crossbow bolts threw away the powerful crossbows in their hands and drew out their long swords or short spears stuck on their backs. These were their close combat weapons for self-defense.

The branches were more than five meters long, and their tips shone with the cold light of death, pointing directly at these branches.

Thirty steps, twenty steps, fifteen steps, the crossbows and swords in the hands of the crossbowmen were trembling slightly, not because their hands were shaking because of fear, but because the earth was following the assault of these armored cavalry.

, shaking slightly, and their bodies are also swaying slightly.

The commander of these crossbowmen, who is also the commander of the entire vanguard chariot unit, is named Zhang Zhi. He is holding a powerful crossbow in one hand, and the last arrow is directed at an enemy rider rushing towards him, and the other

One hand was clenched into a fist and raised in the air. There were more than thirty crossbows that had not yet been fired. Using the same operation as him, almost one arrow was pointed at the enemy. The life and death of the crossbowmen depended on this arrow.


Zhang Zhi's roar overshadowed the sound of horse hooves that were getting closer and closer, like the sound of thundering horses' hooves, revealing determination and murderous intent: "Steady, steady, kill every ten steps, kill every ten steps!"

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Beside him, two guards with swords were shouting and counting: "Enemy distance, eighteen steps, sixteen steps, thirteen steps, eleven steps, ten..."

Zhang Zhi's left hand smashed down hard, and along with his right hand, he pulled off the crossbow machine. From his angle, he could clearly see that the crossbow arrows with four feather tail feathers were moving between the two entwined strings.

Under the impact of the bullet, it quickly popped out of the crossbow arm.

When the crossbow arrow brushed against the crossbow arm, it even produced a few small sparks due to the violent bullet speed.

Just like countless launches in daily training and combat, due to the extreme stability of the launcher, the trajectory of this arrow did not deviate even half an inch...

Steadyly, quickly, and accurately, he plunged directly into the armored cavalry ten steps away. The fierce-looking man rushed toward him like a man, holding a spear in one hand in his right arm. The tip of the spear was less than five steps away from him.

Between the ghostly eyebrows.

After Zhang Zhi fired the arrow, he abandoned the crossbow and quickly fell to the ground. The moment he lowered his waist, he could still see the armored cavalry between the eyebrows as the crossbow arrow penetrated.

The faint light of blood bursts out.

Zhang Zhi's body had fallen to the ground, and he could feel a chill on his back. The sound of the sharp blade cutting through his cloak and breaking the armor on his back penetrated his ears clearly.

The roar of the guard Yao Niuer beside him, "Go to hell," and the crisp sound when his sword hit the pole, also reached his ears.

Zhang Zhi knew that Yao Niu'er had given up his chance to escape and opened the hole with a big knife. Zhang Zhi's mind flashed with lightning flashing back to where Yao Niu'er was standing just now. That was not directly opposite him.

Are you riding a horse with this armor?

Zhang Zhi couldn't help but rolled quickly on the ground and shouted: "Niu'er!"

The sound of horse hooves sounded from less than three steps away from Zhang Zhi. When he was rolling on the ground, he could see the iron hoofs slamming into the ground. A lot of horseshoes splashed on his face.

When he was walking, the earthy smell of the soil and broken grass pulled out from the ground, combined with the smell of blood, penetrated directly into his nose.

A huge body, less than two steps in front of him, fell from the sky and hit the ground heavily. Drops of blood and white brain mucus flying in the air then sprinkled on Zhang Zhi's face.

It was the armored cavalryman who was killed by him with one arrow. He fell dead from his horse.

Yao Niu'er's screams sounded from behind, mixed with the heavy impact and the long neigh of the war horse. Zhang Zhi's tears flowed down. Without looking, he knew that Yao Niu'er must have been hit by this full speed.

The armored knight crashed into a flying trapeze.

The force of the full-speed collision of armored cavalry is no less than being hit head-on by a battering ram of a huge tree. A chariot cannot survive such a collision, let alone a human being. Even an elephant will be hit to the core.

All cracked, all muscles and bones broken!

This scream was the last sound that Yao Niuer would make in his life. This good brother who had been with him for four years could have escaped, but he gave up his life because he wanted to fend off this attack for himself.

If it hadn't been for his knife, he would have been stabbed to death on the ground. It can be said that Yao Niuer exchanged his life for Zhang Zhi's!

But Zhang Zhi recalled in his mind what Yao Niu'er said to him before this charge. He said to Yao Niu'er at that time: "Good brother, be smart on the battlefield and don't put yourself in a disadvantageous situation at any time.

, all armored cavalry are powerful enemies, if you hesitate, your life will be lost."

Yao Niu'er laughed: "My life can be lost, but your life must be saved. Brother Afu (Zhang Zhi's nickname), the crossbowmen of this brigade all depend on your command, even if you fight me

This life must be protected for you, so you can take command with peace of mind. No matter when, as long as I am here, you will not be put in danger!"

Zhang Zhi's tears were flowing down his face at this moment, and he said harshly to himself: "Niu'er paid for it with his life, you can't give up!"

He didn't even look back to take one last look at Yao Niu'er. From the corner of his eye, he quickly glanced to the left and right sides. There were at least twenty or thirty bodies flying in the air. Those were all colliding with the enemy's cavalry or sweeping behind them.

The crossbowmen, more than ten armored cavalrymen also fell to the ground with their horses and men, and the remaining ten cavalrymen should not have been killed by a crossbow. Now after completing the collision, they turned to sweep.

Strike, pierce, and kill the surviving Jin troops around them.

This chapter has been completed!
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