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Chapter 3176: Beating the drum to advance the undefeated method

Shen Tianzi raised his eyebrows: "Why don't you spread out your formation and hunt down the enemy? Rearrangement can certainly help you defend well, but you will miss the opportunity to fight."

Tan Shao said sternly: "The big stone came with Beicheng's chariot. If we can repel Murong Ping, even if all the armored cavalry attack him, they still can't break through the big stone at once. Our crisis here is relieved. Now The most important thing is not to fall into danger again and ruin the hard-won results again."

Kuai En nodded: "Brother A Shao is right. Before, we were greedy for success and rushed forward. Only then did we give the enemy the opportunity to open the gap that was finally opened. Instead, we seized the opportunity and fell into a desperate situation. However, with the strength of Big Stone, we I don’t know now, can it really withstand the charge of the enemy’s main armored cavalry?”

Tan Shao said confidently: "If a large number of chariots are invested, the iron cavalry will have no advantage at all. If Murong Ping can't attack with two or three thousand cavalry, then Murong Zhen can't bring the entire army with thousands of cavalry." There was no difference in the outcome. Furthermore, the boulder did not advance rashly. He even kept his distance and fought at a distance, waiting for the enemy's cavalry to take the initiative to attack. This was a very safe way of playing. Form a formation to force them, and stand in front of them. invincible position!"

Shen Linzi's voice also came from one side: "Yes, the formation on the other side of the big rock is advancing slowly, so we don't have to be too hasty here. Besides, it doesn't matter whether the enemy army has really retreated, or is trying to lure us to pursue or set up an ambush to attack. It's easy to say, Murong Zhen has many tricks up his sleeve, so we must be on guard against them."

Tan Shao smiled and said: "Lin Zi said it well. The enemy's attack just now failed many times and the losses were not small. They also do not rule out the possibility of tempting us to attack. We do not seek merit at this time. We will reorganize our formation first and then move towards the north. If we advance steadily, we will at least be in an invincible position!"

Shen Tianzi raised his eyebrows: "Then what if they come out from behind us from the direction of the city gate again? This is how Yuebu's cavalry rushed out before, and it is not ruled out that Murong Zhen also has a back-up plan. It’s at the city gate.”

Tan Shao nodded: "Just leave three thousand people here to monitor the city gate. Besides, aren't reinforcements coming from Nancheng?"

As he spoke, he pointed at the face and said in a deep voice: "Look, Zhongde and the others have just arrived. They are just gathering troops there, and their infantry has been guarding the direction of the city gate. If there is really an enemy riding from the city gate, If we fight out, we will inevitably fall into a situation where we are attacking from both sides, which is what we want!"

At this point, Tan Hezhi on the side suddenly shouted: "Zhongde called us with a signal and asked us if we can withstand it. They have completed the whole team and can come over to support the rendezvous!"

Tan Shao nodded: "Reply to Zhongde and ask him to pay attention to the enemy troops in the direction of the city gate, and send cavalry to cover the flanks of our army to prevent the enemy cavalry from attacking in a roundabout way. Now he does not have to rush over to join us. We can hold on."

Tan Hezhi hurriedly went over and raised the flag. Tan Shao continued to look at Shen Tianzi: "Now, we have to evaluate our situation first. In the battle just now, the losses of each team were probably not small. Some troops were probably completely wiped out. Now, let’s stabilize the position first and set up the eight-oxen crossbow and arrow array so that the enemy cavalry can no longer attack.”

Having said this, Tan Shao looked at Kuai En and said in a deep voice: "Dazhuang, do you know where Lao Suo is?"

Quin said: "Lao Suo has been leading his cavalry to attack Murong Town in a roundabout way. I joined forces with him to charge several times, but the enemy sent one or two thousand cavalry to chase them away. The commander's flag in Murong Town was nowhere near him.

There are not many men and horses left, less than 200 horses. We are covering behind at the moment."

Tan Shao said seriously: "You and Lao Suo go to meet up first. Then I will ask Wang Zhongde's cavalry to come to reinforce you. Under the command of Lao Suo, you form an array on the flanks and wait for our infantry formation to move forward to press the enemy.

, just provide cover."

Quin's eyes lit up: "Are we going to advance head-on?"

Tan Shao said solemnly: "First assess our losses. If there are more than 10,000 capable soldiers, then push forward. We cannot let Big Stone fight alone. However, this time we must fight steadily and don't rush forward.

Our central army has enough arrows and crossbows. We can use our bows and crossbows to shoot forward and press forward slowly. As long as the space for the enemy cavalry to move back and forth is reduced to the line of the gap, they will have no choice but to retreat. At that time, we will

Join forces with Big Stone and then fight into the city!"

Kuai En smiled and said: "As expected of Brother Ah Shao, this is the best way to play, I will execute it now!"

As he spoke, he reined in his horse and rode out into the formation. The thirty or so cavalrymen on duty outside the formation followed him, ran to the side and in front, and immediately disappeared.

The sound of war drums was banging, and the Jin troops, who were scarred but still full of fighting spirit and fighting spirit, held halberds and shields and gathered towards the center according to their respective numbers. The Chinese army in front of Tan Shao

The phalanx was also quickly rearranged into hundreds of troops, forming three horizontal columns. According to the staggered pattern of the vanguard and the garrison, they lined up forward. The entire Jin army's front line began to fight on its own from the previous team.

The square formation turned into a three-line advance again, with staggered front lines filling a front more than three miles wide.

However, there are many formation positions, and only a dozen or so people are left. Some of the garrison positions are even empty. This represents the losses in the battle just now. Some troops have lost more than 80% of their personnel, and even more.

Some have been completely wiped out, and those with minimal losses still have at least 30% of their personnel empty.

The chief generals of each building are reorganizing their troops as quickly as possible, merging the teams with too few numbers to fill the gaps, and allowing the lightly wounded and auxiliary soldiers who can fight to put on armor and join the queue.

However, the infantry formation, which was as thick as a forest just now, has shrunk by at least half. This means that in less than an hour of hard fighting, more than 10,000 Jin soldiers will no longer be able to participate in the battle. In addition,

The tens of thousands of horses and horses who were crushed under the ruins when the city fell, and the more than two thousand elites and wooden armor who were ambushed and ambushed after entering the city. More than half of the Jin army in the west city has been lost!

Shen Tianzi's Wu Di light troops, each with a total of more than 2,000 men, were now formed into a separate square formation, located in front of the entire army, spread out in a skirmish line, and Shen Tianzi carried it himself

Two big axes stood in front of the formation. All the sergeants looked back at Tan Shao. At this moment, he stood alone on a Chinese military chariot with four horses hitched to the shaft. Tan Shao

With a calm look on his face, he looked at the soldiers in front, drew his sword, pointed forward, and said loudly: "Brothers, you are all good. You have withstood the enemy's most crazy attack. Now it's up to us to avenge and destroy the enemy."

It's time to direct all our hatred towards the Yan army on the opposite side, sound the drum and advance!"

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